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John Leary - Ano 2013 (Inglês)



Ano 2013


Tuesday, January 1, 2013: (Solemnity of Mary, Ann Marie Cupp Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, when you see a yellow color, as in your traffic lights, it usually is a sign of caution or a warning. The yellow tunnel represents how some may travel through a tunnel to My Light in their Warning experience. At the Warning people will come out of their bodies and out of time to face Me at their life review. After seeing their sins, they will have a mini-judgment of heaven, purgatory, or hell. The mercy of this experience is that people will be given a second chance to come back into their bodies to change their sinful lives. If they do not change, then their mini-judgment will become their final judgment. Heaven or hell are your only choices, so choose to obey My laws so you can be with Me in heaven.”

(Ann Marie Cupp memorial Mass) Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that Ann Marie died suddenly at a fairly young age. She will be missed by her family and friends, but she will be praying for all of you. This Mass for her intention will help her on her way to heaven. Keep praying for her soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people are so taken up with material things and working for more money to buy things, that they do not have any time for Me in their lives. It may be nice to have things of comfort, but you should not be living your life just for material possessions. Think of where everything comes from, and you have to admit that I was instrumental in all that you have. Some of your best blessings are in your very children. You should be thanking Me more for all that I do in your life. Once you realize that you would have nothing without Me, then you could find more time for Me in your prayers and Masses. You have a great gift in your belief in Me, and you have My very Presence with you at every Mass and in every visit to My tabernacle. Those, who desire to be with Me in heaven, need to work on purifying their lives, and helping others to avoid going to hell. My souls were made to seek to be with their Creator because I am the only source of peace that they will find on earth. Keep close to Me in all that you do, and you will find your eternal rest with Me in heaven.”


Wednesday, January 2, 2013: (St. Basil)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing St. John the Baptist as a voice in the desert preparing the way for Me by asking people to repent and be baptized. It was after My death that people could be baptized and freed of original sin from Adam. All people should be conscious of who they are in their religious beliefs. Since people need to come to heaven through Me only, then you are either a Christian or a non-Christian. This is your religious identity, and St. John the Evangelist even calls people against Me as an antichrist. Already there is the Antichrist on the earth, and he is the first beast of the Book of Revelation. He will demand people to have the mark of the beast which is a chip in your body that will control your free will if you take it. Refuse to take any chip in your body even if it will take away your health insurance or your job. These evil ones want you to be killed if you refuse the chip in the body. They also want you to worship this beast. This is why My faithful will need to come to My refuges for protection and your earthly needs. Your guardian angel will lead you to My nearest refuge when you call on Me for help.”

Jesus said: “My people, your economy is like this train when it takes time and jobs to get it going, but when the derivatives failed, your economy slowed way down. You have witnessed many stimulus programs and even your Federal Reserve has added billions of dollars in artificial money with its Quantitative Easing. Taxes are taking money from some people and redistributing it to your entitlement programs of welfare, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Budget deficits continue to mount because there is no attempt being made to limit or slow the growth of these entitlements. The next issues coming are sequestration, debt limits, and continuing resolutions. There will be more debates to address your deficits, and any gridlock could reduce payments to people as these programs slowly run out of money. Not much is being done to insure that these programs will have enough money to survive. If restrictions on age or the money paid out are not put in place, then these plans could fail as more people start payments with fewer people paying in. Pray for a fair resolution of your budgets, or you could see a bankruptcy of your government. Already your credit agencies are planning to down grade the rating of your Treasury Bonds.”


Thursday, January 3, 2013: (Holy Name of Jesus)
Jesus said:“My people of America, your forefathers, who established the United States with your Constitution, founded your country on God-fearing principles of fairness to all of your citizens. Your Congress, Presidency, and Supreme Court were set up with checks and balances. You have a situation where the Senate is now dictating to the House how legislation should be passed. Many of your deficit problems have yet to be addressed, and there will be more compromises needed for your debt limit and what budgets will get cut. Your spending needs to be controlled because your deficits are too high to finance. It is difficult to ask people to pay enough taxes to cover all of the increases in your entitlements. People do not realize that if you cannot find enough funding of your debt, then your whole financial system will collapse. This is why you need a better attempt to balance your budgets with cuts and some taxes. If your deficits continue as they are, then your credit rating will become like Greece, and the dollar could lose its value. The one world people are planning a collapse of the dollar, so the ensuing chaos would allow them to declare a martial law takeover. When the dollar falls, then My faithful will need to call on Me so your guardian angel can lead you to My refuges guarded by an invisible shield. Have your things packed to leave because this situation is not far off.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your people have Christmas trees to decorate their houses along with your Nativity scenes. In the vision you are seeing these trees set out for pick up as a sign that Christmas is over. I have suggested before to keep a small Nativity scene in your prayer room so you can celebrate My infancy all year round. Many preparations are made for Christmas, and it is over in one day. Others celebrate a novena before Christmas and an octave after Christmas. Rejoice in celebrating My Incarnation as a man.”

Jesus said: “My people, the hymns of Christmas remind you of how the angels sang beautifully to the shepherds. You also are hearing songs of peace to all mankind while you see all kinds of war and evil all over. I have asked you often to pray for peace because of all the wars across the world. These songs are a peaceful way of sharing love with everyone. Join in singing these familiar carols that show My blessings on everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, these speakers are enabling the celebration of My birth so everyone can hear My Word proclaimed over all the earth. I came to free people from all of their sins, and this Good News is worthy of shouting out from all of the rooftops. Rejoice in My becoming a man so I could die for your sins, and bring salvation to everyone. Soon you will be celebrating the Epiphany when the three kings share their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Rejoice that most of the world has received My message of love, but more people need to accept Me into their hearts.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are going to make some New Year’s resolutions, let them be things that you could reasonably accomplish in a year. Many resolutions are forgotten quickly if you do not really work to keep them. Resolutions to improve your spiritual life could truly be worth the effort to grow closer to Me. You need to work constantly on perfecting yourself if you want to be with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many walks of life you are seeing so many injustices as in the financial world and in politics. I have created a perfect world, but it has many imperfect human beings that are trying to improve on My perfection using your GMO technology. Struggle to preserve My creation as I created it as you grow your organic crops free of pesticides.”

Jesus said: “My people, these three kings of the East have followed My Star of Bethlehem faithfully so they could give worship to their real king. They inquired from Herod the right of passage through his kingdom. They did not return to Herod as they were warned in a dream to go home by a different route. I was coming as a spiritual King to save My people and not to rule over the Romans. Celebrate My Epiphany as your real King of the world who loves all of you so much.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Christmas season passes quickly, and in another week or so it will end with the celebration of My Baptism by St. John the Baptist. After this you will start Ordinary time until the beginning of Lent. Relish these few days of My infancy while you still have your decorations before you. It is a joy to celebrate giving gifts to each other as well as the poor. Keep this Christmas spirit in your hearts all year long.”


Friday, January 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, your priest made a good point that you all should try hard to remember the meaning of the First reading and the Gospel. This same thought is why I asked you to order a subscription to the Magnificat book so you could follow along with the lector and the priest or deacon. I also asked you to be able to explain these readings to anyone who did not hear them or who forgot what was read. By being conscious of each reading, these lessons could help you in your spiritual life. In the First reading you are seeing a contrast between the children of faith in Me and the children of the devil. A righteous person shows forth love for Me by avoiding sin and helping to save souls. You will be facing evil people, but you need to love them and give them good example in your behavior. In the Gospel reading St. John the Baptist was identifying Me as the Lamb of God and the Son of God to be followed as the Messiah. My apostles were brought to Me by St. Andrew, and I called Simon, Peter or the rock. If you have forgotten the readings, then because you have your Magnificat, you could re-read the readings to remember the lessons that were taught in them.”


Saturday, January 5, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in this vision how I wish My people to have reverence for Me when you receive Me in the Real Presence of Holy Communion. The most important reverence is that you only receive Me in the state of grace and not in mortal sin. You need to come to Me in frequent Confession so you can have worthy souls to receive Me. I am showing you other traditions of receiving Me on the tongue and kneeling or bowing before your receive. Also have unleavened bread and take time to give thanks to Me for all that I do for you. Some people do not believe that My Body and Blood are truly present in the consecrated bread and wine, but I am still present. Honor and worship My Eucharist in My tabernacle or in the monstrance when you come in Adoration of Me in My Host. It is this reverence given to My Blessed Sacrament that adds to the sacredness of faith in My Roman Catholic Church. I invite all souls to come to know Me, but My Church has the fullness of knowledge of Me because of My sacraments. I also want to warn My faithful to be on guard of any modernism teachings in My Church that try to minimize the importance of My sacraments in their spiritual life. I want you to do some research to explain modernism and how it is enabling a division in My Church that will promote New Age teachings that will be promoted by a schismatic church. I want My faithful to stay with My faithful remnant with all the teachings of My apostles.”

(First Saturday) Mary said: “My dear children, I want to thank all of my pilgrims who braved today’s snow and cold as you came to honor my Son’s stations and pray my rosary. I know everyone cannot come here for various reasons, but I love all of you who love me and my Son, Jesus. Those, who remain close to our two hearts, will have their reward in heaven. The Tenth Station is special because just as my Son was stripped of His clothes, Jesus wants His people to strip themselves of all attachments to their earthly possessions. You should focus yourselves on following Jesus, and put your full trust in Him to provide for all of your needs. He knows what you need before you even ask Him. All He wants is that you give your will over to Him, and have faith that He will answer your prayers and give you all that you need both physically and spiritually.”


Sunday, January 6, 2013: (Epiphany)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast of My Epiphany is a representation of My Light of love which shines through the darkness of sin all over the earth. At every Mass I give you My gift of Myself in My Body and Blood of My Real Presence. Just as the Magi brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, so I desire that My faithful bring Me the gift of your soul and free will over to Me. I want you to deny yourselves, take up your cross, and follow Me through all the trials of this life. By giving Me your will, then you can fulfill the mission that I have planned for you since you were created. I call all of My faithful to go forth as My Star so you can shine the Light of your faith in witness to My Gospel of love. Shout My Gospel from the rooftops for all to hear and be saved. For I am your Redeemer and I bring salvation to all souls. By accepting Me in faith, you will be saved and brought to heaven one day.”


Monday, January 7, 2013: (St. Raymond of Penyafort)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is not a good sign because it indicates a continuation of the drought conditions that you had last year. The stone urn losing water means certain parts of your country will continue to get little rainfall. I have talked to you about a coming world famine. These continuous drought conditions will cause a shortage of fresh water, and it will make growing crops more difficult. With a growing world population, you could see an increase in water and food prices as the demand increases. Conversion of salty ocean water to fresh water may be required that will make such water very expensive. Some desert areas use this source of water, but there is a problem in dispensing expensive water to poor people. As the food becomes more expensive and hard to distribute, there will be more people dying of starvation. Be prepared for these coming shortages, and help people who are thirsty and hungry.”

(Funeral Mass for John & Sharon Norton) John and Sharon said: We are happy to be together in thanking everyone who came to our funeral service. You saw us kissing at the Sign of Peace because our love will live on forever. We are sorry for our dear family that have to mourn our loss at the same time, but we will not be mourning each other’s loss. We love Jesus and Mary so much, and we were happy to serve in our mission on earth. We will be in purgatory a short time so continue your prayers and Masses for our intentions. We want to console our family that we will be praying for you, and watching over each of you. We love all of our family members and friends, and we enjoyed being with you all in all of our life’s events.”


Tuesday, January 8, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this morning you saw the sky full of chemtrails, and in the vision you saw lightning that was being influenced by the HAARP machine. These two things are secret operations run by your government to cause sickness, storms, and even death and chaos in an attempt to cause martial law. The microwave beams work in conjunction with the particles of the chemtrails to set up a charged electronic field to control certain communications and other secret projects. The chemtrails in the sky are very obvious to your people, but very few people are complaining about all the aluminum oxide, barium ions, viruses, and polymeric fibers that military and commercial planes are spraying by the tons every day. Your people are getting flu like symptoms and the ground is becoming more alkaline from these sprays. If your people were aware of all the health effects of these sprays, they would be complaining more. Many of your memory problems, and immune system problems are caused by these sprays. People need to be educated about these symptoms from articles on the internet because they will not hear about it through your censored media. When the evil ones start to spread their pandemic viruses in the chemtrails to kill people, I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges where you will be healed by looking on My luminous cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people have a goal of spying on people to know everyone’s business and their daily movements. This is why you have microchips in your driver’s licenses, your passports, and even your cell phones. You have chips in your car, in your ‘easy’ passes, and in your satellite TV boxes. Not only do they know your movements, but they listen to your phone calls, e-mails, and even in your living room through your cable box TV. By knowing your religion and political affiliations, these Masons can determine if you are in favor of or against their new world order. Christians and patriots are on their lists to kill before martial law starts. Have no fear because I will warn people when it is time to go to My refuges to be protected from the evil ones who want to kill you. My angels will put an invisible shield over My people when they come to My refuges. Be aware of these dangers, but have trust in My protection.”


Wednesday, January 9, 2013: (Mass intention for John S.)
Jesus said: “My people, I told you a while ago that John needed one more Mass because he suffered in ways that you do not understand. I have heard your prayers and your Masses said for his intention. In the vision I showed him to you as he was smiling with Me in heaven. I have used all of the Mass intentions of even some Masses that are yet to be offered so I could bring him to heaven. He loves his family dearly and he will be praying for them and watching over them. Rejoice in this blessing of a healing of a difficult death for the family.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you are on the threshold of watching your Constitutional rights taken away by your President’s edicts in his Executive Orders. The current issue is on gun control, but your President has already written several Executive Orders when he cannot get Congress to act on issues, like immigration. There are more issues on the National Debt Limit, and balancing your Budget. These are places where Congress needs to act, especially passing a Budget that has not been done for several years. I warned you that more Executive Orders will be given, and there are plans to use them already for gun control. Be watchful of these coming events if they demand that you need flu shots or chips in the body. Do not take any chips in the body even if they threaten you. Do not take the flu shots either because of the side effects on your immune system. If they make chips in the body mandatory, then you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge for your protection.”


Thursday, January 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I was just starting out on My ministry of proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Today’s Gospel was in the synagogue of Nazareth, and I read the scroll of Isaiah which speaks of healing the blind and letting captives go free. I told them that this prophecy was fulfilled that day. At first the people were pleased with My words of healing, but later when I spoke of healing sins, or that I was the Messiah sent from God, then they wanted to kill Me. They knew Me as a child from that town, and they could not believe that I was sent by God. As a result there was not enough faith in My miracles, so I did not heal many people in that area. Even today, there are few people who believe in Me enough to follow My Commandments. Without faith in accepting Me as Master of their lives, it is hard for people to be saved. It takes humility and a personal commitment to serve Me that is necessary for salvation. Without love of Me and love of neighbor, it will be difficult for people to come to heaven. This love of Me and neighbor is a requirement to get into heaven at your judgment. I am merciful, but I am just as well. I died for love of all of mankind, but those, who desire heaven, need to make an attempt to love Me with their yes.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated the Epiphany with My Star of Bethlehem and the Magi with their gifts. Now, you are seeing signs in the sky that are signifying the coming of the Antichrist as he mocks My Star of Bethlehem. My Star was a real miracle, but the Antichrist’s signs are not miracles because they are formed by lasers. Be prepared to go to My refuges of protection from the evil ones in the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, the early Americans used weapons to defend themselves from the British. This is why the right to bear arms is protected in your Second Amendment. It would be hard to take over America while its citizens were well armed. This is why the one world people will try to strip your guns and take away your Second Amendment rights. I do not condone killing with guns, but they are a means of immediate self-defense. I encourage My faithful to let My angels fight your battles so you do not have to kill people.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are decrying the killing of the twenty first graders, should also decry the killing of millions of babies by abortion. These killings both produce dead children. If killing with guns is so evil, then doctors killing unborn babies with knives is just as evil. The innocent twenty children were killed in Newtown, Connecticut, but the millions of babies are being killed in your neighborhood abortion clinics of Planned Parenthood. My faithful are right in protesting these killings at these abortion clinics.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your government officials are trying to strike down your Second Amendment, while others are fighting for a Right to Life Amendment. The culture of death people are choosing death in abortions and euthanasia. The Right to Life people are choosing to protect life at all stages of your existence. Life is precious even from conception until natural death. Work to protect life against the forces who want to kill life.”

Jesus said: “My people, this decision that legalizes killing babies in the womb is America’s worst law that allows killing millions of unborn babies. In a few weeks My faithful will be protesting this decision because this blood on your hands will bring My justice down on America for killing My little ones. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion because if your people do not stop it, then I will stop it in a way that you do not want to see.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people have forgotten that the Sequestration cuts were a product over last year’s raising of the National Debt Limit. You have seen more spending of increased taxes on the rich, but cutting Defense and entitlements is not being carried out. You need to have spending cuts and maybe some more taxes in order to have a balanced budget. It is your trillion dollar annual deficits that could cause a crash of your financial system. Until you balance your budgets, your debt will continue to rise at an exponential rate. There are too many entitlements that can never be afforded with your current revenue. There is a limit to the amount of taxes that people can pay without some kind of resistance. Unless you want to be another Greece, you must find some compromises.”

David (my deceased son) said: “It was very traumatic to suffer seeing me die as an infant. Every time in January the people are reminded about how they kill millions of little babies in abortion as you march against the Rowe vs. Wade decision by the Supreme Court. These mothers have a choice to have their children. Other mothers of stillborn babies or crib deaths would gladly have live babies. See God’s gift in birth by allowing all babies a chance to laugh and live normal lives. By killing these babies in abortion, you do not know what contributions these babies could have made to your society if they were allowed to live with their talents.”


Friday, January 11, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel a leper came as close to Me as he could because they had to keep away from people.
He asked Me if I could heal him, and I so willed to do so. I healed him because he had faith that I could heal him. I even touched some lepers to heal them, and this was normally forbidden. This is an example of how I even reached out to heal the outcasts of society because I love everyone. You may not be able to heal people, but this Gospel is an example of how I want My faithful to reach out to everyone in love. Even those in prison, those in nursing homes, and those with contagious diseases need to be loved. People with drinking and drug problems also need to be loved. It is difficult to go outside of your comfort zone to try and help the outcasts of your society. This is something all of My faithful should try to do because you see Me in their souls. Pray for these souls, even if you cannot physically help them.”

(Mass for Dennis) Jesus said: “My people, it was the prayers and Masses that saved Dennis from a worse fate. He still needs more prayers and Masses to advance up in purgatory. When people abuse their bodies and are not close to Me, they will have to accept My judgment for their deeds. It is not easy for Me to see people suffering, but purging souls of their sins is not a pleasant sight. Many people have drinking or drug problems, and these addictions have demons attached to them. This is why it is difficult for such people to fight their demons and their habits that abuse their bodies. Keep praying for these people with addictions because persistent prayer could save them from hell.”


Saturday, January 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel St. John the Baptist makes a true act of humility when he said: ‘He must increase while I must decrease.’ In essence St. John knew that his mission was drawing to a close while My mission would be the center of attention. This humility in serving Me is an example to everyone. Those, who desire to love Me and come to heaven, must accept Me as Master of their lives. This means that My faithful need to decrease their own way of running their lives, so I can increase in leading their souls to follow My Divine Will. Once you truly have died to self, then you can begin a new life in the Spirit where I and the Holy Spirit will be leading you. In the reading of St. John he calls all of you to avoid idols. My people need to worship only Me and not any gods of this world like money, sports, or personal fame. By coming close to Me in prayer and Confession, you will have the strength to carry out the mission that I have given to each person.”


Sunday, January 13, 2013: (Baptism of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, at times you see broken-hearted souls who have lost a loved one or had a broken love relationship. It is difficult to suffer these situations when you may feel alone for awhile. If you have a married partner or love relationships, you are fortunate to have someone who loves you. Of course you are always loved by Me, as I love all souls. I will not leave you by death or any other means, so you always have My loving friendship. It is unfortunate that not every soul loves Me in return. You know how hard it is with loving someone, and they do not love you in return. I desire to save all souls, but people need to accept Me and love Me, if they wish to be with Me in heaven. This is why evangelizing souls for Me is so gratefully appreciated so you can bring lost souls to love Me. So there should not be any broken-hearted souls because they can come to Me in love, and I will bring great joy into their lives both on earth and in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your President’s first term which leaned strongly to the left as a socialist government. He is working to control the people beyond what your Constitution of law stands for. He is a puppet for the one world people in bringing about a takeover of America. Their first step is to control gun ownership, and the second step is to expand government control over everyone. By running up huge deficits, your financial system will fail, and the dollar will become worthless. This bankruptcy will give reason for martial law along with mandatory chips in the body. When you see the dollar fall, mandatory chips in the body, or martial law, then My faithful need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges. Once America becomes part of the North American Union, it will not be long until the Antichrist will declare himself ruler of the world. Some of My faithful will be martyred, but the rest will be protected by My angels at My refuges. My faithful will suffer during the tribulation, but they will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Monday, January 14, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are starting a new season of Ordinary Time after celebrating the Christmas Season. In the Gospel I am continuing the plea of St. John the Baptist of ‘Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.’ I called Simon, Andrew, James, and John to follow Me, and they would be fishers of men instead of their profession of catching fish. It was easier for them to follow Me when they heard St. John the Baptist call Me the ‘Lamb of God.’ They knew of the Scriptures of a coming Redeemer, so they were eager to follow Me. As they saw My miracles, they came to believe in Me more. There is a fast transition from My birth to My starting ministry at thirty. There are few accounts of My early years except when I was found in the Temple teaching when I was twelve. I was with St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother in Nazareth, and I was subject to them in obedience. Today, I also call My faithful to be evangelists of souls to follow Me. Saving souls is the purpose of My mission on earth, and it is also the mission of My faithful as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of God is present in My Presence. I came onto the earth as a man so I could offer Myself up as an unblemished sacrifice for the sins of all of mankind. I became a man on earth, but without sin, and this is why I am a pure sacrifice. During My three years of ministry, I revealed through My life how I wanted My faithful to live without sin. I showed My love for the people in My cures, and I even multiplied the food in a deserted place so they would not starve on the way home. When I healed people on the Sabbath, and I criticized the Scribes and Pharisees, this is why they wanted to kill Me. These religious leaders finally tried Me for blasphemy when I truthfully declared that I was God’s Son. Everything, that was foretold about Me, was carried out to fulfill all of the Biblical prophecies. Even before I was crucified, I gave you Myself in the first Mass at the Last Supper of the Passover Meal. The bread and wine are consecrated by the priest into My Body and Blood. I am with you always in My tabernacle, where you can adore Me and worship your Lord. Give thanks to Me for offering My life so that all of My faithful could enter the gates of heaven.”


Tuesday, January 15, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the Gospel how I have authority over evil spirits, and they come out on My command. I gave this authority to My apostles to help in their work, but I also told them that some spirits or groups of demons require prayer and fasting to come out. Once the demons have made a conquest over a soul, they do not want to give up easily. Souls that are controlled by demons need a binding of the spirits prayer in My Name to the foot of My cross. Prayers to St. Michael and calling on Me to send angels of protection are also needed. Have such souls wear blessed sacramentals as scapulars, rosaries, Benedictine crosses, holy water, blessed salt, or blessed medals. These are the means of protection from the evil spirits. Use your weapons against evil, and pray for souls tormented with addictions of alcohol and drugs. My Name, Jesus, is powerful against evil spirits, so invite Me in helping you to get rid of these spirits in people and yourselves.”

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message recently that spoke about continuing droughts that will make it hard to find food and fresh water. I have also asked My faithful to stock up on food and water for at least a year’s supply for each person in your home. This vision of a skeleton sitting in a chair is a sign that you may die of starvation if you are lazy and do nothing. I mentioned about people dying of starvation in a world famine, but not just in Africa. Even in America you could see people die of starvation. If your government goes bankrupt or shuts down for a time, this will stop welfare, Social Security checks, and food stamps. There will be another reduction in America’s credit rating, and this could force higher interest rates. There will be political battles over gun control, health care, the National Debt limit, and budget deficits. If Executive Orders supercede Congressional authority, there could be more battles with your President. Many of these situations and possible mandatory chips in the body could trigger a martial law that will send My faithful fleeing to My refuges. Be prepared to leave for My refuges if there are any threats to your life.”


Wednesday, January 16, 2013: (Elizabeth T. Memorial Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to see someone suffer for years with a terminal illness. Betty was graceful in accepting all that she had to deal with in life. She was a loving and kind lady with all of her adopted family. She still loves all of you, and she will be praying for you. It is even hard for her parents to bury their daughter at a relatively young age. Pray for her husband and step-children as they mourn Betty’s loss. It was good for the parish people to support the parents and Betty’s family. Be grateful to have had the gift of her life to everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, you offer your prayers and deeds up to Me in your morning offering. Every day at Mass I offer Myself up to you by multiplying My very Presence in every consecrated Host. I am still suffering on the cross as I take on your pain, and the pain that I suffer for everyone’s sins. If you, who are imperfect, know how to give good gifts to your children, imagine how much more your Father in heaven knows how to share the best gift that He could give you in Me in My Eucharist. My Blessed Sacrament contains My very Presence, and you receive Me intimately into your soul every time you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. So I ask you every day to pick up your cross of daily suffering, and share your pain with Me on My cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may think that the evil ones are in control as they force their way against the people. I am only allowing them to control things so far because I am protecting your souls from this evil world. The Antichrist will have his short reign over the people, and there will be many evil injustices until I come on the clouds. When you see in the vision how this large machine crashes down the hill, this is when I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to destroy the evil beast’s empire. I will cast the evil ones into hell, and I will renew the earth so I can bring My people into My Era of Peace. Trust in Me that My victory will come after a short reign of the Antichrist. My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Thursday, January 17, 2013: (St. Anthony, abbot)
Jesus said: “My people, you are not here on this earth just to please yourself in your comforts, but you are here to know, love, and serve Me. It is hard to serve Me unless you give your will over to Me, and allow Me to be the Master of your life. When you truly believe in Me and are living a true Christian life, then you will not be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone to help people. It is somewhat easy to fulfill your Sunday Mass obligation and make a donation to the church. It takes spiritual fortitude to pray to Me every day, come to daily Mass, make an attempt to visit Me at Adoration, confess your sins at least once a month, and reach out to evangelize souls or help the poor. Those, who help evangelize souls to save them from hell, are providing a beautiful service for Me, because saving souls should be your highest calling as a Christian. Do not worry or be elated that you may be in a minority in helping Me, but remember that those, who labor to help souls, are storing treasure in heaven for their judgment.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing thieves becoming bold, and drug cartels using guns for revenge. This is why some Americans have guns for protection. Now with pending new gun laws, some are buying guns while they can. There is a new threat coming as the Second Amendment is under attack from your liberal leaders and media. This antagonizing of gun owners could create a revolution over the right to bear arms. I told you that the one world people’s agenda is to remove your guns, and they will use any means to get their way. If you see killing and chaos in the streets, then My faithful will need to leave for the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some record high temperatures right after some major snow storms. You also have seen tornadoes and violent storms in your Southern states during winter. All of these unusual jet stream movements have all the signatures of being manipulated by the HAARP machine. You are already on your ninth unusual snowstorm on the backside of violent weather. These storms are causing damage and disruptions to your infrastructures. It is hard to fight these storm creations when your media do not even recognize that a microwave machine can change your weather so drastically.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of this inauguration ceremony, your Right to Life march had to be put off until Friday. It is a tragedy that this President even supports infanticide, and his swearing in ceremony is a day before the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Even with all of the protests against abortion, there has been very little progress, as millions of babies are still being killed by abortion every year. Keep praying to stop abortion, as these killings are bringing My judgment against America.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the battle between good and evil will become more apparent as time goes on. Persecution of Christians and patriots is getting worse as the one world people will be doing everything to single them out like the Germans persecuted the Jews. On one side you are seeing the government preparing more detention death camps for those who are against their new world order. Your leaders are also stocking underground cities for protection during the coming revolution. On the other side, I am leading many of My faithful to set up refuges of protection where I will protect the faithful and provide food and bedding for those who are called to My refuges. See this activity as a sign of the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you messages for many years to prepare My faithful for this coming trial led by the Antichrist. It is not easy to prepare to leave your homes for the protection of My refuges. I have also warned you that a time will come when the evil ones will try and force a mark of the beast on everyone as a computer chip in the body, just as in your Health Care law. You will also see a division in My Church between a schismatic church teaching New Age, and My faithful remnant. As you see mandatory chips in the body and martial law being enforced, I will warn My faithful that it is time to leave for My refuges by following your guardian angels. Fear not this time because My invisible shield will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am the only source of peace for your hearts and souls. I give you this peace in the grace of My sacraments. Do not let anything in this world disturb this peace that I have given you. In this coming trial there will be some faithful who will be martyred for their faith in Me. I will lessen the pain that they will suffer, and they will become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My angels. At the end of the tribulation I will lift up My faithful into the air so they are not killed by My Comet of Chastisement. I will cast the evil ones into hell, and renew the earth. Then I will lead My faithful down into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people and the Antichrist are forming their new world order in a ruthless manner. Just as all will seem hopeless before their power, I will then bring My victory that will end their reign by casting this whole evil lot into hell. These evil ones will suffer plagues of fire and scorpions on earth as a living hell before they are cast into the eternal flames of hell. Do not watch My judgment, but know that these evil ones will pay an eternal punishment for all their killings on earth.”


Friday, January 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed the paralytic man both in his sins and in his body. Some onlookers were thinking that only God could forgive sins. Little did they know that I truly am God, and I healed the whole man both body and soul. In order to receive a healing, the person to be healed needs to have faith that I could heal that person. Not only did this man have faith in My healing power, but so did the four men who were carrying their friend on a mat. They were so intent on seeing Me that they made an opening in the roof to let the paralytic down to Me because of a large crowd. I wish that everyone had this faith in My healing. This is why I healed only a few people in My hometown because they did not believe in Me. When the people saw the paralytic man get up and walk, they were astounded in what they saw. Even after seeing My miracles of healing, My calming of the storm, and My walking on water, still the people did not understand that I was the Son of God until My Resurrection. My apostles finally believed, but many Jews still do not accept My Divinity in their midst. All of the prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled in My first coming. All of the prophecies of the New Testament will be fulfilled when I return on the clouds.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many cases where I healed people, I could feel their pain and I reached out to them. It is important that people have faith so I could heal them. You are seeing Me still suffer on My cross because I am making up for people’s sins, and I am joining their suffering with My own. It is not easy in life to suffer chronic bone or muscle aches. I ask people to offer up all of their pain and trials in life to Me so they can share it with My suffering on My cross. In a similar way I ask people to fast from food or something you like on Wednesdays and Fridays as a little penance for your sins or the sins of others. You will be starting your Lenten fasting soon. This is a good time in Lent to detach yourself from any earthly pleasures. The more you can die to self in your earthly desires, the closer you will come to Me in perfecting your spiritual life.”


Saturday, January 19, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of your ministry I asked you if you would do a mission for Me, just as I asked Levi to follow Me. You answered that you would do My will with your ‘yes’. You did not know what I would have you do at first, but when you followed Me in faith, I could use you to spread My Word. At each point along the way, I opened doors for you in writing My messages, and having them published in your books and on the internet. I gave you people to help you with the artwork in your book, and you have a good publisher who has helped you all of these years. I was also instrumental in giving you people who helped you with your website on the internet so you could share My messages. I have opened many doors for you so you would have places to give your talks. When you commit to helping Me save souls, you will have abundant graces and resources to help you.”


Sunday, January 20, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would see some false flag terrorist disasters in several cities that would be staged to cause a martial law in your country. This vision is a massive explosion again in New York City that will be attacking your financial district. You have seen Hurricane Sandy strike this area also with the intention of damaging your Wall Street activity. Many incidents of disasters and a crash of your markets will precipitate a failure of the dollar. This has been planned for a long time to bring down your country so the one world people could take you over. I am allowing this punishment of your country as a judgment because of your many abortions, even as you celebrate the anniversary of your Supreme Court decision that allowed abortion. As chaos and a possible revolution will occur, you will be called to My refuges of protection. Rejoice in My protection as you will have to help each other, and I will multiply your food and fuel.”


Monday, January 21, 2013: (St. Agnes)
Jesus said: “My people, every day of your life is like one step closer to your judgment with Me. I want you to see this staircase that leads up to Me, as a chance to improve your spiritual life on your path to perfection so you can be worthy of entering heaven. Heaven should be your life’s goal, and you are being tested and purified in this life by all of your trials and tribulations. Enduring the human condition takes your personal commitment, and full faith in My helping you through life. Without My help you would be wanting, but with My help, you will have all that you need to succeed in your mission. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, your families today have a hard time getting together for supper and interacting with one another. You all have too many activities, electronic gadgets, and both parents are working which makes it hard for parents to show love for their children in doing things with them. You are relying on babysitters and schools to teach your children when you should be helping them with homework and personal time together. The more time that you could spend with your children, the closer they could bond with your love. Many of your children are not getting enough love because you are too focused on money and material possessions. Your children need your attention because you may have them in your house for only twenty years or so. Help them with their schoolwork and help direct them in their work careers. Also, you need to teach them faith in Me so they know their prayers and can come to receive My sacraments. Parents have heavy responsibilities in bringing up their children with love and faith. Call on My help to bring your children up properly.”


Tuesday, January 22, 2013: (Anniversary of Rowe v Wade on abortion)
Jesus said: “My people, this anniversary of a corrupt decision to allow abortion is the blood of innocent aborted babies on the hands of all Americans as a country. Why should these children have to pay a death penalty for the mother and father’s mistake? Many abortions are to cover up embarrassing affairs of fornication. Such sexual sins without marriage are mortal sins, and you should not compound one sin with another mortal sin of killing your baby. Killing a life is a serious sin, and it is the responsibility of the mother and the doctor who will answer for their sin. Your population is decreasing because you have allowed Satan to lead you into killing your children. You cannot put a price on life in money or convenience. You are not just putting tissue in your garbage, but it is a human life. Your abortion mentality is a result of your desire for birth control. Some women have their tubes tied, and some men have vasectomies which are mortal sins in the eyes of My Church. Some use all manners of birth control devices to avoid pregnancies. When women have abortions, this is the worst form of birth control. Married couples should use family planning methods instead of birth control devices or abortions. I abhor the killing of My little ones, and America will pay dearly for these millions of murders. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion, and encourage these mothers to have their children. No one in My eyes has any right to kill their children.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you are praying at home because of the snow and bitter cold. In the future you may have to pray at home because your churches may be closed by your government. I mentioned before that watching My Host exposed in the DVD will give you the same grace as at Adoration when you cannot make it to church. I am grateful when you can visit My tabernacle, but I am accommodating your desire to be with Me when your travel is difficult. Having prayer groups or family prayer at home may be all that will be available in the future. It will even come to a point when you will not be safe at your homes as the persecution of Christians will get worse. At that time you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection. Be grateful for your time in your homes and for My angel protection during the tribulation.”


Wednesday, January 23, 2013: (St. Vincent)
Jesus said: “My people, many times the Scribes and Pharisees were criticizing Me for healing people on the Sabbath. These hypocrites taught all the restrictions of the Law of Moses, but they did not always follow the spirit of the law themselves. I told them that the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. (Mark 3:27,28) Because I taught with authority and healed people with miracles, the religious leaders wanted to kill Me. These people were led by the justice of man with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I taught the mercy and justice of God in that people should love everyone, even their enemies. They should turn the other cheek if someone strikes them. This perfect example of love was too hard to follow, and many did not want to follow My way. Because I healed many people of their ailments, large crowds followed Me and listened to My sermons. I did not come to be served, but I came to serve the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, be ready to leave for My refuges, even if you need to leave in the winter. I thank all of My Right to Life people for praying the rosary in the cold while you were protesting outside of a Planned Parenthood building. On these deep cold days it would be difficult to keep warm in an outdoor tent. It would even be better to sleep overnight in a car or van than outdoors. In a van you could lie down on your seats if there was enough room. When you leave for My refuges, remember to bring your tent, warm clothes, sleep blankets, backpacks, and as much food and water that you could store in your van. Also, bring rosaries, Bibles, and your Mass books. You need spiritual sacramentals and reading material, as well as your physical needs. By having your things ready in one place, you could quickly load your van if you need to leave in a hurry. Have some extra gasoline for a long trip. Be ready to come to My refuges that may not have electricity. You will be helping each other in a rustic life to survive during the tribulation. Give thanks to Me for protecting you and feeding you at My refuges.”


Thursday, January 24, 2013: (St. Francis de Sales)
Jesus said: “My people, many of you are asking when are the events and the Warning going to come, as I keep telling you it is near. In this vision you are seeing the rapid motion of people in a sled going down some hills until finally it goes down into a vast darkness. This means that events are moving fast until you will suddenly find yourself in the darkness of the tribulation. The darkness represents the evil of the Antichrist that will be an evil that will be worse than you have ever seen. You will see My Warning for everyone come before the major events happen that will endanger your lives. The evil ones are plotting their takeover of America as your deficits are about to bring on your bankruptcy. This will devalue the dollar until it will be near worthless. This will cause a chaos in buying things. Getting a currency from your government for your entitlements may cease until a new currency is established. When people lose their savings, there will be a revolution against the establishment that will trigger a martial law. Such a cause for martial law has been planned from the beginning so the one world people could place America into the North American Union. Have no fear because I will protect My people at My refuges until I will come in victory. Be patient for a brief reign of evil before you will be rewarded for your faithfulness to Me in My Era of Peace.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some heavy snowstorms in the Northern states. Now, you are seeing a deep cold take its toll on your people. On Monday I had My angels watch over you when you were traveling home in a blizzard of snow near Syracuse, N.Y. You prayed to have Me send them, and fortunately there were no injuries in the accident in front of you. This is another example of how you can call on Me to send you angels of protection, not only against demons, but in difficult situations.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of My people who protest in front of abortion clinics and who go on the march in Washington, D.C. in front of the Supreme Court building. Life is too precious to kill babies in the womb. Even as some people want to take away your guns because of the children who were killed, these same people do not protest abortion that kills millions of babies every year. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion, and keep bringing people’s attention to protecting the unborn from the abortion doctors.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some compromises in raising the National Debt Limit with forming budgets that have not been done in the Senate for four years. If these budgets are not passed, the Senators and Congress people would not receive their pay. There are some Senators who are avoiding budget measures so the people would not see the runaway spending that is causing trillion dollar budget deficits each year. It appears that Congress is trying to change its ways, but cuts to entitlements will still be a big battle.”

Jesus said: “My people, many jobs are at stake in changing the route of this pipe line so America could buy crude oil from Canada instead of from Saudi Arabia or Venezuela. By producing your own energy sources, America could reduce its oil imports and save trillions of dollars in oil money. Some of your environmentalists do not want to use fossil fuels as oil, but they are the first to load up their cars with gasoline which comes from oil. It is your cheap fuels that power your economy, and it is hard to replace such fuels right away.”

Jesus said: “My people, the more states that keep allowing gay marriage and marijuana, the more your country will face My judgment for your sexual sins and ruining your people’s minds with drugs like marijuana. Marriage between a man and a woman is how I set up My creation as a perfect love relationship to provide children. Homosexual acts are abominations in My eyes, and these so called marriages are unnatural. These people are living in sin even as some unmarried couples are living in sin with fornication. When governments promote gay marriage, they are legalizing sinful lifestyles. Hold proper marriage on a higher plane than this gay marriage that is not a true marriage as I created it.”

Jesus said: “My people, in a few more weeks you will be starting a new Lenten Season as you prepare for Easter. This is an appropriate time to plan some ways to improve your spiritual life. By prayer penances and giving up some things that you like, you could help the soul better control the body’s earthly desires. Fasting and prayer are a good means to request spiritual favors of conversions. Keep focused on Me in your lives as you allow Me to be Master of your lives. By letting Me lead you in life, you can fulfill the mission that I have planned for each of you. Keep praying for your family members and friends who need to come to Sunday Mass and frequent Confession. Give your friends and relatives a good example in your prayer life so they have something to imitate.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you try to come to daily Mass during Lent, and they will be helped by the grace of My Blessed Sacrament. I would like to make a further suggestion for your Lenten practices of trying to visit Me more often in front of My tabernacle. There are some churches that are open for these visits, so take advantage of My extra graces to adore and worship My very Body and Blood in your presence.”


Friday, January 25, 2013: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, this conversion of St. Paul was quite dramatic when he saw My Light, and he was made blind as he fell off of his horse. I made him aware of how he was persecuting Me. After his blindness was healed, I turned his zeal into converting souls to Christianity, and he wrote many letters of his missionary efforts. The Epistles of St. Paul are read often at your Masses. Many of My prophets have been given messages, and they travel around evangelizing as well. My son, you also have been witnessing to people about My messages in your books, on the internet, and in your speaking engagements. Your means of travel are more modern, so you can travel further in a short time. I thank you for your zeal as well to love Me and to carry out your mission. All of your works of good deeds are storing up treasure in heaven, but you also are more responsible for all of your gifts. Continue your prayer life, and keep close to the One who loves you.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how I am already starting to speed up time as you know it. This vision of the sky spinning is another sign of the coming Warning which will appear as a circling tunnel as you move closer to My Light. Then you will see a slow moving circle of the events in your life as each of you will have a life review outside of time and outside of your physical body. There will be a focus on your unforgiven sins, as you will see these events through the eyes of other people and from My point of view. You will understand how your life affected other people both for good and bad. You will understand how much you offend Me with your sins, and how much pain I have to suffer to redeem you from your sins. This experience will be a wake-up call to prepare all sinners to change their lives before they will encounter the evil of the Antichrist. My faithful will learn how to call on Me for help against evil, and to follow their angels to My refuges of protection. Be thankful for My Warning because many souls would be lost if they died right now. The Warning and My faithful can help convert souls that would be lost. You will be working at a fever pitch to save souls after the Warning because many souls will desire Confession then. More converted souls will have a cross put on their foreheads so they can get into My refuges. My faithful even now have crosses put on their foreheads that will be seen during the tribulation. Have no fear of the evil ones who I will protect you from at My refuges. Be patient for a short reign of evil before I will conquer all the evil souls and demons, and cast them into hell. My faithful will be rewarded in My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, January 26, 2013: (St. Timothy and St. Titus)
Jesus said: “My people, I sent out My disciples two by two to prepare the towns for My visits to share the Word of God and to announce the Kingdom of God is at hand. The disciples St. Timothy and St. Titus did this at Ephesus and Crete. My faithful also should be spreading My Good News of salvation as you witness your faith to those around you. All of you are responsible for saving your soul and the souls around you, especially your children and grandchildren. You may not always think of yourselves as evangelists, but when you believe in My Word, you are carrying My Light of faith for everyone to see in the darkness of the evil in the world. My Light of faith is necessary in each soul for coming to heaven. So give good example to others in your prayers, your good behavior, and your attendance at Mass on Sunday. Frequent Confession at least monthly is also a necessary way of cleansing your sins from your soul. You all are sinners and you are in need of repentance. Keep your family close to Me as you guide these souls to heaven.”

(Mass intention for Camille Remacle, Carol’s father)
Camille said: “Hello, John, I am happy to see you again, and the family at Mass. Tell Babe that I wish her a happy birthday along with the other birthdays, and that I love her so much. I love all of you, and I wish I could be with you to share that good meal. I know it has been quite cold for Lydia to come to my Mass. All the great grandchildren are growing up so fast, and I am proud of their schoolwork. I am still visiting and praying for those who need to come to Mass on Sunday. Thank you for taking care of my grave, even if people are stealing things from it. It is the thought that I appreciate. I am thinking about everyone and praying for all of you. Keep My picture out so you can remember me. I will be singing with you when you sing your birthday song.”


Sunday, January 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, these symbols in the vision are very meaningful for this point in time. The hourglass with the sand running out is a sign that the time for going to the refuges is coming soon. The oil lamp is a sign for having light at the refuges because most refuges will not have electricity. I have asked people at the refuges to have extra bedding, blankets, food, and fuel for living independently. This preparation is represented in the symbol of the five wise virgins who had extra oil to keep their lamps burning. At My refuges I will have My angels protect you with an invisible shield. They will also multiply your food, water, and fuel for heat and light. You will also have My luminous cross in the sky where My faithful can look on it and be healed of all of their ailments. Even the dormitories will be multiplied so everyone will have a place to stay. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing My protection for My faithful during the tribulation time of the Antichrist.”


Monday, January 28, 2013: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Pentagon building, and your Defense Budget is the largest portion of your budget. This is the military industrial complex that buys your planes, ships, tanks, and pays the bill for all of your service people. The Defense Department fights your wars and runs all of your secret operations as the HAARP machine, the chemtrails, and your military satellites. Whoever controls all of these weapons and supplies, can control or influence many countries. I keep encouraging My people to pray for peace and not war. These forces could also be used to control your own people or put down any revolutions. Many of your military bases can be used as detention centers or death camps to eliminate Christians and the patriots. Be aware of how all of this Defense money is spent because it could be used to establish a dictatorship that could control your citizens. I am warning My people that this part of your government could be exploited by your current Administration. Many of your Defense contractors peddle influence and control a lot of jobs. As you see budget cuts coming, the Defense Budget will be the biggest target. Be aware that the one world people control this power as well.”


Tuesday, January 29, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, amidst all the books of the Bible, there is one thing I ask of the people above all the rest, and that is to do My Will and that of My Father. In the Old Testament the people gave burnt offerings up to their God, but I became the unblemished sacrifice without sin as a perfect offering to My Father in reparation for all the sins of mankind. Once I was offered on the cross, there is no further need of making offerings of animals. The sacrifice of My Blood washes away your sins, and there is no further need of the blood of animals. Give thanks and praise to My Father in heaven for sending His Only Begotten Son to atone for your sins. At every Mass you continue to have an unbloody sacrifice that you remember at every Consecration of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This is why the Mass is the greatest prayer of all because you have My Real Presence before you in My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an Easter lily in the distance which means there is a time of prayer and penance during Lent before you can celebrate Easter. Lent is an excellent time to address all of your earthly desires that cause you to commit sin. People, who take time to think about their weaknesses, should try to make a plan during Lent to work on ways to minimize any occasions of sin or read some good spiritual books so they are using their time wisely. If you do not plan your time for prayer, your work, or how to use your spare time, then you are allowing the devil more opportunities to tempt you into sin. You should also be aware of not watching too much TV or spending too much time on the internet. Try to focus on things that will best help your spiritual life, and best serve Me. Wasting precious time should be a big concern because you all will have to make an accounting for what you did in life with your gift of time. You need to plan projects that can help save souls and help with evangelization. By working on these things both now and during Lent, you can profit the most in the best use of your time.”


Wednesday, January 30, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in My parables to the people, I did not always give explanations that I gave to My apostles. Not all of My parables were self-evident, but the people could still see the love of God and the desire for repentance for sin. In today’s parable about the Sower, the seed represents the ‘Word of God’ and how different people receive it. The seed that fell on the rocks are those who hear My Word and rejoice for awhile, but they soon forget because they have no roots of faith. The seed that fell among the thorns are those who hear the Word but their faith is choked off by the attractions of the world and the desires of the flesh. It is the seed that fell on good soil that yielded thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. Even when the Word has roots in faith, it still needs to be constantly nourished with the graces of My sacraments. My faithful also need to put My Word into their actions so they can help people, both in their physical needs and in evangelizing souls. If My Word does not grow in your hearts to share your love with Me and your neighbor, then you are not making My Word a part of your very life. You need to be One with Me to gain heaven.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a need to update your DVD that explains your mission of preparing the people for the coming tribulation. Your first thought is to pray your St. Therese novena to protect you from the evil ones who may attack your DVD efforts. You have already compared your notes from the first two talks, and you have made an outline for your third DVD. Once you fill in the appropriate messages and type it out, then you should try and practice your talk to try and fit it into two one hour DVDs. By going through it a few times, you can see what is important to focus on to keep within your time constraints. You could use a few articles to highlight some points of interest. By using Scripture, My messages, and things in the news, you can give people a big picture of all that is going on in your world today.”


Thursday, January 31, 2013: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a steady attack on all of your rights from gun ownership, legal voting, freedom of religion, and states rights over Health Care. The current debate over certain rifles and ammunition will only affect most of your law abiding citizens because thieves and drug runners will find weapons on the black market or steal them. Your Second Amendment is a right to bear arms not only from personal harm, but also from your own government. It is the intention of the one world people to take away all guns so they can easily take over America. This happened when Poland was disarmed, and it was taken over by Hitler. I do not want My people to kill others, but immediate self-defense of your family is recognized. Once your life is in danger, I will have My angels put an invisible shield over you on your way to My refuges. In this way you will be protected without using guns to defend yourselves. Keep praying for peace to avoid war.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there has been questions raised on why your country is sending planes and tanks to Egypt that is under control of the Moslem Brotherhood which hates Israel. There are also plans by your Administration to get rid of most of your nuclear weapons. This goes along with taking away your guns so America can be easily taken over by the one world people. Those, who are heading your Defense Department, are determined to weaken your defenses as soon as possible. Be aware of these moves aimed at a takeover of your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, your liberal governors are pushing gay marriage laws, laws against guns, laws legalizing marijuana, and a few promoting euthanasia. Many of these issues are a sign of how America is becoming more corrupt in many areas. Abortion is another stain on your souls, and those favoring the death culture are continuing to try and kill babies and the elderly. Once your Health Care Law is mandated, you could see more mercy killing to save money over a certain age. The morals of your country are so low that your liberal legislators are able to pass more evil legislation. If My faithful do not fight these evil ones, then the evil ones will take away all of your rights.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your states are resisting any expansion of Medicaid for the millions of poor who are not covered by a medical plan. There is also concern that current employers may try to drop their health plans to avoid paying these benefits. Benefits have been expanded so much for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid that these programs are costing much more than can be financed by your current taxes. Many doctors are concerned with being forced to take on more new patients than can be handled with the time and offices available. This will be just the beginning of rationed care where the elderly will have a harder time for their care to be handled. Not only are there problems with national health care, but the costs will be larger than planned.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen chips in the body as a mandate in the early drafts of this Health Care Law. It is a plan of the one world people to chip everyone, and the government may soon force mandatory chips on your citizens. These chips should be avoided at all costs because they could control your free will and turn you into robots. I have warned My faithful to refuse this mark of the beast being placed in your body. When your government makes chips in the body mandatory, then you are to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that many one world people worship Satan and are directly taking orders from him. This is why you are seeing every attempt to remove My Name and holy things out of your society. As the persecution of Christians worsens, there will be more attacks on your churches to close them with taxes and regulations. Forcing religious institutions to give out birth control devices is just the beginning. Eventually, My faithful will be forced to pray only at their homes. Christians will be singled out for ridicule for jobs, Federal aid, and no food or Social Security without a chip in the body. You will be coming to My refuges sooner than you think.”

Jesus said: “My people, once Christians are sought out for purging like the Jews were in Germany, My faithful will be forced to come to My refuges. Once I call you to My refuges, you are to take your things and leave before the evil ones try to kill you. Your angels will protect you with an invisible shield both on the way and at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be afraid of the coming tribulation because those, who are faithful, will be on their way to heaven. Some of you may be martyred, but I will lessen your pain and you will become instant saints in heaven. Those, who come to My refuges, will need to endure a rustic living for less than 3½ years. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a battle to save as many souls from hell as you can. After My Warning, many souls will be seeking confession of their sins. Priests will be working overtime to give Confession to the people. This will be the best time to evangelize your family members who are away from the Church. Ask My help to convert them with persuasive arguments by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those, who refuse My help, could be lost. Pray for all souls to be open to conversion, especially after My Warning.”


Friday, February 1, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that everything that I create is perfect, while everything that man makes is imperfect. Man in his ignorant pride thinks that he can make crops more perfect than Me which is already absurd, but it is even an insult to Me. All that I create is balanced with nature, but man’s crops, like your medicines, have side affects that do not balance with nature. Currently, most of your corn and soybeans crops are genetically modified, and this is causing an increase in cancer, allergies, and digestive tract problems. Your scientists have changed the DNA of corn by adding Roundup, a herbicide and bug killer. The DNA of Roundup is combined with the DNA of corn so when the corn grows, it produces Roundup that kills weeds and bugs. It kills bugs by exploding their stomachs. So when humans eat this corn, it makes small holes in their stomachs where undigested food escapes into your blood stream. This is what causes some of your allergies and digestive tract problems. Your body does not recognize this corn with a different DNA, so your body rejects it, and this can cause cancers. My faithful would be better off not eating these GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) crops, and instead they should eat more organic grown food. It is hard to avoid these artificial foods because they have been blended into many products that you use. Be aware of these adulterated foods, and try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. This is also why you need to build up your immune systems with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. Man should stop altering My perfect crops, or you will get worse diseases as a result.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many beautiful processions that people take part in to celebrate My Blessed Mother’s feast days, and to celebrate blessings of My Blessed Sacrament. In the vision you celebrated the 70th Anniversary of Fatima in Portugal back in 1987. You have also celebrated St. Anne’s feast day on July 26, 2012 with a candlelight procession in Canada. The last procession is where your priest blessed all of your Adoration members with My Blessed Sacrament. Celebrations of My saints and My Blessed Sacrament keep you close to Me in your daily lives. I love My nightly adorers for all the times that they thought enough of Me to make their frequent visits. Many of My adorers gain extra graces for all the hours that they spent adoring My Eucharist. When you love someone so much, you want to be in that person’s presence as much as possible. Loving your Lord is so pleasing to Me that you are storing up graces as a heavenly treasure. I love everyone very much, but I have a soft spot in My Heart for those faithful who come frequently to My tabernacle in Adoration. Encourage people to visit Me in My tabernacle, and they too will receive many blessings.”


Saturday, February 2, 2013: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, there is joy at first when the candles were blessed and gave their light after being lit. After My parents brought Me to the Temple, you read how Simeon and Anna had their patience rewarded in seeing their Savior. In the vision you saw the candles blown out to represent the lives of the Holy Innocents that were snuffed out by Herod in his attempt to kill Me. By the grace of My Father in heaven, St. Joseph received a dream by an angel that told him to take the Holy Family to Egypt to avoid Herod’s desire of killing Me. This snuffing out of life is continuing with all of the many abortions being committed even now because of your liberal death culture that is led by Satan. It is shameful that America has legalized the killing of babies in the womb. This continuous killing is why in My justice I will allow the one world people to take over America in punishment for killing My little ones. Some of My faithful have been fighting this evil decision for many years, and I thank all of you for your efforts on behalf of the unborn. Continue to pray for the stoppage of abortion, and keep protesting this injustice at your abortion clinics. In the end I will have My victory against these evil ones, and My faithful will be vindicated.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing an unusual number of killings that were using assault rifles, and the shooters committed suicide when their killings were done. In the vision you are seeing microwaves and voices controlling a killer with a chip implanted in their body. This technology is already available, and it has been used by the military and secret agencies. Some assassins are purposely given two identities to hide their killing intentions. If some one world people want to create crimes against innocent children to get gun laws passed, this technology could be used on anyone that was chipped on purpose. Some of these crimes have been committed, and the killer was killed to hide any evidence. When you look at the eyes of these killers, you can see that they do not look normal. The one world people are known for their technique of create the problem, and then create their desired solution. By controlling people with chips, they can be used as robots to serve these evil masters. This is why these same evil people want to put chips in everyone to control them against their free will. This is why My faithful need to refuse any chip in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. I will warn My people when it is time to come to My refuges so the men in black cannot capture you. Rejoice that I am protecting you from the ruthless one world people who want to kill all Christians and patriots.”


Sunday, February 3, 2013: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel of Luke the people of Nazareth were surprised to hear Me tell them that I was fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy of one who would come and heal the blind and the sick. They had heard of My miracles of healing, but they did not realize how I received such power because they knew My parents and that I lived there. Because of their lack of faith, I could not heal people there, but only foreigners. I told them that a prophet is rarely accepted in his hometown. Because I insulted them, they did not want to believe in My healing gifts. They even tried to kill Me, but I walked through their midst. Even in your own mission, it is not easy for your people to believe in My messages because many do not want to hear hard messages of preparing for the end times. Your prayer group members have supported you, but others find it hard to believe. Do not be concerned if some people do not want to hear My messages from private revelation, but carry on with your mission of evangelizing souls, and warning people of the evil of the coming Antichrist. I love all of My prophets and messengers who carry out My mission, and they will be blessed for their efforts in spreading My Word of love and life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the young children who survived the gauntlet of your abortion society. Some of you remark how you do not see many babies and young people, but look at the millions of babies that are killed by abortion. I am showing you My little ones because they are precious in My sight, and they need to be protected from physical abuse and from all evil influences. You have heard of such abuse from parents and bullying of kids in school. If you notice unusual bruises on young children, you may need to notify the authorities. There are other evil influences from internet games, pornography, and even Harry Potter books and movies. Parents should be careful of what their children are watching on TV and on the internet. It is important to train your children in daily prayer so they have a spiritual support to get through life’s trials. Children look up to their parents or grandparents for good spiritual leadership in helping them. Your good example of Sunday Mass and monthly Confession can give children a model to follow. Even if your children or grandchildren see you praying a rosary, this can have a good influence on them. In this evil age you also need to have your children wear blessed sacramentals for protection from the demons. They could wear scapulars, carry rosaries, have blessed medals, and a Benedictine cross. Encourage the children to avoid drugs and drinking as they get older. Let them also see that abortions and living together without marriage are mortal sins to avoid. By training your children in the faith, you are preparing them for life and how to have Me as the center of their lives.”


Monday, February 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, those, who are influenced by demons, are always performing their evil deeds in secret or in the dark. This is why I bring My Light into the world to shine light on these evil ones to catch them in their thefts and killings. Even some people, who have abortions, do not want to be seen, as they are covering up their affairs in how they became pregnant. The demons are very active in your world today as evidenced in your lifestyles of living together in fornication or as homosexual couples. You also are seeing many occult groups, pornography, some demon possessed people, and abuse of your women for sex. This evil is evident because people are choosing these sins of their own free will as they give in to the devil’s temptations. Your media is promoting promiscuous behavior on TV and in your movies. Your drug culture and alcohol addictions are ruining many homes, and they are a cause of thefts and killings. It is hard to avoid sin in your evil society, so you need to depend on Me and My sacraments to protect your souls. The demons shy away from My Name and My cross which is why wearing blessed sacramentals can protect you from the demons. Frequent Confession and a daily prayer life can also help keep your souls pure. Call on Me to send you angels of protection when you feel like you are being attacked by demons. Guard your soul from sin, and let Me be the Master of your life, then you will have peace with nothing to fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of two news reports where explosions occurred like the flames in the vision. The first report was an airplane attack by Israel on some trucks loaded with weapons in Syria. The purpose was to prevent arms from being delivered to Lebanon and Hezbollah. The report claimed secondary explosions from the bombs that were near stored chemical weapons. The second incident was an explosion in an Iranian bunker that stored a number of centrifuges to enrich uranium. It is hard to determine the source of this explosion, or if it was sabotage. This area is very volatile and Israel could get involved in a war with such attacks. Continue to pray for peace in this area where Syria’s leader is in danger of being ousted.”


Tuesday, February 5, 2013: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, remember when I told the people that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, that they could move mountains. Faith in My helping you in life can be found in many of your needs. Today’s Gospel was about a woman with hemorrhages, and she had enough faith in My healing power to touch My clothing. She was healed not only physically, but her faith helped her spiritually as well. Healing of souls from their sins is even more important to Me than healing the body of any trouble. The body will die and return to dust, but the soul lives on forever. This is why in many of My healings, I tell the people to go, your faith has saved you. So I heal the body and the soul at the same time because this is a healing of the whole person. This faith in Me is how many are healed. If I can heal any of your health problems, then if you have faith in Me, I can help you with anything that is troubling you in life. I know that you face many trials in life every day, so put your trust in Me, and ask Me to help you in all that you do each day. When you pray and fast for help, you know that I will be at your side to assist you in carrying your daily cross. Reach out to your neighbors to instill this faith in Me in their lives to ease their burdens as I ease yours.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Early Church many Christians were martyred for their faith, including many of the Popes. This same kind of persecution is going to return, where Christians will have to hide in caves like the early catacombs. Satan is having his brief reign through the Antichrist and the evil one world people. They are not satisfied to steal all of your homes and money, but they want to mandate chips in the body so they can control your body and your soul as their slaves. This is why I am telling everyone to avoid taking any chips in the body, so these evil ones cannot control your mind with voices. It is better to leave your home for the safety of My refuges than to allow these evil ones to capture you. If you refuse this chip at your homes, then they will take you to the death camps to kill you. If you come to My refuges, My angels will protect you with an invisible shield. Trust in Me when I call you to My refuges so you can save your life and your soul. Be prepared with one year’s supply of food and water for the coming chaos, and have your backpacks ready to leave quickly when I give the word. You will suffer a short time of tribulation, and then you will have your reward in My Era of Peace.”


Wednesday, February 6, 2013: (St. Paul Miki & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, years ago there were gold rushes in California and Colorado, and also oil wells in Texas. Where valuable resources as gold and oil are found, people rush there in an attempt to get rich quick. In the latest natural gas and oil rush, people are exploiting the oil shale with fracking to make big money on the enormous deposits in various places across your nation. There are estimates that America could be energy independent from all of its oil imports once these new sources are developed. In one sense these resources should be shared wealth for the people in these oil rich states. This is where the greed of some people takes over, and they exploit the land for money and leave behind poisoned water wells. Very little care is taken in disposing of the toxic chemicals that are used in extracting the oil and gas. Oil has been called ‘liquid gold’ as seen in the vision. This new found fuel is good for your country, but only a few rich people will benefit the most. This will provide more jobs if this new source is properly managed. Many people are seeking wealth in this world, but it should not be treated as a god or an idol because I am the only One worthy of your worship.”

Jesus said: “My people, this first vision of an eagle losing its talons is a sign that America will so reduce its defenses, that your country will be open to attack and conquest. You have seen plans by your current Administration to reduce your number of nuclear weapons to near zero. This is a plan for near unilateral disarmament which could be opposed by the majority of your people. The second vision from underwater is about more underwater earthquakes that could cause worse tsunamis than a recent Santa Cruz 8.0 earthquake that caused a five foot tsunami. Recent tsunamis have killed thousands of people as a result of some large underwater earthquakes. Some of these earthquakes have been started by the HAARP machine with the purpose of reducing the population. Be prepared for more large earthquakes that could even cause disasters and deaths in America. Pray that My faithful will be protected at My refuges before major disasters start killing thousands of people.”


Thursday, February 7, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, every day and every Sunday you have a miracle at Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated by the priest at the Consecration into My own Body and Blood. You have Me coming down on your altars at every Mass. Even with My Word and My Real Presence shared with the people at Mass, still there are a good number of Catholics who do not come to every Sunday Mass. If you are a true Christian, you need to obey My Third Commandment which makes it a law to worship Me on Sunday, especially at Mass for Roman Catholics. It is important to work on your children and grandchildren to see the necessity of attending Sunday Mass. My Church teaches that it is a mortal sin to miss Sunday Mass when you are not sick. You can even attend Saturday night Mass for your Sunday obligation. If work, sports, or entertainment keep you from coming to Mass, then you need to adjust your life to honor Me more than your money or comforts. I am the one whom you should worship, and not any of your earthly gods or idols. My faithful need to evangelize the lukewarm and those who have not heard My Word so their souls can be saved, and put on the right path to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
St. Therese said: “My son, I heard your prayer to help you with making this third edition of your DVD talk. You started my novena of 24 Glory-Be’s, but you need to remember to say it every day. I know you pray your rosaries and Divine Mercy Chaplet, but
you need to remember your intention for this DVD and pray your novena also. Maybe you could set out a note to remind you. I have helped you on your other DVDs, and I will help you with this one. You will be fortunate to have another three years, so this could be your last DVD.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you for this Lent for a week or so. It is good to have some plans of how you could improve your spiritual life. You have some penances that you do each year, but this time you could try some new or additional things, as more spiritual reading. When you read about the saints, the Bible, or other books as your Imitations of Christ, you can get closer to Me. I appreciate all of your attempts to do better in Lent. Some of these things could be continued all year.”

Jesus said: “My people, as another Lenten suggestion, you could try to help others more by going out of your comfort zone to do a little extra for someone in need of help. Look a little harder at people around you to do more by volunteering things without being asked. You could start with some acts of kindness in your own house with your relatives, or friends. You could even reach out to help strangers in their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, giving alms or donations to charities and the Church could be another focus of sharing your money with the poor as your Food shelf, or helping with extra Church causes. Many people have money for entertainment and eating out at restaurants. Take some of that money and share it, and you will receive merits in heaven. Some people make only token donations, so the more you can give, the more I will see your sincerity in your help.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to bear the daily burdens of living this human condition. By offering up all of your little troubles and trials, you can gain redemptive graces for those people who you are praying for. Remember not to waste any pain, but offer up your sufferings to help others. By doing even these little things in life, you can make big steps in improving your spirituality.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you buy new clothes, new furniture, or new cars. Instead of just discarding your old things to the garbage pickup, you could clean them up, and donate them to charity organizations so someone could use your old possessions. This is just another way of helping your poor people without always thinking of a tax write-off. When you do things out of love for others, I notice the intention in your heart. Be ready to reach out to help others in any way that you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not rely totally on missionaries and others to evangelize souls to the faith. My faithful could make more efforts to share your faith in bringing souls to Me, if you really put your mind to it. There are souls going to hell because people are not inviting them to faith in Me. You can reach out to souls in your family, your friends, or even searching strangers. I will reward all souls who make extra efforts to evangelize souls to save them from going to hell.”


Friday, February 8, 2013: (St. Jerome Emiliani)
Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing in the Gospel of how St. John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod just as others were also beheaded for their faith. You are going to see more persecution of Christians, even with beheadings because you have heard reports of the Army having guillotines for public executions. I have warned My faithful to be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives will be in danger of execution by the evil one world people who will be bringing the Antichrist into power. If people do not take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in the their body, then these evil ones will kill you in their detention center death camps. Even in the Book of Revelation it speaks of those who will be beheaded for not taking the mark of the beast. Those, who are martyred in the tribulation, will go straight to heaven as saints, and they will live in My Era of Peace as teachers of My faithful.”

(Sue H.’s father) Jesus said: “My people, when you were last with this family, they were mourning the loss of their daughter, whom the father found on the floor. Now the father has passed away, and this family is in grief again. He is in purgatory for a while, and he could use some Masses and prayers. He will be praying for his family and watching over them.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you need to understand the big picture in the battle of the forces of heaven against the forces of evil under Satan. Satan hates man and he wants to reduce the population through the one world people who worship him, and they take their orders from him. This is the plan of the death culture to kill as many babies as possible with abortion; to kill the older people with euthanasia; to kill off many of America’s military with constant no-win wars; and to kill millions of people with viruses and vaccines. These one world people are the central bankers in each country who control their country’s governments through debt money and national debts. These people are about to crash the world’s currencies to cause a takeover with a one world currency backed by gold and silver. They will cause bankruptcies in every nation, and they are setting up continental unions like the European Union and the North American Union. Once these unions are in place, they will use foreign UN troops to force mandatory chips in the body. This will be their means to control everyone as robots with voices coming through the chips. Once these chips are in the people, the Antichrist will be given power all over the earth when he declares himself to start the tribulation time. My faithful are to refuse any chips in the body so your free will cannot be controlled or violated. Refuges have been prepared as safe havens for My faithful who have crosses on their foreheads. I will call My people to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Your guardian angels will protect you, and you will have all that you need at My refuges. This tribulation will last less than 3½ years, and then I will defeat the evil ones, and bring you into My Era of Peace.”


Saturday, February 9, 2013:
Jesus said: “My son, you have been praying your novena for this next edition of your DVD talk. I am giving you a sense of urgency that you need to get it done as soon as possible. Do not let other things interfere with this work, so that you need to do a little on it each day. Put the finishing touches on what you have, and make up your chart pad sheets so the people can read your outline as you go through each section. You will have some things put in your way, but go around them to finish this project. Your time to get your messages out is getting short, so you have to make the best use of your time in preparing this DVD. I will send My angels to help you so you are not so interrupted from your work. Evangelizing souls with My Word is important because many people are not spiritually ready for My Warning or the coming tribulation. If your people do not repent and change their lifestyles, many souls could be lost to the Antichrist and to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just witnessed one of the worst snowstorms to strike the Northeast when two storms collided. In your area you only had one foot of snow, compared to two feet of snow in the blizzard areas. One report claimed 650,000 people were without power as some records were set in the Boston area. It is unusual to see several large snow storms along with Hurricane Sandy come into the same area. You were able to find intense HAARP machine activity to steer this Hurricane into New Jersey. Many of these recent snow storms have had unusual intensity which are the normal effects of the HAARP machine’s activity. Do some more research to see if people have monitored increased HAARP activity in the Northeast. The one world people continue to want to use this HAARP machine to cause disasters, especially near the heart of your banking industry. These people are ruthless in carrying out their planned destruction of your economy. My faithful need to be prepared for power outages, and the planned collapse of your dollar and your economy. Be ready to leave for My refuges of protection when I will tell you to leave to protect your bodies and souls from the evil ones.”
Note: Pictures show intense HAARP activity in the heavy snow areas.


Sunday, February 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the apostles amazed at their catch of fish, which was a miracle because they had caught nothing all night. The real miracle is how My apostles were being prepared to catch converts to the faith in Me. All of My faithful are asked to be evangelists in bringing converts to the faith. It is not by accident that this Sunday you are being asked to support your Church in providing money for the priests in retirement, and for all the new candidates training for the priesthood in the seminaries. You, My son, are also working in the vineyard of souls to encourage them not only for conversion, but to prepare them for the trials of the end times in the coming tribulation. I thank all of My priests and lay apostolates who are working to save souls from hell.”

Question of disabled getting to the refuges: Jesus said: “My people, some of you have been concerned about how disabled people and those who cannot be moved, are going to get to My refuges of protection. I told you that My angels are going to be leading you to My refuges, and you may come in vehicles, bikes, or walking. In cases where people cannot be moved in cars, these same angels will perform miracles of lifting these people into the air to My refuges. Once people come to My refuges, they can look on My luminous cross or drink the healing spring water, and their health will be restored. You will not need medicines, and your legs and arms will work normally with no pain. Give thanks to Me for all of the healing that will happen at My refuges.”


Monday, February 11, 2013: (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of lions is how Christians were killed for sport by the Romans. You also remember how many Jews and Catholic priests were
killed by Hitler in World War II. I am reminding you of these previous persecutions because Christians and patriots will be killed with a new persecution by the one world people who control your government. These evil ones have prepared detention center death camps across your country where they have gas chambers, crematoriums, and guillotines. When the lives of My faithful are in danger, I will warn them when it is time to leave for the safety of My refuges. Some will heed My warning, and they will be protected. Those, who do not leave their homes in time, are risking martyrdom. The men in black from the foreign UN troops will try to force everyone to take a chip in the body at their homes. If they are caught and refuse the chip, then they will be killed in the death camps. Those, who follow My directions, will be led by their guardian angels to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will be made invisible to those who want to kill you. Trust in My promise of protection during the coming tribulation.”


Tuesday, February 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading the accounts of My creation in the Book of Genesis. When I finished My work of creation, I rested on the seventh day. I ask My people to give Me worship on Sunday, and to avoid any unnecessary work on Sunday to honor My day of rest. For a while you had laws that discouraged businesses from forcing their workers to work on Sunday. Now the greed to make more money has made Sunday just another work day for some people. Here again you are seeing the worship of money becoming more important than worshiping Me. Even despite your society’s disregard for keeping Sunday holy, My faithful should still try to avoid working and buying things on Sunday. This account of My creation should remind you to give more reverence to Me on Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is facing some hard decisions concerning putting forth a budget, the sequestration, and the next battle over raising the National Debt. Your President has tried to avoid any cuts to entitlements, but the sequestration threatens to cut everything, but only by $85 billion. This is a very little cut of a $3 trillion budget. If your President cannot get what he wants from Congress, there is a fear that he will start writing more Executive Orders to go around Congress. This could cause a call for impeachment by some who think he is acting more like a dictator if he violates the Constitution. The one world people want total control of your economy, and they could precipitate another 2008 financial disaster. They also are planning to bring down the dollar so they can declare martial law against any revolution against the government or the Federal Reserve. This year could see some drastic changes in who controls your finances. If chaos and revolution break out, My faithful will need to leave for My refuges to protect your body and your soul. Trust that I will watch over you and protect you from these evil ones.”


Wednesday, February 13, 2013: (Ash Wednesday)
Jesus said: “My people, as you receive your ashes on your forehead, this reminds you of your body’s mortality, but it has a deeper spiritual meaning. The beginning of Lent should focus more on your death to sin and your denial of self to all of those earthly desires that lead to sin. There are many addictions to drink, to drugs, to cigarettes, to overeating, and in lust for sex in sinful situations. Lent is a time to examine if you are being controlled by anything that leads you into sin or near occasions of sin. It is also a time to do some soul searching so you can work on preventing the sins that you commit most often. This may start with having a properly formed conscience so you do not rationalize your actions into not being sinful, or minimizing any mortal sins as being venial sins. You should make a plan, as I have been suggesting, so you can offer up a penance as you do with avoiding sweets and desserts. You could give up anything else that you enjoy, just so that desire does not control you. You could do some extra spiritual reading, some extra prayers, daily Mass, or more visits to My tabernacle. The point of your efforts is to put more of your focus on Me than on your earthly things. As you think of the day of your own passing, you should think of how you are going to answer for your life at your particular judgment. Now is an acceptable time to improve your spiritual life so you will be more pleasing to Me with a pure soul as when you come to Me in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country imports a large amount of oil from various countries that provide crude oil for your refineries to make your gasoline. Occasionally, you see oil spills from oil tankers or ships that run aground. You could even see spills from refinery fires or sabotaged oil lines. You have seen an increase in your natural gas supplies with your latest fracking of your oil shale. This is why your natural gas price has declined. Your country could be energy independent with your current technology. Be thankful that your oil and gas providers have been successful in providing for your needs. A cheap supply of energy can help America in restoring some of its foreign job losses. Pray that your country can manage these new supplies of energy so everyone can benefit from this new found wealth.”


Thursday, February 14, 2013:(St. Cyril & Sts. Methodius, Valentine)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of ever flowing water represents how I am constantly pouring out My graces on My people to help them in life. The millstone grinds the wheat into flour which is used to make the bread that the priest consecrates into My Body and Blood at the Mass. My Eucharist is also shared with My people at every Mass. In My tabernacle I am always available to you both to worship and console you in your daily trials. Coming to daily Mass could be a nice addition to your Lenten devotions. Remember to make a little extra time for Me in your days of Lent by praying your ‘Imitations of Christ’, your Lenten books, Pieta prayers, or your Liturgy of the Hours. Fasting and offering up some penances can help you make this Lent fruitful for your spiritual life. Also make an attempt to help people around you who are in need of your assistance. All of your good works will store up treasure for you in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching the drama going on with over 3,000 people on a cruise ship where the engines stopped and there was no electricity. The people had no lights but emergency lights, food and water were scarce, and the bathrooms were not working. My people on land have experienced power outages when many of your comforts were not working. You have had to use wood fireplaces and kerosene burners for heat. These experiences are preparing you for your time at My refuges when you may have little heat in the winter and no air conditioning in the summer. Most refuges will not have electricity, and all of your needs will be more difficult to find. You may have lamp light, deer for meat, and daily Communion from My angels. The refuge time will be your purgatory suffering on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are now seeing the beginning of a battle in Congress over carrying out the cuts that were voted on last year. One side is pushing legislation to stop the cuts, while the other side wants the cuts to go through. While the sequester cuts are being blamed for possibly causing a recession, there is an exaggeration of these effects when budgets have risen 30% in the last several years. Without some cuts and reform, America’s deficits will continue to increase your National Debt. Pray that your Congress will make the right choices for your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, this election of another Pope is an unusual event in My Church since most Popes have not resigned. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide the Cardinals in their choice of another Pope.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you viewed the two lightning strikes on the dome of the Vatican hours after Pope Benedict announced his coming resignation. Tomorrow there is an asteroid that will come within 17,000 miles of the earth. Comets will come by the earth in March and December of this year. All of these events could be taken as omens of things to come. I have warned My faithful to have some food on hand for any shortages, and to have a backpack ready to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, keep working on the preparations for your DVD and continue praying your novena prayers to St. Therese for help in protecting you from any demon attacks. Time is growing short for your evangelization efforts, and you need to work on converting souls as much as you can. Lent is a good time to encourage people to repent of their sins in Confession. Once your DVD is ready, you could start spreading copies to all the people who will accept them.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Scripture of Jonah is a good lesson for Lent. Jonah was given a mission to warn Nineveh that in forty days that town would be destroyed if it did not repent. Once he delivered God’s message, the ruler of that town relented, and everyone had to put on sackcloth and ashes to show God that they were changing their lives. Once I saw that the people were truly repenting of their sins, I discontinued My plan to destroy Nineveh. This is a good lesson for America and other countries where the people also need to repent and stop their abortions and sexual sins. If America does not repent, the one world people will be allowed to take over your country. Pray for sinners and for your country to turn away from its sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are just getting used to your fasting and Lenten devotions that can help you spiritually to change your life’s habits. By making acts of self-denial, and truly making Me the Master of your lives, you can make strides to improve your holiness. It is your soul that lives on past this life on earth. It is important to keep your soul pure so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment. Use this Lenten time to change your lives of sin back to lives of holiness so you can be closer to Me.”


Friday, February 15, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, all over the world My Church is in more of a prayerful mode in keeping with the fasting and prayers of Lent. In this Lenten Season there is more concern as well in the resigning of Pope Benedict. At the end of the month when he resigns, the Cardinals will be called on to choose another Pope for this time. The vision of the clergy dressed in gold represents when there will be a celebration of electing a new Pope. This celebration will be short lived because there will be some world wide concerns over the stability of the finances in many countries. Be prepared for some major events this year that could shake the faith of many people. Trust in Me and have no fear of these events because if your lives are in danger, I will tell you when it is time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you of a strange light that occurred before the start of World War II that was foretold by My Blessed Mother. You could do some research to validate the explanation of this prophecy. The reason that I am bringing this example up, is because this recent meteor, hitting in Russia, is another sign of another war that has the potential to involve several nations. Your country has many nuclear weapons and a considerable Navy of aircraft carriers and submarines. America spends more money on defense than any other nation, and any major war could include your involvement. There are many possible problems with Iran and North Korea. Defending Israel from its neighbors could be another problem. If the evil ones want to reduce the population, a major war could kill many people, especially if Israel defended itself with nuclear weapons. Pray for peace, but war could happen at any time.”


Saturday, February 16, 2013: (Memorial Mass for Tony Cubello)
Tony said: “My dear friends, I am happy to be with all of you in spirit, and I love all of you so much. I am giving you my last blessing for all of your needs. I will be watching over you and praying for you from heaven. The Lord has taken me to heaven as I had to endure this cancer as my purgatory on earth. I am praying over you, John and Carol, that your ministry will continue in your own healing and evangelization mission. I want to thank Char, Joann, Maria, Angie, and Kelly for all of their help with my mission, and for taking care of me in my last days. I will always be with you praying to continue this work of sharing the Lord’s Word with everyone. I love all of you so much, and keep a picture of me with you in your work.”

I was focused on the latest research on Our Lady of Fatima’s prophecy concerning the start of World War II. This was of concern because it was linked with a meteor that was an omen pointing toward a new war. This is the prophecy: Mary had also foretold at Fatima, Portugal of the coming of World War II. “The war (World War I) is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father.” The prophecy about the sign of another war was fulfilled on January 25, 1938. The night was illumined by a strange light that stretched from the North Pole to as far south as the Adriatic Sea. Jesus said: “My people, this prophecy by My Blessed Mother of another war was given a sign by this unknown light the people could see. This war (World War II) was also a punishment for the crimes of the world in the people’s sins, and they did not repent. Now you are seeing another unusual light from a meteor that lit up the sky with a huge explosion in Russia. On February 15, 2013 I gave a message that this light from the meteor is a sign of a new war involving several nations that will also be a punishment for the sins of man, and his reluctance to repent of his sins. This prophecy of My Blessed Mother is showing you how man has not changed from World War II, and these sins will be causing another war.”


Sunday, February 17, 2013: (First Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you could take a lesson in fighting off the devil’s temptations by My example when I was tested in the desert. I fasted from eating for forty days, just as you have a Lenten Season of forty days of fasting. The first temptation was to produce bread to eat after My fasting. The devil will attack you most when you are in a weakened state as I was after not eating for so long. The devil also attacks you through your desires for earthly things, but man does not live on bread alone. The second temptation is for fame and glory as the devil offered Me all the kingdoms of the earth if I would bow down and worship him. Man is also tempted with fame and fortune, but do not strive for wealth and fame because these things will quickly fade away. I ask everyone to worship Me only according to the First Commandment, and do not let fame, money, or possessions become your idols or gods. The third temptation was to throw Myself off of a cliff so the angels would protect Me. I told the devil that he was not to tempt the Lord, thy God. You may have your faith tested, but do not have any doubts, and trust in Me to help you through all of your trials. If you know how the devil is going to attack you, then you can be ready with My grace to fight him, and do not succumb to his temptations. Even if you falter in sin, you know I will forgive you when you confess your sins in frequent Confession at least once a month. Lent is all about seeking My forgiveness of your sins, and avoiding temptations as much as possible. Work on your bad habits in order to improve your spiritual life.”


Monday, February 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read many Scriptures about the people of Israel being called My ‘chosen people’ because I am the Son of David. Now in today’s politics you are seeing America’s President visiting the leader of Israel. These people are still precious to Me, and they are being protected. America contributes several billion dollars in aid to Israel each year, and you have commitments to protect Israel from its Arab neighbors. There are some suspicions of your President’s true feelings for Israel because he appears to support Muslim nations. Supporting Israel as God’s people is commendable for America, but it could draw you into any major conflict between the Jews and the Arabs. Keep praying for peace in this area that has seen many conflicts in the past.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages on how important it is to come to My refuges when I warn you to leave your homes. The reason for leaving is to avoid being captured by the men in black who will be coming to your house to try and carry out an order for mandatory chips in the body. If you refuse to take the chip in the body, they will send you to the detention center death camps, and you will never be seen again. I honor those who would be willing to be martyred for their faith, but some people do not understand the danger of remaining in their homes. Some people are familiar with how Hitler killed the Jews and others in his death camps. You have shown people the names of these camps in the various states. You need to show some pictures or a little more research on what these camps look like. People need to understand how the one world people want to eliminate all Christians and patriots who will not go along with their new world order. When you call on Me to bring you to My refuges, I will have your guardian angel lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge, if you do not know where it is. My angels will put an invisible shield around you on your way to My refuges so the evil ones will not see you. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”


Tuesday, February 19, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am LOVE, and I want My followers to love Me and their neighbors as themselves. Part of this love is being able to ask Me for the forgiveness of your sins, as in Confession. You also need to ask for forgiveness from those who you may have hurt in any way. You should also be generous in accepting anyone’s plea for forgiveness of anything that someone may have done to you. This means not holding grudges nor looking for revenge. You even should forgive yourself of any of your failings, and let go of past sins so you can move forward. Forgiveness can be hard to accept, but when you consider this a part of loving people, it should come without any difficulty. You need to reach out to people to heal their hurts and their needs. By having sympathy and empathy with others, they can see that you are sincere in all that you do. These thoughts of being a loving and forgiving person can improve your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many tyrant dictators throughout history, and they had many enemies because of the ruthless killings that they carried out. Even in your world today, America has been instrumental in eliminating several dictators over the years. Currently, you are seeing one party controlling your government in many areas of legislation, but they will be forced to make some compromises to get bills passed. You are facing some serious budget problems where you need to reduce your deficits, or your burden of debt will threaten the solvency of your government. You are having a conflict between one side that wants bigger government control vs. the other side that wants smaller government. The one world people want the quickest road to a takeover of America. They want to use large government deficits as a means for bankrupting your country. Once your debts are too large to be financed, then the dollar will fail, and the one world people will declare martial law. When chaos and riots result, then it will be necessary to have your guardian angel lead you to My refuges of protection.”


Wednesday, February 20, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, what I told the people of My day, applies to the people of your society. That is, the only sign which will be given, is the sign of Jonah. Jonah, the prophet, told the people that in forty days Nineveh would be destroyed, if they did not repent of their sins. The king and the people of Nineveh did repent in sackcloth and ashes, and they proclaimed a fast and changed their sinful lives. This pleased Me so much that I relented from destroying their city. The same message of asking the people of America to repent of their sins is now in front of you, but you are not listening. Despite many signs and a call to repentance, America is not repenting. Because of this, your country will be taken over by the one world people as your punishment. There are some people, who are praying for America, and I will protect those who are faithful to Me at My refuges. This Lenten Season is a call to prayer and fasting, so take heed because you have Me here in My Eucharist who is greater than Jonah.”

I asked Jesus for a title to the new DVD, and He gave me: “Prepare for the coming of Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke of an evil generation in My day, but now you have an evil generation that is even more perverted than in My time on earth. Because there are not enough prayer warriors to pray for the sins of the world, evil is tipping My scales of justice, and that is why evil appears to be getting worse. In every field, evil is infecting technology in movies, games, and pornographic images on the internet. You are accepting same sex marriage, euthanasia, and controlling the genes of babies. In your food production, your hybrid seeds are producing foods that cause cancers, allergies, autism, and other diseases. This is why this evil will soon come to an end with the Antichrist’s tribulation. I have allowed evil its hour, but when you see the Antichrist, know that My coming in judgment is near. Then the evil ones will be defeated, and I will usher in My Era of Peace for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, Americans are in love with their cars as a means of transportation. It is your relatively low priced fuels that allow your people to travel wherever they wish. They also enable people to drive a considerable distance from home to their workplace. Driving a car is becoming more complicated with chipped driver’s licenses and easy pass tracking devices. As the fuel cost, insurance cost, and license fees increase, it is becoming more expensive to keep a car on the road. Eventually, you will need chips to drive on most interstate roads. The chips in your car will enable the authorities to track where you are. When it is time to leave for My refuges, you can place your backpacks and food in your car, and your invisible shield will keep the evil ones from tracking you. You will not need chips in your devices at My refuges because such chips will not work there. Trust in My help to have your angels bring you to the nearest refuge.”


Thursday, February 21, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, as you take in this vision of the flames of hell, you realize the pain and agony that the souls in hell are constantly enduring. They feel the pain of the flames, but they are not consumed by them because they have spirit bodies. These souls are forever condemned to suffer this pain, the torments of the demons and their hate, and most of all they will never see Me or experience My love. These souls have chosen hell rather than accept and love Me, their Creator. Once you realize how horrific the suffering in hell is all about, you have a desire to save as many souls from hell as you can by evangelization. The other part of this vision is how some souls in the lower parts of purgatory are suffering flames also in purging their sins and the reparation due for their sins. These souls know that one day they will be with Me in heaven. They do not experience hate, but only the love of souls on earth who are praying for them. They do not see Me or experience My love, but My Blessed Mother consoles them some on her feast days. Please pray for these souls, and have Masses said for them when you know the names of the dead. The souls in lower purgatory will be suffering the longest of those souls who are there. The souls in upper purgatory do not suffer the flames, but they miss seeing Me and experiencing My love. Keep praying for sinners to avoid hell, and pray for the souls who are still suffering in purgatory. This punishment is hard to understand, but it is part of My Divine justice.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, life happens before you with many twists and turns that you are not expecting. It is not easy to be prepared for everything that is going to happen to you. You plan prudently for most things, but you need to trust in Me to protect you from unforeseen events that could threaten your life or the lives of your loved ones. Accidents, deaths, cancer, and many other events will happen in everyone’s life, but you should be able in faith to move on the best that you can. When you let Me lead your life, I will help you to cope with whatever comes your way. You all have a short time on this earth, so you need to use your time wisely to help souls to heaven and avoid hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as My faithful are setting up refuges to help My faithful during the tribulation, so the evil ones are building more detention center death camps. I have been trying to impress upon the people how important it will be for your body and soul to leave your homes for My refuges when I warn you. I explained before that My warning to leave will be similar to how St. Joseph was warned in a dream by an angel to take the Holy Family to Egypt so Herod could not kill Me. Torture and killing in the death camps will be difficult to endure. Remember that you will never be tested beyond your endurance as I will give you grace, and lessen any pain of death.”

Jesus said: “My people, I had to suffer greatly with all the torture of scourging, carrying My cross, and suffering the crucifixion for mankind’s sins. In the end times My faithful will be facing a severe persecution from the schismatic church and your government authorities with their corrupt laws. The criticism will become so intense that you will need to find places to hide from the evil ones who want to kill you. Eventually, your life will be so threatened that you will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones so hate the Christians that they will do almost anything to get rid of them. You will see planned mobs bring destruction on your homes with rocks, fire, and even guns. When your lives are in imminent danger, you will be forced to leave your homes for My refuges. Be thankful that My angels will make you invisible to your enemies so you can escape their threats.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you bring your backpacks, tents, and food to My refuges, you may have to use them until My angels can multiply the buildings and the food for everyone. Be calm and patient when you first come so refuges can be organized and help you with your needs. It will take some time to adjust to a rustic life without all of your former comforts. You will not have electronic entertainment, phones, or hot showers in most refuges. Do not complain about your food or your accommodations, but work to help each other. You will be protected by angels, so work on becoming more centered on prayer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are spoiled now with many creature comforts, but once you come to My refuges, you will have a more difficult life just to have a dwelling and something to eat. Everyone will have to work and share all the jobs of providing food, cooking, and washing clothes. I will provide the deer, food, water, and fuels for heat, as these things will be multiplied for the people. You will have healing by looking on My luminous cross, or by drinking the healing spring water. You will have daily Communion and perpetual Adoration. Be patient for less than 3½ years of the tribulation, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you are fasting between meals, not eating desserts, or denying yourselves of other comforts. This is good practice for when you will be living at My refuges. Even though these sufferings may be hard to endure, do not complain about your penances because you gain favor with Me when you bear with them. Offer up all of your suffering to Me because I suffered much more to atone for your sins. Whenever you think that you cannot bear your penances, focus on My cross to see how you could be suffering a lot more pain as I did for you.”


Friday, February 22, 2013: (Chair of St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, the Roman Catholic Church is the only true Church that I established when I built My Church on St. Peter and his successors. My Church has Me as the cornerstone, the Pope as your leader, and My sacraments, Mass, and traditions that no other church has. The Scriptures read today give witness to this: (Matt. 16:18-19) ‘And I say to thee, thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; and whatever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’ This reading shows how I will protect My faithful remnant from the evil ones, even until I return to defeat the evil people and the demons. This also affirms the authority of My priests to forgive sins in the confessional as they represent Me in My forgiveness of sins. This whole Lenten Season leads up to Holy Week when I gave up My life on the cross to atone for all the sins of mankind. It is this sacrifice of My Body and Blood that you remember at every Mass. Rejoice, My faithful, that you belong to Me as a part of My true Church. You are one body with Me.”


Saturday, February 23, 2013: (St. Polycarp)
Jesus said: “My people, in your older churches you had Communion rails and confessionals, along with many other traditions of six tall candles for High Masses. You bow or genuflect before receiving Holy Communion, and you genuflect as you come into church to give honor to My Real Presence in My tabernacle. This reverence for My Eucharist is weak, if not lost with some Catholics, but I am still present in My consecrated Hosts. Confessionals were more prominent in most older churches, but some churches do not have them in an obvious place. You remember when you had to wait in long lines on Saturday to go to Confession. Unfortunately, fewer people are going to Confession, yet there are even more mortal sins being committed today. Those, who live together in fornication and the like, are coming to Holy Communion with mortal sin on their souls without Confession, and they are committing mortal sins of sacrilege. My Ten Commandments have not changed, and people need to have a properly formed conscience. They should not rationalize their sins away. My faithful should also be coming to Confession at least once a month. Do not get spiritually lazy in avoiding Confession and your daily prayers, and remember to come to Sunday Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are about to use the HAARP machine to cause a large earthquake with a great display of colors in the sky before the earthquake. The violence of the microwaves will make an explosion that will cause a major power outage. This will be a land event that could cause some deaths, and it will take a while to restore any lost power. This machine could be used as blackmail against any country. It could also cause an EMP attack to put anyone’s communications and cars out of working order, as well as a power grid. As long as this machine and others are allowed to operate, you could see a continuous string of disasters that will continue to reduce the population, and give control over to the one world people. Be thankful that this evil age will be coming to a close when I will bring My Comet of Chastisement. Evil is having its hour for a short time, so keep faithful to Me, and I will protect you.”


Sunday, February 24, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you were reading about two covenants. In the first reading from Genesis, God made a covenant with the Jewish people that the land from the Wadi of Egypt to the Euphrates River would be their inheritance, and their people would be as many as the stars of the sky. There was also another covenant made by God the Father on Mt. Tabor at My Transfiguration. God the Father said: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ This was a preview of My Resurrection when the apostles saw Me in a glorified Body. I would be given up for all of mankind’s sins later on the cross. Just as the Jews were given a promised land, so I will give My faithful a promised land in My Era of Peace when I will give you a new heavens and a new earth. The vision of the wooden pencils signifies how each covenant was written down in both the Old and New Testaments. Even in today’s world, My prophets are writing down My words for your preparations of the coming tribulation. It is the Holy Spirit that inspired the writers of the Bible, and it is the Holy Spirit who helps you to write down My words. Give praise to God for all of these promises that will protect His people.”


Monday, February 25, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel there are two points to be made, one is about not judging others, and the other is about being able to forgive people. Remember that I am the only One to judge your neighbor because I know all the facts on everyone, and you do not. You may have an opinion of someone based on their actions, but do not judge or gossip about your neighbors. Regarding forgiveness, you should be able to forgive someone as you would want someone to forgive you. Living by the golden rule of do unto others how you would want them to do unto you, follows what I said of using the same rule of measuring actions for everyone. By not judging and dealing fairly with one another, you can live in harmony with your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard many legends about the ‘Holy Grail’ in that it had healing gifts. This was the cup of wine that I consecrated as My Blood at the first Mass at the Last Supper. This was celebrated at the Jewish Passover called the Seder Supper. At every Mass, the wine is consecrated by the priest into My Precious Blood at the Consecration. This first Mass happened before I died on Good Friday, and you remember this event on Holy Thursday of Holy Week. I also want My faithful during Lent to pray My Stations of the Cross on Friday. This ‘Holy Grail’ is a relic, but its whereabouts is not firmly known. The important message is that My Body and Blood were offered up in atonement for all the sins of mankind. This salvation from the bonds of sin is a gift to everyone to accept on faith. You can come to Me in the priest in Confession, and My Blood washes away your sins from your soul. I am the perfect Sacrificial Lamb that is the only worthy Sacrifice acceptable to My Father in heaven for all of you.”


Tuesday, February 26, 2013: (Jaclyn Viti’s funeral Mass)
At the Historic St. John’s Church after Communion I could feel the pain in Jaclyn’s spirit at the casket. Her spirit reached out to me so she could give some words of consolation to her family. She said: “Dear Chris, Mom, and Dad, I am so sorry for my actions, please forgive me. I was in such a deep sense of depression from my teaching job that I used some pills which made me feel even worse. The medicine drove me to do what I did. I love all of you so much, and I am sorry that I let all of you down with the baby and everything. Our Lord had compassion on my situation, and I am in middle purgatory. I will be praying for all of you, and I could use some Masses to help me. Please forgive me again, and I love all of you so much.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country is very susceptible to an EMP (electromotive pulse) attack that could stop all transportation in a given area. Such a pulse could also destroy microchips in your computers, appliances, and cell phones. There are nuclear bombs, EMP machines, solar flares, and the HAARP machine that could cause such destruction that would bring you back to your vacuum tube era. The vacuum tube communications would be a good backup because they are not affected by EMP. The second vision is about destroying parts of your electric grid by causing power surges with the HAARP machine. When the one world people want to take over, they would find a way to destroy or turn off your power. You have become so dependent on electricity that your people would have many problems with a long lasting power outage, especially in the winter. Many of My refuges do not require electricity, but you will need other means for heating and cooking. Trust in My protection at My refuges, despite all of the evil plans of the one world people.”


Wednesday, February 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I know all of your physical needs, and I will provide your necessities, but not all of your wants that could cause you more problems. In the Gospel St. John and St. James wanted to be at My right hand and at My left hand in heaven, but it was not My place to give it to them. This is also true in people that pray for things that they do not really need. I answer your prayers, but in some cases you should accept that I will say ‘NO’ because it is not good for your soul. Pray to help people’s souls and your own soul, and do not be concerned about praying for material things that are not part of your necessities beyond what you have. You do not always know or think about the big picture of your life, since I know too much wealth and too many possessions can affect your putting earthly things before Me. Focus more on serving Me and your neighbor, instead of desiring material things beyond your necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, an earthquake that would cause a major tsunami wave would have to be 8.0 or higher. This vision of a tsunami wave spreading out over the Pacific Ocean could cause major damage along the coastlines. If this happened along the Western coast of America, major cities on the ocean could be impacted. Pray that these people could get some kind of warning to get to higher ground. Such large earthquakes could be caused by the HAARP machine for a specific reason, or in retaliation for not following the requests of the one world people. I have told you that the one world people are using this machine to cause disasters, and a reduction in the population. They are following the orders of Satan, who is instigating all the evil in the world. These evil ones will be punished for their crimes, but for a while My faithful may suffer from these disasters. I will warn My people when your lives will be in danger, and it will be necessary to come to My refuges of protection.”


Thursday, February 28, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you see the stark contrast between those people who live for their own pleasures, and those who suffer in this world, but they are rewarded in the next life in heaven. The rich man had an opportunity to help feed Lazarus and to take care of his sores, but the rich man did not even pay attention to Lazarus. There are many people in this life who ignore Me and the poor as well. If they only care for themselves, and do not love Me or their neighbor, then they could be on the path to hell like the rich man. Once the rich man was suffering in hell, he sought some comfort, but received none. The rich man wanted to warn his brothers, but he was not allowed. Even as I died and rose from the dead, there are still people who will not listen to My words of love. If people do not choose to accept and love Me, they are risking the fires of hell. Pray to convert these souls, so they do not have to suffer forever in hell.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, today is the day that Pope Benedict XVI has resigned, and the College of Cardinals will be convened to elect a new Pope. This is an unusual election after a resigning Pope. All of the Roman Catholic Church should be praying for this new Pope, and that the Holy Spirit will oversee this election. This is a pivotal year where many unusual events will be occurring, and this election is one of them.”

Jesus said: “My people, the sequester reduction in government spending was a result of a compromise in raising the National Debt ceiling last year. The Congress and the President voted for this, so they need to see it through. This is a relatively small cut despite all of the rhetoric that used false facts. Your growing National Debt needs to be reduced or your debt will be handed on to your children and grandchildren. You will be seeing even more battles over your National Debt ceiling this year, and your Continuing Budget Resolution. Pray that your government can get its fiscal house in order.”

Jesus said: “My people, some are complaining about cutting $85 billion this year in government spending. But where are the complaints about your Federal Reserve buying $85 billion per month of your bad mortgages and long term Treasury Notes. This is expanding the money supply by writing bonds out of thin air with no backing. They are stealing your mortgages, and keeping interest rates artificially low which is stealing money from savers. Yet no one is complaining or realizing the theft that is being carried out by the central bankers. These thieves will face My wrath and punishment in due time.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given this message before about a coming division in My Roman Catholic Church. This will be a conflict between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will be teaching heresies in worshiping things of the New Age, and that sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. My faithful remnant will be teaching what My apostles taught, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Pray that those, who follow the faithful remnant, will find protection at My refuges because they will be persecuted.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent leads up to My death on the cross on Good Friday of Holy Week. I want My faithful to pray My Stations of the Cross on every Lenten Friday. I suffered and died on the cross for the salvation of souls from their sins. By praying My Stations of the Cross, you can remember how much I love each of you, and how I suffered this crucifixion so souls could be set free from their sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I hear all of your cries of pain and frustration with your daily life’s trials. I experienced a lot worse pain in verbal abuse as well as My physical suffering in My scourging, carrying the cross, and My crucifixion. I know your human experiences, and you can call on Me to help you. Offer up all of your pain and frustrations to Me, and share it with My suffering on the cross. I share your pain because I am still suffering for all of your current sins. Try to suffer your trials of life without complaining, as I was silent.”

Jesus said: “My people, the whole intention of your Lenten devotions is to repent of your sins, and improve your spiritual life. The best way to repent is to confess your sins to the priest in Confession at least once a month. I actually forgive your sins through the priest’s absolution. You remember the parable of the ‘Prodigal Son’ and how the son finally returned to his father for forgiveness after spending his father’s money on bad living. I am that forgiving father with My arms outstretched ready to receive all sinners. I am merciful, loving, and forgiving, so come to Me so I can restore grace to your soul.”


Friday, March 1, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s two readings have many parallels of meaning. In the first reading about Joseph, you can see how his brothers sold him into slavery to the people in the caravan for twenty pieces of silver. Many can remember how Judas sold Me as his brother for thirty pieces of silver. In the first reading this bad deed was turned into good when Joseph enabled his people to be saved from a famine by saving the wheat in the seven fat years. The bad deed of killing Me was used to save My people from their sins. In the parable of the tenants of the vineyard, the king had his servants and his son go to the tenants for the father’s produce, but they killed the servants and dragged his son outside of the town. When I asked the Jews what the king would do, they even said the king would put the tenants to death, and give the vineyard over to other people. Then the Jews realized that they were the evil tenants that would kill God’s Son, and God the Father will give the vineyard of the Church to others. I quoted to them from Scripture how the builders would reject the cornerstone in Me. They would drag Me outside of town and crucify Me, but I will have My victory in the end, but first I would have My Resurrection from the dead.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you some suggestions for your Lenten devotions. One extra devotion would be to try and make some frequent visits to My Blessed Sacrament, if you are not already coming. Another suggestion when you are adoring Me, is to pray for My help in removing any demons of distraction that can keep you from focusing on your prayers. A third suggestion is to take about five to ten minutes and concentrate on contemplative prayer in quiet time before Me so you can listen to My voice. By doing things to come closer to Me, you are preparing for the time when you will be with Me in heaven, as being One in spirit with Me. I reach out to share My love with My adorers because they are truly sincere in their love for Me.”


Saturday, March 2, 2013: (Prodigal Son Parable)
Jesus said: “My people, you know that I will forgive anyone’s sins, if they come to Me in true repentance and seeking My forgiveness. It takes some spiritual fortitude to admit your sins, and be willing to confess them monthly in Confession. When you come to Confession, you do not see the long lines of former years. This is the problem with Catholics today, in that their faith has fallen asleep, and they are so lax that they are fortunate to come to Sunday Mass, let alone come to Confession. This cleansing process should be done often, even if you only have venial sins on your soul. Because of Adam’s sin, mankind is weak to sin, which is why you need the grace of a good Confession. By examining your conscience, you need to admit your failings in telling your sins to the priest. Do not be lazy, and do not keep putting off going to Confession. Pull yourselves up out of your spiritual sleep, and be awake again in My grace.”

(Anticipation Mass for Sunday) Jesus said: “My people, you have a time for a collection for the Catholic Relief Fund coming up. This is a missionary fund to help the poor all over the world and to help with disasters. It may be easier to give to local charities like your food shelves, but do not forget the intention for people overseas. You have many collections that you feel obligated to help, but this is only once a year. Giving alms to the poor should be one of your Lenten devotions, so you can share your wealth with those in need. The poor you will always have with you, but do not forget them because you can see Me in them. Be gracious in your donations, and you can share with charities all year long.”


Sunday, March 3, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I explained to the people that I was not the prince of demons who cast out the demon from the possessed man, or else Satan’s kingdom would be divided. Instead, it is by the power of God that I cast out demons, and I am still casting them out through exorcist priests and through prayers of deliverance. You are seeing smoke in the church which is coming from the Masons in My Church. Beware of a coming split in My Church where a schismatic church will be teaching heresies of the New Age. My people should be able to recognize these false teachings because these evil ones will be worshiping created things instead of their Creator. My faithful remnant will need to go underground in the homes, and eventually to My refuges of protection.”


Monday, March 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you had an intention to have a new DVD made for your talk, and you learned that it is hard to force things by your own work. After several failures, you learned to trust in the novena prayers of St. Therese. When you did the nine days of prayers, your video went well the first time. After your prayer was answered, you did the nine days of the prayers of thanksgiving. It is not just enough to have faith that I will answer your prayer intention, but your novena prayers are like fasting that also shows your trust in St. Therese’s intercession for you. Now, you have other prayer intentions to help you with this Divine Mercy Chapel. You need to plan the bishop’s approval along with any of your building plans. Just as it seemed too simple for Naaman to cleanse seven times in the Jordan River, so it is also simple to start praying your novena prayers to St. Therese, and your intention will have a better hearing from Me.”

For Sue: Jesus said: “My people, Sue’s death was very sudden and her family is mourning her death. She has suffered much in her life, and she is with Me now in heaven. Sue will be praying for her family and consoling them. She loves all of you so much, and she was sorry that she had to leave so suddenly.”

Jesus said: “My people, this large python snake moving about inside a church is another example of how Satan is represented as a serpent who is dividing My Church. Satan is inspiring a division in My Church, and he will be leading many souls astray in a schismatic church that will follow New Age teachings. It will be My faithful remnant that will keep My true apostolic teaching of My words of the Gospel. This good church will teach My love and peace. The schismatic church will teach hate and confusion of the devil. Avoid following any church that promotes New Age principles that worship things, and not Me. My faithful remnant will face persecution from the schismatic church and from your government. When your lives are in danger, I will warn you that it is time to come to My refuges. Give thanks that I have called many people to set up refuges as safe havens for My faithful who will need My protection.”


Tuesday, March 5, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this Lenten Season will lead up to My death on the cross, and then to My Resurrection from the dead. I came as a man so I could offer My life up to My Father in atonement for all of the sins of mankind. It is not easy to think about preparing for your death, but all of you are appointed to die one day. This life is a preparation for the next life in heaven, and your earthly life is over in a relatively short time, compared to eternity. You want to have your soul ready every day in case you may die this day. The best way to keep a pure soul for facing Me at your judgment, is to pray every day, confess your sins in Confession at least monthly, and let Me be the Master of your life. When you pray for intentions, let them be focused on saving your soul and the souls of all sinners. You do not want to see any soul condemned to hell, so keep praying persistently for your friends and relatives. I want My people to love everyone, even your enemies. I also want you to be able to forgive everyone, even seventy times seven times. Strive to be holy and perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Dove of the Holy Spirit as a Light of hope during the coming age of My Era of Peace. In the years going up to My coming on earth, you had the age of My heavenly Father. In the years after My birth until the beginning of the Era of Peace, this is My era. You always have the Presence of the Holy Trinity because we are always Three Persons in One God. Rejoice in all of these eras of time that are reflecting Our individual charisms.”


Wednesday, March 6, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Me as a river flowing with life and grace, is like the ‘Living Water’ that I spoke of to the woman at the well. Those, who receive My Body and Blood, will have eternal life. Everyone has a choice in this life to either choose Me or not. You can only come to heaven through Me. This is why Moses instructed his people to ‘Choose Life’ by following God’s Commandments of loving God and their neighbors as themselves. Some people choose to follow the world and its many addictions, and they are on the road to hell if they do not turn from their sin and follow Me. I am leading you on the right path to heaven by giving your will over to Me so I can be the Master of your lives. By following what I want you to do, you can fulfill the mission that I have for your life. If you follow only your own will, you will be misled and you could be lost forever. So I tell My faithful to follow My laws, do good works for your neighbor, and show your love for Me and your neighbor in all that you do. Those, who choose life with Me, will have eternal life in heaven as their reward.”


Thursday, March 7, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see the parallels of the evil society of Jeremiah’s day with your own evil society of today. You know My Commandments, and I have asked your people many times to stop your abortions and repent of your sins. Just as in Jeremiah’s day, the people then did not listen to his words, nor are the people of America listening to My words. The more significant parallel is how Israel was defeated as a punishment, and America also will fall as a punishment for its sins. Israel was exiled in Babylon for over seventy years. Now, I will allow the one world people to take over America because your sexual sins and abortions are calling for My justice. You have your prison system to atone for people’s crimes, but I also have My ways of exacting My justice when people are defiant of My laws. I have given your people many extensions of time to change, but you are only getting worse in your sins. My punishment has to come, and you are seeing signs of the end of America’s reign as you know it.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these two spotlights represent how your government and the one world people want to know all of your movements and associations. You have smart cards, chipped passports and driver’s licenses, Easy passes, and cell phones with chips that allow people to follow you. Even your bank records, charge card patterns, and telephone records are known by the police, and other government agencies. You are seeing the beginnings of total control over your citizens that will bring on mandatory chips in the body. Refuse these chips that could control your free will.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an investigation of the use of drones in America to track terrorists and drug smugglers. What has some Congress people upset, is the possibility of drones killing any American citizens. This could be used to eliminate political opposition, or for persecuting Christians or patriots, who are the targets for the one world people. Pray that everyone’s rights will be protected.”

Jesus said: “My people, now that the chair of St. Peter is vacant, the College of Cardinals will soon convene a conclave to elect a new Pope. Pray for their deliberations as they call on the Holy Spirit to help choose a new Pontiff. This is a major event, and it is important for the Pope to lead My people in faith and morals.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing one financial crisis after another. Your Congress has to authorize the spending of your budget up to October, which is the end of the fiscal year. They also need to raise the National Debt Ceiling. These issues have caused gridlock in the past. Pray that you could see a bipartisan agreement on running your government in a responsible manner. Each political party wants to have control over what is decided.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuing set of disasters from tornadoes in the South and snow storms in the Northeast. Some have lost their homes to wind and flooding. These continuous storms are making it difficult to rebuild homes and restore the power outages. Pray for these people, and help them where you can with donations or physical help. These disasters have taken a toll on your national economy.”

Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you make some penances to help you in your spiritual lives. Fasting and prayer can be a struggle over the body’s complaints. The body strives for comforts, but the soul knows that it is necessary to restrain the body’s desires that could lead to sin. The more progress you could make in your prayer life, the better your spiritual life can be. By struggling to grow closer to Me in My sacraments, you will have a profitable Lent. Look at your progress in Lent so far, and keep faithful to your devotions, penances, and almsgiving.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a strong need to pray for priestly vocations, and that the clergy remain faithful to their vocations. Some people have had an opportunity to make donations for educating priests in the seminary and to provide facilities for retired and aging priests. You need the priests for Mass and the distribution of the sacraments. These clergy need your physical and spiritual support, so keep them in your daily prayers.”


Friday, March 8, 2013: (St. John of God)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how I am LOVE, and everything that I do, is done out of love for My creations. The Commandments that are spoken of in the Gospel, are all about love of God and love of neighbor. Loving everyone is the model that I give to My faithful so there can be harmony in the world and not war. Do not fight over land or money out of greed because this is at the base of your wars. Even in your politics in government there is a greed for power and control, instead of compromise for the good of the people. You also have a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil. It is Satan and the demons that are stirring up the people to crave power and money. Satan is also behind the powers of the death culture that promotes abortion, euthanasia, wars, and viruses that kill people. Because of the coming persecution of My faithful, this is why My refuges have been prepared as places of protection. Pray for the conversion of sinners and help to evangelize souls over to the faith so they can be saved from hell. You have the virtues of faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see the ripples in the water going out in all directions, this represents how My Word is being taken to all corners of the globe by My missionaries. I have asked My people to go out and preach My Good News to all the nations so they can hear My Word and be saved. There are still some secluded areas that need to be evangelized with conversions. One of your best moments is when you can bring My Word of the Gospel to someone, and that person agrees to accept Me into his or her life. Evangelizing people into the faith is such a rewarding experience. Being able to save a soul from hell is also a beautiful gift. I applaud all of My faithful who reach out to evangelize souls, because it takes spiritual courage to invite people to know Me. All of the souls, that you bring to Me, will testify on your behalf at your judgment. Keep praying for the conversion of poor sinners, especially those in your own family.”


Saturday, March 9, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I gave this parable about the Pharisee and the publican to show the difference between pride and sincere sorrow for sin. The Pharisee was thankful that he was not a sinner like the publican. He also was proud of his donations and keeping the law, but he was not asking for forgiveness of his sins or even admitting them. The publican was humble in beating his chest, and he said: ‘Forgive Me, as I am a sinner.’ I told the people that the publican went home justified in his humble prayer, but the Pharisee received nothing for his pride. It is mercy that I desire, and not sacrifices of animals. Those, who exalt themselves, will be humbled, but those, who humble themselves, will be exalted.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a new weapon that was designed to try and destroy meteors, asteroids, comets, and even satellites. Many of these objects are traveling at very fast speeds, so these projectiles from the gun would have to be accelerated at fast speeds as well. There is such a device as a ‘rail gun’ that you could research. There are also some powerful laser beams that have been used in attempts to destroy satellites. This new weapon employs both of these technologies, and it could have been used to explode the recent meteor that struck in Russia. There are many such secret weapons in the arsenals of America and Russia. Pray that such weapons are used to defend the planet and not so much for wars.” Note: Rail guns are being looked at for ships, and they send projectiles out at 5,400 mph from 100 to 200 miles away from their target.


Sunday, March 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, the parable of the Prodigal Son shows the wayward son as drawn to earthly pleasures with his father’s money. When the money was gone, then he became a beggar for something to eat. This is true of all earthly things and pleasures in that they pass away very quickly, and they leave people empty and wanting. Deep down the soul is constantly seeking a spiritual peace that can only be satisfied in Me. Just as the son was seeking something to eat physically, many people are seeking the spiritual peace that they find when they receive My Bread of life in My Eucharist. When you have sinned grievously, you also are seeking God’s forgiveness in Confession. When the son returned, he was lost and now is found by his father. When a soul returns by conversion or re-conversion, that soul finds Me in My sacraments, and the soul is found and is protected from being lost in hell.”


Monday, March 11, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you desire to save someone from a fire in a burning building, so you should also want to save someone’s soul from the flames of hell. You can see people’s behavior, especially if they are living together in sin, and they are not coming to Sunday Mass. You are not judging such people, but you know they are endangering their souls to judgment in hell. You need to reach out to such souls out of love, to warn them that they are risking their souls that could be judged by Me to hell. Even if you know they will not like you for telling them, you need to warn them about saving their souls because you love them. It is even harder to warn souls in your own family, but you do not want to see them go to hell. These souls will face a real wake-up call at the Warning, if they live that long. It is better to wake up souls now before it may be too late when they die.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing these three ugly demons that are trying to affect the outcome of the election of a new Pope. I will have My angels and the Holy Spirit watch over this current election. Even though you have a human element in this decision, My Church will be protected. I keep telling you that you will see a division in My Church where some clergy will follow a New Age schismatic church, and some will follow My faithful remnant. It is My faithful remnant that will keep My apostolic teachings, and they will go underground to avoid persecution. This division in My Church is not an easy thing to explain, but My faithful need to be warned so that they are not misled by New Age teachings and demons trying to affect their minds. As the Antichrist comes to power, My faithful will need to leave for My refuges. Be ready to leave at a moment’s notice.”


Tuesday, March 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed a man at the pools of Bethesda on the Sabbath, and the Jews stirred up the people against Me for healing people on the Sabbath. Instead of rejoicing that someone was healed, the Jews were more interested in killing Me in order to stop My new teachings. This is just another instance that led up to My crucifixion on the cross. Healing water is an actual physical thing as at the grotto in Lourdes, France. There will also be healing spring water at all of My refuges. There were some healings at this pool in Israel when the angel stirred the water. Water is also a spiritual sacramental when it is blessed into holy water. You use water also in the rite of Baptism. Holy water and blessed salt can be used to fight off the demons. Water is an essential need for the body to survive, which is why fresh water is needed for everyone. Give praise to Me for all the people who are healed and blessed with holy water.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are quite comfortable in your present living conditions because you have control over your heating and cooling, and many other comforts. When you come to My refuges, you may have to bear some inconveniences for not enough heat in the winter, and little cooling in the summer heat. Your meals will be at different times, and you may have to eat different foods than you are used to. Even showers may not always be available, especially little hot water. Many of these things may not be hard to bear, given a danger to your life as an alternative. This penance of living a rustic life will only be for a short time of less than 3½ years. Those, who are faithful, will have their health restored, and a beautiful reward in My Era of Peace and in heaven. Keep following My Commandments, and keep your souls cleansed with frequent Confession. By letting Me run your life, you will have eternal life with Me in heaven. Your time in My Era of Peace and in heaven, will be more rewarding than any earthly comfort or pleasure.”


Wednesday, March 13, 2013:
God the Father said: “I AM who AM is here to describe My side of the Gospel for those who think I am a stern Father. I sent many prophets and leaders to Israel to lead them on the right path, but they refused to listen, and they killed many of the prophets. I did not condemn individuals, but the general people had to see some punishment because Israel kept falling into idolatry against Me. I am love and mercy as much as My Son, Jesus, and I did many things out of love for saving the souls of My people. The most loving act is that I sent My only Begotten Son to save the people from their sins through His sacrifice. Even in your evil society of today, My Son and I are warning your people to repent and stop your abortions. Our justice will again be called down in punishment for your sins. Evil will have its hour for a short time, but then the evil ones will be cast into hell when they face the Comet of Chastisement. My faithful will be protected, but a harsh punishment is coming because of your sins and a reluctance to repent of them. We love man, but the evil ones will meet Our justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene shows a funeral procession of a head of state that died from an accident or an act of violence. You have seen several shooting incidents with various leaders, and even with Pope John Paul II. With so many recent gun incidents, it is possible that an assassin could be chipped to perform such a killing. Even when the Antichrist comes into power, he will do away with the current world leaders so he could put his own people in power. When leaders leave their office, the people usually have an election to replace them. Getting a fair election is becoming a difficulty in many countries. Pray for your leaders so they can be protected from any terrorist attack.”


Thursday, March 14, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel of St. John, he speaks about My words as an extension of the law of Moses. My words of love of God and love of neighbor are a fulfillment of the Ten Commandments. Moses was with Me on Mt. Tabor in My Transfiguration to give witness to My words, but I am also a witness to God the Father because I am His only Begotten Son. I was sent to the earth to save the souls of mankind from their sins. In a few weeks you will read about My sacrifice on the cross in Holy Week. My sacrifice is the ultimate sacrifice of an unblemished Lamb, as I was sinless. St. John’s Gospel focuses more on My Divinity as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and the Son of God. It was because I claimed to be God’s Son that the Jews wanted to kill Me for being a blasphemer, but in actuality I spoke the truth. Even so, the Jews did not believe Me because they thought that they knew My origins from Nazareth. They did not realize that I was born in Bethlehem, and that everything that I did was foretold in the Scriptures. Believe that I am truly God’s Son, for God has truly visited His people and has brought salvation to everyone who accepts Him.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all happy to have a new Pope, and many were surprised by the election of a Cardinal from Argentina. Some were also amazed at his humility in having the people pray for him, and that he took local transportation. He also chose St. Francis of Assisi as his name for Pope. You are being blessed with someone who treasures the Eucharist and My Blessed Mother. He is outside the Vatican, and he will have a chance to heal any problems in My Church. My faithful need to pray for the success of his papacy.”

Jesus said: “My people, everyone cannot endure a true monastic life, but prayer and fasting is a Lenten style of life. During Lent it is good to think of repenting as you come to Confession. If everyone repented of their sins, America could be saved, much like Nineveh was spared. Keep praying for the conversion of sinners and the stoppage of abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of your most important rights is to be able to worship Me freely in public. As many of your individual rights are being challenged, this right of freedom of religion is being harassed by atheists. The devil and his workers are doing everything to eliminate My Name in public prayer and the display of My Ten Commandments. As America turns its back on Me, My faithful will see an increase in persecution until you will need to have secret prayer meetings in the homes, and eventually at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Warning will bring everyone before Me at the same time, so each person can focus on the unforgiven sins seen in that person’s life review. This will be a wake-up call to see the direction where each soul is headed. After your life review, each person will witness the destination of his or her judgment of heaven, hell, or purgatory, and see what it is like in that place. This will not only be a preparation to change one’s life, but it will be a preparation to endure the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Avoid taking the mark of the beast and do not worship him. Call on My help to save your soul from hell and the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Bible it talks about not following false prophets, and to avoid those who are preaching heresies. My faithful need to be well read in the Scriptures by Bible study so you can recognize any false teachers who may mislead the people in the end times. Be especially watchful of anyone who teaches New Age principles who worships things and not Me. At times curiosity in New Age and the occult can mislead people away from Me. Stand your ground, and defend your faith in Me, regardless of how much you are criticized.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that Satan’s time is running out, so the evil people will be moving quickly to allow the Antichrist to have his hour. Events will be changing, and the persecution of Christians and patriots will be getting worse. When your very lives will be threatened, you will need to collect your things and allow My angels to lead you to My refuges of protection. You saw how quickly Hitler took over, and the Jews were quickly restricted of their rights and were systematically eliminated. You will see the same death threats in detention center death camps carried out against Christians, so be prepared to go into hiding at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just a week or so of Lent left, so keep praying and offering up your penances to Me on My cross. Prepare to attend the Holy Week services so you can fully appreciate how much I suffered for each soul out of love for you. This gift of My suffering is My gift to all souls, so accept Me into your lives so you can be saved from hell and be with Me in heaven.”


Friday, March 15, 2013:
St. Therese said: “My dear son, you have been busy in praying my novenas both for your new DVD and for your friend’s request from the bishop. You also were proper in continuing your prayers of thanksgiving for prayers answered. I directed your prayer requests to Jesus, as I was your intercessor. I have helped you in many ways as your spiritual director. Keep attending Mass, your Adoration, and praying your daily prayers, and Our Lord will look kindly over your evangelization efforts. You also are watchful in your monthly Confessions and your almsgiving. I have heard your prayers for a successful sharing of Jesus’ messages at your talks. The Holy Spirit will give you what to say at your meetings. You are doing a beautiful work in sharing Jesus’ messages and warnings for these end times. Keep close to my Jesus in His Blessed Sacrament, and He will guide you in your work.”


Saturday, March 16, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the people plotted to kill Jeremiah because they did not want to hear his words of how I was displeased with their sins. They did not want to repent. In a similar way the Jews plotted to kill Me because I healed people on the Sabbath, and I told them that I was God’s Son. Also, today the one world people are plotting to kill all Christians for their new world order. This vision of an underground church is how My faithful will need to hide from the coming persecution. Eventually, you will need to come to My refuges of protection because of the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your needs at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

To Margaret: Jesus said: “My dear daughter, thank you for being faithful to the mission that I have asked of you. There will be faithful people led to your dwelling so you can share a place of protection for them. I will send angels of protection to shield your home from the evil ones. The angels will give you Holy Communion every day and provide for your food and water. Keep trusting in My Word through the coming trial.”


Sunday, March 17, 2013: (St. Patrick’s Day)
St. Patrick said: “My dear son, I am happy to greet all of you on my feast day, but Sunday Mass has taken precedence over my celebration in church. A while ago, I invited you to Ireland, the land of your family’s heritage. You also saw your family briefly with your father, your grandfather, Adelaide, and the rest of your family. I was happy that you had two opportunities to visit Ireland. I came to Ireland as a foreigner so I could spread the Catholic faith there. Many Irish Catholics have immigrated to America, as your great grandfather. I only pray that my Irish adopted people can stay close to Jesus in their Christian beliefs. I know you like to wear green to honor me, but also remember the shamrock as a belief in the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. I love all of you, and I have a special love for the Irish people. America is a blend of many ethnic backgrounds, and it is blessed in many ways. The people of America need to repent of their sins, or they will lose their blessings. Keep faithful to Jesus, and keep remembering your family’s heritage in Ireland because it is who you are.”


Monday, March 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this shrine will be a refuge for the people to come, and My Blessed Mother and I will keep Gordon company for taking on watching over these grounds. The stream of water on these grounds will not go dry so the people will have water during the tribulation. You will have angels and My luminous cross here to provide for the people. They will provide bedding and multiply food for the people. The angels will bring you Holy Communion daily if you do not have a priest. Rejoice that My Blessed Mother and I are watching over this shrine with a mantle of invisibility to the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the feast of My foster father, St. Joseph, in how he was shown by an angel to lead the Holy Family to Egypt to avoid having Herod kill Me. Herod killed all the new born boys and they are called the Holy Innocents. In the vision you are seeing all the aborted babies, and how serious these killings are because you have killed more babies than all of those killed in your wars. Every country, like America, is responsible for all the babies who were killed because of your abortion decision in your Supreme Court. You need to keep praying and struggling to stop the abortions in America. You have tried to have the mothers at the abortion clinics change their minds, but such sidewalk counseling is difficult. America will suffer a punishment as a nation for all of these killings.”


Tuesday, March 19, 2013: (St. Joseph)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was a protector of the Holy Family as he led us to Egypt. You can also call on him to protect your family as well. He also was a good teacher, as he taught Me the carpenter trade. In the Gospel, St. Joseph was instructed by an angel to accept My Blessed Mother into his home, even though she was with child by the Holy Spirit. He was very trusting in God, no matter what difficulties he encountered. He had to take My Blessed Mother to Bethlehem to register, and he had to suffer the embarrassment of having Me born in a stable. Many of you can have trust in Me like St. Joseph did, by imitating his simple ways of faith. Keep your peace, despite all of the trials of life, and trust in Me for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the prophets of the Old Testament and the evangelists of the New Testament write down their words that were inspired by the Holy Spirit. I have My prophets in all ages that have revealed My words to My people, including the end times. My words are precious, and they need to be shared with My faithful so they can be prepared for the coming tribulation. There are many prophets in these end times, and you need to discern their messages to tell which ones may be false and misleading. You can also discern their messages by any resulting good deeds that could come from their work. My son needs to keep praying for the Holy Spirit’s help to write down My messages, and to test the spirit of the words written down.”


Wednesday, March 20, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many tyrant leaders that want to control their people by forcing them to worship them, or their gods. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were very strong in their belief in the one true God, and it was against all of their beliefs to worship alien gods. Even when they were threatened with death in the white hot furnace, they refused to worship the king’s statue. They would rather die as martyrs than offend God in sin. As a reward for their faith, they were not killed in the fire, and the king believed that their God is God. Even in today’s evil age, My faithful will also be tested in their faith. There will come a time when My faithful will have to refuse to take a chip in the body, and refuse to worship the Antichrist, even if you are threatened with death. I will warn My faithful when to leave their homes for the safety of My refuges, so you are not killed by the men in black who will be coming to the homes to demand chips in the body. Those, who stay in their homes, are risking martyrdom, if they refuse to take chips in the body.”

(Seder Supper) Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish people have their Seder Supper every year to commemorate the Passover when the angel of death passed over the homes of the Israelites that had blood on their doorways. It was this Passover Meal that I shared with My apostles at the Last Supper before I died on Good Friday on the cross. When I consecrated the bread and wine, this would become My Real Body and Blood when I suffered death on the cross. There is a miracle of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood at every Mass when the priest performs the Consecration.”

Jesus said: “My people, the high unemployment rate in America has been slow to come down because many good paying jobs went over to China. Now, the cost of labor and shipping has increased in China so much that some jobs are being brought back or to other countries. The new technology in oil and natural gas in America will be making more jobs with less money going to pay for foreign crude oil. This also could bring more wealth into your country. These positive improvements could be countered by the out of control government spending on the military and entitlements. America cannot keep having trillion dollar deficits every year, because the National Debt will grow faster than your income even just to pay the interest. These large deficits show an obvious need for reductions in spending besides any political disagreements. Collecting more taxes will not solve the deficit problem if the spending is out of control. More taxes also will reduce the income for working people. If more taxes only pay for the increase in spending, then there will not be enough money to pay the interest on the National Debt, and the economy will suffer. Your government is getting so large that it is consuming most of the available capital, and businesses are left struggling. Pray for more help to the middle class, who have decreasing incomes over the years, while entitlement payments are increasing rapidly.”


Thursday, March 21, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, the meaning of ‘Abraham’ is a father of a multitude, while ‘Abram’ means exalted father. His name was changed to signify a covenant that was made by God with Israel in that Abraham would be a father of many nations, and the land was their inheritance. This covenant was given before Isaac was born, so there was a miracle in giving birth at such an old age. This covenant eventually fulfills another covenant with Me coming from the line of King David. I am the fulfillment of the Old Testament, as I started My Church and I established what is called the New Testament. My covenant with man is that My death on the cross would be the worthy sacrifice that would bring salvation to all of mankind that accept Me. I am promising eternal life with Me in heaven for all of My faithful who follow My Commandments in seeking the forgiveness of their sins, and who allow Me to be Master of their lives. Those, who do not repent of their sins, and do not accept Me in love, are on the road to hell if they do not change their lives. Rejoice in this Easter message of salvation that all of you are promised after this life.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to enter Holy Week when you will hear all the accounts of how I suffered and died on Good Friday. In the vision you saw how I was scourged with whips that tore off My flesh all over My body. You also saw how I was mocked as a king with a crown of thorns that was pushed down into My skull. I am still suffering on the cross for your many sins. My faithful also are suffering in this life, and your persecution will get worse during the tribulation. Be patient in your trials, for you will see your reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some banks they are not even paying 1% in interest. If the banks ever take 10% of the people’s deposits, then you will see a run on the bank’s deposits, and there will be a collapse of the Cypress banks. There are still billions of euros worth of debts that could cause a bank failure, if some money is not found to bail out these banks. There is concern in the European Union that any failures could spread to other countries. These unstable finances in Cypress is the beginning of the financial problems that I mentioned in a previous message.”(2-15-13)

Jesus said: “My people, you had some reduced crops last year and now you will be paying more for food that is in short supply. I told My people to stock up on a year’s supply of food so you will be ready for a coming world famine. If you have another year of crop shortages, you could see declining supplies of food that could cause some serious food shortages. If you have riots over bank problems now, imagine the riots you will have when people do not have enough food to eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is concern in Israel if America will not aid Israel if the Arab countries attack Israel. America sends billions of dollars to Israel in foreign aid every year. With Iran building nuclear weapons, Israel may carry out its strike on Iran’s nuclear program. This could trigger a larger war in this area. Pray that war does not start, and that peace is sustained.”

Jesus said: “My people, this body without a head in the casket, represents America when the one world people will take over your country. You may even see a dictatorship in America when martial law and the military take over with Executive Orders in place. When America faces a bankruptcy when the dollar crashes, there will be riots like in Cypress that will precipitate a martial law takeover. Be prepared to come to My refuges at the beginning of these riots.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent, and now, tomorrow is your last Friday. So do not forget to pray these Stations of the Cross. Good Friday will have a separate service where you will hear the account of My death on the cross. You will also honor Me by kissing My cross before you receive Me in Holy Communion. Friday is a somber day when you commemorate My death on the cross. It is this same cross that remains on your altars all year long so you remember how much I love each of you.”

Jesus said: “My people, on Holy Thursday you will have the washing of the feet to commemorate the first Mass, and how I showed My apostles that they also had to serve the people as I served them. During the week you will also read how Judas plotted to hand Me over to the Jews for thirty pieces of silver. Judas committed suicide because of his crime, but there are many evil ones who will betray My Church in the tribulation. Be prepared to go to My refuges when you see a split in My Church.”


Friday, March 22, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, as you get closer to Holy Week you can see in the readings how the people grew more intense in their desire to kill Jeremiah and Me as well. Jeremiah was warning his people to repent and change their ways, or they may face punishment from God. The people did not want to hear any criticism of their sins, so they put Jeremiah in prison. I also faced the religious leaders of Israel who wanted to put Me to death for saying that I am God’s Son. These leaders would eventually crucify Me as a blasphemer. This Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, you will be reading the accounts of how the Jews had the Romans scourge Me with whips and crucified Me on the cross. I suffered much for all of you, but this was the price of your salvation that I chose of My own free will. Remember your Stations of the Cross, and make plans to attend the Holy Week services.”

(Funeral Mass for Marcel Blaakman) Marcel said: “I love my dear Elizabeth and all of my family. I thank everyone for coming to my Mass, and I thank Mark for his kind words. Putting my robe out was a nice touch. I truly did love life in nature and making friends. With this Mass I am with Jesus now in heaven. I will be watching over all of you and praying for you. I want to thank those who chose the readings and the songs for my Mass. I also want to thank those who took care of me in my last days. Again, I love all of you, and I thank all of you for being gifts to me in my life. Enjoy your lives, and I look forward to seeing you with me in heaven.”


Saturday, March 23, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing in Ezechiel (chap 37) how the end times are here because you already have a Jewish state in 1948 when the Jews returned to their homeland of old. In the Gospel the Sanhedrin met, and they were afraid of Me because of My miracles and My teachings that had the people following Me as a prophet. This is why they wanted to kill Me because I was a threat to their authority. Then the High Priest said it was better that one man die for the nation, than all of the nation being killed by the Romans. There is a bit of truth in his words because I truly came on the earth as a man, so My sacrificial death could bring salvation to all of mankind. All throughout the Old Testament, the people have been promised a Messiah, and the souls of the dead were waiting for the gates of heaven to be opened. You are about to go through Holy Week, where My death on the cross will culminate with My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Rejoice that souls can now come to heaven after being purified.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that lava is very hot (700-1250 C), and it burns anything in its path. This hot flaming rock is what the soul bodies in hell must endure. They also suffer torments from the demons, and they will never see Me or experience love again. In addition to some of My previous descriptions of hell, I need to mention that not only are the demons ugly looking, but all the soul bodies in hell look ugly as well. On earth many bodies look beautiful, but any soul bodies in hell quickly take on an ugly look with all of the burning. This description not only inspires My evangelists to keep souls from going to hell, but it is another reason to seek the love and beauty of heaven, instead of the hate and ugliness of hell. As you see the lava flowing out of the volcanoes, there are also demons being released from them to roam about the earth. This is why you are seeing the earth becoming more evil with time. There are only two real choices, because those souls in purgatory will go to heaven eventually. You have either a love for Me for heaven, or you reject Me for hell. Do not let earthly desires of things or pleasures so blind you from worshiping your One true God. I desire that you love Me and your neighbor, and allow Me to be the Master of your lives. If you love Me, you will avoid sin, and run to Confession to cleanse your sins with My forgiveness. I love pure souls, which is why frequent Confession is your best friend to keep you holy.”


Sunday, March 24, 2013: (Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have two names for this Sunday because the people at first greeted Me into Jerusalem with palms. Then when evil had its hour, the Jewish leaders gave Me over to Pilate and the Romans, claiming I was a blasphemer. From then on, now you are reading about My passion, and how I was scourged and crucified on the cross. Passion Sunday is a long reading, but it is important to notice the details of how St. Peter denied Me three times, and how Judas betrayed Me with a kiss. Both were in remorse for their actions, but St. Peter repented, while Judas hung himself. My apostles were frightened by all of these events, and they hid in the upper room for fear of their lives. They did not realize how I would truly rise from the dead as I prophesied to them several times. Take time to come to the Holy Week services so you can walk with Me at the Stations on the way to Calvary.”


Monday, March 25, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, there was a woman who anointed Me with an expensive ointment. Judas complained that the ointment could have been sold to give the money to the poor, but he was only thinking of spending some of that money. I told them to leave her alone because she was preparing Me for My burial by anointing Me. Lazarus was the one whom I raised from the dead, and many people were following Me because of this miracle. I am the Resurrection and the Life is what I told Mary before I raised her brother from the dead. This was also a preview of My own death and Resurrection that would be the ultimate sacrifice and miracle for all to believe. Many of the Jews wanted to kill Lazarus because many believed in Me since I raised him from the dead. You are approaching the Triduum which are the most glorious days when you commemorate My death and Resurrection. Rejoice in My gift to all of mankind because at the last judgment all of My faithful will be resurrected with a glorified body rejoining your soul, and you will be whole again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several large earthquakes that have triggered tsunamis. Most of these earthquakes are underwater. Any earthquake close to land would not give much warning time for people to move to higher ground. You did see an 8.0 earthquake recently in the Pacific Ocean that caused a five foot tsunami. This vision locates a spot off the coast of Oregon that has seen some earthquake activity at a 4.0 level. The floor of the ocean dropped and it could send a large tsunami if there was a large enough earthquake. This area is prone to such activity, and people should be prepared to evacuate quickly if any alarm is given.”


Tuesday, March 26, 2013: (Day of Penance)
Jesus said: “ My people, today’s Gospel is focused on Judas and St. Peter at the Last Supper. I announced that one of the apostles would betray Me. So all of them started asking if it was them. Then I said it was the one who dipped the morsel into the dish with Me as Judas did. I asked Judas to do what he would do quickly, and at that moment, Satan entered him. It is then that the apostles announced their allegiance to Me, and that they would stand by Me. In the vision you saw St. Peter’s brown eyes up close as he said that he would protect Me. Then I told him that he would deny Me three times before the cock crowed. Judas was led by Satan in his betrayal of Me with a kiss. Later, Satan caused Judas to hang himself. St. Peter did deny Me, but he repented afterwards. There is a little of St. Peter in My faithful when in their weakness they sometimes deny Me in sin. You have a Day of Penance when priests will be available for confessions for over six hours. This would be an excellent time to cleanse your souls, and make your Easter duty at the same time. Take advantage of this opportunity for the grace of My sacrament of Penance.”

Jesus said: “My people, My ministry began with My Baptism in the Jordan River as I started gathering My apostles. This vision shows you a quick summary of My parables and My many miracles. The Jewish leaders felt threatened because many people were following Me, as I healed their ailments. The people also were attracted to My words that gave new meaning to love of God and love of neighbor. It was My claim to be God’s Son that truly drove them to want to kill Me. They heard testimony of My many miracles, especially raising Lazarus from the dead. They did not realize that only God could perform such miracles of healing and casting out demons. Even the demons knew that I was the Holy One of God. I was able to use My death by the Jews and Romans for a much larger purpose of bringing salvation to all of humanity. It was My plan to sacrifice My life as a sacrificial Lamb, so every soul would have the opportunity for the forgiveness of sin, and to enter heaven’s gates for those who accept Me. My death on the cross is the greatest gift of love and life that I could give all of you. I give you Myself in My Eucharist at every Mass so I could be with you intimately in your souls. Rejoice in all of My sacramental gifts, especially My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament.”


Wednesday, March 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in life the people saw Me dying on the cross and suffering intensely. This vision is not only of the event that happened almost 2,000 years ago, but it is also outside of time, and I am still suffering for your sins of today. This is why I have mentioned many times that you can offer up your pains and trials to Me, and join My suffering on My cross. My sacrifice is what is redeeming many souls because I am paying the price for all souls who accept Me, so they can be forgiven and eventually enter heaven’s gates. Many do not realize how fortunate they are that their God is so loving that I died for all of them. I took on a human nature so I could share your pain, and give you a model of holiness to follow. Please come to your Holy Week services to share the glory of My death and Resurrection, as I conquered sin and death.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you evangelize and preach My Word, I want you to put a little more emphasis on how important it is to love Me and your neighbor. I am ‘Love’ and My people can see in the vision that I love all of you enough to die for your souls. When you see how much I love you, you know that I want you to love Me as well. When you love Me, you love Me in your neighbor. It is a hard statement, but I want you to love everyone, even your enemies. The more that you can love Me and your neighbor, the closer you will be to Me. You see a model in the love of marriage, as you see Me as the Groom and My Church as the Bride. I do things out of love for man, and I want you to do things out of love for Me. By focusing on loving everyone, you can bring harmony into the world as the rest of My creation is in harmony. If true love was in everyone’s heart, you would not see fighting in wars, or greed for money. When you love someone, you reach out to help them with financial help and in sharing your faith.”


Thursday, March 28, 2013: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, you witnessed the washing of the feet at Mass when I gave My apostles a model to follow in helping each other. In the vision of My agony in the garden, I asked My apostles to watch and pray. I knew My hour had come, but I realized it was My place to do the Will of My Father. It is not easy to accept suffering as a human, but I had a world of souls to save, so I could not refuse to carry on. I call My faithful to commit to your daily prayers, even if your body complains of praying. It is your soul that benefits from your prayers, and they are needed for your many intentions. You have been suffering some penances during Lent, but they do not compare to My suffering on the cross. Follow Me in silence, and do not complain when you are offering up your penances to Me. Continue attending the rest of your Holy Week services.”


Friday, March 29, 2013: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, once I died for all of mankind, I brought salvation to those who accepted Me. Everyone has an opportunity for eternal salvation because I conquered sin and death. Those, who follow My laws and accept Me in love, are My faithful that are on the path to heaven. Those, who refuse to follow My laws, and refuse to love Me, are on the path to hell unless they repent. Many souls have had to suffer a hell like existence until I opened the gates to heaven. Now souls are judged on their own merits, and their lives determine whether they are worthy of heaven. The people of today are fortunate to be born after My death and Resurrection. Original sin can be forgiven in Baptism, and your actual sins can be forgiven in Confession. You have plenty of opportunities to repent, confess your sins, and live a holy life. Take advantage of My graces and My forgiveness that souls born before My death did not have. You are faced with many earthly temptations from the devil, but call on My Name and I will come to your aid. When you are tested, call on Me to send you angels of protection.”


Saturday, March 30, 2013: (Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, Alleluia, and rejoice on this day that you commemorate My Resurrection. I told My apostles several times that I would rise in three days after My death. They had to be reminded by the angels, and the angels questioned why the apostles were looking for Me among the dead, when they should be looking for Me among the living. My Transfiguration was another prefigure of how I would appear in a glorified Body at My Resurrection. Even My faithful in heaven can look forward at the last judgment to being reunited with a glorified body. This life lasts only a short time, and it is a training ground for souls to come to heaven. You are here to know, love, and serve Me, and not just to serve yourself or accumulate a lot of wealth. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul? Your soul is your most prized possession, and that is why I seek souls as well as Satan. This is why the destination of your soul should be focused on heaven as a better choice than rejecting Me for hell. I give all souls an opportunity to come to heaven, and a promise to be reunited with a glorified body. The devil can only offer an eternity of suffering in the flames of hell. So make the right choices in your life that will lead you on a path to heaven.”


Sunday, March 31, 2013: (Easter Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a glorious day as you commemorate My Resurrection from the dead. Just as your father-in-law mentioned, there is an extra celebration going on in all of heaven on this day. This is a day of salvation when My call goes out to all souls to come and share My peace and My graces. Even those Christians, who do not come much to church, should be coming to Mass today. This is the time of year in nature when the plants come to life from the sleep of winter. Rejoice, and be glad in My glory, as I conquered sin and death. I wish all people could accept My love into their hearts and souls, and there would be less war, and more of My peace. Reach out in faith to share My love and your faith with all of those around you. This is a glorious moment of My victory and salvation that needs to be shared with everyone. Rejoice, and keep praying for souls to be saved, especially in your own family.”


Monday, April 1, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared first to the women at the tomb, but My apostles did not believe them, nor did they believe My disciples who met Me on the road to Emmaus. St. Peter and St. John saw the empty tomb, but they still did not understand what rising from the dead meant. It was only when I appeared to the apostles and showed them My wounds that they truly believed. They could see I was human and not a ghost. The Jews tried to cover up the reality of My Resurrection by bribing the guards so My following would not spread. There is also the Shroud of Turin which is a witness to My Resurrection. There is plenty of proof of My Resurrection by all the disciples who saw Me and wrote about it in the Scriptures. Believe that I rose from the dead with My victory over sin and death. My Resurrection is the core of your faith to show that I became a man so I could sacrifice My life for the salvation of all sinners. Believe in this Good News and shout it from the rooftops.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages speaking of the storms and earthquakes that have been caused by the use of the HAARP machine in Alaska. This vision reaffirms that it is a black or secret operation of your government that is controlled by the one world people. I have told you how Satan is leading the one world people to reduce the population with disasters by the HAARP machine, wars, abortions, euthanasia, vaccines, and viruses. Killing people by man-made disasters is part of the death culture. This weapon has been used in the past to direct bad storms, droughts, enhanced tornadoes and hurricanes, and earthquakes. This machine can even be used as a means of blackmail for political and financial purposes. When your lives are threatened, I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges.”


Tuesday, April 2, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, it was good that Mary Magdalene came to look for Me at My tomb so I could announce to her that I truly had risen from the dead in the flesh. This could give proof to My apostles that I had risen as well. Unfortunately, the apostles at first did not want to believe her. St. Peter and St. John went to the tomb and they did not find My body, but they believed. Even when I met some disciples on the road to Emmaus, some apostles did not believe them either. It took My physical appearance to them for them to believe. I even said to them that blessed are those who have not seen Me, and still they believe in My death and Resurrection. These events of Holy Week are a core belief in My coming upon the earth to show everyone that I love them enough to die for them. Your Lord is a loving God, and this is the most loving example of My love. I call all of you to love Me and follow My Commandments out of obedience to Me and out of love for Me. Those, who accept Me into their lives, are on the right road to heaven. There are some people who love their earthly pleasures, but they must be married as man and wife to have relations. Do not live together in the sins of fornication or in homosexual acts. Those, who refuse to obey My laws and refuse to repent, are on the road to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is important that everyone should have sound morals, and live what they are taught by My Church and My Commandments. It is one thing to know what the Ten Commandments are, but it is more important that people obey them in their actions. The biggest problem is how each person obeys the Sixth Commandment which teaches no relations before marriage. This means no sexual sins of adultery with married spouses, no fornication with unmarried couples, and no homosexual acts. This is difficult before marriage with many earthly temptations for sinful pleasure. Some may fall into sin, but there is a call to repentance as I will forgive you in Confession. Living together creates a bad occasion for continuous sins. If people continue to have relations outside of marriage, they are on the wrong path to hell if they do not repent. As parents and grandparents, you need to teach your young people how to live a proper moral life. Even if the young people’s peers or parents are having relations outside of marriage, it does not make it right, and fornication is just as much a sin now as in past years. Even among married spouses, they should be using family planning methods without any birth control devices or any sterilizations. The Church has its laws on these sins, and they should be taught more from the pulpit or Bible study. By treating life as precious, you can avoid abortion which is the worst form of birth control. Follow My Commandments out of love for Me, and love for your future spouse.”


Wednesday, April 3, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you love looking at babbling brooks of water as spring water is fresh to drink. Right after Easter, you are celebrating the beautiful miracles that took place after My Resurrection. The first reading speaks of healing a cripple from birth in My Name. Even the Jewish leaders were perplexed that healing could come in My Name. These leaders later chastised My apostles for speaking in My Name. This was the beginning of the growth of My Church, and there were many miracles of conversion in addition to physical healings. My faithful also need to share their faith with others, especially with those who have fallen away from their original belief. The Gospel story of My sharing with My disciples on the road to Emmaus is a heart warming story. The two disciples were listening to Me explain all of the prophecies foretold about Me in the Scriptures. They exclaimed how their hearts were burning on the road as I spoke to them. Many of you would have been happy to hear these words as well. When I broke bread with them, as I did at the Last Supper, they were able to recognize Me as the risen Christ. Then I disappeared from their sight. This is a beautiful Gospel account after My Resurrection, but still many of the apostles did not believe until I came to them in the upper room. The water in the vision is how My ‘Living Water’ comes upon My faithful as you receive My graces through My Eucharist at Mass. Rejoice in My sacraments as you are My Easter people.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the signs of the end days is how there will be an increase in evil all over the world. I have told you how more demons are being unleashed on the earth from the volcanoes. When you are being tested with addictions or anything that could control you, you need to call on My help and I will send you angels to defend you. Many people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, overeating, the internet, lust, gambling, and other addictions. There are demons connected to these addictions which is why it is so hard to break away from them. You need prayers, deliverance, exorcism, or a miracle conversion to break addictions. You first have to admit that you have an addiction, and that you want help to break it. There may be some treatment that you have to start that will help break your addiction. Addictions have a way of controlling your free will which is why you need to get rid of them, so you can have peace in your soul. Guard your peace, and do not let anything control you. By giving your will over to Me, I can lead you to follow your mission on earth. When I direct your life, you will follow a much better life than if you directed your own life.”


Thursday, April 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, with My death and Resurrection I have made a new Covenant with man. Since the sin of Adam, a Savior has been promised to save all of mankind. With My coming as the Messiah, this promise has been realized. My sacrifice has freed everyone of their sins if they but come to Me for forgiveness. By repenting of your sins, you can receive Baptism and Penance which will cleanse your sins from your souls. Without taking this forward step of seeking your forgiveness, you will remain in your sins. You need to keep your soul pure by frequent Confession so you are always ready to face Me at your judgment when you die. Just as I called My apostles to be witnesses of My new Covenant in My Church, so I call all of My faithful to go out to all the nations, and spread My Good News of My salvation.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this spinning object in a church reminds you of My Warning experience that everyone will have at the same time. You will have two things going on at about the time of My Warning. You will be seeing a time of a division in My Church between a schismatic church and the faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age principles that involve crystals. Avoid and leave any Catholic church that teaches New Age. This will also be time when microchips will become mandatory in the body. In your Warning experience you will be warned not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body, even if it is mandated. This chip could control your free will. Do not worship the beast or the Antichrist either. You will also be warned in the Warning not to follow New Age principles or a schismatic church, but you may need to leave quickly for My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have two beautiful physical witnesses of My suffering on the cross. One was My radiated Image on the Shroud that is stored in Turin, Italy. The other is the image of My face that was left on the cloth that Veronica used to wipe My face. These images are treasures as the Shroud showed My five wounds, and even the whip marks on My flesh. These images have been copied for people to see how much I suffered.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two other treasures of the spear of Longinus and the wood of My cross that relics have been made with it. You, yourself, have this relic of My true cross that is powerful in healing people and protecting people from demons. These relics that have touched Me, are becoming rare to find, and again are witnesses of My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, these Stations that I walked with My cross are still seen on the Via Dolorosa as many processions commemorate My carrying of My cross during Holy Week. As you view these Stations, I also wanted you to pray My Stations of the Cross on the Lenten Fridays. You can also pray them on all Fridays of the year to honor My suffering.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who have visited the Holy Sepulcher Church, are grateful that they had a chance to see where I was crucified and where I was buried. Even if you had to wait in long lines, it was worth every moment to be in these holy places. This is where I brought salvation to all of the souls of mankind, and that is what makes these places special. Your pictures and movies bring back the memories of that moment when you were there.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the Holy Week services, the large Host was removed from your tabernacle, but a large Host was not returned. When you put the holder in your monstrance, you noticed that My Host was missing. There is a symbolism in this event that shows My Real Host of My Real Presence needs to be present for Adoration. Even when you put two smaller Hosts in the monstrance, you can see how badly I was missed in your service. Be thankful that you have My Real Presence in the Hosts consecrated by My priests. I am with you always, even to the end of this age.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the end times there are several images that will help protect and inspire My faithful. The picture of My Host that your friend made with jewels, and this picture will be helpful for you in the end days. You could look into the possibility of acquiring such a picture if it is available for your prayer group meetings. My Blessed Mother and I will be protecting you at My refuges.”


Friday, April 5, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared for the third time after My Resurrection on the Sea of Galilee where My apostles were fishing. I called out to them if they had caught anything to eat, and they answered, ‘No’. I told them to cast their net on the right side for a catch. After not catching anything all night, the apostles were amazed to have a large catch of fish. The Gospel writer even mentions 153 large fish, indicating My apostles would go out to teach all the nations about My Good News. Then they realized that it was I calling them on the shore. I prepared breakfast for them as I broke bread with them, and gave them baked fish. This reminded them of both the Last Supper, and when I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000. I told the women at the tomb to tell My apostles that I would meet them at the Sea of Galilee, and this event was a fulfillment of My words. I kept appearing to My apostles to confirm that I had risen in the flesh with My wounds from the nails.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people have their Warning experience or when they die, their soul bodies are drawn to My Light. Once you come into My Light, you will face a life review where you cannot deny or rationalize your actions on earth because you are faced with the truth of what you did. You will see how I judged each one of your actions, both the good and the bad ones. At the end of your life review, you will be given a judgment of heaven, hell, or purgatory. Then you will have a taste of what your destination would be like. In the Warning you will be given a second chance to change your life. At your death I will ask you one last time if you love Me. Those, who refuse to love Me, will be sent to hell by their own choice. Those, who love Me, may require purification, but they will be with Me in heaven forever.”


Saturday, April 6, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you are seeing a summary of the recent events. St. Peter and St. John healed the lame beggar in My Name, and the Sanhedrin did not know what to do with them. The Sanhedrin attempted to tell the apostles not to speak or heal in My Name. This chastisement just strengthened the faith of My apostles, as they answered that they would rather obey God than men. Even in your own day, it is better for My faithful to proclaim My Good News of salvation, than worry about being criticized by the godless men of your society. In the Gospel, St. Mark shows how I was not happy with the apostles’ reception of the news of My Resurrection in their unbelief. Their hearts were not understanding of My mission on earth until they saw Me appear to them in the upper room. I showed them My wounds from the nails, and I ate fish in their presence to prove that I was in the flesh and not a ghost. It took several of My appearances for My apostles to finally understand that I truly rose from the dead. This was My victory over sin and death, and it truly is Good News. I also told My apostles that they believed because they saw Me in the flesh, but blessed are those people who have not seen Me, and still they believe in My death and Resurrection.”


Sunday, April 7, 2013: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, I know that you are all suffering through your daily trials of your human condition, because I suffered them as well. This is why you are seeing everyone carrying his or her cross in church. Even when you commit sins against Me, you know that I am willing to forgive you with My Divine Mercy in Confession. It is not easy to struggle through life, but with My peace in your heart and soul, you will have the grace to endure any hardship. You have prayed your Divine Mercy novena, and have made an attempt to get to Confession to meet the requirements for this plenary indulgence. This blessing atones for any reparation due for your sins. Remember to pray in front of My Divine Mercy image so you can receive the blessings I will give you. Rejoice in My Divine Mercy for all that I do for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of receiving water from the well reminds you of the account when I met the woman at the well. I told her about her life, and I told her that I wanted to give her My ‘Living Water’ so she would not thirst again. After I died for mankind on the cross, I have given you My sacraments. I gave you Baptism and Penance so I can forgive your sins out of My Divine Mercy, and cleanse them from your soul. I have given you My Eucharist when you receive Me in Holy Communion. In St. John’s Gospel I told the people that unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life. I give you Myself in the consecrated bread and wine that are transformed into My Body and Blood. Receive the peace of My grace into your souls so you will be strengthened to fight any temptations of the devil. My Eucharist will also help to heal any damage done to your soul from your sins. Even as you receive My grace, I ask you to share your faith in helping to evangelize people around you. Many of you are seeking healings of the body, but when I heal you, I heal the whole person in both body and soul. Rejoice in My Divine Mercy which by this plenary indulgence, you have all reparation due for your sins taken away.”


Monday, April 8, 2013: (Annunciation)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast day of the Annunciation is normally celebrated on March 25th, nine months before the celebration of Christmas on December 25th. This feast was postponed because Holy Week superceded it. You have just celebrated My Resurrection on Easter Sunday, but the Annunciation is already looking forward to the next Church Year. You are seeing My Blessed Mother’s fiat as an important part of the salvation of all of mankind. My Blessed Mother was prepared for that moment of acceptance for a long time as she was sinless from her conception. She had to be the perfect covenant while she was pregnant with Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. All of you need to be thankful to her for accepting her mission as the Mother of God. She was the means of My becoming a man on earth, so I could offer My life up as a sacrifice for the sins of all of mankind. Rejoice in this Easter Season as you are witnesses of My victory over sin and death.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring you see violent weather, especially from tornadoes in the middle of your country. This vision is at an airport in your country when a strong wind shear will turn over a plane at night on landing. There will be some deaths, but there was no fire. It is hard to forecast sudden wind shear, and airplanes are vulnerable when landing and taking off. When you travel on airplanes frequently, you do not think that you could be in such an accident. Pray for those who are traveling on airplanes in places where they have violent winds.”


Tuesday, April 9, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, people have had to work by the sweat of their brow to work for their food and shelter. I know all of your needs for water, food, and shelter, so I help each of you to have your bare necessities. Still there are some homeless people who still beg for a living without jobs or any welfare available. You work hard for your own family, but some need to rely on the help of others for their food. Pray for those people who go to bed hungry, that they may find something to eat. You can even make some donations to your local food shelf, or foreign aid as the Catholic Relief Fund, so people can have food to eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, you now have a National Health Care law that will be hard to manage and finance. Some states are fighting any changes in Medicaid or setting up health insurance exchanges. With many uncertainties in this program, some companies may stop supporting their employees’ health benefits to cut expenses. In some cases paying penalties may be cheaper. People may find it more expensive to pay premiums, while new patients may find it hard to have their own doctor. There are many hidden parts of this law that could cause problems for people. Many medical records have been digitized on the computer, but this could be a preparation to put this information on chips in the body. Getting people chipped has been a goal of the one world people so they could control people’s minds with the chips and voices. When your government makes it mandatory to have a chip in your body, this will be the time to leave for My refuges. The plan is to kill those people who refuse to take this chip. This will make My faithful outlaws because I am telling them not to take any chip in the body for any reason. These chips will control your free will with hypnotizing voices. Trust in Me that I will warn My faithful to go to My refuges before your lives will be in danger. I will have My angels protect you with an invisible shield as you travel to My refuges.”


Wednesday, April 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are made in My image with a body and a soul. The body is the physical shell that contains the spirit of the soul. The desires of the body are always fighting against the desires of the soul. Your body is weak to sin because of the consequences of Adam’s sin against Me. This is why the body craves the comforts and pleasures of the flesh. The soul is the opposite because the spirit is in search of the peace of its Creator. The soul desires holiness and heavenly things. This is why suffering the human condition is a trial because of the battle between the body and the soul. You wonder why it is difficult to pray, but the body wants its own appetites satisfied instead of praying. You fast from food, and you work on self-control and self-denial to limit the body’s control over the soul. The soul strives to be with Me in heaven. If the soul is weak in striving for holiness, the body could lead that soul into sin toward judgment to hell. This is why the soul needs to assert its authority over the body to follow My Commandments and fulfill My mission for your life. Without a strong spiritual desire to love Me and serve Me, you could fall into the devil’s temptations. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers and frequent Confession of your sins, so you can strive to be with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are so focused on money and wealth, that they have neglected to let Me into their lives. As long as they have wealth, they think that they do not need Me. If I did not maintain their lives with air to breathe and food and water to consume, they could not survive. Wealth is only a means of exchange, but it is not a god in itself. Many one world people have gold, silver, and real estate because they do not want paper money or anything on paper. These people protect themselves from any bankruptcy that could come from a crash of the dollar or the stock market. The one world people are able to control the stock market and interest rates as you are seeing. They have driven interest rates so low that people are being forced into the stock market. Then they can steal the money in a stock market crash when they short the market. The middle class is the target of the rich, so they can control everyone through cheap jobs and welfare handouts. The ultimate control will come through the chips in the body when the one world people will make you into slaves as robots. Pray for My help against these evil ones, and call on Me to lead you to My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”


Thursday, April 11, 2013: (St. Stanislaus)
Jesus said: “My people, in your diocese and many others, there is a lack of bishops through retirements and other reasons. In the time of St. Stanislaus, he was martyred by the king as he was defending the Church. As you approach the time of the tribulation, you will be seeing more vacancies among the clergy as persecution of My Church will increase. You will first see a disruption from a division within My Church, as there will be a split between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Then you will see more persecution coming from your own government. Already you are seeing your Defense Department classifying Catholics and evangelicals as extremists or terrorists. This is just the beginning when those, who believe in Me, will be tested in their faith. Just as Hitler isolated the Jews from jobs and their civil rights, this will be happening also in America for Catholics and evangelists. The Antichrist will be coming into power, and all of My believers will be threatened by the one world people who are controlled by Satan. This is why I have inspired people to set up refuges for this time, so My faithful will be protected by My angels at these safe havens. Trust in Me when I warn My faithful that it is time to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, almost all of your presidents were and are Masons, and they are among the one world people that control governments all over the world. It is the central bankers that control nations through their debts and debt based money. Once your money was taken off gold or silver backing, then the printing presses started spewing out more dollars so your government could continue its spending beyond your tax income. This fiat money is becoming less valuable with every year as you make Treasury Notes out of thin air. Your money system and your National Debt are about to crash because there is no way to continue paying the interest or the debt back. When this happens, My faithful will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your current government wants to reduce your nuclear arsenal to zero, other nations as North Korea and Iran are building more nuclear weapons. The reduction in your defense is not the right thing to do when you are seeing more threats of war. The one world people want you to disarm so you would be a target for aggressor nations to take you over. Disarming your citizens of their guns is another part of their plan, but your people do not want to give up their weapons. Keep praying for peace, but you may need to be prepared for a civil war in America.”

Jesus said: “My people, with every new poll you are seeing the morals of America degrading. A recent poll has shown 48% of young women are having relations or fornication before marriage. Only 23% of young women are waiting until after marriage for lawful relations. You are also seeing more and more states accepting gay marriage, and even some are accepting lawful marijuana. A few states even accept mercy killing or euthanasia. Mothers are still killing millions of their babies by abortion every year. As these evils increase, you are having My blessings withdrawn from your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching this latest bird flu virus, H7N9, in China that has a 30% death rate for those who become infected. Many of these flu viruses have been created in the lab, and there is some suspicion with this new virus. I have warned you that the one world people have a desire to reduce the world’s population with a new bird flu virus that would be both contagious and deadly. There is some indication that this new virus is spreading between people in the same locations and not just from handling chickens. Beware if this virus becomes pandemic, because you may have to come to My refuges to be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you knew Theresa as a quiet and faithful lady for her many years at Holy Name Church. She was dedicated in her work at many organizations in your parish. She will be missed by many of you. I have taken her home to heaven for all that she had to suffer on earth. She will be praying for her family and friends. Pray for her family in all of their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a little cooler weather this spring than last year, but the precipitation has still been lower than usual. Some drought conditions will continue, but not quite as severe as last year. There is still some concern over further man-made events from the HAARP machine that could bring more disasters. Pray that you will have better crops this year so there will be enough food for most people to survive.”


Friday, April 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel of the multiplication of the bread and fish for the 5,000 men is closely associated with My sharing of My Body and Blood with My faithful at every Mass. You have just shared the words of My first Mass at My Last Supper on Holy Thursday. This miracle of the consecration of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood occurs at every Mass, and this is My gift to all of My faithful. In every tabernacle you have My Real Presence with you even to the end of this age. You always have a friend in Me when you visit My Blessed Sacrament. I will help you in all of your spiritual and physical needs if you just ask Me. Those, who receive Me in Holy Communion worthily, and visit Me frequently in My tabernacle, are My special adorers who have made Me the center of their lives. See this gift of My Eucharist as a sharing of My love with all of you. The Father, the Holy Spirit, and Myself love all of you, and We want you to love Us and worship Us as your God, Creator, and Savior. It is not easy, but I ask My faithful to give your will over to Our Divine Will. The first reading about Gamaliel’s advice to leave the apostles alone, was how My Church was allowed to thrive since I formed My Church on St. Peter, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. This allowing of messages to be tested by time is the same way of seeing if the fruits are from Me. If good fruits result, then these messages will be confirmed. I have been giving you messages, My son, for twenty years to prepare for the end times. You have been allowed to continue, and you have seen good fruits come from them. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I am doing through your ‘yes’.”


Saturday, April 13, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I appeared to My apostles walking on the water, and I calmed the stormy seas. They thought I was a ghost at first. I said to them ‘Do not be afraid, it is I.’ This image of calming the sea represents how I come to My faithful, and I can calm the troubles in your life. I ask My faithful to trust in My help with all the trials in your life. By faith I will give you the strength that you need in My sacraments to overcome any fears that you have. Remember that you will never be tested beyond what you can endure by My grace. When you have confidence in My help, you will always have peace in your soul, despite what goes on in the world. In the vision and in the first reading, you are seeing how by the laying on of hands, the deacons were chosen to help My apostles in My early Church. Many of the widows had to be served at table by the deacons. All of the early communities had to help one another in their daily needs. Even today your deacons help with the sick and other duties that your priests cannot attend. Rejoice in My help throughout your lives. You know that you can call on Me in any of your needs, and I will be with you.”


Sunday, April 14, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I shine My Light of grace and love over all the people. It is unfortunate that all souls do not open their hearts to love Me because they have cold hearts. I cannot come into your heart unless you open the door from the inside. You know how much I love you, because you are witnesses of My death and Resurrection that I suffered for your sins. Just as I called out to St. Peter if he loved Me three times, so I ask all of you if you love Me as well. St. Peter denied Me three times, and I gave him an opportunity to repent and give his love to Me. So I realize in your weakened state that you have denied Me in your sins. I also give all people an opportunity to come to Me and have their sins forgiven in Confession. Once you repent, then you will be forgiven, and My grace will be restored to your soul. You can show your love for Me in your prayers, coming to Mass, and seeking forgiveness in Confession. When you love Me, you can also share your love with all of your neighbors in helping them with their needs. So let your cold hearts melt in My love, and greet Me with open arms into your heart and soul. Once My love permeates your life, and you allow Me to lead you, you will find all of your crosses will be lighter. As Simon helped Me to carry My cross, so I will be helping you in carrying your cross of life.”


Monday, April 15, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are still celebrating My Easter feast of My glorious Resurrection. This ‘V’ in the vision is for My victory over sin and death. I know you are weak in your sins, and I have given you My sacrament of Penance so you can confess your sins in seeking My forgiveness. I have conquered the devil because I am more powerful than him. This is why you should not fear evil because when you are with Me, I can help defend you from the devil’s temptations. Do not endanger your souls in occasions of sin, but avoid such places that tempt you. I am asking you to live holy lives as you follow My direction. My ways are better than man’s ways. My victory over sin and death has also allowed souls, who are purified, to enter the gates of heaven for all eternity. I love all of My people, and this is why I have died for your sins, so you can have salvation from the evil of the world. With My help, you can save your soul from hell, and strive to be with Me in heaven one day. Heaven should be the goal of every soul. Heaven rejoices over every soul that converts its life to follow Me instead of the evil of the world. Then when you come to heaven, We can celebrate your victory of being crowned a saint in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two paths in life. One road can lead you to heaven, while the other fork can lead to sin and hell. Following My path will be difficult for the body because I will lead you to holiness and a moral life. Leading a chaste life until marriage, may cause a restraint of your earthly desires, but you will be living in less occasion of sin. Those, who follow the path of their passions, are led to living together in the mortal sin of fornication. This lifestyle leads to continuous sin, and it will be hard to convert from an addiction to lust. If you truly love someone for who they are, you will not violate them with sex before marriage. You should be patient in your courtship. It is better that you get married in a relatively short time of a year or so because you will be tested with sinful desires. Do not follow other people who are living together just because they are living in sinful pleasures. Do not let people tell you that you are old-fashioned, because obeying My laws will reward you with My graces for a happy marriage. Those, who follow the path that I will lead you on, will be abiding in My love by their obedience. A good moral life will lead you to an eternal life with Me in heaven, but following your own ways could lead you on the wrong path to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is showing you some of the details of the coming Warning or illumination of conscience that everyone will experience all over the earth at the same time. At that time people will see their soul bodies released outside of their physical bodies, and they will be outside of time. You could see how they were flying free into the clouds, and they shared an exhilarating feeling of freedom and joy. These souls were then drawn to My Light as they came before Me to receive their life review. After remembering their unforgiven sins, then they received their mini-judgment of either heaven, hell, or purgatory. These souls were told that if they did not change their lives, that this judgment would become their final judgment. This experience will cause many people to seek Confession for Catholics, or a need for repentance in others. This will be a glorious time to convert those souls, if they give Me their consent by changing their lives to follow Me. Rejoice that My mercy is being granted to every soul so each soul will be given an opportunity to save his or her soul from hell.”


Tuesday, April 16, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several provocative incidents in North Korea that have alarmed the countries around them. This vision shows a preparation for another missile launch that has shown their capability for launching warheads for some distance. They also have tested nuclear weapons, but it is not evident that they have the ability to put nuclear warheads on their missiles. Many of the war games and troop movements could threaten peace with South Korea. I have given you a message that a war could break out soon. Two potential areas of conflict could involve America either in Korea or in the Middle East. Keep praying that such a war does not start, so many people would not be killed or get injured.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the news how a bomb in a pressure cooker went off and ball bearings were sent out like shrapnel that killed three people and injured over 260 others. This happened at a crowded event of the Boston Marathon. This appears to be a terrorist attack, but no group has come forward to claim this evil deed. Other attacks by terrorists have used much larger bombs in order to kill more people. The smaller bomb might have been used on purpose to try and implicate a possible right wing group. There are many analysts that are making such accusations. Pray that the people involved who were injured, can be healed, and that the perpetrators can be brought to justice.”


Wednesday, April 17, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw again how I proclaimed Myself as the Bread of Life. At the Mass the priest consecrates the bread and wine into the Real Presence of My Body and Blood. When you receive Holy Communion, you are receiving My Body and Blood, and those, who do so, will have eternal life. I give you your spiritual Bread that feeds your soul every day that you receive Me worthily. Feeding your spiritual life in the soul is even more important than feeding the physical body. You again are seeing the hot coals of hell because it is important that you do everything to encourage your family and friends to keep close to Me, and away from sin. There are many family members that do not come to Mass or church, and they are not putting Me at the center of their lives. Some are living in fornication, while others are using birth control, and they worship things as sports, money, and fame. My faithful need to be shining examples of giving the right message of love to everyone. Show them that following My Commandments, daily prayer, and sharing faith and love of neighbor, is the proper life that I desire for everyone. If I am not a part of people’s lives, then they truly are risking the fires of hell. I am merciful, and I await souls to come to Me for forgiveness, but I am just, and people need to make the right choices in order to come to heaven. Keep praying for the souls of your family and friends so they are not lost to hell. Tell them how much I love them, and I want them to love Me as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, a while back you were seeing a series of gun killings using assault rifles where the gunmen committed suicide. This coincided with a push for gun law legislation which just got defeated in the Senate. Now you are seeing a series of possible terrorist activities involving the bombing at the Boston Marathon, ricin letters being sent to a U.S. Senator and your President, and now a huge explosion at a fertilizer factory. It is not certain about the fertilizer factory, but it is very suspicious that all of these things are occurring at about the same time. The one world people have an agenda to use false flag terrorist acts to help precipitate an excuse for martial law. If more of this violence continues, then you are seeing an organized pattern for takeover. The more incidents that you have, this will allow your Homeland Security to start setting up checkpoints where there are crowds of people. Remember the techniques of the one world people where they create the problem, and then they create the solution. If martial law is declared, this will be a sign to come to My refuges when your life might be endangered.”


Thursday, April 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, it is appropriate on this Thursday to see the events that occurred on Holy Thursday. You are looking down into My cup that foreshadowed My Blood that I would give up on Good Friday when I shed it in My sacrifice on the cross. St. John’s Gospel is focused on those who receive My Good News, and partake in having Holy Communion. When you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you will have eternal life. This is an affirmation that you have My Real Presence in every Holy Communion that you receive. Not all people believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, but I am still present just the same. In the desert, the Israelites had the manna, but now I give you Myself as the Bread of Life. You can even survive on just My consecrated Host, as some saints have. Rejoice in this gift of Mine to all who believe in My words of St. John’s Gospel.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you were mourning for those killed in Boston, and now more lives were taken at the city of West in Texas. A fertilizer factory caught fire, and firemen were trying to put out the fire. Within a half hour, there was a huge explosion that killed some firemen when ammonium nitrate exploded causing an earthquake and a tremendous shock wave. Many homes were damaged, and there was a search for the dead and maimed. Many people were injured as the town was badly damaged. Pray for those who have died and for the survivors to get back their normal lives again.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest gun legislation that was defeated, was a setback not only for your President, but also for the one world people who want to take away your guns. You have people standing up for their Second Amendment rights vs. those who wanted to limit gun ownership. This has become a large issue that threatens citizens from defending themselves from the criminals who always can find guns. I do not want people killing each other with guns, but it is understood in immediate defense of your family.”

Jesus said: “My people, your National Budget problems have been in the background amidst other issues as the bombing and other legislation on guns and immigration. It will be a hard compromise between all of these proposed budgets. These same Congress people will also have to vote on raising the debt limit as well. Currently, only stopgap raises are being discussed. Budget cuts and possible tax increases may have to be compromised to cut the national deficits. If the budget cannot be balanced, then America may face more credit rating decreases. Pray that your leaders will vote for what is best for your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are starting to see some threats to your financial system both in the lower prices of commodities as gold and silver, and many billionaires who are getting rid of their stock holdings. You are seeing lower gold and silver prices for paper contracts only. This is because one bank is not giving back the gold from the paper contracts. This is causing a low price for paper contracts, but the actual physical gold prices are still higher. This could be an attempt by the rich to hold physical commodities before a crash of the markets could come. If a crash or civil war results, My faithful will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, this latest news of the new H7N9 virus spreading in China, now appears to be spreading from human to human as well as being a deadly virus with 30% of the sick people who are dying. This new bird flu virus is contagious and deadly, just as I warned that you would see such a new flu that could threaten large populations. If this becomes a pandemic virus, then you will need to come to My refuges to be healed by looking on My luminous cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you various signs that a new war could break out in Korea or the Middle East. Many of your wars have been instigated by the one world people against various dictators who threaten their neighbors . A new war would serve their purpose by weakening America’s defense so you would be an easier takeover target. Keep praying that a war does not come and kill millions of people.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the West there are very few sources of fresh water. Even now many towns and cities are overusing the water from the Colorado River. Water wells need to be very deep in this area, and there is not enough water for the farmers and all of the large cities. Other sources of water would have to come from purifying ocean water, and a lot of piping to bring it to the people. This fresh water need is a growing problem, especially when you also have to deal with pollution of your rivers and water wells.”


Friday, April 19, 2013: (St. Paul’s conversion in the reading)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading you are seeing how Saul had a huge conversion to become St. Paul. A great light forced him off of his horse, and he was blind for three days. He was changed from one who was destroying My Church into its most powerful missionary, including all of his epistles to the various cities. St. Paul’s letters have given you beautiful teachings for life on many different subjects of faith. St. Paul is a model for all of My faithful to go out to all the nations to share My words of salvation of My death and Resurrection. My son, I have healed your own addiction to computer programming so you could be prepared to be one of My missionaries to spread My messages about the end times, and My protection at My refuges. You have been given many skills and talents to spread My messages by word of mouth, the written word in your books, the internet messages, DVD presentations, and your own speaking in various cities. My faithful need to be informed about the coming tribulation, and the eventual need to protect their souls and lives at My refuges. Your words of love, teachings, and warnings are the words that I have given you to share with the people. Keep working in faith to spread My messages, for your reward will be great in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some refuges may be tunnels or caves to stay. When you bring your backpacks, you will have some food, water, and some clothes. You should also bring some pans and implements for eating, as well as some windup flashlights. Your tent and sleeping blanket can provide a sealed environment from bugs and moisture. You may need some coats for the cool cave temperatures. I will still make My people invisible to the evil ones, and I will multiply your food and water. My angels will give you daily Communion, even in your cave. You will need to stay near the opening of the cave for enough oxygen. My refuges will provide a safe place during the tribulation of less than 3½ years. You may suffer a rustic living for a time, but you will have My reward in the Era of Peace, and later in heaven. This tribulation time will be your purgatory on earth, so be patient for My coming victory over evil.”


Saturday, April 20, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see in the first reading when St. Peter healed a paralytic man and raised Tabitha from the dead, that many came to believe in Me because of these miracles. Even today in the vision, there are still miracles happening in My Name that can cause some people to be converted to the faith. In the Gospel reading I called on My faithful to eat My Body and drink My Blood to have eternal life. Some of My disciples stopped following Me because they thought that I was calling them to cannibalism. They did not realize that the bread and wine were transubstantiated into My Body and Blood that I would give them. This occurs at every Mass even now, but some people do not believe in My Real Presence. This Gospel shows that it was hard to believe years ago, and even today. Blessed are those who believe in My Real Presence for they will have extra graces for their belief.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are reading of how I bring you spirit and life in My Eucharist. You are seeing the signs of new life in nature in the green grass and budding trees. This new life is also seen in the celebration of My Resurrection in a new glorified body. I want all people to
hear My Good News of salvation, and see My love for them because I died to bring salvation to all souls. I want all of you to experience My love of forgiveness of your sins, and to feel My love of My Eucharist, as I am intimate with you when you receive Me. When you truly are open to receive Me, you will be overwhelmed with My infinite love. Every time you receive Me in Holy Communion, it is like a new experience of My love that knows no bounds. Rejoice in this new life in nature, and a renewed life in the spirit of your soul.”


Sunday, April 21, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all familiar with reading your newspaper in the morning, for those who have a subscription. News of your daily events on earth quickly grow old. Very few people want to read yesterday’s newspaper. I am showing you these printing presses because your daily news is always concerned with breaking news. Once the details of a story is known, it quickly gets old. This is why you are at times annoyed when some channels keep playing the same court trial day after day. This daily news on earth can be contrasted with My ‘Good News’ of salvation, and My words in the Bible that live on forever without change. Earthly news is over in a day, but My words have a lasting character because you are faced with the truth of My words. Earthly stories can be misinterpreted, propaganda, or censored, so it is skeptical at best. But there is no doubt in My words, unless somebody is an atheist, and they do not believe in Me. You can put your faith and trust in My words that are true, and I can save souls from going to hell, if they follow Me. All that I teach is about love of God and neighbor, because I am love. It is the devil who causes hate, evil, and confusion. This is why you will know people by the fruits that they bear. A good tree can only bear good fruit, while a bad tree can only bear bad fruit. A good person will bear good deeds, while a bad person will bear bad deeds. I still call on My faithful to evangelize souls, so they can be converted to the faith and be saved.”


Monday, April 22, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you can have arid land next to a waterfalls, but if the water is not brought to the land, it is hard for anything to grow. Even in your own yards, until the rains come, it is hard for things to green up for spring. Bringing water to the ground, is similar to bringing My grace into a soul. If a soul is living in mortal sin, that soul is dead spiritually. But if that soul comes to Me in Confession, then I can forgive that person, and bring life back to the soul with My grace. Grace for the soul is like rain is for the soil. Grace gives life to the soul, and rain gives life to the vegetation. I am the Resurrection and the life, and I bring life to My faithful, and I restore life in the ground for nature. I bring abundant life to this world, as I offer salvation to everyone, including the Gentiles.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time you take My Eucharist at the Mass, you are sharing My ‘Living water’ that will bring you eternal life. Man cannot live on bread alone from the earth, but you can live forever if you eat the Manna of My consecrated Host. You could even survive on only Holy Communion because some of the saints have done this. You are still celebrating My Resurrection when I conquered sin and death. Death could not contain the Son of Man, and all of My faithful are promised to be resurrected at the last judgment. This hope of eternal life with Me in heaven is what drives every Christian to be faithful to My Commandments, and love Me and his or her neighbor. You are rejoicing in My gift of Myself, and the promise of eternal life to those who eat My Body and drink My Blood.”


Tuesday, April 23, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in Antioch My faithful were called Christians for the first time. Once they were identified, the Romans sought them out for persecution. Even today, Christians are mocked and put down because the evil ones of your society have no love for Me or for God the Father. When you fight against abortion and gay marriage, these evil ones will single you out for persecution in your own land. Those, who follow earthly desires and avoid My Commandments, want to have their earthly pleasures without being criticized for being sinners. You all are sinners, and you all are in need of My forgiveness. This is why you need to evangelize sinners to follow Me, but they will resist your pleas, and you may face prison and persecution because of My Name. Christians are the targets of the evil one world people, so they will eventually have to come to My refuges to protect their souls and their lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the early spring it takes time to clean out all the dead branches and debris from the winter. Then you may have to fertilize your lawn so it can green up without so many weeds. Cleaning out the weeds comes later, as well as trimming any bushes. Maintaining a neat yard requires work. Maintaining a pure soul free from sin, also requires work. In the natural world you find defects that require pruning. In the spiritual world you also deal with the consequences of Adam’s sin in trying to prune the body’s desire for pleasures and comforts. The soul has to keep the body in check from its sinful desires. This is why daily prayer and occasional fasting are needed to restrict the body’s wants. Keep striving to keep a pure soul to please Me in how I want you to live. You may need at least monthly Confession to keep your soul pure in My grace. By holding on to peace in your soul, you will be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”


Wednesday, April 24, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul and Barnabus were sent out by the apostles to Cyprus and other lands as missionaries of the faith in Me. Even as I sent My apostles out two by two to evangelize all nations, so I send My faithful out to evangelize souls as well. It is not easy to lead a life of a missionary because you are always in a foreign land with people that may or not accept My teachings. You, My son, have also been traveling to share My messages that prepare people for the end times. This message of coming to refuges during the tribulation, is a difficult message to share and to accept. I am thankful that you have accepted this mission because in the end times, the faith will not be strong among the people. You will also be facing a persecution of Christians that will endanger your lives. My refuges will be a safe haven for My faithful when the evil ones will want to kill you. Trust in My protection as My angels will make you invisible to your persecutors.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing on the news how the bombers’ family was receiving welfare assistance, yet there were expensive cars and money needed for their weapons. There is suspicions that they were trained in bomb making, and questions where they obtained explosives and the guns. There are also questions of those who taught radical Islam to the brothers. It is becoming more apparent that they received help from somewhere for all that they did. Many of your investigators are learning the flaws in checking foreigners with possible terrorist connections. Buying of large amounts of fireworks and foreign travel should have been some red flags. It was also interesting how martial law was established briefly in Boston to catch the last bomber. Any number of incidents could be used to set up martial law whenever your authorities want to use their authority over your population. It will be such a martial law that could be used to takeover America. If you see enough terrorist activity to cause martial law, then My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection.”


Thursday, April 25, 2013: (St. Mark)
Jesus said: “My people, many Christians are too comfortable in their seats at church, and there are a good number who do not even come to Sunday Mass. If you are to have a true loving relationship with Me, you need to obey My Commandments. The Third Commandment requires that you worship Me on Sunday, and honor My day of rest with less work than on other weekdays. Coming to Mass on Sunday is the first step. If you love Me, you will tell Me so in your daily prayers. People in love do not just tell their spouses ‘I love you’ only once on Sunday. Your love for Me and your neighbor should be shared every day in helping people in need. It is when you go out of your comfort zone to help someone or evangelize souls that you are truly showing Me your love. Loving Me means that you are concerned to do whatever you can to save as many souls from hell as possible. Preaching My Word to your neighbors may take courage, but it is the right way to share your faith with others.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, last year you used this faucet a lot in order to water your parched lawn. I am showing you this faucet again because you will be using it again this summer. It will not be as severe as last year, but there will be some dry spots. It has been cool in the spring, but it will be another hot summer. Farmers will continue to find it difficult to obtain enough water for their crops. Pray that their harvest will be better than last year because your reserve food supplies are quite low.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year you can see floods on flood plains, but it is always a problem when you have substantial rain in addition to snow melt. At this time you are also seeing tornadoes, but they are not as severe this year compared to last year. Your jet streams have caused a lot of swings between cold and warm weather. You even saw some ice storms when you traveled through Canada. Be thankful that you did not have any ice storms as they did in parts of Canada.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing reports of over 200 people who were injured with all the ball bearings and metal pieces from the two bombs that went off in Boston. The three deaths received the
most coverage, but there was not much focus on all the people who were injured. These bombs were designed to cause maximum harm from flying pieces of metal in a crowd. The deaths and injured people are crying out for justice in these cases. In the future such backpacks may need to be examined in crowded sports events. It is hard to prevent terrorism, but your authorities need to be more vigilant.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing people killed by bombs and knife attacks in addition to some shootings. These different means of killing people are just showing up that it is the evil intent of killers, and not just the weapons that matter. It is hard to outlaw all possible weapons that could be used to kill people. This is why many of the proposed gun restrictions have not deterred crime for the criminals and terrorists. The one world people are still pushing to remove your guns for their takeover of America. Keep guarding your rights, or they will be taken away.”

Jesus said: “My people, your winter has been long and cold, but a cold spring has people waiting for warm weather to return. Many of your flowers were already out by this time last year. Be patient for your flowers to blossom, and be thankful for all the beautiful trees and flowers that bring new life to your spring.”

Jesus said: “My people, even as the adults are happy to see warm weather, your children are even more so to play their games. Those, who live in the North, have to bear a longer time of cold. This is why some even go South for the winter. Rejoice as your signs of spring are raising your spirits, even as I am sharing My Easter joy of My Resurrection. Keep encouraging your children to do things outside instead of spending too much time on their electronic things.”

Jesus said: “My people, in a few weeks you will be celebrating Ascension Thursday, and the fortieth anniversary of your prayer group. My Blessed Mother and I are grateful for all of your rosaries and Adoration hours that have been offered up for your many intentions. You know that you can come to us with all of your requests. I help all of you in carrying your everyday burdens. Have hope and trust in Me that I will be looking out for your needs. Keep praying also for the conversion of sinners, and for the poor souls in purgatory.”


Friday, April 26, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles when I called them to My ministry, that they would now be fishers of men and women, instead of the fish in their old profession. The large nets in the vision are a sign of how this work needs to be spread among all the nations. There was even a sign of this when the apostles caught 153 large fish. In St. John’s Gospel there are some beautiful words to give My people comfort in following Me to heaven. ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled,’ is how I am always assuring My people to trust in Me that I will take care of your needs. I was explaining to My apostles how I was going to My Father to prepare a place for all of My faithful in heaven. Then St. Thomas asked Me how he would know the way that I am going. This is when I gave the words: ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ You can only come to heaven through Me because I have brought salvation to everyone through My sacrifice and death on the cross. I am the Only Begotten Son of God, and I was sent as a man to die for all of your sins. Be grateful that you have a loving God that loves you enough to die for you. This is why I need My faithful to be missionaries, so you can spread My ‘Good News’ in evangelizing converts to the faith in all the nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this unity candle as a symbol for what happens when you are united with Me when you receive Holy Communion. You have some intimate moments with Me in Communion, and you share My sacramental grace to strengthen you against the devil’s temptations. You have a beautiful personal relationship with Me that gives your soul a spiritual high every time you come to Me. Some people are seeking earthly highs with drugs and alcohol, but they can never find My peace from earthly things. You can only have true peace in your soul from Me. Rejoice in My joy, and work to share this joy with others. When people see how much joy and love that you have in your eyes, they will desire this same experience for themselves. So be a good Christian example, so others will be attracted to living a good Christian life.”


Saturday, April 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul was led to Antioch and many other cities to proclaim the Good News of My Resurrection. But the Jews did not like their preaching about Me, so the Jews had St. Paul and Barnabus put out of their city. It was then, as in the vision, that St. Paul shook the dust from his feet in protest against those non-believers. My disciples therefore, brought My Word to the Gentiles, and they were delighted to receive Me, as many were converted to the faith. So all peoples now have the Gospel given to them because I died for all of mankind, and not just for the Jews. In the Gospel I had to explain to St. Philip that those, who see Me, also see God the Father in Me because the two of Us are One in the same God, along with the Holy Spirit in the Blessed Trinity. I am the Gatekeeper to heaven, so that everyone must come to God the Father through Me. I am the cornerstone on which My Church was built, and St. Peter was the rock who would lead it through all the popes in succession. I have protected My Church through all these years, and the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church. At the end of the Gospel, I told My apostles whatever they asked of Me in My Name, that I would grant it according to My Will.”


Sunday, April 28, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have the richness of the Word of God that was prompted by the Holy Spirit in all the pages of the Bible. You have the prophetic word of My coming in the Old Testament. You also have the fulfillment of My sacrifice in the New Testament, as well as a promise of My return. My focus today is upon Me as the Word of God, especially in the quote from the beginning of St. John’s Gospel. (St. John 1:1-3) ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God; and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was made nothing that has been made.’ I am the Word of God that has fulfilled the promise of a Redeemer. Now you are reading of how I will return with a new heavens and a new earth, which will be shared in the coming Era of Peace. All of My faithful will be rewarded in this new earth of the New Jerusalem. Rejoice in My Easter message of My Resurrection, and in My promise to return in this new Era of Peace.”


Monday, April 29, 2013: (Edward Wegman Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, Ed was a faithful family man for his many years of marriage. He leaves a legacy of a large family with many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. His strong faith was a good example to his children. He stood by his family in supporting them in their needs. He was grateful for all the family members and friends who came to his funeral. He also wanted to thank Ed, his son, and Father for their kind words about him. He is in purgatory for a short time, and he is in need of a few Masses. He will be praying for his family and watching over his wife, Estelle, whom he loves.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this historic and beautiful Notre Dame Church in Paris, France that represents the traditions of the past. You are seeing a beautiful altar and beautiful stained glass windows. In your traditions you have a great reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. Many of you still kneel or bow to receive Holy Communion on the tongue. When you come into church, you genuflect in honor of My Real Presence in My tabernacle. When you pass in front of My tabernacle, or when you leave the church, you also genuflect to Me. When you have Me adored in My monstrance, you genuflect on both knees. You give honor to Me also by following My Commandments and living a chaste life in marriage without living together in sin. Your morals in America may change, but My Commandments are always the same. Hold on to your traditions of faith, and do not let modernism or New Age teachings corrupt your faith.”


Tuesday, April 30, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you hear in your news of various hardships on people when they may have lost their homes in a tornado. Everyone has to endure some hardships in life of sickness, lost jobs, lost homes, financial bankruptcy, or deaths in the family. Life is a testing ground, so do not get too comfortable with this life’s things because they can be taken away at any time. Think first of depending on Me for everything so you are not so attached to your money, and your possessions. When I give you messages that you will have to leave your homes in order to come to My refuges of protection, many people have difficulty in leaving everything behind. This detachment of things in your life is not easy, but you need to be ready to give this all up so you can focus on where I want to lead you. At one point you may even be asked to give up your very life as a possible martyr for believing in Me. Keep your souls pure every day, because you do not know the day nor the hour when I will call you home, or when I will call you to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the beauty of My creation in the trees and in the flowers. You are happy to see, smell, and take pictures of My creation. You also see the beauty of sunrises, sunsets, and the many beautiful landscapes as at the Grand Canyon. You also see the beauty of the animals, and especially the men and women that I have created. This beauty is even magnified when you look deeper into the actual makeup of the various parts of the body. It is a miracle to see how each body is alive and functioning, as well as the creation of your soul. It is the soul that has free will, and the soul will live forever, even after the body dies. Give worship and thanks to Me for all that I have created. Those, who appreciate these miracles of My creation, are fully living the joy of their human life experience on earth.”


Wednesday, May 1, 2013: (St. Joseph the Worker)
Jesus said: “My people, when you are busy working, or doing a lot of activities, it seems that time is moving very quickly. I have told you that I am already speeding up the time in these end days. You only have so much time every day, so you have to make the best use of your time with the right priorities. You need time for eating and sleeping, but the rest of the time is your own choice. Those, who are still working for a living, have even less choices. It is not easy to follow Me in your fast paced living, but you need to slow down your activities, so you have time for Me in your prayer life. Your life on earth is not that long, compared to eternity for your soul. During your life, you need to depend on Me for everything, so you are not anxious or worrying about the past or the future. Your main focus should be on Me and what you are doing in the present moment, because the present is all that you have to work with. Keep focused on loving Me and serving Me and your neighbor. Let Me be the Master of your life, so I can lead you on the right path to heaven. The devil wants you so preoccupied with the things of the world in rushing through everything, so you do not have time for Me in prayer. This is why you need to slow down your life so you can concentrate more on doing the right thing for Me, instead of what you want. Do not try to do more activities than you can humanly accomplish, so you are not frustrated in not completing your agenda. Remember you have My agenda to follow, which is more important for your soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, every morning you see your reflection in the mirror when you are washing up or shaving. When you look on your image, you notice your aging over time, but you can see the vibrant life in your smile. Your eyes are the doorway to the soul, and you can sense My very Presence inside of you that gives you life. If you can sense Me, you know also that you are a temple of the Holy Spirit. God the Father created you, so you have the Blessed Trinity in you at all times. Just as you know that I am with you, so you should see Me in every person because you each have a soul as well. Every morning you give thanks to Me that you have another day to offer up all of your good works to Me. Consecrate all that you will do that day over to Me so I can guide you in your every action. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me and all of your neighbors. You just had a beautiful mission that has explained to you how you have a miracle at every Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My very Body and Blood. You have a little taste of heaven whenever you receive Me in Holy Communion. Rejoice as you receive all of Us in the Blessed Trinity into your hearts and souls in Holy Communion. If We are with you, who could be against you. We watch over your soul and provide for your needs, so put your full faith in depending on Us for everything. By keeping close to your Lord, you will share eternity with Me in heaven.”


Thursday, May 2, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the morning when you come to Mass, I am showing you how My grace comes into your heart and soul. Just as the sunshine comes into your room through the window, so My grace comes shining into your souls. I only ask that you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion with a pure soul and without mortal sin. Every morning you need My grace to accomplish your day’s work. You need food in breakfast for the nourishment of the body. So you also need the spiritual food of My Eucharist for the nourishment of the soul. When you have My grace behind you, you can accomplish great things for Me. Keep your focus on doing My Will, and you will have no worries on how to handle the events in your life.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am fully aware of the evil one’s influence on the souls on earth. This is why I have given each soul a guardian angel to help defend you from evil, and to prompt you to do good works for Me. Many attacks of the evil ones come through addictions. It is My sacraments that give you the grace to bear your temptations. The sacrament of Penance is how I cleanse your souls of both mortal and venial sins. Baptism takes away original sin inherited from Adam. Holy Communion gives you the grace to heal any harm done by your sins. I also want My faithful to wear blessed sacramentals as rosaries, scapulars, and Benedictine crosses for protection. Do not fear the evil ones, but trust in My power to protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the goal of the one world people to have a new world order with the Antichrist controlling the world. You are living in the end times when you will see the tribulation in your life time. I have shown you in previous messages how the goal is to have a union formed on each continent so these unions could be given over to the Antichrist to rule over them. You are seeing the control over your country brought about through the central bankers and many demon led organizations that control your finances. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when martial law will lead America into the North American Union, and you will be stripped of your rights.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to take on a mission to have a refuge, either an interim refuge or a final refuge. I only ask these people to discern in their hearts that they are following My will and not just their own will. Each refuge should be dedicated to Me preferably by a priest, and have an independent source of water on the land. Where it is possible, My faithful need to support these refuges both financially and with spiritual prayers, as well as your actual labor. The leaders of these refuges need to have some plans for some dwellings that will help house and feed the pilgrims who will be led there. Call on My angel power to help you in carrying out your mission. If necessary, My angels will help provide the needed buildings for dormitories and for kitchens. My angels will protect you with an invisible shield, and they will bring you daily Holy Communion if you do not have a priest. Trust in Me when it is time to come to My refuges as your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge.”


Saturday, May 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been born into this world, but I do not want you to be ‘of’ this world. Those, who seek the things of this world for its own sake, are letting themselves belong to this world instead of belonging to Me. This vision of a pool of water represents how some people are drowning in this world of sins and possessions. I want to save all of you from the world’s calling, so you can follow My calling to a higher spiritual life. I truly want My faithful to develop a personal relationship with Me so they can follow My Will in leading their lives. Once you do not want to offend Me with sin, you will desire heavenly things more than earthly things. Do not allow anything or a desire to control you, so you can give your full attention to following My way to eternal life in heaven. By keeping your soul pure out of love for Me, and sharing your faith with your neighbor, then you will be worthy to be with Me forever in heaven. I love all of you, and I want to save all souls from drowning in the evil of this world.”

Jesus said: “My people, at Benediction services you see the priest use the incense to honor My Blessed Sacrament, and he blesses you with the Host in the monstrance. My Eucharist is My most precious gift to you because I give Myself to you in the consecrated Host. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you have an intimate moment with Me in your soul. This experience gives you the grace of My sacrament as I heal you of any damage done by your sins. I am always present to you in My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance and in My tabernacle. When you come to adore Me at your holy hour, you receive graces for your visit, and I hear your prayer requests. Every time that you adore Me, make a point to spend at least five minutes in silent contemplative prayer with total focus on Me without any distractions. It is then that I can speak to your heart and give you direction for your soul. You are at this site that honors My Blessed Mother where a visionary had an apparition and messages of confirmation that My Blessed Mother is watching over this land. Give thanks to Me and My Blessed Mother for the blessings over this land.”


Sunday, May 5, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, every day of your life is like one step closer to your judgment, and one step closer to heaven for My faithful. Each day you should be focused on following My agenda so you can fulfill the mission that I have given you. You take time for your daily prayers, and daily Mass for some. You can even visit Me in My tabernacle at night. You need to work for your living and take nourishment at your meals, but you also need to share your faith each day in giving good Christian example to those around you. When you can, reach out to help others in their needs. At the end of each day think over any of your faults so you can confess them later, but learn from your mistakes so you do not repeat them. When you come to your judgment, you will have to make an accounting for each day in how you spent your time working for Me. The more good deeds that you have, it will go easier for your final judgment. Work each day on perfecting your soul, and be prepared that it could be the last day of your life.”


Monday, May 6, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision how I sent out My disciples to spread the Good News of the coming of My Kingdom. I died for your sins, and you are still celebrating My Resurrection on Easter. This salvation that is given to all sinners, is the Good News that I want My faithful to share with those who want to be converted to believe in Me. I have given you life and a soul so you can worship Me, and love Me and your neighbor. See the beauty of My creation and all the people on earth. I call everyone to come to Me so I can lead each of you on your own mission. I have called some of My faithful to be missionaries of My Word. Rejoice if you have been called to go out to all the nations and tell them My Good News. When you come to your judgment, all the souls that you have brought to Me in conversion, will be witnesses on your behalf. Keep close to Me in prayer and keep praying for poor sinners. I desire that all souls could come to heaven, and not be lost to the devil in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing flood watches all along the Mississippi River. This huge wall of water in the vision was part of this flood water, and there will be a break in a dam or levee that could cause further flooding. This combination of flooding and a cool spring has made it difficult for your farmers to get their crops planted. If you have another bad season for crops, you could see some food shortages. Many of your droughts and bad storms are being caused by man-made machines, so pray for My help in gathering enough food for your people to eat. I will provide what you need, so have faith in what I will provide for My faithful at My refuges.”


Tuesday, May 7, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this message is all about giving Me thanks for all of My gifts, and all that I do for you every day. After Holy Communion, you usually are giving thanks for My gift of My Eucharist. Dying for all sinners is My greatest gift of salvation that you could thank Me for. Giving you Myself every day in My sacramental presence of the Eucharist is another gift that I am with you always, and you should thank Me. I give you all of your talents and health to do My work that you can thank Me for. I give you life in the soul with My grace, and life in your body by helping you find food, breathe the air, and have water to drink. You take many of My gifts for granted. You can even consider your children and grandchildren as gifts of My love. Every person who comes into your life is a gift from Me. You do not really own things or your children, because they are only given to you on loan for a short time. Everything in this life is temporary and will pass away, so give Me praise and thanks for all that I put in your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of you are aware of the Ison Comet that will come close to the earth around November and December. I showed you this in an earlier message, but I did not mention the significance of this comet. Your astronomers are telling you that this comet will appear as brighter than a full moon. I told you that the meteor over Russia was a sign of a war coming. Now you are seeing how Israel is protecting itself by a second bombing of potential missiles in Syria that were headed to Hamas. I also gave you a sign of the coming financial problems after Pope Francis was elected. Now, I am telling you that this comet is a sign of the coming Warning. I will not give a date for the Warning, but I have told you many times that it is close. In the vision of the circling stars, you could tell that this was connected to the Warning. Once the Warning occurs, events will be moving quickly to allow the Antichrist to come into power. My faithful need to have your backpacks, tents, and sleeping blankets ready for when you will have to leave for the safety of My refuges. Have trust and faith that I will protect My faithful from the evil ones.”


Wednesday, May 8, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a sign with this meteor in Russia that a new war would break out. In the vision you could see bombs exploding in a war that will be in the Middle East area. This is a hotbed of confrontations between Israel and many Arab factions. If various Arab nations started a war with Israel, America could be drawn into such a conflict. Israel is fighting for its survival. If Israel is threatened by superior numbers in armies, they would possibly even use nuclear weapons for their defense. This is why Israel is concerned if Iran obtains nuclear weapons. Any Middle East war could quickly involve many nations that could lead to a world war. Be watchful of any new war, and pray that peace will prevail.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several incidents with assault rifles that have killed some people, and now a new tactic with homemade bombs. Look at the responses to these incidents that are near martial law reactions with SWAT (Special weapons and tactics team) teams and police. Each one of these incidents is a test of the response to various violent acts. There will be more of these incidents as part of a fear and terrorist tactic for giving your authorities more power and control over your people in the name of security. You are seeing more control coming over your people through your health care law as well. Chips in the body are part of this law, and it is just a matter of time before chips in the body will become mandatory. I have warned My faithful not to take any chip in the body for any reason, even if you are threatened with death for not taking a chip in the body. Once these chips become mandatory in the body, My faithful are to leave for My refuges. Those, who take the chip, will be controlled by voices, and they will be like robots to the one world masters. Trust in My help at My refuges where the evil ones will not find you because of the invisible shield all around you.”


Thursday, May 9, 2013: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, this celebration of My Ascension into heaven comes forty days after Easter. My apostles were in awe of this sight. This day is also a great celebration for your prayer group which is celebrating forty years of being prayerful witnesses. The second vision is when I called My apostles to pray one hour with Me in the Garden of Gethsemene. Your prayer group has been faithful to your weekly meetings all of these years. My Blessed Mother and I are grateful for all of your prayers and your hours of adoring My Blessed Sacrament. I have heard your prayers and many intentions for the souls that you have mentioned. I give your Eternal Father prayer group continued encouragement to continue your meetings in My honor and that of My heavenly Father.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your prayer group first started as a Blue Army cell, and you all have been faithful in praying My Blessed Mother’s rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I thank you John and Carol, for being the inspiration for keeping this prayer group going for forty years both in your home and now at church. I also thank all of your prayer warrior friends for supporting this prayer group. You all will store up graces in heaven for being My faithful witnesses.”

Jesus said: “My people, I call all of you to pray and perform good deeds in helping your neighbor both physically and spiritually. Take an example from My apostles and St. Paul in how they suffered much to bring the Good News to all the people of the world including the Gentiles. I am also calling all of My faithful souls to evangelize souls with the Good News of My Resurrection after My death to save all of you. You share this world’s goods with others, but it is even more important to share your faith in the conversion of sinners.”

Jesus said: “My people, daily prayer is a total commitment to remembering Me in all that you do. It is good to pray at your prayer group every Thursday, but I am in need of your prayers every day for a world that is tormented with so much evil. It is your prayers that have held back My hand of justice for so long. You are seeing events leading up to the final hour of evil during the tribulation. Have trust and hope that I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, with this feast of My Ascension into heaven, you are ten days from celebrating the gifts of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. This will bring your Easter Season to a close for another Church year. Then you will be returning to the Ordinary time of this year. You have been fed with the beautiful accounts of My disciples in the ‘Acts of the Apostles’. They have been beautiful witnesses of My Word to the people. All of you are rejoicing as My Easter people, and you see the need in the world to bring My love and My Word to all souls. Your reward will be great in heaven for all that you do for Me in helping souls come to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are all My prayer warriors, and I want you to even pray as a family. Family prayer is powerful, and parental guidance in prayer is the best example that you could give your children and grandchildren. When spouses and children pray as a family, they are strengthening the bonds of love between themselves and Me. I bless every family because families are under attack from divorce, living together, and homosexual marriage. My faithful families are in the minority in your present society, but I gave you the best example for a proper family when I brought Adam and Eve together in the first marriage. Keep praying together so you can stay close to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you are joyful that spring is here and winter is behind you. The colorful spring flowers are a joy to see and share in your pictures. This is a tribute to your love of My creation and the beauty of nature. All of My people are beautiful creatures as part of My creation. The cycle of life from birth to death is another expression of My love for mankind. You have a short time on this earth, so strive to love Me and your neighbor as yourself. Do not let wars and anger take the peace from your soul. Keep focused on love and your love will overcome the evil of the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, for now you are suffering much in this human condition just for your own survival. I provide for all of your needs, and you can call on Me to support you in your daily trials. Those, who are faithful to Me, will soon see their reward both in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven. In that time suffering and sickness will be no more. You will be worshiping Me as the center of your life every day. Be patient in enduring this life, because a beautiful life awaits you.”


Friday, May 10, 2013: (St. Damien)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this heater as a symbol for heating up your hearts to inspire you to spread My love and My Gospel of love. You could see how I inspired St. Paul to carry on with his missionary efforts, even despite his many trials and persecutions. In the Gospel I also likened your earthly trials to a woman’s labor in childbirth. But after the birth, there is great joy that a child has been born into the world. So with My faithful of today, I wish to set your hearts on fire with My love so you too, will be inspired to share your faith by converting souls to the faith. You can see even how St. Damien was set on fire as well to help the lepers when he was adoring Me in My Blessed Sacrament in the early morning hours. He even worked with the lepers so closely that he became a leper himself. This joy and determination can only come from the Holy Spirit and My help to be a missionary. I give you all the graces that you will need to accomplish the mission that I have given you for your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that a cross is a symbol of being a Christian. The crucifix with a corpus on it, has an even deeper meaning that represents a Christian who is willing to suffer persecution for his or her faith. You know that I died for all of mankind by being crucified on a cross. Until there is a sacrifice of My Blood on the cross, the cross itself has little meaning. So it is with My faithful. You need to be able to risk persecution and endure some suffering for your faith if you are going to be a real Christian. It is easy to say the words that you love Me, but I need to see actions that show your true sincerity in living your faith. You may have to go out of your comfort zone to help someone. You may want to give up some of your time to pray your rosaries, or spend time visiting Me in My tabernacle. It is ‘Christ crucified’ that you need to imitate and follow. If the worldly people persecuted Me, they will do the same to you. Be willing to stand up for what you believe in Me, even if your life is threatened.”


Saturday, May 11, 2013: (Funeral Mass for Ann Hermle)
Jesus said: “My people, I welcome Ann to her final resting place with Me. She has lived a full life, and she is one of My blessed adorers. My adorers have a special place in My heart. Ann thanks all of you for attending her funeral. She will be praying for all of you. Keep her picture available so you can remember to call on her help.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another sign of a coming war when your large aircraft carriers are leaving port for duty in the Middle East. These ships and their escorts carry a lot of firepower to an area where America could be drawn into a war at anytime. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail to stop a large war from breaking out. I have asked My faithful to keep praying so that peace will prevail over the anger of war. It is prudent to have forces in position in case a war starts. Keep watching the events in the Middle East that could trigger a war.”


Sunday, May 12, 2013: (Mother’s Day)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I thank you for honoring me in this month of May, and for acknowledging me as your heavenly mother. I come in a quiet voice to comfort all of my children, as I place my mantle of protection over all of you. I thank my prayer warriors for all of your rosaries for my intentions. I just remind you to make up any of your missed prayers on the next day. There is a great need for prayer in your world to balance all of the evil that is going on. The family should be the central units of your society to bring up your children, and this is why marriage is so important to have children under this bond instead of out of sin. Give honor to all of your mothers who are nurturing their children in a difficult age. There are many evil influences on the children, and they need a good loving example to lead them in life. Treasure all of your mothers, as they gave you your gift of life, and even remember the mothers who have passed on. This is a joyful day for me also as you love me for being the mother of your Jesus, my Son.”


Monday, May 13, 2013: (Our Lady of Fatima)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are commemorating the days that My Blessed Mother appeared to the three children at Fatima, Portugal. There were prophecies about how Russia would spread her errors, which were a prediction of communism and its influence in the world. Even today it is still a part of the one world people’s attempt at world control. In many of these apparitions of My Blessed Mother, she is encouraging her children to pray the rosary and to wear her scapular. Many of My faithful come to Me through My Blessed Mother. She is a loving intercessor in bringing your prayer petitions to Me. Prayer is a daily need in helping souls, so continue to pray for her intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, you had a beautiful vision and feeling of being in My Blessed Mother’s house with her there. This house is in Ephesus, Turkey, and you had a flashback to when you were there. St. John took care of My Blessed Mother until he was exiled to Patmos. My Blessed Mother was an inspiration to My apostles after I ascended to heaven. She is also an inspiration to My faithful in following My words and My Commandments. I have told you that there are many mansions in heaven, and I go to prepare a place for all of My faithful. This earthly house is a good remembrance, but your heavenly mansion will be so much more beautiful. Strive to be with Me and My Blessed Mother in heaven, and your joy with us will know no bounds.”


Tuesday, May 14, 2013: (St. Matthias)
Jesus said: “My people, Judas had to be replaced with another disciple so the apostles could be restored to twelve as in the twelve tribes of Judah. St. Matthias was chosen as the replacement for Judas. In the vision you can see how I sent My apostles out two by two so they could spread My Gospel. Later, after My death, they preached the Good News of My Resurrection from the dead. My Gospel of loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself is the central theme of My own preaching. I gave My apostles an example in My washing their feet and breaking the bread of My Eucharist. I also gave them authority to forgive sins in Confession. Today, you have My Word in the Bible, the Eucharist in the Mass, and Confession with your priests. You are living what was taught to My apostles, and they passed it on to other generations. So My faithful of today need to teach the faith to your children and grandchildren. Continue to give your family and friends a good Christian example. I died so all of you could find salvation in My sacrifice. By seeking to convert sinners, you can help save souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me say in My messages that I will be with you until the end of this age. I have been preparing My faithful to be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives will be in danger. There will come a time when the persecution of Christians will be so great that you will be forced to flee to My refuges. Once you arrive at My refuges, you will find around the clock Adoration, and My angels will be giving you Holy Communion daily. During the approaching tribulation, the evil ones will be seeking out My tabernacles to remove My Hosts. This is when the vision will occur. I will always be with you in My faithful remnant because I will not allow the demons to prevail against My Church. My refuges will not only be a safe haven for your bodies, but for your souls as well. Rejoice that I truly will be with you always, but mostly at My refuges.”


Wednesday, May 15, 2013: (St. Isidore the farmer)
Jesus said: “My people, you have been experiencing some drought conditions the last few years, and this is part of the reason for your poor crop yields. Another cause of some food shortages is poor management of the farms and fertilizers. In the next year or so you could see mandatory chips in the body that may be required to buy the food. This is why I have asked My faithful to store some food and water before you need to leave for My refuges. This is all about food insurance so you could share it with your family and neighbors. For awhile you could share the food with those who come to your door, and I will multiply what you have. Once people start to threaten your life with guns, then it will be time to come to My refuges. Once you need to come to My refuges, you could load what food you have into your vehicles so you could help the refuges in sharing your food. Be prepared to deal with a world famine, but be assured that I will multiply your food wherever you are.”

Jesus said: “My people, it appears more than a coincidence that three scandals are giving your President major problems. It is hard to know who is leaking all of this information at the same time. The first scandal is all about the information coming out on how the Benghazi incident was being covered up to protect the President’s view on Al Qaeda. The second scandal is how the IRS was targeting the Tea Party and Patriots during the 2012 election for harassment in producing unnecessary information. The third scandal is how the government was looking into private phone calls of the AP reporters. Your President’s opposition is using these abuses to criticize his use of the government’s powers to improperly force their liberal ways over the people. As many look back on past scandals, some Presidents have lost their credibility with the people over such scandals. Pray that justice will be carried out on all the people involved in any crimes.”


Thursday, May 16, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how I am the cornerstone of My Church that was rejected by the builders. I entrusted the keys of My Church to St. Peter as the rock upon whom I would build My Church. He was the first Pope in the succession of many Popes who have guided My Church over the years. The Roman Catholic Church cannot be built up by only a few people. I rely on all of My faithful to build up My Church. I am not just talking about the physical churches, but the people of your parishes need to grow, and hand down the faith to future generations. If your church is not growing, then it will be dying. Keep supporting your own parish by encouraging new members to be converted so your parish can keep growing.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as more releases of information become publicly known, it is becoming more obvious that there are forces trying to bring your President down. He is doing his best to keep control over the damage, but the more things are being investigated, the more covered up truth is being revealed. When you have based your stands on lies, sooner or later, the truth will unveil these lies. Some people are even warning you that this Administration could start a false flag incident to change the news away from these scandals. Pray for America that those, who are controlling your government, are not allowed to take you over with martial law.”

Jesus said: “My people, addictions to alcohol can be very devastating to families and workers in your workforce. Alcoholics are killing people on the highways, and they are breaking up families. The habitual cravings are hard to stop, and it requires a complete stopping of any drinking in order to stop. This means no enabling and a desire by the alcoholic to stop and get some help. Drinking is used as a way to put aside any stress, but it only causes worse problems. Pray for these alcoholics to change their lives before it affects their health or the safety of those around them.”

Jesus said: “My people, every spring brings a rash of tornadoes to the middle of your country. If they occur over open land, it is one thing. When they occur in cities, more lives are at stake. This violence is hard to avoid, and you hope early warning could save lives. When the tornadoes are more violent, it is hard to avoid the loss of life. Some people are building concrete safe rooms in the basement for more protection. It is hard to start over when someone loses their home. Reach out to help the survivors get back to a normal life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen in your news that there are now twelve states that allow homosexual marriage. I instituted Matrimony as a sacrament for the proper marriage of a man and a woman. Any other kind of marriage is unnatural, and it defies My Commandments to make them equal to a normal marriage. I know there are some advocating same sex marriage, but they are being misled by the devil to make homosexual acts appear as not sinful. They are still abominable sins in My eyes, and My faithful need to take a stand against gay marriage.”

Jesus said: “My people, your society is becoming more corrupt in its morals. Gay marriage and living together in fornication are being accepted by more people in your society. Because Christians stand up against these sins vocally, you will see an increase in your persecution because these people do not want to be criticized for their sins. This is why hate crimes legislation and other laws as abortion laws, are being used to force a change in the original Christian morals to allow these sins as legal. My faithful need to pray and protest these sins and bad laws that are corrupting the morals of America.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Sunday you will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday that commemorates when I sent the Holy Spirit to My Apostles. Once My apostles received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, they received the courage needed to go out and spread My Gospel of love. They even were enabled to speak about Me in foreign tongues so others in foreign lands could be converted. My faithful have also been confirmed with the Holy Spirit, so you too, have these same gifts to give witness to My Good News. Do not leave this work of evangelization to someone else, but go forward to share your faith with others.”

Jesus said: “My people, I hear all of your prayer requests. Some are healed, but others are still suffering and dying. It is not easy for some to see people dying from cancer, but some of these problems come from your foods and your environment. I have given you some suggestions how to live a healthy life, but some sicknesses are unavoidable. Pray for good health in your family, and comfort those who have terminal illnesses. It is also good to have a healthy and pure soul by frequent Confession so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment.”


Friday, May 17, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, there are some who seek fame and fortune in this life, but this can get in the way of their worship of Me and letting Me be the Master of their lives. As My followers, I want you to be humble, and follow My plan for your life instead of your own desires. It is not easy to proclaim My kingdom and My Resurrection because there are some who do not want to accept My Good News. This is why St. Paul was persecuted, and risked his life in prison for preaching My Gospel. My faithful are also seeing an increase in the persecution of Christians because your society is following evil ways instead of following Me. The devil and the Antichrist will soon have their hour of testing the world in the coming tribulation. My faithful will need to remain strong in their faith, but you will be persecuted as I was. I will give you My protection at My refuges, but you will be living a more rustic life without so many comforts. Be patient and rejoice, because My victory is coming, even as you see the evil ones taking control.”

(At Rhoda Wise’s home, Canton, Ohio) Jesus said: “My people, Rhoda was blessed to share in My pain with the stigmata for two years. There have been several miracles of healing to add authenticity to her experiences. She was a convert, and I want you to focus on her humility, but especially on her obedience both to Me and the Church. This is the same acceptance that I ask of everyone, that they be obedient to My Divine Will and to the authorities of My Church. By allowing Me to run your lives, you will be able to accomplish the mission which I have for each of you. This is a blessed spot and consecrated land.”


Saturday, May 18, 2013: (St. Pope John I)
Jesus said: “My people, in My early Church you have seen the historical accounts of how many Christians were martyred for their faith. St. Paul was martyred as well as all of My apostles, except St. John. In the Gospel you read how St. John was protected from being killed, even though he was exiled on Patmos. I have made the ultimate sacrifice as a God-man by sacrificing My life for the whole of mankind throughout the ages of the past and the ages to come. This is how much I love you, that I would die for all of you. In today’s world there are Christians who are still being martyred for their faith, and many babies are dying as martyrs in abortion all over the world. It is difficult for some to think of being able to die for their belief in Me, but in these end days, there will be more martyrs for their faith. I have given you life, but your life is not your own if you give your will over to My Divine Will. My faithful should be willing to give your lives back to Me if you are tested with dying for your faith. This life is short compared to eternity, so all of My faithful need to have pure souls by frequent Confession. You need to be ready to meet Me at your judgment when I call you home to Me.”

For the Servants of Mary: I could see many doors being opened. Jesus said: “My people of this shrine, I am opening many doors of opportunity to help you to accommodate many people here during the coming tribulation. Remain faithful to Me in your prayer lives, and I will provide for your needs with many of My angels. Be not afraid, and guard My peace in your souls.”


Sunday, May 19, 2013: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Love of God, and I give each of you a portion of My Spirit that gives you life in your soul and body. This is why each person is a Temple of the Holy Ghost. When you are confirmed, I give you My gifts of knowledge, counsel, wisdom, piety, understanding, fortitude, and fear of the Lord. To some I give the gift of tongues, or the gift of prophecy. In your own mission I give you the words to write down and the words to speak at your talks. You can also call on Me to bless people when they need a healing of the body or a healing of the soul. Give praise to God and thank Me for helping you in your needs and trials. Many think of Me as a dove, but the vision of flames is more accurate in how I am the fire of love that inspires people in their faith. You have experienced a tingling feeling when I come over you. Some people are even slain in the spirit as they fall to the ground. Others express different tongues when they invoke Me in prayer. My gifts are manifested in different ways, but I am the same Holy Spirit. Thank you for honoring Me this day on Pentecost.”


Monday, May 20, 2013: (St. Bernardine of Siena)
Jesus said: “My people, as you see this loudspeaker announcing the words of My Gospel, My faithful need to also be ready to share My Word, so the people can learn about Me and be converted. Spreading My Gospel message of love is everyone’s duty so more souls can be saved from hell. By following My Commandments and wearing your blessed sacramentals, you can protect your soul from the temptations of the devil. In the Gospel reading you read how I exorcized the mute demon out of a boy. My apostles had tried to bring the demon out, but they could not do so. To accomplish such a deliverance, My faithful need to have faith in My power to do such an exorcism. You can pray a binding of the spirits prayer to bind such demons to the foot of My cross in My Name, Jesus, and never to return. Some evil spirits are strong or there may be multiple demons. In these cases, I told My apostles that this kind requires prayer and fasting. (Matthew’s Gospel) You can also pray a St. Michael’s prayer for a person’s deliverance of a demon as well. An exorcist priest would be best, or you can pray and fast with deliverance prayers. Demons do exist, and people can be possessed or obsessed by them. Call on Me to send you My angels, if you are attacked by demons, or you are praying for the deliverance of a soul from a demon.”

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel a man asked Me to remove a demon from his son, but he was a little doubtful when he said if I could do it. There was a doubt in My power, possibly because he saw that My apostles could not cast out the demon. In order for Me to heal someone, they need to be confident that I can heal them. If you truly have faith in My healing, then it will be accomplished as a miracle. Once I healed his son by calling out the demon from the boy, the man believed. This is when he prayed to Me, and he asked Me to help him with his unbelief. Today, there are many people who do not believe in Me, or My healing power. They also can be healed of their unbelief, if they would take one step forward in accepting Me into their lives. When these souls are converted, the truth of My words will set them free. Have faith in Me, and I will give you the graces to carry out your mission.”


Tuesday, May 21, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I love the little children, and I do not want to see them scandalized or abused because they are precious in My sight. It is difficult to raise children up in this age because they are exposed to many evils on your televisions, and in your movies and literature. They are seeing people living together without marriage, people living in gay marriage, and there is pornography in many places on the internet. Some children are being molested even by their own relatives, and by kidnaping. Parents and grandparents need to be good Christian examples so the children can learn proper living in a true marriage of a husband and a wife. Teach the children a proper belief in Me with a good prayer life and monthly Confession. Help to guard their souls from all the evil in the world with its many addictions. Pray for their souls every day so they can come to heaven with their own personal commitment to Me.”


Wednesday, May 22, 2013: (St. Rita of Cascia)
Jesus said: “My people, you have physical pillars that hold up the roof and the ceiling of a church, but this vision represents the people who are building up My Church. The white pillars also represent the purity of the souls who give witness of My Gospel in how they are following My Commandments. There are many saints, as today in St. Rita, who are great models of faith to imitate. It is how you live your faith that is proof to Me that you truly live what you believe. All of My faithful may not be saints canonized by My Church, but you are truly My pillars who help spread My Gospel to all the nations. Those, who are evangelizing souls in My Name, are all working with you, whatever religious group that they belong to.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a mission to prepare the people for the coming tribulation when the Antichrist declares himself. I am raising up many people who are preparing refuges where My faithful will be protected from the evil ones. My angels will be protecting My faithful with a miraculous invisible shield. I have been giving you many messages so My faithful will know when it is time to leave for My refuges. The first major sign will be My Warning that will prepare people to know about the need to come to My refuges. They will also be warned not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in their body. You will see a man-made world famine because of the droughts, and control of the food by the one world people. You already are seeing signs of New Age teachings in My Church that will cause a major schism. Martial law is coming, as there are many training for a takeover of America. It is the mandatory chips in the body that are coming quickly by next year or sooner, where many people are seeing the signs of it being established by your Health Care mandates. Once mandatory chips are being enforced by your government, then it will be time to leave for My refuges of protection. You will be healed of any ailments with My luminous cross at My refuges. You will be fed water, Holy Communion, and deer meat for food. You also will have your own place for bedding and washing. Be patient and grateful that you will be protected from the evil ones who want to kill you. This time at My refuges will be shortened to less than 3½ years for the sake of My elect. Many of My messengers are receiving similar messages to prepare refuges for My people.”


Thursday, May 23, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is speaking about hell in exaggerated terms of cutting off a foot, a hand, or even plucking out an eye. If these things were causing you to sin, it is better to come to heaven maimed than to be drawn to hell with all of your body parts. This is something that most people would not consider, but the point is to avoid all occasions of sin that could lead you into a judgment to hell. My faithful should be giving good example to others, but at times they may fall into sin in their weaknesses. You can come to Me in Confession in order to cleanse your sins from your soul so I can renew My grace in your soul. Your goal is to be with Me in heaven, and this is why you need to focus your life on Me, so I can protect you from the devil’s temptations. Keep close to Me in frequent Confession, so your soul will always be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages to prepare the people for the coming Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist’s reign. As in this vision of these loudspeakers, I want you to share this message of preparation with everyone. The Warning is an opportunity for all sinners to repent of their sins and be cleansed in My loving sacrament of Reconciliation. This will be a wake-up call when you see your life review. By keeping your soul pure with frequent Confession, you will be ready to leave for My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I had mentioned earlier about the usual number of tornadoes that occur in the middle of America at this time of year. This latest storm and others in Oklahoma caused the destruction of over 1,500 homes and killed over 50 people. Such an F-5 tornado can be very deadly in a populated area. It was sad to see so many children that were killed. This violence of over a 200 mph wind is highly unusual, and such storms have been generated by the HAARP machine in the past. Pray for these people, and send donations to help them recover.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are so many people that are possessed or obsessed with demons, that it is difficult to begin to pray deliverance prayers for all of them. You can pray and fast for these souls, and try to get them to wear some blessed sacramentals. The demons are being allowed a short time to persecute the souls on earth right now. Have patience because My victory over the evil ones will come at the end of the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in America is a gradual decay in your morals, as these sinful acts of fornication and homosexual acts are not seen as sins by some. Even though you may rationalize these actions as not being sins, they are still mortal sins in My eyes, and each person will be held accountable. When you allow abortions, euthanasia, and same-sex marriage in your laws and statutes, you are condemning your nation, and calling down My judgment against you. You will be seeing continuous disasters, and an eventual takeover of your country as a punishment for your sins as a nation.”

Jesus said: “My people, this microwave weapon is being used by the one world people to reduce the population and create enough chaos to cause a coming martial law. Violent tornadoes and hurricanes can kill people and destroy much property. Severe earthquakes can also kill people with tsunamis, and create great devastation. Satan hates man, and he is having those who worship him, put many killing incidents in place using man-made machines. These evil ones will suffer for all the killing that they are inflicting on mankind.”

Jesus said: “My people, time is speeding up, and the tribulation time is quickly coming before you, when there will be no escape, except at My refuges. You do not realize how evil this coming tribulation will be because it will be an evil worse than you have ever seen. Call on My angels to protect you and lead you to My refuges that will be protected by an invisible shield. Do not think of using weapons to kill people, but trust in My protection, and use your weapons of your blessed sacramentals to defend yourself from the demons and evil people. When I call you to come to My refuges, do not hesitate in leaving your homes, or you will be risking martyrdom.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are fortunate to have some gifted prayer warriors that have a mission to pray deliverance prayers over people. Be grateful for this opportunity to receive Nilda’s gifts in helping you in your spiritual lives. Pray for her in having God give her the strength to carry on her mission. Pray some St. Michael prayers to protect her from any demons who could attack her. Your prayer group is blessed to have her come here. Thank her for helping you.”


Friday, May 24, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have two beautiful readings on friendship and on marriage. In the reading from Sirach there is a story of how a good friend is a true treasure of great value. Some people are friends when you share money with them, but when the money stops, they quickly leave. Other people may be friends when things are going well, but when you are sick or in need of help, they drift away. A true friend will stand by you in adversity, and help you in times of need. This is why such a friend is a treasure indeed, and they are usually God-fearing people that share your love of God and neighbor. The Gospel reading is when the Pharisees asked Me if it was acceptable to have a divorce in a marriage. They told Me that Moses allowed a man to write a bill of divorce to his wife in order to marry another. I said to them that Moses wrote such a law because of their hard hearts. I created a man and a woman to be married, and no one should break that union. For those who can accept My teaching, a man and a woman who divorce to marry another, commit adultery with other people. Even in your own day, My Church allows annulments on grounds of abuse or where there is no intent to have children. In this case even such annulments are given freely without much effort to prove a case. Your people would rather divorce with an annulment, than try to work out any difficulties to save the marriage. Your hearts are just as hard now as the people of My time on earth. In fact your society is even more morally corrupt because most of your couples do not even get married, but they live in the sins of fornication. Blessed are those couples who remain married a long time, who are husband and wife.”

Jesus said: “My people, man’s criteria for a proper church design is different from Mine. Many church designers are doing their work to make themselves look good, instead of making a church to give Me the glory. In the newer churches you are seeing less statues, and even My tabernacles are being placed in back rooms so you cannot even see Me. I am the main guest in My churches so you should have Me placed in the center so everyone could give Me praise and thanks. Many churches are also lacking a large crucifix on the altar, so people can appreciate how I died for their souls out of love for them. Remember when you come to church that you are coming to give Me praise and honor, and not just the designer.”


Saturday, May 25, 2013: (Venerable Fr. Baker’s Basilica)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I wanted the little children to come to Me because the people have to come to Me as little children in order to come to heaven. Father Baker had a huge heart when he took in the boys and infants to take care of them in his orphanage. He even encouraged the unwed mothers to give up their children for adoption instead of aborting them. It is unfortunate that your people today would rather abort their babies instead of giving them up for adoption. There are many couples who cannot have children, and they would love an opportunity to adopt such a child. As you compare the morality of Father Baker’s time to your present society, you can see how your country has deteriorated in its morals. Today, you are dealing with gay marriage, changing genders, more abortions, and even perverse evil activities with pornography, drugs, and continued prostitution. America is facing more disasters that are being allowed as its punishment.”


Sunday, May 26, 2013: (Trinity Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, this celebration of the Blessed Trinity is always hard for man to grasp, because this concept of Three Persons in One God is a mystery. You have some knowledge through the Scriptures of the Three of Us individually, but the Oneness of God is even harder to comprehend. The most important fact is that We love everyone of you, and you need to honor, love, and give praise to Us in return. We have created your souls and bodies, and We provide for your needs in your daily existence. You have each been given your own mission, but until you allow Us to be the Master of your lives, it will be difficult to carry out. When you try to appreciate what it would be like to be in heaven, then you have a driving desire to do what it takes to follow Us in all that We ask of you. Keep struggling on your own path to heaven, and do what you can to bring the many people around you to a conversion in the faith. Saving souls from hell is one of your best missions.”

Jesus said: “My people, when the world famine starts, people will do drastic things to find food. I am showing you some large trucks carrying food and water, and they will need armed guards for the distribution to the people. Other bands of hungry people will be hunting down homes with large caches of food. You will be able to hand out food to those who come to your door, as it will be multiplied until people will threaten you with guns. Once your lives are in danger, then My faithful will need to leave for My refuges. Only My faithful with a cross on their foreheads will be able to enter My refuges that will be guarded by My angels. Do not fear this time of famine, because the food at My refuges will be multiplied, and you will be protected with an invisible shield by My angels.”


Monday, May 27, 2013: (Memorial Day)
Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to go off to battle in the various wars caused by the one world people. They are the ones causing wars so they can make money on the war supplies of weapons. They do not care how many families they ruin when the husbands and sons are killed or wounded. War is a terrible scourge among mankind that takes a horrific toll on both sides of any conflict. America has been involved in too many no-win wars with the purpose
of breaking down your military and its morale. It is better to pray for peace in defiance of those who desire war at any cost. Many families and loved ones have to deal with the returning troops who have been scarred for life with lost limbs or psychological trauma. Remember that these soldiers need your support the most in any recovery of their wounds. Give thanks for their service in willing to die for their country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you do not know the day that I will take you home to face your judgment. Some souls are lost to hell, and only a few souls go straight to heaven. This leaves a fair amount of souls who will need to be purified in purgatory. This place of suffering is like the vision where souls are roaming about in a dingy grey area where you cannot see Me. Only prayers and Masses from the living souls on earth can help raise you up toward heaven. You are outside of time, and you do not have a sense of how long you will have to suffer in purgatory. The one good thing is that you have hope that one day you will be with Me in Paradise. Even some souls in lower purgatory are still suffering like in the flames of hell. The souls there can sense the love and compassion of those live persons who are praying for them. Otherwise, there is no love present. Pray that your family will pray for you if you are in purgatory after you die.”


Tuesday, May 28, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how the shingles on the roof are protecting the house from rain and snow damage. This protection is similar to how I protect you from the devil’s temptations with your guardian angel, My sacraments, and your blessed sacramentals. If the shingles get torn off, then you can have water leaks when it rains. Even so, if you fall into sin, you can repair the damage to your soul by coming to Me in Confession through the priest. Then receiving Me in Holy Communion can further help heal your soul with My sanctifying grace. Wearing a scapular, your rosary, and a Benedictine cross can further protect you from any demon attacks. By protecting your soul as you protect your house, then you will have less occasions for any weakness to sin. Continue to strive for holiness, so you can reach your goal of being with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a long view of all of your space flights to the Space Station, the moon, Mars, and the outer planets. In all of these flights, you have not seen any real signs of life on the moon or any of the planets. There might be some signs of previous water on Mars, but not any remains of life. You are now realizing how hard it is to find the optimum conditions for life to exist. First, you need to have a hard surface, and not just a gaseous planet. Next, you need to have the right temperature, meaning a specific distance from a central star. You also need water, oxygen, and amino acids for life to be sustained at a temperature where water is a liquid. Your atmosphere can also supply clouds for rain to help plants grow, and provide an acceptable environment for man and woman to exist. Your astronomers have been seeking out other planets, but still it is hard to determine if such viewed planets can support life as you know it. Be thankful for My creation, and all the gifts of life that you experience. Man also needs to protect the earth from polluting it, and changing the DNA of My creations. I am going to renew the earth when I come, because man has caused many problems to your present environment.”


Wednesday, May 29, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, two of My disciples wanted to be on My right and on My left in heaven, but I told them that it was not My place to grant it to them. Instead, I told My disciples that whoever wants to lead, must be the servant of others. All of My apostles, except St. John, were martyred for preaching My Gospel, so they received a high place in heaven. In the early days of Christianity, it was dangerous to teach and practice being a Christian of love because many were killed. Even in this coming tribulation, Christians will again be targets of the one world people, because they do not fit into the new world order.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in the vision how My Comet of Chastisement will strike the earth in the Atlantic Ocean at the end of the tribulation. This represents My victory over the Antichrist and the devil. My angels are going to bring My faithful up into space in a bubble that will provide oxygen and protect you from the vacuum of space. My faithful will not be killed by the comet, and it will start the three days of darkness. I will cleanse the earth of all the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth as it was in the Garden of Eden. My son, you saw Me in a vision as I was on a cross, and I led all of My faithful down to the earth so they could experience a new heavens and a new earth in the Era of Peace. My faithful will see My New Jerusalem, and you will all live a long time. I have told you this in previous messages, but now you are actually experiencing this miracle of My victory in your vision, as you could sense a flying motion in space. Rejoice that I will protect My faithful, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”


Thursday, May 30, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you measure time by the ticking of your clocks and watches. I measure the time of each person by the number of your heart beats. When your clock stops, you may need a new battery, or a new watch. When your heart stops beating, you are dead unless someone can revive your heart. Some people even have a battery to run their pacemaker. This muscle in your heart is what keeps you alive by pumping your blood throughout your body. This day when your heart stops, is coming for everyone according to My plan. This is why any kind of killing people is such a tragedy and a serious crime because those, who are killed, are not ready to go at an earlier time than My plan. Because you could die prematurely for any number of reasons, this is why you should strive to have a pure soul by frequent Confession. By keeping your soul as free of sin as possible, then you will always be ready to meet Me at your judgment, no matter when I will call you home. Enjoy this life experience that you are living, and show your love for Me in prayer, and your love for your neighbor in helping them. This life is short, so live every day as if it were your last day on earth.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, every spring you are constantly looking at the beautiful spring flowers. This picture of My Blessed Mother also has white flowers representing the purity of her soul, and her life as lived in My Divine Will. She is sad in this picture for all the abortions being committed, and for all those who disrespect Me in My Blessed Sacrament. She is holding a consecrated Host, and she is sad that many do not even believe in My Real Presence. I am truly present in My Blessed Sacrament, so kneel to Me and give Me praise.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how three young girls were kidnaped and abused for ten years or more by a ruthless man for sex slaves. He even forced one to have miscarriages and one to have a child. When children are missing, some fear they are dead, but some could be held prisoner, or used for prostitution. Many keep on looking for their lost children until they may be found dead. There is always a possibility that they could be alive. Pray for all the young women who are still being abused in some way.”

Jesus said: “My people, roses are beautiful, but you do have to be careful with the thorns. This brings to mind the experiences that happened to Maria Esperanza who gave birth to sixteen roses that had dew and thorns on them. You also have read of My beautiful life, but it was cut short when I had to suffer a crown of thorns and crucifixion for all of your souls. Even though I suffered a lot of pain, I gave My consent to offer up all of My suffering for saving the souls of mankind. My sacrifice paid the ransom for your sins, and now you can be forgiven in My sacrament of Reconciliation. As I suffered in this life, My faithful will also have to suffer persecution at the hands of the one world people.”

Jesus said: “My people, at these Shrine sites, you have heard of apparitions and locutions from My Blessed Mother. Such events have made these places holy, and they will be places of refuge. There are many shrines to My Blessed Mother, and all of them will be places of refuge. My angels will protect these areas with invisible shields, and they will provide food and bedding for My faithful, even if there are no preparations going on.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given messages before that monasteries of monks and nuns would be refuges because they have many hours of Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament there. These beautiful souls have given up everything to live a contemplative life, or a life of serving as teachers or health care people. Because of their service to Me, they will be rewarded with being protected by My angels. Again, even if these monasteries do not have bedding and food, My angels will provide for the faithful souls who come to these places with beds and food.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of My special souls are carrying out their calling to set up refuges for My faithful to be protected. It is not easy to set up refuges, because you need to be led in how to prepare food, bedding, and fuels for all the people who will come to My refuges. My angels will bring Holy Communion every day like the manna of the Old Exodus. You will have a luminous cross in the sky and healing water to drink. Deer will come into your camps as the quail came into the camp of Moses. Rejoice in My protection, even though you will be living a more rustic life than you have now. You all will need to help each other to survive, but the tribulation will be shortened for the sake of My elect.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you in a previous message how taking a life in killing, is such a serious crime against My plan for life. This killing by abortion is led by the death culture people who are listening to the lies of Satan. My faithful need to be more pro-active in protecting life at the abortion clinics and in your government legislatures. You can at least pray for the stoppage of abortion in your daily prayers. Without doing something to stop abortion, you are condoning it with your inaction. Your country has the blood of these infants on your hands, and you are calling down My punishment against America.”


Friday, May 31, 2013: (Midge Cerulli funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, seeing the last member of an older generation die, is very disheartening for the family left behind. Midge was a very strong rock holding her family together over the years. She was a woman of faith, and she wanted her family to be strong in their faith as well. Seeing this stained glass window in church is where she spent many hours helping people. Give thanks for the gift of her life in how she touched the lives of many people. She will be still watching out for her family even after her death.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you when the chips in the body are made mandatory, this would be the time to leave for My refuges. Chips in the body are in the original Affordable Care Law. The government is not telling you what happens to those people who do not take the chip in the body. Those people, who do not take the chip, will be considered outlaws, and they will be taken to the detention center death camps and killed, just like Hitler killed the Jews. There is another part in the Health Care Law that calls for a private army to enforce this law, and this army will be taking people to the detention centers. Once these chips are mandatory, these troops will come to everyone’s house to force people to take the chip. If you refuse and remain in your homes, you are risking martyrdom. If you leave your home when I warn you, you will be protected by My angels. The empty trailers and box cars in the vision are how the evil ones will carry people to the detention centers to be gassed and cremated. These evil ones will not tell you the consequences of not taking the chip, but these so-called outlaws will disappear overnight. Follow My advice to prepare your backpacks, tents, and sleeping blankets so you will be ready to leave your homes for My refuges. You will not need guns because My angels will guard you with an invisible shield.”


Saturday, June 1, 2013: (Elaine Gysel Funeral Mass)
Elaine said: “I thank all of My family, relatives, and friends for coming to my funeral. You and Carol were the last ones to see me alert before I died. I love to see the little children that are so full of life. I thank all of those people who helped me get by through my last years. It was my falls as you know that caused my death. I will be praying for all of you, and watching out for you. I could use a few Masses to get me out of purgatory. I know that you may not have many pictures of me, but it would be nice to put my picture up so you could remember me.”


Sunday, June 2, 2013: (Most Holy Body & Blood of Jesus, Corpus Christi)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read the Gospel when I multiplied the bread and the fish for the 5,000 people. I was very generous to them, and they even collected twelve baskets of fragments. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, I am spreading My Real Presence among the people. Today, My Presence was even more overwhelming when you have your God with you as one for a brief time. This oneness in My Presence is how you will experience Me all the time in heaven. This taste of heaven in Holy Communion is another reason to seek being with Me forever. My love is overflowing to all of My faithful, and this feast day draws your attention to how much I love you, and how much I desire that all souls could share in My love. There are some people who ignore Me, and My faithful need to reach out and invite those people who are no longer coming to Mass. Share with them how they are missing My intimate love.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a window of opportunity for My graces every time that you visit Me in My tabernacle or in My monstrance during Adoration. From My monstrance I look into each of your souls, and I bless you with My Real Presence. Today, you honor Me in My Blessed Sacrament as you see the priest consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood at every Mass. I have given you two great gifts in My death on the cross for your salvation, and My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. Just as I multiplied the bread and fish, so I make Myself Present in your souls intimately when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Give praise and thanks to Me for all the gifts that I bestow upon you in My sacraments. My Blessed Sacrament is a miracle of My Real Presence, and you should give Me honor and reverence wherever you have My consecrated Hosts. This is why you genuflect to My tabernacle every time that you come into church. There are some who do not believe in My Real Presence in My Host, and this is why I have allowed miracles of My Eucharist with blood on the Hosts. I am still present in My Host even though some may doubt this truth of your faith. I will be with you always in My tabernacles to the end of this age.”


Monday, June 3, 2013: (St. Charles Lwanga & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, in the past you have seen many saints who were martyred for their faith. Even today in some areas Christians are being killed for their faith. As the tribulation time approaches, you will be seeing an increase in the persecution of Christians all over the earth. Because you will not take a chip in the body and conform to the new world order, you will be targets for extermination. This is why I am giving you so many messages about coming to My refuges for the safety of your soul and body. The evil ones are going to harass those who believe in Me because the Antichrist wants you to worship him instead of Me. Many people do not want to hear this message of a threat to their present way of life, but you will see this happening sooner than you think. You cannot take the easy way out to avoid endangering your life. By taking a chip in the body and worshiping the Antichrist, you would be condemning yourself to hell. This is why you cannot take the chip in the body that would control your free will. When I warn My faithful, they need to leave immediately for My refuges. If you do not know where the refuges are, call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge. Your angels will guard you with an invisible shield when you leave your homes.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some damaging tornadoes that have killed people in Oklahoma. I told you that you would see many disasters coming in your country as the fires in California. Now, in June you are beginning another hurricane season that is predicting more storms than the average. You have seen Hurricane Irene and Hurricane Sandy that have caused a lot of damage in the Northeast in the last few years. There are some indications that the HAARP machine could have been involved in directing these storms toward your financial capital in New York City. Do not be surprised if these evil ones who control the HAARP machine, could direct another hurricane in the direction of Wall Street. Such a disruption of your financial activities could be enough to cause a martial law excuse in this area, just as there was an overreaction with the Boston Marathon bombing. Be prepared to come to My refuges if a major martial law is declared.”


Tuesday, June 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Tobit did not believe his wife that she received a goat as a bonus for her work. It is hard to doubt someone’s word before there is any evidence to disprove what they are saying. There should be some trust in people you know, so you can believe that they are telling the truth. Once that trust is broken by a lie, then there may be some doubt. Some people with addictions lie to get drugs or alcohol. These people are difficult to believe in whatever they say. In the Gospel reading I confounded My accusers who were trying to catch Me in My speech. They were amazed when I told them to give to God what is God’s, and to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s. This was in answer to their trick question if they should pay their taxes to the Romans or not. You have earthly money that you use to buy things, but it should not become a god to you in place of Me. I have asked My faithful to do everything out of love for Me and your neighbor. You can share your money and possessions with others to help the poor and the needy. You can also share your faith, your love, and your time with others as well. There is more to life than just money and bread, so share all of your gifts, and do not be selfish with what you have.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see the decay in the morals of America by the way you have people living together in fornication, homosexuals acts, prostitution, and using pornography. Your children and adults are being exposed to ‘R’ and ‘X’ rated movies of violence and promiscuity both in the movie theater, on TV, and on the internet. All of this evil influence is further corrupting the morals of your country. Abortion and birth control are also calling for America’s judgment. Some people are avoiding movies and TV altogether because of the continuous violence and immorality. Your Hollywood producers are to blame to some extent, but the public is still supporting this thrash by their ticket purchases. If enough people did not attend these bad movies, then they would not have any market. It is the people who have lost their sense of sin who are supporting these immoral movies. Unfortunately, many people are allowing themselves to accept today’s violent and immoral movies. My faithful would be better off not watching TV and any bad movies so they could protect themselves from these occasions of sin. If you do not give your children a good example in your entertainment, then you are allowing them to accept such immoral viewing. If your people do not change their evil ways, then they will not only lose their country, but many could lose their souls to the evil ones.”


Wednesday, June 5, 2013: (St. Boniface)
Jesus said: “My people, when you look at the cut away rings of a large tree, it represents the history of that tree through the years. I turn your attention to the roots of the many years of My Church’s existence as you honor St. Boniface and all My holy martyrs and saints. You have heard how the blood of the martyrs is the seed for new conversions to the faith in Me. These martyrs would rather give up their lives, than deny their faith in Me. Their example of Christian living makes them models for you to follow. I want all of My followers to live according to My Commandments so you can live saintly lives. Every soul who comes to heaven must have a pure soul to enter, and these are My saints who are not all canonized by My Church. They all have received their crowns of sainthood, just as My faithful will some day.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people who were devastated by Hurricane Sandy, have obtained some Federal aid to rebuild the damage from this storm. It is not easy to organize the repairs needed over such a large area. Many people have lost their homes, and it is hard to replace them. After having at least two storms cause considerable damage, people in this area might be considering some kind of Federal storm insurance. I have mentioned the possibility of another storm coming into the Northeast, so people in this area should be prepared in case it happens. Your first tropical storm is coming into Florida, and some remnants may head up the coast. Call on My help to minimize any storm damage, but America could be facing more disasters because of its sins. Be prepared with food and water if you should lose power, and have your vehicles filled with enough gas in case you need to flee from any storms. By having the people ready, you could minimize any casualties.”


Thursday, June 6, 2013: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from the Book of Tobit, you are seeing separate prayers from Tobiah and Sarah to protect themselves from the demon, Asmodeus. This demon had killed seven husbands to Sarah on their wedding night, and this couple prayed for protection so Tobiah would not be killed. St. Raphael, the Archangel, was sent by Me to cast out this demon, and protect this couple. They each sought a noble purpose in marriage, and not any lust in their hearts. Because their prayers were sincere, I answered their requests. This account of marriage is also a message to all newlyweds on their wedding night, to pray for a successful marriage with children. When you pray to Me for protection in this covenant of marriage, I will also answer the prayers of those who desire a happy marriage for many years.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, living at college in a dormitory carries some strong temptations for drinking alcoholic drinks together with other students. This is becoming more of a problem when students live on campus. Once students are away from their parents, they need to be more responsible for their actions. Those students, who have a strong prayer life, are stronger in avoiding occasions of sin. College life can help people, but some young people start bad addictions when they are unsupervised. Pray for your college students that they grow up as responsible citizens.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more volatility in your stock markets as interest rates start to rise in a better economy. Your weather also is quite variable in your cooler temperatures this spring, and in the violence of your tornadoes and tropical storms. When markets go into records of new highs, there is a possibility of a major correction. Your weather is also witnessing some unusual floods in some areas, and droughts and fires in other areas. This is as if man’s erratic behavior is being mirrored in the weather disasters.”

Jesus said: “My people, the more you investigate the IRS in their activities, the more abuses you are finding in discrimination among opposing party members. It is hard to show who was targeting the Tea Party groups and patriots in obtaining any tax-exempt status. Those, who were accused in Cincinnati, Ohio, are now pointing the blame in the Washington, D.C. direction. In the latest baseball abuses with enhancing chemicals, the Commissioner is coming down hard on twenty players. In these abuse cases, it is hard to obtain enough evidence to make a case. Your people hold your Congress people and baseball players to a higher standard, so that ethics are more important for these people in the spotlight.”

Jesus said: “After your State Department mishandled the current Benghazi incident, and your Attorney General has been questioned on various questionable activities, your people are concerned with losing their freedoms. Searching cell phone numbers for terrorists and other security issues at the airports, are raising questions if your government is too controlling. It is hard to find a compromise in protecting individual rights vs. looking for terrorists.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to realize how people suffer when their kidneys are not working properly. Some people live with dialysis treatments, but this is difficult going for three hours or more almost every other day. Some people have been fortunate to have kidney transplants, but they do not always last. Gail has chosen her path to let Me take her after five years of suffering. Give support to her family, as she is with Me now in heaven. She will be praying for her family, as they helped her much in her last days.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for your prayers in your prayer group for your many prayer petitions. Praying to stop abortion in your country is needed more than ever because this killing of My babies greatly offends Me. Many of you know how serious a problem that your abortions are causing. Life is so precious, yet some of your people are discarding their children as human garbage. This irreverence for life is one of your most serious sins both individually and as a nation. Your abortions are continuing as if this is a normal behavior, but it is an abuse of My creations. America has the blood of these children on your hands, and your country will pay dearly for these killings.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am always like the father of the Prodigal Son because I await your coming to Me for forgiveness in Confession. If you have contrition for your sins, you will be forgiven. Do not postpone coming to Confession because you do not want to remain long in your sins. I have told you before that by keeping a pure soul with frequent Confession, you will always be ready for your judgment when you die. You can give good example to others, by letting them see how you come to Confession monthly. Especially encourage your children and grand-children to come to Confession often. If you do not invite people, they may be reluctant to come to Confession at all.”


Friday, June 7, 2013: (Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the feast days of My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart back to back. Our Two Hearts are joined as one in the picture of your vision. When you see My Sacred Heart, it reminds you of how much I love all of you, and how I want all of you to love Me with a personal commitment. I am a real Person, and I have shown you My love by dying for all of you on My cross. You can show Me your love by allowing Me to be the Master of your life. Offer up all that you do each day to Me, and I will help you in carrying your daily cross. By making a personal commitment to loving Me, and obeying Me, you are set on the right path to heaven. Reach out to all the people around you, and invite them to share in My love. I am Love and I want you to be one with Me as My Blessed Mother is one with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am calling My faithful to a deeper prayer life to protect your inner peace with Me from all of your distractions in this life. You can see the weather events and threats to your life are increasing as you draw closer to the tribulation time. My Warning will help some people to wake up, but you need to develop a stronger inner prayer life to defend yourselves in these end times. Without a good defense against the increasing evil, you could get swept away by the Antichrist’s evil powers. I will lead My faithful to My refuges, but you need to be able to hear My call in your heart. If you are not listening to Me in your prayer life, you could allow the noise of worldly events to drown out My message. Be alert when your lives will be threatened, as it will be time to come to My refuges. When you see mandatory chips in the body, martial law, and a major schism in My Church, these things will be the signs to leave your homes for My refuges.”


Saturday, June 8, 2013: (Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I know you are celebrating my feast of my Immaculate Heart which is the second part of our Two Hearts feast. I was thankful for the priest to bring attention to my second love, my dear St. Joseph. My first love is always with my Son, Jesus, because I lived in His Divine Will. But St. Joseph was an important part of My earthly life in protecting me from accusations by the people for being pregnant without being married. He also provided for our Holy Family, especially in our travel to Egypt and in today’s Gospel of finding Jesus in the Temple. You do not hear St. Joseph’s words in the Scriptures, but he did communicate his feelings for us in everyday life. As your people travel more easily in planes and cars, you do not fully appreciate how difficult it was to travel to Bethlehem, to Egypt, to Jerusalem, and to see Elizabeth in Ein Karem. I thank all of My prayer warriors for being faithful to your daily rosaries. I love all of my children so much, as you share in the love of our Two Hearts. Keep praying to our Two Hearts, and you can be joined with us as one.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about not taking a chip in the body so it will not control your free will. I will also warn you when it is time to leave for My refuges so you will not be at your homes when the evil ones will come to your house to try and capture you for not taking a chip in the body. Some people do not realize that the evil ones, who work for the Antichrist, are determined to eliminate all Christians who believe in God. Because you will not take a chip in the body, you will be considered an outlaw against the new world order. This is why it will be better to leave your homes for My refuges, than to be martyred in your homes. I am not telling this to you in order to scare you, but this is the reality of the coming persecution. Be prepared to leave for a more rustic living at My refuges.”


Sunday, June 9, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are wondering why I am giving you such a serious message about the loss of your country and your freedoms, instead of a message on today’s readings. The messages that I will be giving you from now on will be more intense and more serious because the things that I have prepared you for, are going to be happening in a short time. You are aware of the one world people in how they are planning more detention death camps to eliminate all the Christians and patriots who will not go along with the new world order. A time is coming when the evil ones running your government, will force mandatory chips in the body on your people, chips that I do not want My faithful to take under any circumstances. These chips in the body will control your mind and free will, but the authorities will kill those people who refuse to take them. You will also see a martial law installed due to a made-up money crash, a pandemic virus, and continued false flag terrorist killings caused by individuals who are chipped in the body. I will warn My faithful to leave for My refuges before your lives and souls will be endangered. Once the evil ones take over your country with a martial law, America will become a part of the North American Union. This is why this flag of the North American Union will replace the U.S. flag. All of your rights will be taken away, which is why you need to flee to My refuges. Once you leave your homes with your backpacks, tents, and sleeping blankets, My angels will guard you with an invisible shield. I am having some faithful souls prepare refuges to house and feed those who will be led to the safety of My refuges. Give thanks to Me and these refuge builders for making safe havens for My faithful to stay throughout the whole tribulation time.”


Monday, June 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My son, I have called you to spread My message of love in the Gospel, and to prepare the people for the coming tribulation in these end times. I call you to a life of prayer and service to My people. In the Gospel on the Beatitudes, these are the ways that I want My people to live. By being meek and faithful to imitating My life, then all of you will be able to separate yourselves from the evils of your society. The people around you will see your different lifestyle, and you can give others a good example. You may be rejected and even persecuted by some for My Name, but I still want you to love everyone and forgive them of any harm. By following My ways and not the ways of the world, you will be blessed in all that you do for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is going to be difficult for most people to endure living at a refuge because you have been spoiled with so many time-saving devices. It is not easy to live a more rustic life without the comfort of hot showers, and little, or no electricity. I know it will be hard on My faithful to suffer through a long tribulation time. I have told you that I am speeding up the time for the sake of My elect, so I can shorten this time of tribulation. This acceleration of time will be a continuous shortening of time to limit this 3½ years so the tribulation will be more bearable. This tribulation time will also be a purgatory on earth. So by speeding up the time, I am shortening your purgatory time as well. You will rejoice in My Era of Peace as this will be your reward for being faithful to Me.”


Tuesday, June 11, 2013: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: “My people, when My faithful are evangelizing people to the faith, they are fulfilling the calling of their Baptism and their Confirmation. I sent My apostles out to send My Good News of My Kingdom to all the nations. You all are called as missionaries to share My love and My Word with the people in all the nations. All the people who you bring to Me in conversion or re-conversion will be your witnesses at your judgment. I have told you many times how there is rejoicing in heaven for every soul who is converted to the faith. You know how wonderful and glorious it is to have a personal relationship with Me in love. You can depend on Me to help you in everything. This is why it is so important to share this loving relationship with Me by inviting souls to come to know Me. There are some in the world who reject Me, but My prayer warriors are such a joy to Me when they pray for conversions, and work to physically convert souls. You are striving to bring Me into the hearts of many people, and you are working to save souls from going to hell. All of My faithful should feel like missionaries as you walk in the footsteps of St. Paul and St. Barnabas.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you railroad cars, trucks, and airplanes as a means of bringing prisoners to the detention centers. There is only one reason that the evil ones will need for transporting prisoners to the detention death camps, and that is to kill them by poisonous gas or by guillotine. I want My faithful to heed My words of coming to My refuges when your lives are in danger. If you do not leave your homes soon enough, then you will be risking martyrdom at the hands of the one world people. You are seeing an electric train that will be used to carry people in shackles to the death camps. If you do not accept the chip in your body when they make it mandatory, then you will risk having them kill you in the detention centers. Be prepared to leave your homes quickly, and call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges. Then you will not be captured, but you will be protected by an invisible shield.”


Wednesday, June 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, when I was with My apostles, I breathed on them, and I told them: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ In the vision you are seeing inside someone’s lungs, and how the breath of the Holy Spirit was giving life to that person both in the body and in the soul. Every time that you receive My sacraments, you have My grace and the grace of the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with His gifts. Without this gift of life in the Holy Spirit, you would not exist. Be thankful for this precious gift of life, and go forth to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit in evangelizing souls for heaven. The power of the Holy Spirit is helping you in any gift of prophecy, and He inspires you to remember any message so you can write it down. When you are giving your talks, the Holy Spirit gives you which messages to share with the people. When you are praying healing prayers over the people, He is the One who sends healing power throughout the bodies and souls of those who you are praying over. Give thanks to the Holy Spirit for all the gifts that He shares with you in your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that this place is a place of refuge. You have the spring water for healing and drinking, and the deer that you see, will come into your camp for food. My angels will bring you daily Communion, and they will protect you from the evil ones. There are even caves in these mountains. These mountains are the typical places that My Blessed Mother chose to share her apparitions with the children. The mountains are also a haven of protection for My faithful. Rejoice as you are at peace in this place.”


Friday, June 14, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the flames of hell, and more demons were coming out of hell to afflict mankind in this coming tribulation. You may be wondering why there seems to be an increase in the amount of evil going on in the world. The reason in part, is that more demons are being unleashed on the world. I am still compensating this evil by sending more of My angels to help the faithful souls who are calling on My help. You continue to see this evil among mankind mirrored in the violence of your current weather. The HAARP machine is being used by the one world people to enhance the violence of your storms. You are continuing also to see more fires from the droughts in the West. I told you that America would be facing more disasters as a punishment for your sins. Keep praying for your people who are so taken up with their sinful pleasures.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a countdown until the time of the Warning will happen. I will bring My Warning before your lives will be endangered, and before the evil ones will force mandatory chips in the body on everyone. Some people have suggested frequent Confession, so you will have less of a chance in seeing hell as your mini-judgment in your life review. Hopefully, My faithful are leading lives right now that will not judge them to hell. The Warning is a wake-up call to understand what sins you may be committing that most offend Me. You will also see how you are influencing others either for good or bad. You will know from this experience how best to improve your lives when you return into your body. If you do not improve, then your mini-judgment could become your final judgment. After the Warning, you will have six weeks to convert your lives, and you could get your family together so you could all come to the same refuge. Then you will need to get rid of your TVs, computers, and any devices connected to the internet so you will not see the Antichrist’s eyes that could cause you to worship him. Events will move quickly after the Warning that will lead up to the Antichrist declaring himself. You will need to come to My refuges before chips in the body will become mandatory, and before martial law is declared. If you do not know where a refuge can be found, then call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge with a small flame. You will be at My refuges for the whole tribulation, and you will not return to your homes. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones with My invisible shield.”


Saturday, June 15, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you can remember several times in the Gospels where I used a boat to give a sermon so the crowd could not hem Me in. Then I had My apostles put out into the Sea of Galilee. On one occasion, a great storm threatened to swamp the boat as I was sleeping. The apostles awakened Me because they were in fear of drowning. Then I calmed the storm, and they were amazed at My power to change the weather. You have many incidents in life when you are overwhelmed with events, and you need My help, like My apostles needed Me. Call on Me in your prayer requests, and I will calm the strife in your life. With faith in My help, I will give you peace so you can move on to do your mission. It is in the calming of storms in your lives that you need Me all of the time. You depend on Me for everything, so thank Me for helping you through all of your daily trials.”


Sunday, June 16, 2013: (Father’s Day)
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is watching over all the fathers of today who are struggling to support their families. I have given you all the gift of life, but just as Adam had to work by the sweat of his brow, all of you have to work for a living as well. It is unfortunate that there are still high rates of unemployment in many countries. Now, many of your women are working as well to make ends meet for their families. You are celebrating Father’s Day for all the heads of households. Today, is also a celebration for your heavenly Father as I am taking care of all of you with My graces. Remember Me in your prayers of the ‘Our Father’ and your ‘Glory Be to the Father’. You can show your appreciation of all of your fathers in all that they do for you. You can also say a prayer, or visit the graves of your deceased fathers. Fathers have a heavy responsibility in their working for a living, and helping to provide a home for their families. You all return to your parents to honor them on these days.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some areas that have floods from too much rain, while other areas out West are not getting enough rain, as they are having droughts and fires. Too much rain has also caused a problem for your farmers in planting their fields and with flooded fields. Water is necessary for life and crops, but it is the amount that can cause problems. Be thankful if you are getting the right amount of rain without any violent storms that can cause overturned trees and power outages. Your spring has been cooler with more rain than usual. You had billions of dollars of losses from last year’s disasters, and this year will have some losses as well. The violence of your storms seems to be increasing as you saw a 100 mph wind storm around Chicago, and your tornadoes were up to F-5 in Oklahoma. I mentioned before that these disasters would continue because of My punishment for your sins, especially your abortions.”


Monday, June 17, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of people climbing up some steps on their knees, represents these souls at various stages of their spiritual progress. You first have a time of conversion to the faith which may come from a young child or as an adult. At some time in your progress, you may come to realize that you are totally dependent on Me for everything. At that point you can work on letting Me become the Master of your lives so you can fulfill the mission that I have for your life. This leads you into a loving desire to make a personal commitment to following My ways and My Commandments. At your Baptism, your God-parents spoke up for you, but later in life, you need to speak and act on your own. Once you are familiar with the requirements of the faith, then you can develop a loving relationship with Me as a personal friend. When you live as a loving person for Me and your neighbor, then you will be drawn to help other souls in evangelization and in fulfilling their needs. I have asked you to love everyone, even those people who persecute you and offend you. This is the perfection that I call all souls to strive for because I love all of you enough to die for you. If you can imitate My perfect love in some way, then you are not far from heaven. Be careful not to criticize your neighbor because each of you are at different stages on your path to perfection.”

Jesus said: “My people, all of My faithful will have the blessing of My Real Presence at every refuge. If you do not have a priest for Mass at your refuge, I will have My angels bring you a consecrated Host every day. You can use a Host also to establish around the clock perpetual Adoration at every refuge. Every hour you can assign at least two people to pray at an Adoration hour. This gift of My Real Presence will give the people hope and spiritual support for living in these hard times. If your people find it difficult to have enough food, I will multiply what they have. You can even live on just My consecrated Host as some of the saints did. Have no fear at My refuges because My angels will be watching over you with an invisible shield.”


Tuesday, June 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel can be difficult for most people because I am asking you to love your enemies and your persecutors. Remember that you need to separate the sins from the sinner. All of you are made good in your bodies and souls, but it is your sinful actions that can make problems for others, and others’ sins for you. Man’s ways deal with revenge and punishment for crimes. My ways deal with love and forgiveness. I am merciful, but in some instances where there is no repentance, I am just also. I love everyone, which is why I ask My faithful to love everyone. This loving of enemies is part of seeking perfection as My heavenly Father is perfect. Most people love their friends, but it takes more will power to love one’s enemies. The more you can love everyone, the closer you will be to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the health field your doctors are performing marvels with body parts and adult stem cells. You have seen knee surgeries that used adult stem cells to restore damaged knees. In other instances, you have also seen miracles of healing with various parts of the body. If people pray sincerely and have faith in My healing power, they can experience physical healings. Prayer and fasting can be powerful in healing any part of the body. Once My faithful come to My refuges during the tribulation, they will look upon My luminous cross in the sky and be healed of all of their ills. Many of My faithful will be joyful to have all of their body parts working properly without requiring any medication. If you should receive a healing, you need to give Me thanks for answering your prayers. Sometimes I allow people to experience some pain to humble them or to test their endurance. If you have some chronic pain, you can offer it up to Me for your sins or the sins of another. This offering is called redemptive suffering, which is what I offered up for all of mankind when I died on the cross. Pain can be an aggravation, but it can also be used for good in a spiritual sense.”


Wednesday, June 19, 2013: (St. Romuald)
David said: “My dear family, I am letting you know that you can pray for my intercession for healings of souls and bodies. My mother has an injured leg which I could intercede for in your prayers. Your granddaughter also is in need of prayers for her spiritual direction. Your family and relatives still need some prayers to help them get to Mass and the sacraments. You are well aware that your time before the Warning is getting close, so your people have only a short time to prepare their souls for the tribulation that is coming. I am encouraging all of my sisters to stay close to Jesus on Sunday Mass and in regular Confession. Some of you have gifts to sense what events are about to take place, so follow your angel’s inspiration to prepare yourselves for what is coming.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a spinning globe of the earth to represent how your events are speeding up, as well as time itself. The devil knows that his time is running out, so he will be having his one world people move things along that will allow the Antichrist to come into power. In America it will be the mandatory chips in the body that will be forced on you by your new Health Care law. When people refuse to take these chips that could control their minds, the evil ones will try to eliminate such outlaws. This speeding up of events will bring on My Warning sooner so My faithful will be protected from the evil ones when My faithful come to My refuges. The Warning will be a wake-up call spiritually, so all sinners will have time to repent of their sins, and be prepared to come to My refuges. Heed My warning to get your spiritual life in order by frequent Confession. I will alert My faithful when their lives will be in danger, so they can come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the midst of a spiritual battle between good and evil. On the one side, you have My faithful remnant standing up for what they believe. On the other side, the one world people are being led by Satan in how to take over the world. The people in the middle will need to choose between working with Me or working with the demons. Many people do not realize that taking a chip in the body will allow the evil ones to control them like robots, so everyone needs to avoid taking this chip at all costs. The evil authorities will not tell you that those who refuse this chip, will be killed. You will be told in the Warning not to take this chip, and not to worship the Antichrist. To avoid being killed, My people will need to call on Me to have their guardian angel lead them with a small visible flame to the nearest refuge. Those, who remain in their homes, could risk being martyred. My refuges will be at places of My Blessed Mother’s apparitions or shrines, places of Adoration, consecrated land, monasteries, or caves. Do not fear the evil ones because My angels will put an invisible shield around you on your way to My refuges. Some may desire to stay at their homes, but they could be lost if they do not repent of their sins. Encourage your families to come to My refuges, but only people who believe in Me will be accepted into My refuges. You need to work on evangelizing your family members, especially after the Warning, or they may chose not to come to My places of safety. Everyone needs to make a free will decision to come to My refuges. I will not force people to leave their homes. Join Me on the side of good in this battle, or you could find yourself in hell at the end if you do not accept Me. I love everyone, but I cannot force you to love Me. Call on My mercy, and you could be saved.”


Thursday, June 20, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how vulnerable your communications and electricity are to any sudden EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack, either from flares from the sun or any high in the sky nuclear explosion. The chips that run your computers, appliances, cars, and electrical grids are vulnerable to such EMP effects. Other than changing the chips, there is very little that you could do. If these chips are destroyed, this could paralyze your economy. Any threat to the production of your electricity, could also cause problems in your needs. Your President is planning to try and shut down all of your coal-fired power plants without Congressional approval. This source of electricity represents almost half of what is being provided currently. Your people need to be aware of these coming plans because alternative power production could not replace all of your coal-fired power plants. Remember when the one world people want to take over your country, they will find an excuse to shut down your electricity, which would make many unprepared people helpless in providing food, heat, or cooling. I have warned My faithful to have some food on hand with extra fuel and water in case you may see a famine or power outage. If your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to come to My refuges at that time.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given a message before that your President’s goal is to reduce your nuclear weapons to zero without consulting Congress. He is presently saying how he wants to reduce your nuclear weapons from 1,500 down to 1,000. These treaties with Russia are suspect because Russia has not followed any such treaties. This is essentially a unilateral disarmament that will eventually make your country vulnerable for an attack and a takeover. In a world that has many nuclear arms, it does not make sense to do this unless the one world people are controlling this action. Your representatives need to speak up on this ultimate disarmament.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President is again ignoring Congress in trying to shut down all of your coal-fired power plants. Using natural gas would produce a cleaner fuel, but it would be a large expense to change over such plants from coal. Wind, solar, and other green sources could not replace almost half of your electricity that comes from coal. Many people are going to complain if they lose their electricity, or are forced to pay a high price for their power. Using government control through regulations could create a huge outcry from the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve has been printing $85 billion a month in Treasury Notes out of thin air to bail out your banks’ bad loans. This huge addition of dollars and this purchase of Treasury Notes has kept an artificially low interest rate. This has hurt savers and has inflated the stock market. As soon as this money comes to a stop, bonds will lose value with higher interest rates, and capital for loans could slow your economy making them harder to obtain. These gyrations by your Federal Reserve are diluting the value of your currency, and they could eventually create a dollar crash. By buying up all of these bad mortgages, the Federal Reserve could control most of your housing industry.”

Jesus said: “My people, with your new found energy sources, your country should become richer by not buying expensive foreign oil. The control of this new wealth is going to the rich instead of being shared with the people. Oil and natural gas prices should be going down, but they are still being held artificially high to give more money to the rich. This manipulation of your energy sources is a crime against your people. Pray that your people could share in these profits that are coming from your natural resources.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your politicians are still supporting gay marriages as you have it in thirteen states. I still do not consider these true marriages because they are not with a man and a
woman as I started your race with Adam and Eve. Same sex marriages are an abomination as are homosexual acts because they violate My Commandments, and they are unnatural. My faithful need to speak out against such marriages, as well as speaking out against fornication in living together. Both of these lifestyles are living in sin, and they need to be stopped so these people can have a good Confession of their sins. Your laws are condoning these sins, as well as your continuing killing of My babies in abortion. Expect more punishing disasters as a punishment for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, many faithful souls are saying ‘yes’ to My request to build refuges for the faithful people who will need protection from the evil ones during the tribulation. Be thankful for all of their work to provide safe havens with bedding, food, and water. The evil ones who are following Satan, are also building more detention centers so they can kill Christians and patriots who will not go along with the new world order. When I give My people a warning that their lives are in danger, they should come to My refuges with their guardian angels so they are not martyred for refusing the coming mandatory chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to fight to keep your churches and schools open because you are seeing an attack on your home parishes. Some are claiming that there are not enough priests, but I send you more than enough vocations. It is how your dioceses are turning away good priestly candidates that is the reason for your shortages. Without sufficient spiritual leadership, it is hard to keep your parishes vibrant and growing. Keep praying for people to remain in their faith so they do not fall victim to spiritual laziness. The closer My people are to Me in My sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession, the stronger they will be in their faith with less desire to leave Me.”


Friday, June 21, 2013: (St. Aloysius Gonzaga)
Jesus said: “My people, in areas that do not have lakes and rivers, the people are dependent on wells and aquifers. These underground sources of water provide what is needed for drinking and irrigating the farm crops. In the summer months there is less rainfall, and droughts during this time have endangered the farmers’ crops. Last year’s drought reduced your crops, and this year will not be much better. Pray that your farmers will have the right amount of rain for a good harvest. Your food stores are lower than usual, and another poor harvest could threaten the beginning of a famine in parts of the world. These poor harvests are why I have been warning My faithful to store some extra food. Any increase in food prices could be an indication of coming shortages.”

Jesus said: “My people, you take your lights for granted, but there has been a big change in switching from tungsten filaments for lights over to mercury lighting. The new lights are being forced on you, but they do use considerably less electricity for the same light. It is the disposal of mercury lighting that presents a disposal problem. There is another consideration for providing light when you have power outages, and when you may be at refuges without electricity. At your homes you have candles, kerosene or lamp oil lanterns, or wind-up LED lights. Some people have battery powered lights, but these lights will not last long. I have recommended the wind-up flashlights that do not require batteries, especially on the way to and at My refuges. It is very difficult to work in the dark of night without some source of light. Let this be a lesson to handle the darkness in power outages and at My refuges.”


Saturday, June 22, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I know your every need before you even ask Me, so I am watching over all of you so that you find a way to satisfy your hunger, your thirst, and your need for a shelter. Since I am looking out for your protection, do not worry about what you are to eat, what you are to wear, or where you will be sleeping. You need to trust in Me for everything, because you are dependent on Me for all of My gifts to you. So do not worry about the past, or tomorrow, for today has enough troubles of its own. You can only live in the present moment, and worrying about things will not help your life in anyway. I have taken care of you in all of your trials in the past, and I will help you in the same way in the years to come. So keep your peace in your soul, because worries, and anxieties about worldly things are all from the devil to upset you.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to think of a coming famine when you see the shelves full at your grocery stores. Remember that these stores only have three days supply of food in their warehouses. If there was a shortage in food or fuel, the trucks that you depend on, could slow your supply lines very quickly. Even some of your government leaders are telling their friends to have at least a six month supply of food on hand. The VIPS are storing tons of food in their underground bunkers because they know there could be a revolution over the coming loss of your freedoms. My faithful should also have at least six months to a year’s supply of food on hand before you need to come to My refuges. You have seen riots come to Greece and Brazil because their leaders were putting too much of a strain on their finances, including welfare money. Imagine the riots in your streets if you had a major recession without any welfare money. Such manipulated riots could trigger the martial law that the one world people want for their takeover of America. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I warn you that it is time to come.”


Sunday, June 23, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I asked My apostles: ‘Who do people say that I am?’ After some remarks about Me being St. John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the prophets, St. Peter spoke up: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended St. Peter for his understanding, but it was the Holy Spirit that inspired him. This question of who I am should be answered by everyone. If you truly know who I am, then you would love Me, and honor My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. Hopefully, people should come to know Me before they die and meet Me at their judgment. It is one thing to know who I am, but it is another to act on this knowledge. Until you move this knowledge from your brain down into your heart, then you do not fully appreciate who I am as a Person. If you truly love Me, then you will love your neighbor, and invite them to know and love Me. Love is something that you share, and it is not meant just to keep it to yourself. This is why I love everyone, and I want My faithful to love everyone also, even your enemies.”

(Latin Mass) Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were just starting to go out to the neighboring villages to share the Good News that the Kingdom of God was at hand in Me. I knew they needed courage and the grace of the Holy Spirit to do their mission for Me. It was when they were gathered together after My Resurrection, that I breathed on them and I told them: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit, whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.’ (John 20:22) Once My apostles received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, they were able to speak out without fear as witnesses to My death and Resurrection as the salvation for all of mankind. My faithful of today have also received the gifts of the Holy Spirit at their Baptism and their Confirmation. You also are being called to the same mission of going out to all the nations to preach My Good News. Call on Me to send you My angels to help you in evangelizing souls from the devil. Have no fear as I am with you always.”


Monday, June 24, 2013: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, I sent many prophets ahead of Me that promised a Redeemer would come, and lastly I sent St. John the Baptist as a herald in the desert of My coming. St. John’s birth was to a barren woman, St. Elizabeth. The angel Gabriel announced the coming birth to St. Zechariah, but he questioned the angel because of the couple’s old age. As a result of this doubt, the angel made St. Zechariah deaf and he could not speak. Once St. John was born, and he was named, his father could speak again, and he announced My praises. St. John preached a message of repentance of sin to all the people, and he baptized people in the Jordan River. He spoke as a herald of My coming, and as a babe in the womb, he even stirred as My Blessed Mother came with Me. Today, you have many prophets speaking of My coming in these end times. You will see My illumination of conscience in the Warning when all souls will have a chance to be saved in their life review. I have given you many messages to prepare your souls by frequent Confession. You will see a great battle of evil vs. good in the coming of the Antichrist in the tribulation. My faithful will be led to safe havens of protection where My angels will protect them at My refuges. Rejoice that you are living in these days before My victory over all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, awhile ago I gave you a message about the coming Ison comet as a sign of the Warning. Today, I am telling you that this comet is not only a sign, but it is an omen of bad things coming such as the evil of the Antichrist in the tribulation. You are seeing signs of war, signs of financial instability, and signs of riots in various countries. My faithful need to have all of their preparations ready for when you will have to leave for My refuges. My refuge builders also need to put the finishing touches on their preparations for food, water, and bedding that will be shared with My pilgrims. My faithful should think of themselves as pilgrims because they are coming to a place of holy ground where there will be perpetual Adoration at every refuge. They will have My angels protecting them, and they will be healed of all of their health problems when they look upon My luminous cross in the sky.”


Tuesday, June 25, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you saw how Abraham was promised the land for the Jewish people, and that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Lot would later have to leave Sodom because of its evil. In the Gospel I told the people that they would need to have life in heaven by entering through the narrow gate which meant being obedient to My Commandments. The gate to hell is broad, meaning more people will choose the easy way of the flesh. Those, who will choose to go through the narrow gate, are few, which is why I call My faithful the remnant, and not the majority. To follow Me, you will have to give your will over to Me, but many people like to be in control of their lives. Following My ways will go against the ways of man and the flesh. You are being tested in this life to work on perfecting your soul for heaven, and to convert as many souls as possible to save them from hell. You can only come to heaven through Me out of love, or out of the fear of hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this vision of a heart inside a block of ice to indicate the people who have ice cold hearts to Me, instead of loving warm hearts for Me. Some people are indifferent to Me who do not have any religion. Some souls are lukewarm who know about Me, but they refuse to pray or come to Sunday Mass. Then, there are some souls who hate Me as atheists or Satan worshipers. With so much rejection, I am loving the souls even more who give Me reverence at church, and in their daily prayers. Those souls, who come to know and love Me in all that they do, have a real love relationship with Me that I cherish. My faithful souls give Me consolation to make up for all the souls who reject Me or ignore Me. It is these cold hearted souls that are going to have a wake-up call when they face My Warning experience. Do not be surprised that there will still be a majority of souls who will refuse Me, even after seeing a hell experience in their Warning. The devil and the demons are using addictions to drugs, alcohol, lust, or overeating to lure souls away from loving Me. These addicts do not want to be healed, and they are drowning in their desire for earthly pleasures. Some souls could be saved with prayer and fasting, especially after the Warning. People have to use their free will choice to desire conversion to the faith. I do not force My love on people, but only a few will be saved as recorded in the Bible.”


Wednesday, June 26, 2013: (Dick Leitten’s Funeral Mass)
Dick said: “I am happy that all of you could attend my funeral Mass, and I am thankful that you came. I love all of you, and I especially love my dear wife, Nancy. I am with Jesus now, and there is no more pain. I will be watching over my wife and family, and I will be praying for you. I thank Fr. Healy for his choice of readings because Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the center of my life. When you come to share the Eucharist of the Lord, you are all one with Him as one body. When you come to heaven, you will become one with Him in the spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know My position on same sex marriage. I love the people, but not their sinful actions. Homosexual sins continue to be an abomination in My eyes. People living in gay marriage, do not even think they are sinning. People living together in fornication, also do not think they are sinning. The people of today have lost their sense of sin, and they have rationalized their actions as not being sinful. Even though such people think this way, their sexual sins are still sins in My eyes, and they will be accountable for their actions at their judgment. You also have national sin where your laws and court decisions are condoning or legalizing the killing of babies, and legalizing same sex marriage. Every law that goes against My Commandments, brings America closer to its demise both spiritually and physically. How can I bless such a nation that legalizes abortion and same sex marriage? The evil is so great in America, that I may need to put a black dome over your country so I do not have to look at your daily sins. This is why I am allowing the one world people to take over your country as a punishment for your sins. Call on My angels to help protect you from any attacks of the demons. Your safe havens at My refuges will be your only source of protection during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”


Thursday, June 27, 2013: (St. Cyril of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel (Matt. 8:24-27) is appropriate for what is going on in America right now with your recent Supreme Court decisions. I told the people of My time that those, who hear My words of love and act on them, will be like a man who built his house on a rock foundation. So when the wind and storms buffeted his house, it remained firm together. On the other hand, those who do not accept My words and do not act on them, will be like a man who built his house on sand. Then when the wind and rain came against this house, it was swept away in a flood and ruined. This physical foundation of a house is compared to your spiritual foundation for your life in following My Commandments. If you believe in My words and act on them, then your soul’s life will be built on a solid foundation of faith. Then when you are tested with life’s trials, you can call on Me to help you with My grace to overcome all the evils that will tempt you. With Me, you are strong, but without Me, you are lost. Those souls, who do not have a foundation in accepting Me, will have to endure life’s trials without My grace and help. These souls will be sifted by the demons, and they will be swept away into all the addictions and allurements of earthly things. Keep close to Me in My sacraments, and follow My Commandments in your actions, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many young children in baseball or football have certain players as their idols to follow. The professional players are held accountable for their actions whether they violate criminal laws or enhancing drug rules. Those, who violate such laws and rules, are giving bad example to young aspiring players. Those, who are bringing these violators to justice, are carrying out the law, and they should be commended.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the statistics, and your coal plants provide 40% of your total energy supply which is even higher than natural gas or nuclear power. Many countries as China, Russia, and India are using coal to supply their power needs. It is hard to demand coal plants in America to shut down while other countries are burning coal. Cutting back immediately would cause a lot of lost jobs. Your energy plans for your whole country should be voted on in your Congress rather than have it come from a bureaucratic EPA agency. Pray that some compromise can be reached.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing North Korea and Iran developing nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver such weapons. With more threats coming against America, it is foolish to reduce the weapons that you may need to defend yourself. Some reductions in troops are because of the sequester cuts, but your troop levels should not be decreasing with many threats in some rogue countries. There should be some Congressional oversight on these major changes in nuclear bomb levels and your troop levels. It is your strength that will reduce any chance of war, and not your weak military. I am not advocating wars, but every nation is entitled to its self-defense.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, your Federal Reserve has been inflating your money supply by buying $85 billion/month of Treasury long term bonds. They have been holding interest rates near zero which has affected the incomes of savers and older people who rely on this interest for income. Once there was a plan to start reducing these purchases, the bond prices dropped with higher interest rates. This changing of the money supply could cause markets to fluctuate until this unneeded stimulus is removed. Pray that these financial leaders do not precipitate another crash which could cause a martial law.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Supreme Court has confused the result of their current decisions. It is the benefits and insurances that are more of an incentive to have same sex marriage for a few people. The moral decision is not even being considered. It is more about politics and benefits that are the goals. The more your states deny My Commandments, the more of My justice that you are calling down on your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people who do not want this Health Plan forced on them, are considering paying the penalty instead of a high premium. Financing all of this new insurance is a very difficult task if there are not enough people who support it with high premiums. It is hard to ask the taxpayer to sign a blank check to support any losses. Pray that some compromises can be reached to help give people health coverage at a reasonable cost.”

Jesus said: “My people, each of your pictures are representing various needs. Your original picture of the Eternal Father over Jesus on Mt. Tabor was made to honor your prayer group’s name about My heavenly Father. The second picture of the Divine Mercy gives you extra graces for praying in front of this image as mentioned by St. Faustina. The third picture was a request by My Blessed Mother to honor her picture of sorrow because of the many abortions being committed all over the world. This picture was given to Christina Gallagher to be placed in the homes for our Blessed Mother’s protection. Even if it is difficult to display them every week, your prayer group will gain many graces from displaying them during your prayer hour.”


Friday, June 28, 2013: (St. Irenaeus)
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to the end of your spool, whether it is a cable or for sewing, you need to get a new spool. This is to indicate that you are truly in the end times, and your time is running out before the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. I have been giving you many messages on how to deal with this evil time, and coming to My refuges will be your only safe places. You have not seen any evil this bad up to this time, but all the demons from hell will be unleashed on the earth. You will need My angel protection at My refuges, so the evil ones cannot harm you. Those, who do not leave their homes for My refuges when I warn you, are risking martyrdom. This hour of evil controlling the world for a brief time, will start when the Antichrist declares himself ruler as a demon incarnate. Do not look at his eyes because he could hypnotize you into worshiping him. This is why I told you after the Warning to get rid of your TVs, computers, and any internet devices so you do not see his eyes. Be grateful to Me, My angels, and the refuge builders for providing a safe haven for My faithful.”

Jesus said: “My people, in every action that you make, you are faced with this choice of doing what I want you to do, or what you want to do. To follow My ways, it takes some restraint of your bodily desires. Following your own way usually is the easy way out, without any restriction, and this way of the body can lead you into sin. When you truly love Me, as you love your spouse, you will try to please Me, and not offend Me in sinful behavior. If you allow Me to be the Master of your life, then you will work harder to follow My ways than man’s ways. You show your love for Me when you come to daily Mass, pray your daily prayers, and visit Me in daily Adoration. You can show your love for your neighbor and your family members by reaching out to help them in their needs. You can pray for them for healing any physical or spiritual needs. When you follow My ways, you will be in harmony with the rest of My creation. This is My desire for all peoples to live in harmony with My ways.”


Saturday, June 29, 2013: (St. Peter and St. Paul, apostles)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of the two great pillars of My Church. On the one side, you have St. Peter who was given the Keys to My Kingdom to be the rock on whom I would build My Church. St. Peter was the first Pope that started in Jerusalem. I promised him that the gates of hell would not prevail over My Church. My Church has survived over two thousand years through the succession of Popes. He was the leader of My apostles, despite his denial of Me three times. I asked him three times to feed My sheep at the Sea of Galilee. Once My apostles received the Holy Spirit, they spoke out boldly to proclaim My Good News, even though most were martyred, except for St. John. St. Paul was also a convert by a miracle conversion with My intervention. He heard My voice and was blinded by My Light. He was a Pharisee, and he was healed of his sight. He then was inspired by the Holy Spirit to evangelize souls for Me. He traveled all over to help bring even the Gentiles into the faith. St. Paul has given you many Epistles that you read often at your Masses. He fought the good fight and finished the race. His chains are in the Basilica dedicated to him. St. Paul also was martyred for his faith. Rejoice, as you cherish My two great apostles who have built up My Church with their efforts and the efforts of the rest of My followers.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are several different meanings of this vision of the Exodus in the desert. This will parallel a modern day Exodus when My faithful will come to My refuges, and they will be healed of their infirmities by looking on My luminous cross in the sky. The bronze snake on a pole healed the Israelites who were bitten by seraph serpents, when they looked on it. Another meaning could be how I was raised up on a wooden cross, and My faithful were healed of their sins with My sacrifice on the cross. Now, you can look on My crucifix, and see how much I love you by My dying for your sins. Rejoice, that a Redeemer was promised, and I fulfilled all of the prophecies about Me. I came not only as a healer of people’s infirmities, but I came to heal their sinful souls as well through Confession. Be thankful for all of My gifts to you, especially My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament.”


Sunday, June 30, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Elisha was called to be Elijah’s follower. Elisha had to leave his family after he prepared them a meal from the oxen that he killed. He was not coming back. Similarly, I also called people to follow Me, as My apostles, and they left their families immediately. I was making a point in the Gospel that following Me, and carrying out your mission for Me, is of primary importance to answering ‘yes’ to Me. All of My priest sons and nuns are answering My call to minister to My people. I am also calling deacons and some prophets to carry out My mission. When you give your ‘yes’ to Me, you are committing yourself to My service in helping My people. Teaching My Good News and evangelizing souls is the most important job that you could be called to carry out. Seeing people accepting the faith, is very rewarding to be able to help save souls from hell. You also need to pray for all sinners, especially your own family members. You can see after years of serving Me, how important it is to help save souls from hell.”


Monday, July 1, 2013: (Blessed Junipero Serra)
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision I am showing you a fortress that represents a soul’s defense against the devil’s spiritual attacks of temptations. If you do not have a good prayer life with frequent Confession, then you allow the devil to break through your defenses that could lead you into sin. This is why your spiritual walls need to be strong with My graces. By calling on Me in prayer to send you My angels, you will be protected from the devil’s attacks. You need to anticipate your enemy’s plans when he moves against any vulnerable faults. Avoid any near occasions of sin that could give the devil an entry into your soul. The more you pray and fast, the stronger you will be against the devil’s attacks. Life is a battle for your soul, so call on Me to help you in your defense against the demons and their temptations. By frequent Confession, you can have your sins forgiven, and rebuild any defenses that you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people and Satan know that their time is running out, and they need to create a crisis that would give them an excuse for a martial law takeover. These evil ones are planning another crash of the stock market to steal the people’s money, after they have lured them back into stocks to make better money than today’s bank certificates. Just hinting that the Federal Reserve was going to pull back its Treasury Note purchases, have caused interest rates to rise, and some people were hurt in their bond funds as the prices went down. If the money supply is cut back along with higher interest rates, the Federal Reserve could cause a market crash. Your people remember what happened in the crash of 2008 which triggered a large loss of jobs, and a very deep recession. If this happens again, you could see a downturn equaling that of the Depression Era. If a major war is added in, it could even cause a world depression. I have been warning you of another planned crash of the markets that could cause riots and a martial law which could take over America. Have some food, fuel, and alternative fuels ready for heating and possible power outages. When your lives are in danger, I will urge you that it is time to leave for My refuges. Have no fear because My angels will protect you.”


Tuesday, July 2, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how I am merciful, but as with the flood in Noah’s time, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, I am just as well. Even criminals who kill or rob, expect justice when they are caught. In the same way, even the bad angels have to suffer the flames of hell, and they are now ugly creatures because of their disobedience. Again, it is My desire that My faithful will work to save as many souls as possible from going to hell. There are many souls that have been judged to hell because they refused to love Me, and they committed many sins without repenting of them. Every soul has a judgment day, when they are held liable for all of their life’s sins. This is why My Warning experience and the confessional are the sinners’ best friends where they can see their sins, and repent of them to Me in the priest. I am always ready to forgive sinners their sins, and to restore My graces to their souls. It takes an act of contrition and a desire of the sinners to want forgiveness, so they can be saved from the fires of My justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen, or you have read how I was persecuted for claiming to be God’s Son, and the Messiah, even though this is true. Just as they persecuted Me, so the evil ones will persecute you just the same. Living the life of a Christian is counter to all that your modern society teaches. I teach you to love your enemies, but the worldly people want to kill their enemies. I ask you to tithe your income to help the poor, but some are barely willing to give a token amount to help their neighbor. My faithful are against fornication, abortion, and same sex marriage, while the world calls you intolerant to people’s lifestyles. You avoid pornography and ‘R’ rated movies, while the worldly see nothing wrong with this filth. You come to church to Mass, and believe in My Real Presence, but the worldly ignore Me and My sacraments. Because you live so differently, and do not want to take a chip in the body, you will be persecuted, even to the point of being a martyr. My faithful will need to come to My refuges of protection to avoid being killed by the one world people. Your soul also will be in danger if you do not hide from the Antichrist. Have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will put a shield of invisibility around you to protect your body and your soul.”


Wednesday, July 3, 2013: (St. Thomas, 48th Wedding Anniversary)
Jesus said: “My people, it is early in the hurricane season, but I am showing you a large hurricane descending in the direction of America. This storm is conditional, meaning that it could be changed by prayer or an improvement in our good deeds. But if more bad laws and your sexual sins continue, this storm could cause some devastating damage to your coastline. This is why I did not show you where it would strike because it is conditional. In general you will be seeing more disasters because of your ongoing laws and sins. Enough disasters could affect your national economy, so pray that your people change their sinful ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep showing you these various detention center death camps because there are hundreds of them all around your country. You are familiar with Hitler’s gas chambers of World War II, but these death camps are modeled after those of Hitler. These camps were not built to just exist, they were built with the full intention of killing all Americans who do not go along with the new world order. You will soon see mandatory chips in the body coming as a part of your new Health Care Law. Those people, who do not take this chip in the body, will be considered outlaws or those who will not conform to the new world order. These outlaws are the people who the authorities want to exterminate in the death camps. When your lives are in danger from these murderers, I will warn My faithful that it is time to leave for My refuges, and My angels will protect you. If you do not leave your homes in time, you could see the men in black going house to house to enforce the mandatory chip in the body. If you are captured, and you refuse this chip, they will kill you in the death camps. Refuse to take any chip or mark of the beast, even if they threaten to kill you. These chips could control your mind, and turn you into a robot for the evil ones’ purposes. Be prepared to leave for My refuges at any time, so you can prevent being captured, and avoid the detention center death camps.”


Thursday, July 4, 2013: (Independence Day)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in this vision the many mansions in heaven that I am preparing for My faithful souls. In the first reading you are seeing how Abraham was so faithful to Me that he was even willing to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, when I tested him. This happened at Mt. Moriah which is called the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem today. This sacrifice gives more meaning to My own sacrifice on the cross to show My love for all of mankind. God the Father was willing to sacrifice His only Begotten Son as a man when I died on the cross for all of your sins. I died on another Mt. Calvary giving Me victory over death, sin, and the devil’s power. You all have been brought salvation from your sins by My death and Resurrection. I have given you My sacrament of Penance where your sins are forgiven by Me in the priest’s absolution. I also have given you My very Body and Blood in the consecrated Host and Wine in Holy Communion. These gifts are to be shared with all of humanity until I return. All of the people who believe in Me, and honor Me at Mass, in their prayers, and in their works to help their neighbor, will have their reward in heaven at their own mansion that I have prepared.”

Jesus said: “My people, when an evacuation is called for a hurricane near the coastline, the major highways cannot always handle the traffic, especially in the big cities. This is why the earlier the warning, the easier it is to evacuate people in harm’s way. If you live in a populated area, you need to leave as soon as possible. There is another reason for evacuation from the cities to rural refuges, and that is under martial law or mandatory chips in the body. Once you leave your homes, your angels will put an invisible shield over you and your vehicle. For the sake of skipping by roadblocks, your angle may direct you over local roads where there is less traffic, and less surveillance. Trust in My help to have your guardian angles lead you to the nearest refuge when it is time to flee. You will be safe at My refuges throughout the whole time of the tribulation.”


Friday, July 5, 2013: (St. Elizabeth of Portugal)
Jesus said: “My people, after I called Matthew, the tax collector, to be My disciple, I went to his house for supper. The Pharisees were there criticizing Me for eating with sinners and tax collectors who helped the Romans. I answered them: ‘It is not the healthy who need a physician, but they who are sick. But go, and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I have come to call sinners, not the just.’ (Matt. 9:12,13) I did not criticize the Pharisees, but all of you are sinners, and you all need forgiveness of your sins in Confession. It is not easy to accept that you have sinned against Me, but once you realize your sins, you need to seek My absolution from the priest in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Once you are forgiven, then you can come to the altar at Mass and receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. There are some people with mortal sins on their souls, and they commit sins of sacrilege who receive Communion unworthily. They need to have this sin and others confessed in order to have a pure soul. This is why I ask My faithful to come to Confession at least once a month to clean out their souls from any sin.”

Jesus said: “My people, in a previous message I talked about praying for the right amount of rain which is not too dry and not too wet. Even though rain can be helpful, too much rain can cause floods and ruin crops. You are seeing floods from excessive rain in the East, and excessive heat in the West that is causing fires and droughts. Basically, the extremes in both directions are bringing disasters in several parts of your country. The unusual disasters are a punishment for your sins and sinful lifestyles. Enough of these disasters could affect your food supplies. If the warehouses that store your food get flooded, or they are affected by your weather, this could affect the quality of your food. The harvest in the fields could also be affected by too much or too little rain. A farmer’s crops are at the mercy of the weather, so pray for your farmers to have a successful harvest, so people will have enough food to eat.”


Saturday, July 6, 2013: (St. Maria Goretti)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you have read how Jacob was given Esau’s birthright blessing from Isaac through his mother’s help. From Jacob you have the twelve sons who are the patriarchs for the twelve tribes of Israel. I used this number twelve in choosing My twelve apostles that were linked to the promises made to Abraham. Even once Judas betrayed Me and committed suicide, he was replaced to keep the twelve apostles. All throughout history, My apostles were remembered for where they went to evangelize souls. Just as I have protected the chosen people of Israel, so I did not allow the gates of hell to prevail over My Church either. There will come a division or a schism in My Church, but My faithful remnant will be protected even throughout the tribulation of the Antichrist. Have faith and hope in My protection through My angels at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the earth is moving through space as it revolves around the sun and this changes the seasons. The earth is also spinning on its axis to give you day and night from the sun. You may see some events before the end of the year, but the major sign will be this Ison comet that could frighten some people. Whenever your lives could be threatened, I will send My Warning first in order to give all sinners a chance to change their lives. My Warning is a blessing for all souls to see where their lives are headed, and if they choose, they could change to the right path to heaven. Those, who want to remain in their sins with no change, are risking the fires of hell, as they will be shown the consequences of their current lives. You will have six weeks to convert and change your ways to follow Me. Let this comet prepare you for My Warning.”


Sunday, July 7, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about the seventy-two disciples that I sent out to spread the Good News that the Kingdom of God is at hand. They were marveling that the evil spirits were under their command, and people were being healed in My Name. The Holy Spirit enabled their work, but I told them to rejoice more that their names are written in heaven in the Book of Life. Even today, I am sending out My faithful as missionaries to teach My Good News, and to lay hands on the sick. Just as people were healed by My apostles and these disciples, some of My followers have been granted healing powers to heal people today. With the grace of your deliverance prayers, even some demons can be exorcized as well. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, your Masses, and My sacraments, and your name can be written in the Book of Life as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, please pray for those who were injured or killed in this latest airplane disaster in San Francisco, California. You had a blessing in that only two of the people on board were killed. Most of the passengers and crew were able to get out of the plane before the fire got worse. I told you that you could see less disasters if your people changed their lifestyles to the good, and stopped making laws against My Commandments. Recently, there was a new law passed in California referring to those who changed genders that could go to the bathroom of their choice. This disaster is connected to these kind of laws and the sexual sins of your country. Keep praying for your country and these sinners to minimize any further disasters.”


Monday, July 8, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading shows Jacob’s dream: (Gen 28:12) ‘He dreamed that a ladder was set up on the ground with its top reaching to heaven; angels of God were ascending and descending on it.’ I wanted you, My son, to look up this reading because there is a further reference to Me as linking man to heaven. I mentioned this in: (John 1:51) ‘Amen, Amen, I say to you, you shall see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.’ This was My answer to Nathaniel when I told him that I saw him under a fig tree. Since I died for all of mankind on the cross, now I have opened the gates of heaven for souls to come to heaven. You have seen this vision before, but I have established this path to heaven to bring souls from earth and purgatory. I also can send souls to earth as each new person is born. The guardian angels of these souls are assisting them on this ladder both for new souls going down, and souls who have been purified and are coming up. Even your father-in-law witnessed this traveling of souls up and down. Rejoice in My gift of salvation that all of My worthy faithful souls can be with Me in heaven one day when they are purified.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are sensing that the one world people are manipulating your weather to cause droughts and unusually heavy rain storms. These extreme conditions could affect your crops which is part of their plan to cause food shortages and power outages. They also have a plan to have hackers bring down your banking system and possibly your power grid. Without enough money flowing and not enough power, they could bring your economy to a near standstill. When people cannot buy gas and food, this could set off riots that would give an excuse to declare martial law. The one world people’s plans will need to cooperate with My time schedule before they will be allowed to control the world. This is why their plans have been delayed until I bring My Warning to all sinners. Once I give the evil ones their hour, My faithful will need to leave for My refuges of protection. Trust in My help to protect you during the tribulation.”


Tuesday, July 9, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this is a significant reading (Gen 33:25-33) when Jacob was wrestling with one of My messenger angels. Jacob said how he saw a heavenly being face to face, but the angel did not give its name. Instead, My angel was sent to tell Jacob that his name would be changed to Israel. This is significant because even today, this Jewish nation goes by this name. Israel’s sciatic muscle in the hip was wrenched by the angel, and it caused him to limp. This changing of names happened often in faith as Abram was changed to Abraham, and Saul was changed to Paul. As I mentioned before, all the children of Jacob became the patriarchs of the twelve tribes of Israel. You are seeing how I played a major role in forming the history of man, and even in the calling of My chosen people from whom I was born. You are all seeing the importance of a person’s name, especially when someone is named from heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to have preparations for Mass with a priest’s Mass kit, candles, hosts, wine, and vestments. Also, you need to have a Lectionary and a Mass book when you have a priest to sacrifice the Mass. I will multiply the hosts, or you can grind some wheat into flour to make your own unleavened hosts. If you do not have a priest for Mass, I will have My angels bring you Holy Communion daily. I also want every refuge to use the Holy Communion from the angels to set up a perpetual Adoration with two people praying every hour. This could be done with a sign up sheet so all the hours of the week are covered. In this way, I will always be with you throughout the whole tribulation to protect you from the evil ones.”


Wednesday, July 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, the first reading (Gen 42:6-17) was how Joseph dealt with his brothers when they sought grain for their families because of a famine in Israel. The brothers did not recognize Joseph when he imprisoned them until they sent for their younger brother. In an earlier reading (Gen 41) Joseph interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream of the seven thin cows that devoured the seven fat cows. There would be seven years of plenty, and then seven years of famine. Joseph was put in charge to store the food in the good years of plenty, and he also was in charge of distributing the grain during the seven years of famine in Egypt. This account has great meaning for the people of today. I am sharing through My prophets that a world famine is coming that My people need to prepare for now. I have told you in My messages to have at least one year’s supply of food for each person. Even if people criticize you, My people need to prepare for a coming world famine. You saw how your crops were stifled by droughts, and the frost killed your cherries and apples last year. This year in the East you have seen excessive rain that has harmed some crops. In the West, you are seeing more droughts that are affecting your farms. Do not be like the unwise virgins who did not bring extra oil with their lamps to the wedding feast. Those, who have stored food, will be eating, but those, who did not store food, will be like Joseph’s brothers who were shamed into seeking food. I will multiply your food to share with people. Once your lives may be in danger from threats of guns, or your government, then you will need to take your food to My refuges where My angels will protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, even though the devil is able to test everyone, I am still running everything. I will not allow the one world people to start their martial law, until I have brought My Warning experience to all sinners. The Warning is a blessing to all sinners so they can see their spiritual destination. If they do not correct their sins and their lifestyles, then they could see themselves coming to hell. These people will have a short time after the Warning to convert their lives, and prepare their souls for My coming judgment. Once this time has been given to all sinners, then I will allow the evil ones to have their martial law that will precipitate a takeover of America. It is because I authorize all events, that this tribulation has to occur according to My time plan. My Warning is coming soon, so have your souls pure to face your mini-judgment. Rejoice, that I am always in command so you are not tested beyond your endurance.”


Thursday, July 11, 2013: (St. Benedict)
Jesus said: “My people, you can read the Scriptures, and you can hear inspiring homilies, but until you put your faith into action, you are not a true practicing Christian. There are a lot of Christians and Catholics in name only, because they are not truly living out their faith. If you do not truly love everyone, come to Mass on Sunday, and repent of your sins in Confession at least once a month, then you are a lukewarm Christian. People need to live their faith, and their actions need to show others that they live what they believe. Otherwise, you are hypocrites, and are just going through the motions without true love for Me in your hearts. The Gospels are not just a lot of nice sounding words, but they are meant to be a model of how you should live your life on earth. If you truly want to come to heaven, then you need to have a good prayer life, and establish a true loving, personal relationship with Me. I need to know who you are before you come to your judgment at the end of your life. You do not want to be turned away when I say that I do not know you, because those souls are on a path to hell. Instead, if you truly love Me, you will show Me by your good actions.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in the old Exodus you remember how the Israelites had manna given to them in the desert during the morning. At night they had quail fly into the camp, and they fell dead so they had meat for dinner. In the modern day Exodus My angels will bring My faithful Holy Communion every day, if you do not have a priest for Mass. In the evening, I will send deer into your camps, and they also will die so you will have meat to sustain you. The deer that you saw at the deer farm will be like the ones that will come to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how the Israelites were healed of their snake bites when Moses held up the bronze serpent and they looked on it. In a like manner all of My faithful will be healed of any infirmity when they look on My luminous cross, or they drink from the healing waters of the springs at the refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of My faithful are very strong in their desire to be with Me in their daily Adoration visits. I am grateful for My adorers who make up for all of those souls who do not make any effort to be with Me. Those, who believe in My Real Presence, love Me so much that they want to be with Me every day in Communion and Adoration. For this reason, I want My faithful to set up perpetual Adoration altars at all of My refuges. In this way you can share My daily Presence with all of My people.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that only a few of you would be farmers, and it would be hard to be totally independent of outside help to help you survive. You need seed and fertilizers multiplied to help you farm the land. You will need farm vehicles and multiplied fuel to help plow the land and harvest your crops. In the winter, you will need warm clothes and multiplied fuel to keep you warm and for cooking. All of your toiletries may have to be multiplied as well for good hygiene. Water will be provided in your miraculous springs that will be clean, and they will not go dry. In many ways, My angels will provide for your needs at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am having refuges made by My special refuge owners who have been instructed how to prepare refuges with food, water, and bedding. My angels will lead you to My refuges so you will be protected from the evil ones who will desire to kill My faithful who will refuse to take any chips in the body. Once I warn you to come, My angels will put an invisible shield over you, and they will bring you to My Blessed Mother’s places of apparition, to holy ground places, and caves. Trust in My protection as My angels will help you build places for sleeping in dormitories.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see with many weather disasters that your food supplies are being strained to provide people with enough food to survive. I keep warning people to store a year’s supply of food for everyone in your family, so you will have enough food to eat when a famine will come over your land. When you leave for My refuges, you could bring along as much food as you can store in your vehicles. Do not be concerned with those people who will criticize you for storing food. I told you before that they will be the first ones at your door looking for food.”

Stanley said: “Dear friends of My Jesus’ Divine Mercy, you know that I died once for three days, so I knew what it would be like to die again. I have shared My death experience with you, as well as My Warning experience. There are many souls who are not prepared to die as I did. Our Lord is granting sinners a chance to change their lives with His coming Warning. Just as I had a second chance to change My spiritual life, so all of you, who live in this Warning time, will also have a second chance. Our Lord will wake all of you out of your spiritual complacency. I was thankful for the Lord in giving Me a chance to wake up many souls before they could be lost in hell. I am asking all of Jesus’ prophets to carry this message of His salvation to all the nations. I will be praying for your souls from heaven.”


Friday, July 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, as I had to endure persecution, so My followers will also suffer much persecution because of My Name. You can see how evil your society is getting where living together in fornication or in homosexual relations are accepted by most people without regard that these actions are mortal sins against My Commandments. Your leaders are making laws that even make it a crime to point out the sinfulness of your sexual sins. They have made laws to allow murdering the unborn in abortion, and some states even allow mercy killing in euthanasia. This is why you will be persecuted for speaking out against these injustices. A time is coming when the one world people will try to kill My faithful for believing in Me, and for not taking the mark of the beast. Because you will not go along with the new world order, they will try to kill you, and you will need to flee to the safety of My refuges. Trust in My protection when your lives will be in danger.”


Saturday, July 13, 2013: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, when you were a child, you used to save your coins in a piggy bank or a small treasure box. You may even have some precious jewelry that you keep in a safe or a jewelry box. You usually have a special place where you keep other valuables. In a spiritual way, you all have a heavenly treasure box where I store your tears for Me, your good deeds, and all of your prayer intentions. I see what intentions that you have in your hearts whether good or bad. I am looking for your love, and any ways that you show it both for Me and for your neighbors. When you come to Me in judgment at your death, it is only your actions in life that you will have in your hands. This is when I will open your treasure box, so all that you stored there during your life can be used to offset your sins. It is then when My justice will settle accounts for all that you did. Some souls will be judged to hell or purgatory, and only a few souls will come directly to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, earth and its civilizations are unique to the universe because you have Satan and his demons here taunting you with their temptations. You are seeing your very existence on earth as living in a particular slice of time because your lifetimes are not much more than a hundred years. With Adam’s sin, all of his descendants have inherited a tendency to sin. This is why I came in another slice of time as a man so I could sacrifice My life for your salvation. Every soul has been made in My image with a free will that can love Me or reject Me. You can see in the angels how some rejected Me and some remained loyal to My authority. Hell was made as a punishment for the bad angels in the fires inside of the earth. These demons are still roaming the earth in search of destroying souls. I have given you each a guardian angel and My sacraments to guide you to heaven, but I do not force My love on you. The faithful who come to heaven have endured the human condition of pain and temptations from the devil. Every day you are tested with temptations and trials. You are very much dependent on Me for everything that you have in this life. Listen to My call of love to follow Me as one of My disciples. If you love Me, you will also share My love with your neighbors so they can be converted to the faith. Stay close to Me in your daily prayers, the Mass, and My sacraments, and you will be strengthened to resist the devil’s temptations. You have bodily desires, but allow your soul to have control over them so you can give your will over to loving Me.”


Sunday, July 14, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s question of ‘Who is my neighbor?’ in the Gospel seems obvious to most caring persons. There are some people who do not want to go out of their comfort zone in order to help someone. What you are seeing in the parable of the Good Samaritan, is how love, mercy, and compassion can move people to action to help others in need. Some people spontaneously will reach out to help without being asked. Others who are more reluctant, may have to be asked, or urged to help someone. Sometimes you also may be asked to make some financial contributions to a worthy cause. Here again it is how loving and generous one person may be than another who does not want to spend the money. One of the more important needs is to be willing to share your faith in evangelization, Bible study, or teaching in the school of religion. Saving souls is most important so they can find faith in Me, and avoid being tempted to things that can lead them to hell. So My faithful always need to be ready to reach out, and help their neighbors in any way that they can.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are about to see a more serious battle between the powers of evil and My power of good. You know that I will win this battle in the end, but the Antichrist and his evil followers will have a brief reign over the earth. Do not try to use guns to overpower this evil force because you will not win now. You are battling principalities and powers of the demons and evil men. Instead, I do not want you to kill anyone, but to come to My refuges where My angels will protect you. Those, who remain in their houses, could risk martyrdom. Come to My refuges when I call you, and your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Once you leave for My refuges, you will be protected by an invisible shield. At the end of this tribulation, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement that will defeat the evil ones. You will be drawn up to safety in the air as all the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth, and I will bring you all down into My Era of Peace. Rejoice that you will see these events in your lifetime. Have patience for now and follow My instructions, and you will be with Me in this Era of Peace.”


Monday, July 15, 2013: (St. Bonaventure)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a rachet being used to build a building on a refuge. Some people are still making preparations at their refuges. When you see the tools being used, this should remind you to bring the tools of your trade. You can make your own contribution of your skills in helping each other to survive at your refuges. My angels will help you in making more buildings as they will multiply what you have when more people arrive. Remember that you will have to put the new arrivals at ease because they will be frightened. Also, you will need someone in charge to direct where people should go, and what jobs they will need to do. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels, but your people will need to help each other with your personal needs. If you all remain faithful to My messages, and trust in Me with your prayers, everything will work out under My protection.”


Tuesday, July 16, 2013: (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Jesus said: “My son, I know your heart is heavy for those members of your extended family that do not appear to be showing their love for Me, especially on Sunday. I know you are concerned about saving their souls from hell. Let Me assure you that as long as you keep praying for their souls in your rosaries and offering their intentions at the Offeratory of the Mass, I will keep their souls open to receive Me. After the Warning, they will see Me more clearly, and they will have a chance to change their lives. By your good example, they can look up to you for spiritual support. At their particular judgment, they will have to make their own choice to love Me or reject Me. With your help, they will see the Light and understand how their eternal destination is at stake. At their mini-judgment of the Warning, they will see where their lives are headed if they do not change. If it is hell or deep purgatory, they will be shaken enough to wake-up out of their sinful pleasures to repent of their evil ways. Do not lose hope over any of your relatives, but keep praying for them to seek My love in heaven, and avoid being lost in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast of My Blessed Mother at Mount Carmel in Israel. This day is important also for all the Carmelite monasteries and the contemplative Carmelite nuns. You are aware of the promises that My Blessed Mother made to St. Simon Stock. Those, who wear the brown scapular and fulfill all the requirements, will be protected from the fires of hell. There is a further promise that those, who hang this brown scapular in their homes, will have their houses protected from fires, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. I am showing you some floods in America, in Europe, and in China. Many disasters are occurring because of the sins of man, and because people are not repenting of their sins. This act of repenting for sin is not what most people want to hear. I have been sharing a message of coming to My refuges when your lives are in danger after the Warning. My Blessed Mother will place her mantle of protection over her children, especially those who are faithful to her brown scapular.”


Wednesday, July 17, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, it is the simple, humble souls that are more open to receiving Me into their hearts and souls. It is even the young children that My Blessed Mother chose to appear to in many apparitions. I am contrasting My faithful souls to the learned, the rich, and the proud who sometimes close their hearts to Me as this closed window. The gold door symbolizes the rich things and cares of the world that can sometimes blind the eyes of the worldly people so they are not open to My graces and My ways. You need to come to Me before My Eucharist in My tabernacle, or receive Me in Holy Communion in order to listen to My words of instruction on how you are to lead your lives. It may be difficult to give your will over to My Divine Will, but this is what is needed so you can carry out the mission that I have for you. When people want to follow their own will, it is hard to listen to My call. It is the worldly things that can blind you from your path to heaven. Everyone needs a good daily prayer life, so you can be open to My love and My direction. Do not let earthly things or addictions control you, so you can keep your focus on Me and what I want you to accomplish. Those, who follow Me and love Me and their neighbor, will have a great reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for My refuge builders to supply all the needs for large numbers of people. The larger refuges would require larger investments than most people could afford. These plans are not meant to work hardships on people’s finances. Those people with more financial means could afford larger investments. You are seeing large buildings laid out with many beds to supply the dormitories when the faithful need a place to sleep. You also will have large kitchens for preparing the food, latrines, and places to wash up. The food may come from farm animals, the deer which I will send, and daily Communion. The water will be supplied by the miraculous spring on the land. Healing of ailments will be provided through the luminous cross in the sky, and My angels will protect you with an invisible shield. My faithful will be protected at My refuges, and My angels will multiply the dwellings as more people arrive. Do not complain about your food or your accommodations so all of you can help each other to survive. My refuges will protect your bodies and your souls. Be grateful to Me and to all those who have taken on building these places of refuge.”


Thursday, July 18, 2013: (St. Camillus de Lellis)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you several situations as on a bicycle built for two and five people rowing a boat, where you have to work together for a common goal. It is easier to get some work done when you work together instead of just as individuals. This is true in both small and large businesses, and in many of your farming jobs. This concept of working together can also apply to spiritual efforts as well. Your priests can work with deacons and other priests to provide for the needs of your parishes both for Mass and helping with My sacraments. The priests also need help from My faithful in teaching the faith to the children and converting souls by evangelization. You can even work with Me in helping to bring My Word to those who have not been evangelized. People need to be invited to your church congregations so they can be a part of My Body of souls. When you pray together, you multiply your prayers for your intentions. I have formed My Church around My apostles, the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and deacons. This hierarchy was established so you could have the proper interpretation of the Scriptures, and to have the authority of My hand in My Church’s formation. I continue to encourage My faithful to speak out with one voice so the confusion of Satan does not upset My Church’s teachings.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you this scene of a sanctuary lamp that has been emphasized with a large pedestal. According to tradition, when a flame is lit in the red sanctuary lamp, this is a sign that I am truly present in the Hosts inside the tabernacle. For those, who believe in My Real Presence, the red light means that you should genuflect when you come into church and when you leave the church. This gives reverence to My Real Presence in My Hosts. When the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, you should be kneeling to acknowledge My presence on the altar. It is My Real Presence that you are visiting when you come in front of My tabernacle.”

Jesus said: “My people, the initial blame for looking at the Tea Party for tax exemption restrictions fell on lower agents in Cincinnati, Ohio. The testimony by these agents appears to point more of the blame on Washington, D.C. for holding up any approvals until after the elections were over. This political intimidation by the IRS is causing a bad appearance for the current Administration. These scandals have caused people to be suspicious of the intentions of their government. Pray for your representatives that they hold their ethics on a higher plane, because they should be representing the people more than their own political ambitions.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve is exploiting their power to hold interest rates near zero by buying $85 billion per month of long term Treasury Notes. This expansion of the money supply could cause inflation to go up, and they are controlling all of your properties by buying up your mortgages with unbacked Treasury Bonds printed out of thin air. Any threat to remove this stimulus has sent the stock market and bond prices on a steep decline. Such control over your economy by these central bankers goes way beyond their function of financing the debts of your government. Your people need to have your Congress take back control of your money from this Federal Reserve before they crash your economy.”

Jesus said: “My people, every church that closes, is one less place where My sacraments are being distributed. Each parish represents the spiritual life of the people that come to that parish church. I have given enough vocations for men to come to the priesthood. The problem is that those who control who can go to a seminary, are restricting this process to limit the number of priests on purpose for various agendas. If you properly encourage priestly vocations, you would not be closing churches because there would be enough priests available. Please pray for those controlling the number of seminarians, so the people could have their sacramental needs fulfilled.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are all aware of how a tribulation time is coming when the Antichrist will be allowed a brief reign over the earth. I have asked some people to prepare refuges as safe havens where My faithful could be protected from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful. My angels will defend all of My refuges with domes of an invisible shield. My angels will also not permit any evil ones to enter or attack My refuges. Do not test My angels because you have seen in the Scriptures how one angel can slay 185,000 soldiers in a short time. Trust in My protection to protect your souls, even if some of My faithful are martyred. I will be the victor in the end over all of the evil ones, so bear your trials and persecution for now.”

Jesus said: “My people, each season has been testing your comfort levels in various ways. This summer has set many heat records with high temperatures and fires in places. Your heavy rain is now giving way to summer drought conditions. People need to look out for each other to avoid heat strokes. Pray for some moderate weather to relieve some of these extremes.”


Friday, July 19, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading from Exodus, you read about the Jewish Passover that instructed the people to use a year old male lamb or goat without blemish. They were to kill the lamb and use the blood to sprinkle over the door posts and the lintel. In this way they were protected from the angel of death, who would see the blood and pass over that household. In the vision, you could see My Blood under the appearance of consecrated wine up close in the chalice. This one time sacrifice of My Blood was poured over My faithful people to protect them from the temptations of the devil, and it is an atonement for all the sins of mankind. Just as the Jewish people keep carrying out this Passover tradition each year, so My people share My Body and Blood in remembrance of Me at every Mass. The comparison of the Seder Supper to My first Mass at the Last Supper is a joining of both the New Testament and the Old Testament. After My death on the cross, there is no more need for further sacrificing of animals because My sacrifice is all that is required for your salvation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen lightning and thunderstorms before, but recently there is a lot of violent wind associated with your rain storms. You have seen trees and branches knocked down with micro burst storms. You are also familiar with how the one world people are using the HAARP microwave machine to cause violent weather in making disasters. Power outages are being caused by the wind and the extreme heat. When high pressure systems are set up, they are put in place by altering the jet streams. These high pressure areas usually cause high temperatures with little wind. This is why you are seeing record high temperatures all over your country. This machine can be used to enhance tornadoes, hurricanes, and even small storms. It is this enhancement that causes storms to be violent with more lightning. The one world people are purposely causing disasters to facilitate their take over by using excuses for martial law. Be ready to leave your homes for My refuges when national martial law is declared.”


Saturday, July 20, 2013:
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am so happy to come to receive all of you in your rosary, the chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the Mass of my Son. You are seeing a rope that has everyone bound, and it represents how you are all bound with the bonds of your sins. You are all fortunate that my Son has seen fit to become a man in my womb so He could give His life as a spiritual and physical sacrifice for all of your sins. He has died so your bonds of sin could be loosed, as He came to let the captives go free. He brings you salvation, but all of you must come forward to repent of your sins in order to receive His forgiveness and His grace. He cleanses your sins and restores your soul to its original beauty. Give thanks and glory to my Son for all of His gifts of life and His sacraments which will lead you to heaven. I am giving all of your petitions and intentions to my Son as intercessor for all of you. Keep close to our Two Hearts in your daily prayers and good works for your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the physical and spiritual meaning of the manna way back in the Exodus of the Jewish people. Moses led the people with My help away from the captivity of the Egyptians. Once they were fleeing into the desert, Moses struck the rock to give them water. Later, I provided them with manna in the morning and quail for meat in the evening. This was truly their daily bread for many years. Once I started My ministry on earth with My apostles, I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000. They collected twelve and seven baskets of fragments leftover, as an example of My generosity. Then, at the Last Supper, I consecrated the bread and wine into My Body and Blood as I instituted My Eucharist. The manna and bread took on a new meaning in My Real Presence in the consecrated Bread. You have had Holy Communion at every Mass for many years. In the coming tribulation of the Antichrist, My faithful will need to come to My refuges as a modern day Exodus. There again, the priest will give you My heavenly Manna. If you do not have a priest for Mass, My angels will give you daily Communion of My Real Presence. In the old Exodus they had quail, but you will have deer meat in the evening during the new Exodus. The tribulation will be less than 3½ years of the Antichrist’s reign. I will then bring My victory over the evil ones, and you will live in My Era of Peace for a long time before you come to heaven. Rejoice as you have had My Manna in various forms all throughout history.”


Sunday, July 21, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read about how I had the angels deliver Lot and his family out of Sodom. Two angels appeared as young men, and the men of Sodom wanted to abuse them in homosexual sin. (Gen 19:5) ‘Where are the men who came to your house tonight? Bring them out that we may abuse them.’ The angels brought blindness on these evil men so they could not follow Lot and his family. Once they were away from Sodom, I brought fire and burning sulfur down on Sodom and Gomorrah, and the people were destroyed because of their sexual sins, especially homosexual sins. Today, you see these same kind of homosexuals displaying themselves in gay pride parades. It was because of the sins of fornication and homosexual acts that Sodom was destroyed by fire. In the vision you are seeing a tornado of fire which is planned as a punishment for those sinners who will not repent. Just as at Sodom, I will separate My faithful from the Godless sinners. My faithful will first come to My refuges of protection where My angels will defend them from the Antichrist. Then before My Comet of Chastisement comes, I will bring My faithful away from the earth. The comet will strike the earth, and all the evil ones will be consumed by fire as a hell on earth before they will be cast into hell. My justice came in Noah’s time with the flood and the fire against Sodom and Gomorrah. My justice will come again against all the unrepentant sinners at the end of the tribulation. They will suffer the flames in the flesh and in their spirit bodies. All of those sinners, who refuse to repent of their sins and refuse to accept Me in love, will suffer the flames of hell for all eternity. So I invite all sinners to come to Me in repentance so they can save their souls, or they will join the evil ones in hell.”


Monday, July 22, 2013: (St. Mary Magdalen)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast celebrates St. Mary Magdalen from whom I cast out seven demons that were possessing her. After her conversion, she became a great disciple of Mine, and she was the first person to see Me after My Resurrection. The vision of the dragonfly and the spider are examples of how the demons thrive on attacking people where they are the most vulnerable. The sexual sins of fornication and homosexual acts are very common among the people of your society. Many people are weak to the sins of the flesh because they are seeking such pleasures, even when they may be having relations outside of the marriage bond. Since many people are having relations before marriage, this has become acceptable behavior in your society, even though it is a mortal sin. The demons know how corrupt your society has become, so they are attacking many people who are living together without marriage. My people need to protect themselves from these demon attacks by wearing blessed sacramentals, and avoiding near occasions of sin by not living together, unless they are properly married. You are seeing pornography in many places and in suggestive movies and marketing ads. With such temptations all around you, My people need to guard their eyes, and call on My help when you are attacked by demons with their temptations. Keep control over your body with a pure soul that is trying to avoid sin. By focusing on pleasing Me all day long, you can avoid these sinful desires.”

Jesus said: “My people, coming to My Light at the end of a tunnel could be a near death experience, a Warning experience, or an actual death experience. There are a lot of people in this world who have not experienced My love, and they desire the worldly pleasures over Me. Unless souls know Me in prayer or love, it is hard for them to accept Me. If they refuse to love Me and refuse to accept Me, I have no choice but to reject them to hell which they have chosen. This is why these wayward souls need someone to pray for them, and invite them to know and love Me. Without this prayer and love, these souls will reject Me, even after My Warning experience. I know you are praying hard for your family members who are away from Me, but it is your prayers and concern for their souls that could save them. I want you to extend your prayer intention to all wayward souls because they are in the most need of prayers to help save their souls. Such prayers may help some souls to at least be open to receive Me. Souls who close their hearts to Me, are on the path to hell. With open hearts, these souls will have a true choice to love Me of their own free will, without the desires of the world blocking Me out. Yes, My Warning is a wake-up call, but it will only be effective on the open hearts that you are praying for.”

I could see a flashback to when my wife and I did a recording with Carol Ameche as she gave us a word of knowledge. She died just recently. Carol Ameche said: “I am happy that you allowed me to say a few words to you. I am joyful to be free of all of my pains and limitations of the body. I was so happy to be greeted by Jesus, Mary, and my deceased relatives at my death. I know my death was sudden and a shock to some, but now I can keep praying for all of you. I felt a little sad that I could not accomplish more for my Jesus. I love Don and my family on earth so much. Please tell them how much I love them, and I will be watching over them. Jesus is confirming the messages of the end times that He has shared with His prophets. I thank you, Carol and John, for all the good times that we had together. When you can share your faith and messages with each other, it was as if we are all one big family with Jesus and His Blessed Mother. I did have a brief visit in purgatory, but Our Blessed Mother was generous to me in helping me come to heaven. She begged her Son because she knows how much I loved both Jesus and her on earth. I will be waiting to join all of you in heaven one day, and continue your dedication to Jesus in helping souls come to heaven.”


Tuesday, July 23, 2013: (St. Bridget)
Jesus said: “My people, even though you need sleep and rest at times, you cannot be comfortable all the time because there are souls that need to be saved by reaching out to them. You experience My love in many ways, but My love is meant to be shared, and not just kept to yourself. You need to share your love and your faith with others, even when you may have to go out of your comfort zone to evangelize people. You need a strong faith, but you also need the works of evangelizing souls with My help. You may also be called to help people with their physical needs as well. Be willing to share your time, your faith, and your donations. When you are busy doing good works, you have less time to be tempted from the devil. It is even good to keep busy and have time in prayer so you are not idly spending your time. When you have free time, do not waste it, but you could be reading the Bible or a good spiritual book. You can be attacked more in your idle time, so keep up your guard against the demons’ temptations.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many warnings that a time of famine is coming when it will be difficult to grow crops. Each of the last few years have not been the best for your crop yields. Between excessive droughts and too much rain, you have been having unfavorable growing conditions. I have asked you to store some food and water for this coming famine, both at your homes and at the refuges. You may see a difficulty in finding food on the shelves, or you will need a chip in the body to buy it. Already in many countries, you need chips in your charge cards for any purchases. You just witnessed this in Canada. Those, who saved the food, are like the wise virgins. Those, who will come to My refuges, will have the food and water multiplied without growing it. I will protect My faithful from the coming world famine, but those, who are not with Me, could be struggling for something to eat. These people did not prepare food like the five unwise virgins. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, and you will be satisfied.”


Wednesday, July 24, 2013: (St. Sharbel)
Jesus said: “My people, at times some people have worries or anxieties of what they are to eat, what they will wear, or where they will stay. These are the concerns of everyone, but My people need to have faith that I will provide for them. If I could provide manna, quail, and water for My people in the desert of the Exodus for forty years, then I could feed you just as well. In today’s world, you have plenty of support groups to help you with food stamps, welfare, and Social Security. Some who have jobs, have to manage their money within their means. Even if famines should come, I will multiply your food, if necessary. Those, who are able to work, should make an effort to help themselves. Only if you are persecuted or without food, then you will need My immediate help in your food and lodging. I feed the birds and I take care of the other animals, but you are more valuable than they are. Surely, you can trust that I will come to your aid in your daily situations. I will not test you beyond your endurance. You also can trust in your family and friends to help you as well. My people should also be ready to help people in need of food or lodging around you. With My help always available, you should not have any worries about your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you several messages about the coming Ison Comet, which will be almost as bright as the moon, and it will be a sign of the Warning. You are seeing in the heavens in the vision how My angels are showing you a banner, and they were blowing their trumpets to announce the coming of My Warning experience. Many people are not prepared for the coming evil of the Antichrist in the tribulation. This is why it is necessary to allow all sinners to view their life review, and see where it is headed. When some see hell or deep purgatory, this could wake up some souls to desire a change in their lives. Keep praying for your friends and relatives so they could keep their hearts and souls open to repentance. Those, who see hell and do not change their ways, could be lost. Many will seek Confession after the Warning, so lead your families to a priest in Confession. I have told you that these things will be happening soon, and now you will actually see it happen. Be prepared to leave for My refuges after the Warning, because the evil ones will be gaining power soon. This Ison Comet will usher in the events that will lead up to the Antichrist declaring himself ruler of the world.”


Thursday, July 25, 2013: (St. James)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked St. James and St. John if they were able to drink from the chalice of pain and death, as they asked to be on My right and left side in heaven. Just as I had to suffer My passion and death for bringing the Kingdom of God to the earth, so My disciples of today will be persecuted as well. All of My apostles, except St. John, had to suffer martyrdom for My Name’s sake. I do not ask all of you to suffer martyrdom for the faith, but you will see an increasing persecution for those who are brave enough to speak out against the sins of your society. Already you can see harassment if you speak out in protest of abortion, euthanasia, living together in fornication, or against homosexual sins. Your society’s morals have decayed so much that only a third of your households are normal families of husband, wife, and children. This threat of persecution is one source of pain, but people also are suffering from health problems or deaths in the family or with friends. In any way that you are suffering, either physically or spiritually, you can offer up your suffering to Me. There is a lot of pain being suffered that is being wasted by not offering it up to Me. Such offering of pain has a redemptive merit, a little as I suffered for your salvation. My people also should try to suffer their pain in silence without much complaining. All of you are living this human condition, and pain and suffering are a part of your life. Some experience more pain than others because they have been given the grace to endure it. When pain is offered up, I can use this suffering to help atone for the sins of the world.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, on July 21, 2013 you celebrated your twentieth anniversary of the beginning of My messages to you. It is also a remembrance of your mother’s death when she died on July 21, 2004. You have been obedient to the mission that I gave you, as you were able to bring My messages to the public under the care of your spiritual directors. You started Journaling My messages that you received after Holy Communion and at Adoration. You were asked to have them published with Queenship Publishing Co., and they have been helping you all of this time over eighteen years. You were also asked to go out speaking to spread My messages. You have seen many good fruits from this mission in helping souls and some healings. Give thanks to Me for guiding you on this mission to share My messages with the people. Even your internet site (www.johnleary.com) has been a means to spread My messages of love, teachings, and warnings out to all the nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen mechanical robots and how they are controlled by their master. Your scientists have now developed computer chips that can be placed in humans, and the chips have a capability of controlling their minds so they will act as robots. This control of your free will by microchips is exactly why I do not want My people to take any chips in the body, even if people threaten to kill you. My people will need to leave for My refuges, once your government enforces mandatory chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many things going on in your country that could threaten the stability of your government. Your news media focuses more on many personal distractions in order to hide the important events going on behind the scenes. The morality of your country is in decline away from Me more because of your sins and your laws that go against My Commandments. Instead of upholding the traditional values that your country was founded on, your Congress and courts are making laws that uphold abortion and homosexual acts as lawful. Those, who protest these sins, can be placed in jail for violating the so-called rights of others. Your nation has become so depraved, that you are seeing more disasters coming upon you as a punishment.”

Jesus said: “My people, your candidates for mayor and other offices have no shame that they have committed sexual scandals, and still they feel that they can run for office. Is this the kind of people that you want to run your government? Many people are committing the same sexual sins, and they see nothing wrong with these scandals. This again is another sign of the lack of morals in your society that these people are allowed to continue running for office.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones, who are creating deadly viruses in the lab, are allowing them into your hospitals without warning the public how many people are dying from unknown viruses. Your doctors are fearful of causing a panic because they do not have any means of healing these sicknesses. It is only by whistle blowers that you are finding out any description of people who are dying. Pray for the victims of these viruses, because you will need to go to My refuges to be healed when many people die from these viruses.”

Jesus said: “My people, I healed many people of various afflictions because they believed that I could truly heal them. It takes faith in My healing power to effect any healing. I also healed the whole person in both body and soul. Not every person that you pray over, will receive a healing, but those, who believe in Me and claim such a healing for themselves, could be healed. Some people are healed instantly, while in other cases healing can occur in stages over time. Some healings will occur in this time, but more healings will occur at My refuges when the people look upon My luminous cross in the sky.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in several recent messages how I am urging lukewarm souls to seek conversion, and I am encouraging My faithful to pray that these souls will be saved from hell. If you block your souls from letting Me in, then it will be very difficult to be saved. If you continue praying for these souls to be predisposed to My love, then there is hope for these souls to change and be saved. Do not give up on the worst of sinners, but keep praying for their conversions.”


Friday, July 26, 2013: (St. Joachim & St. Ann-parents of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, this is the feast day of My grandparents, and they were in the line of descent from King David, as was St. Joseph. I was known as the Son of David because of My parental heritage. My Blessed Mother was born to her parents later in life, and she was conceived without sin in the Immaculate Conception that the Church honors on December 8th. Because of the Blessed Mother’s miraculous conception, the parents dedicated her to the temple. She was without original sin at the beginning, and she lived her life in My Divine Will, without sin, throughout her life. She was sinless so she would be a pure tabernacle to hold Me in her womb for nine months. You can see that these two saints were part of salvation history in bringing Me as a man, Incarnate, into time for the salvation of the sins of mankind. Give thanks and honor to My Blessed Mother and her parents for helping to bring about your salvation.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you had a devastating earthquake along the New Madrid fault, you could have much damage to your buildings in the cities. This vision of gutted out buildings showed damage like the cities in England after a huge bomb attack. Such extensive damage could affect a large part of the middle of America along the Mississippi River. I have told you that the next large earthquake could occur on the New Madrid fault or the San Andreas fault in California. The location of the vision was more in the South. The HAARP machine has been active in this area before. If the damage is severe enough over a large area, this could be the excuse that the one world people could use to declare national martial law. Such enforcement by the military could cause riots or a revolution. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when martial law is declared.”


Saturday, July 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this picture of the Divine Mercy shows how I am constantly showering you with My mercy and My graces. I am always here for each of you to support you in your battle with the evil one’s temptations. The devil is the enemy who is constantly planting his seeds of evil in your souls. In the vision you are seeing a glorious shield with rays of power coming out. This represents My protection that I offer all souls who have trust in My help. Welcome Me into your heart and soul, so I can defend you from the devil’s temptations. You have a society that praises sinful lifestyles, and the people of the world are praising worldly things, instead of Me. Those, who are following Christian principles of their faith, will be persecuted because of their purity of soul, and their goals are not worldly. You feel more comfortable with friends of your prayer group, who think alike in your morals. Keep praying for the wayward souls, but you do not have to befriend the worldly ways to have friends. The Christian friends that you have, will be with you at My refuges. Rejoice that you will have My protection from the Antichrist at My refuges. I will put up a shield of invisibility around you so that your enemies cannot see you.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your people allow the bankers in the Federal Reserve to control the money printing presses, and the interest rates, you are setting yourselves up for crashes and thievery. The bankers lower the interest rates to zero and the stock market sets record highs. Then they contract the money supply and raise rates to create a market crash. Right now savers are getting very little interest while the Federal Reserve is stealing your mortgages with Federal Notes made out of thin air without any true value. They are getting ready to crash the market again to steal the people’s money invested in stocks. The greed of the bankers drives them to desire total control over the people and their money. If you had debt free money, you would not have the major National Debt that you have of over $17 trillion. These same greedy bankers could crash your currency just as easy as they could crash the stock market. When they want to take over America, they could put you in bankruptcy for not being able to pay your debt or the interest. They will then make a new currency, and all of your dollars would become worthless. The one world people have most of their wealth in tangible assets as gold, silver, and real estate. They own very little in paper stocks or paper money. When markets go bankrupt, they do not lose anything. When prices are low, they buy everything very cheaply. These evil ones will pay dearly for stealing the people’s money. The rich are getting richer, while most people’s income is decreasing. At the judgment, I will settle accounts with them, and many will suffer either in hell or in deep purgatory.”


Sunday, July 28, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I taught My disciples how to pray with the ‘Our Father’ prayer. It has different words in the different Gospel writers. You have various intentions for your prayers, but many of them are prayer requests for your needs, or for the souls of your relatives and friends. In the first reading from Exodus, you have Abraham pleading with Me persistently for saving the city of Sodom. He started with fifty just men, and worked down to ten just men that could spare the city from destruction. You know that the family of Lot added up to only eight just people, so the city was destroyed for their sins after Lot and his family were removed. There are some souls who are saved by the prayers of their relatives. In the case of St. Monica, she prayed for St. Augustine’s conversion for over thirty years. Even your wife prayed for her father for over forty years, and he was saved on his death bed. These are examples of persistent prayer which can save souls. Each person has to make a free will choice to love Me to be saved, but your prayers can keep a soul open or predisposed to My love, even if they are not coming to church on Sunday. When you come to Mass, you are praying to Me in Adoration because the Mass is the greatest prayer of all. This is why Masses are powerful in helping souls to get out of purgatory. In the Gospel, the man was persistent with his neighbor in asking for some bread for his guests. So My people need to be persistent in their prayers to save souls. When you are close to Me in daily prayer and Sunday Mass, you can keep focused on Me on your path to heaven. I need to hear how much you love Me every day and not just once on Sunday, because I showed My love for all of you by dying on the cross for your sins.”


Monday, July 29, 2013: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus were good friends of Mine on earth, and now in heaven. St. Martha was known for her hospitality and her concern for her brother, Lazarus. She had sent word to Me to come and heal her sick brother. I purposely delayed as I had a greater intention to raise him from the dead. At Lazarus’s death I returned to their house, and I wept at his tomb. When St. Martha greeted Me, I told her that I was the ‘Resurrection and the Life’. She believed that her brother would be raised up in his body on the last day of judgment, and she believed that I was the Christ, the Son of God. She had great faith in Me and My mission to save the world from its sins. Later, I brought Lazarus forth from the tomb, and I raised him from the dead. This was a great miracle to many Jews who were converting to My way. The Jewish leaders were threatened by My healings and the raising of Lazarus from the dead, so they even wanted to kill both of us. St. Martha is a great saint of faith to imitate with her hospitality of helping people.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of both the Vatican and the White House means there is going to be a clash of the Church with your government. One of the disagreements is over the mandate of forcing Christian organizations to hand out pills or other means to prevent conception. Forcing people to do things against their religious practices, is the test of your country’s freedom of religion. There are other places where people can buy these things without this mandate on everyone. Hospitals have already had to choose between closing or allowing abortions. Your hate crimes also are restricting free speech to speak about sexual sins. You have many ways that the Ten Commandments and prayer have been forbidden in public buildings. Your implementation of your Health Care Law will present more conflicts between the Church and your government. One strong concern is forcing people to take chips in the body, when they could control your mind and free will. When chips in the body become mandatory, I have warned My faithful that it will be time to go to My refuges. Those people, who refuse chips in the body, could face martyrdom if they are captured. This is why I am providing safe havens to protect My people from the evil one world murderers. America is on the verge of a Godless government that is trying to remove all roots of worshiping Me. This take over of your government is another time to leave for My refuges. The atheists and the New Age people will usher in the Antichrist, but this reign will be brief before they will all be cast into hell. Have patience at My refuges before I will bring My people into My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, July 30, 2013: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, in the description of the Parable of the Sower, I am the sower, and I spread the seeds of faith into people’s souls. It is the devil who plants the seeds of evil of the weeds in people’s hearts and souls. At the harvest, all the good people are like the wheat that I will store in My barn of heaven. All the weeds will be gathered together, and they will be burned in the fires of hell. I am merciful in allowing the good people to grow up with the evil people, but I am just also in casting the evil ones into eternal punishment of hell for their evil deeds and not loving Me. You have two deaths according to the Scriptures. The first death or particular judgment, occurs when you die. Then, you are judged to heaven, hell, or purgatory. This is when your soul is separated from your body. The second death is the final judgment when you will be resurrected with your glorified bodies. Those in hell will also be joined with their bodies, but they will appear very ugly, and burned like their soul bodies. Any people that are remaining in purgatory, will be brought into heaven. Those people, who are in heaven, will experience My beatific vision of My glory, and the beauty of the saints and angels. Knowing of this reward that awaits My faithful in heaven, should give them hope and a desire to be with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, your life in this evil world is like running a gauntlet through the demons every day. You know the demons do not sleep, and they are constantly testing you with temptations. If they cannot get you to sin much, then they attack you through your children and relatives. It is not easy to fight off these constant temptations, so call on Me to send My angels to protect you and strengthen you. You can wear your blessed sacramentals of rosaries, scapulars, and a Benedictine blessed cross. By keeping a pure soul with frequent Confession and daily prayer, you can keep close to Me. Your prayers that invoke My Name will help keep the demons away from you. Thank you for all that you do to help souls, and protect them from the demons.”


Wednesday, July 31, 2013: (St. Ignatius of Loyola-Jesuits)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Exodus, you read of how Moses’ face became radiant when he talked with God the Father and Me. This display of holiness was so important to the Israelites, that Moses even put a veil over his face. Now in the vision, you are seeing a veil placed over My tabernacle that houses My Real Presence in the consecrated Hosts. In the Gospel, the Kingdom of heaven is likened to a merchant who sought a pearl of great value, and when he found it, he sold everything he had to buy that pearl. Even so your soul is in constant search of Me as your Creator, because I am the only One to give you peace in your soul. This is why you come to Mass every day to receive Me in Holy Communion, so you can have My intimate love in your soul for a short time. Such a reception of Me in My consecrated Host, is the closest taste of heaven that you could experience on earth. I delight in sharing My personal friendship with each soul in Holy Communion. I only advise you to receive Me worthily without any mortal sin, so you do not commit a sin of sacrilege. I am the greatest Person that you could seek, and in Holy Communion you receive all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity, because we are inseparable as One. I always enjoy sharing time with you every day at Mass, in your prayers, at Adoration, and in all the things that you do when you invite Me to be a part of your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have explained the different comings of the Three Persons of God over the years. In the Old Testament you had the influence of God the Father. In the time of the New Testament, you see My influence the most. Once you have the Era of Peace, you will see a larger influence of the Holy Spirit. This vision of the Holy Spirit coming down, is a sign that this time of the Era of Peace is drawing close. This experience of My Era of Peace, will truly be a reward for all that you are suffering now, and for all that you will suffer during the tribulation. I have mentioned before how the time of the tribulation will be your living purgatory on earth. The Holy Spirit will shower His gifts upon all souls who live into the Era of Peace. You will be protected from evil, and you will be purified and made ready for heaven. Rejoice, that you will be living into My Era of Peace.”


Thursday, August 1, 2013: (St. Alphonsus Liguori-Redemptorists)
Jesus said: “My people, you saw how much care and reverence that was made over erecting a sacred Dwelling Place in the tent for the Ten Commandments in the Ark of the Covenant. The cloud of God’s holiness surrounded this Dwelling Place. The Israelites were led by a pillar of fire at night and a cloud during the day. Even now in the vision, you are seeing My Light shine down on My tabernacle because you have My Real Presence in the Hosts of every tabernacle. You honor and reverence Me every time that you visit Me in My tabernacle. You are going to see a separation of the good people from the evil people at My refuges. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to My nearest refuge. At each refuge you will have a large angel guarding My people with an invisible dome where the evil ones who will not be allowed to enter. You will have a luminous cross in the sky, which will heal you of your infirmities when you look on it. You will have Holy Communion every day, and you will be Adoring Me in My Host in perpetual Adoration. Thus you will have My Real Presence with you throughout the tribulation. At the end of the tribulation My angels will cast the evil ones into hell, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

(Janette Tedesco Funeral message) Janette said: “I am so happy to see all of my family members here at my funeral Mass. I love Rudy, Lilian, and the rest of my family so much. Do not be in tears because I am not far away from you. I will be with you in spirit, and I will be praying for you. I thank those who gave my eulogy and did the readings at the Mass. Thank you also for all the beautiful flowers and taking care of me in my last days. I will keep sending you kisses, and you can send kisses to me every day. It is hard to be separated from all of you in the body, but I will always be with you in spirit.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the angels blowing their trumpets to announce that the major events were about to begin. Today, you are seeing an Israelite blowing an old horn of warning to prepare the people so they are ready to leave for My refuges. This is also a warning to have some extra food ready for the coming famine. The events of the end times are about to speed up, as I am already speeding up the time so you will have less to suffer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the statistics in many countries that they are seeing fewer births that are even below a replacement level. This means that some countries are losing population, and the average age is increasing because abortion has spread to all the countries. This is a big contribution to the reduction in your population. America is not decreasing because of the many people who are immigrating to your country. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion which is threatening the viability of many nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, because your interest rates have been at record lows, you were seeing an increase in house sales. Once there was a suggestion of less help coming from the Federal Reserve, mortgage interest rates have been rising while house sales have started a decline. This artificial increase in the money supply with quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve could stop which is pushing rates up and it will be affecting the supply and demand for housing finances. Pray that your economy could grow, even without any interference from the Federal Reserve or your government.”

Jesus said: “My people, your politicians always wait to the last minute to adjust their budgets, and they try to push through more increases in the National Debt limit. You have seen some increased taxes on the rich, and some attempts to reduce your budget using an annual sequestration across the board. Even with these attempts, the core deficits are still occurring with a question over how the new Health Care law will be worked out. Pray that your economy could improve to help these deficits go down.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a renewal in My Church with the latest trip of Pope Francis to Brazil. Many people are supporting his efforts to help the youth who are having problems with unemployment in many countries. These young people need to have hope and faith in My help with their education and their entry into the workforce. It is hard for the youth to compete with older and better trained people who have been out of work for a long time. Even some attempts have been made to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. Pray for the unemployed, and especially for those who have just graduated from high school and college.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some poor crop yields in the last few years. This year has seen variable rain and temperature levels across your states. My people need to pray for their farmers that they could have more optimum growing conditions so they could have a rich harvest to make up for some poor years.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some of your politicians putting the dates off for various businesses when they would be forced to pay penalties for not paying for the new Health insurance. This is another sign that your government is having difficulty in paying for the new mandates for everyone to be offered a health care plan. The more these mandates are postponed, the less confidence there is that this plan will work. It is good to offer such a plan to help people, but there still is a question of how it will be paid for.”


Friday, August 2, 2013: (St. Peter Julian Eymard)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read about the people of My hometown, an dhow they did not understand My mission and My healing gifts. Because they did not have faith in Me or in My miracles, I could not heal anyone of these people in Nazareth. Prophets are not always recognized in their hometowns. Because I grew up there, they thought that they knew Me, but they did not realize My Incarnation as a man, and that I was born in Bethlehem. In the vision of the ringing bells, I am showing you how My prophets of the end times are like these bells in warning the people of what is to come. I have been giving you many messages about the coming tribulation for over twenty years. Many people did not want to hear about storing food, taking chips in the body, nor leaving their homes. Only recently, are the people realizing how chips in the body could become a reality with your new Health Care law. Soon they will understand more about saving food for the coming famine. They are now seeing how Christians are being persecuted, and how there will be a need for My refuges of protection from the one world people and the Antichrist. My faithful remnant should thank Me for sending My prophets of the end times to warn you, even when some did not want to hear their message. You should also be thankful that I am calling other faithful to set up places of refuge by preparing dormitories and food storage. My angels will be protecting these safe havens with a dome of invisibility that your enemies will not be able to see or find.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before to always plan your time so you are not idly wasting your time. Instead of watching a lot of television, you could profit more spiritually by reading some good spiritual books. You could read the Bible, the Liturgy of the Word, the Imitation of Christ, the Pieta prayers, or the lives of the saints as some good examples. It is your idle time where the demons attack you the most. By keeping busy with things that will profit your soul, then you will be making the best use of your time. You should especially plan time every day for your prayers and rosaries. I depend on the prayers of My faithful to help balance all the sin in the world.”


Saturday, August 3, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you do not see all of us in heaven, but we can see what everyone is doing on earth, even in the dark and secret places. So you should be on your good behavior at all times, because you are all on display as on the stage of life. If you should fall into sin, you could come to the priests for confessing your sins. You need to pray and keep focused on Me at all times, so you can keep your souls pure and ready to meet Me at your judgment, on the day you die. The souls in purgatory can also pray for you, and at times they are allowed to give signs to you that they need your prayers to get out of their suffering. Keep praying for the souls in purgatory every day, especially for the souls who do not have people praying for them. Each day you struggle in your human condition on your path to heaven. Keep showing Me by your actions and prayers, how much you love Me and your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, this killing of an eagle is symbolic of how the evil one world people will bring down America. They will cause a sequence of events that will cause a martial law takeover of America. I have warned you that these evil ones will find ways to crash your banking system which will close your banks as a bank holiday. About the same time your power grid will go down, and you will see signs of a pandemic virus being spread around the world. You will also see men in black causing false flag terrorist attacks, and a time of forcing mandatory chips in the body on the people. When such events take place, I will warn My faithful beforehand to get ready to leave for My refuges. If this bank holiday extends over a week, there will be chaos and riots, as people will be searching for water and food for survival. The stores will be cleared of food and water bottles very quickly. My faithful will need to pack your backpacks, food, water, and bikes into your vehicle, as you start out on your way to My refuges. Your guardian angels will conceal you with a shield of invisibility, as they will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. I have been giving you many signs that the tribulation is about to start, so heed My warnings, and be prepared to leave for My refuges.”


Sunday, August 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, just as the rain falls on everyone, so My graces of life’s gifts fall on everyone as well, on the rich and the poor. There are some people who have become rich by their labors, and some grow rich by greed, by cheating, or by theft. The desire for money and what it can buy, can consume some people, but they are not happy because they do not have My peace in their souls. Others may be poor or middle class, but they have learned to accept their place in life, and they are happy because they love Me and their neighbors. All the wealth in this life will not buy you heaven. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul? It is better to have a little wealth, and a soul rich with My graces. By following My Commandments of loving Me and your neighbors, you will gain more wealth for your soul in heaven.”

(God the Father feast day) Jesus said: “My people, My Father in heaven wants to thank you for honoring Him with your Mass and His novena. As you processed around in your prayers, you were sharing all the praises and songs that My heavenly Father receives all the time in heaven from the saints and angels. My heavenly Father also thanks you, My son, for honoring Him in your Eternal Father prayer group. In sharing the Mass outside, you have a sense of nature’s beauty that honors God the Father as the Creator. Everything that you have comes from the Blessed Trinity. Give thanks and praise to Us for all that We do for you.”


Monday, August 5, 2013: (Dedication of the Basilica of Mary Major)
Jesus said: “My people, this miracle of the snow in the summer on this site in Rome, Italy, is how My Blessed Mother became known as Our Lady of the Snows. This is one of the four major basilicas in Rome. Even My Pope son has honored My Blessed Mother several times at this basilica. Many people visit this basilica for the same reason in touring Rome on pilgrimage. This is the largest church that is dedicated to My Blessed Mother. Many consider this day to be My Blessed Mother’s birthday, and this feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of Mary Major is a fitting tribute to her. Remember My Blessed Mother as you pray your rosaries on her feast day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message before that talked about how GMO (Genetically modified organism) crops were increasing chances for cancer and allergies. In this vision of corn on the cob, there is an indication that your scientists are manipulating the DNA of the corn in trying to add the DNA of Roundup. In some independent testing, besides that of the seed companies, over two years of testing has shown an increase in cancer of mice compared to a control group. Monsanto did similar testing, but only over a short time which did not show any effect in their tests. It was the long term tests that magnified the cancer causing effects. There is too much collusion between the seed companies and the government agencies who are regulating the GMO crops, because there is too much money at stake, and many government people have worked for the agricultural groups. Even with independent studies showing the dangers of the GMO crops, still there is no action being taken to stop these harmful foods. The people have to minimize eating GMO crops, or pay more for organic crops, which are healthier. The farmers are controlled by the seed companies who produce 88% of the corn and soybean seeds in America. This is why you are seeing so much cancer and digestive tract problems in your people, because of the food that they are eating. Keep researching these studies to show people the real problems with their food when you try to manipulate the perfect food that I created.”


Tuesday, August 6, 2013: (Feast of the Transfiguration)
Jesus said: “My people, this scene on Mt. Tabor with Moses and Elijah was a prefigurement of My glorified Body after My Resurrection. My Body’s change after My Resurrection was so splendid that My followers did not even recognize Me at first, until I spoke to them. St. Peter on Mt. Tabor was so taken up with seeing Me with Moses and Elijah that he wanted to preserve that moment by erecting three tents for all of us. You have been reading about the cloud of God the Father, and how He talked face to face with Moses. Then there was a cloud again that came down on all of us and God the Father said: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ After this encounter, then I was all alone with My three disciples, Peter, James, and John. I then warned My disciples not to speak to anyone about this vision until the Son of Man has risen from the dead. I told them how I would be persecuted and killed, but I would rise on the third day. This is My promise to all of My followers who at the final judgment would be rejoined with their own glorified bodies. At death your body and soul will be separated, and you will be judged to heaven, hell, or purgatory. My faithful are living for this day, when you will be with Me in heaven, not only in your soul, but you will be a whole person again with body and soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an unusual spring and summer that has caused your rainfall to be four inches more than normal. In the East you have also seen lower temperatures than normal of about ten degrees. Your normal conditions are dry and hot in the summer. Because of these changes, you are seeing changed weather patterns with more violent storms. These changes give an indication that something is causing this, such as the HAARP machine, which can be used to change the jet streams. The more violent storms fit with how the one world people want more disasters. The dramatic changes in your weather could be a message to you that these evil ones have control over your weather. You have a sense that you are in a lull of events now, but it is like a calm before a storm of new events that may threaten your freedoms. Be prepared for My Warning, since this will begin many events leading up to the Antichrist’s takeover. Be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are threatened.”


Wednesday, August 7, 2013: (St. Cajetan)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that there would be a division coming in My Church that would separate a schismatic church from My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age principles that are not of Me. One of the other signs of these evil ones will be their disbelief in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. Eventually, when the evil ministers, pictured in the vision, begin to change the words of Consecration, then I will not be present because it will not be a proper Consecration. You saw how the people of the time of Moses grumbled against Me for not trusting in My protection. As a result, that generation died in the desert over forty years as a punishment for their disbelief. Now today, those people, who follow this schismatic church, will also suffer a punishment for not believing in My Real Presence, and for not following the beliefs of My apostles. I am warning My faithful to leave these heretical churches of the New Age, which are worshiping things instead of Me. The demons are being allowed this split in My Church, but My faithful remnant will have to go underground in private Masses. Trust in Me that I will guard My faithful at My refuges because this schismatic church will be in league with the Antichrist. Pray that My followers will understand the evil in their midst, so they will not be deceived by these evil ministers. I will not allow the gates of hell to prevail over My faithful remnant.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you leave for My refuges, you could be traveling at night in your vehicle. One of the needs for your trip would be a windup flashlight so you could see at night, and you would not have to depend on batteries. It may take several days to reach the nearest refuge. You may want to sleep in your vehicle overnight, and you could use your flashlight once the car is turned off. If you need to sleep in your tent in sleeping bags, you also could use a flashlight in the dark. Having a light is symbolic of how I lead you, as I am the Light of the world. I am the Light that disperses the darkness, and I heal your sins that darken your soul. Stay close to My Light in your good deeds, and you will be led on the path to heaven. My faithful souls can lead other souls to follow My Light, so they can be saved as well. Keep praying for the salvation of souls, especially for those souls in your own family.”


Thursday, August 8, 2013: (St. Dominic)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I asked My disciples ‘Who do people say that I am?’ Later, St. Peter answered: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I commended him for answering correctly, as he was inspired by My heavenly Father. I then told St. Peter that he was the rock upon whom I will build My Church. No other church or religion was directed by Me to build My Church. I also conferred the sacrament of Penance through My disciples and My future priests in whatever they held bound on earth, would be held bound in heaven. Also, whatever they loosed on earth, would be loosed in heaven. This forming of My Church was to spread My Good News of how I died for all of mankind’s sins, and I brought salvation to all souls who repented and accepted Me. Without repenting of your sins, you cannot be forgiven of your sins, and you cannot enter heaven. I have given all of My people the opportunity to be saved by My death and Resurrection, and I have given all of you free will to accept Me or reject Me. Those, who repent, will be forgiven, and they will be on the right path to heaven. Those, who reject Me and do not repent, are on the path to hell. You need to not only know that I am the Son of God, but it is by your actions of accepting Me and seeking My forgiveness of your sins, that will bring you salvation. Heed My words and follow My Commandments, and you will be saved.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I know your politicians are postponing the implementation of your Health Care Law for supposed political reasons. There are many disagreements with the states and the Congress on funding such a huge enterprise. What people do not realize, is that I have been instrumental as well in putting this off, because I am not allowing it until it is according to My timing. One of the main reasons that this Health Plan has been pushed back, is to force the people to take chips in the body to control their minds. Fear not, My people, for I will warn you when to go to My refuges, when the evil ones can mandate chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you before that your President wants to unilaterally reduce your nuclear weapons to zero. He has been using fake treaties with Russia to reduce the number of these weapons. The Russians do not abide by these treaties, so they are just empty promises on paper. This latest falling out of relations with Russia, means your President will reduce your Defense and your weapons in secret.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in some recent articles how your government is demanding information from food storage companies on how fast in 24 hours that they could deliver large quantities of prepared food as MREs and dried food. This forced rushing of information on food deliveries is a sign to you that your government is preparing for food shortages, and a possible takeover or revolt from the people. Again, My people need to have one year’s supply of food on hand before you leave for My refuges for the same reasons, as a food shortage or buying food with chips in the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar in World War II how there were safe houses to hide the Jews and others from the Germans, who wanted to kill them. I have asked some people with smaller interim refuges to be safe havens for housing My faithful on their way to their final refuges. My faithful will be hiding from the evil ones, but My angels will put a shield of invisibility around them. The interim refuges will provide food, water, and bedding that will be multiplied as needed for small groups of people.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are hundreds of detention center death camps all over your country. These buildings are being prepared to exterminate millions of Americans who will not take chips in the body, nor go along with the new world order. These evil ones know that My faithful will not go along with the laws mandating chips in the body, or the mark of the beast. This is why the evil ones have millions of foreign mercenary troops who do not mind killing American outlaws. These troops are the UN men in black who will go door to door to try and force chips in the body on the people. Those people, who are captured that did not escape, will be killed in these death camps as martyrs. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when I warn you, or you could be one of these martyrs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are right in seeing My angels who are blowing their trumpets to announce the coming of My Warning. I have told you many times that My Warning is close, and it will happen according to My time plan. After the Warning, you are to get rid of all of your TVs and all your computers and devices connected to the internet. The Antichrist will appear on your screens, so do not look at his eyes that could draw you to worship him. He will control the people through the chips in their bodies that will be linked to the internet by the cell towers and the satellites. Get rid of all of your electronic devices, so you are not under the Antichrist’s control. After the Warning, reach out to convert your families, and be ready to bring them to the same refuge.”

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM thanks all of My faithful for honoring Me on this day. This feast of Mine is not well known, but it is fitting that you have a picture of Me on the altar, and that your Eternal Father prayer group is meeting on this day. Give praise and glory to Me for creating you and all of My creation. I love all of you so much that I sent My only Begotten Son to die for your sins, and I offer you salvation in coming to heaven. You have seen the beauty of heaven, and you can share with the people the beautiful reward that awaits all souls who love Me and follow My ways. This reward in heaven should give all souls hope to endure through all of your earthly trials and temptations.”


Friday, August 9, 2013: (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are honoring Edith Stein or St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross who was martyred in the gas chambers of Hitler. I also showed you St. Maximilian Kolbe who took the place of another prisoner in dying for a married man also in Hitler’s prisons. The wife of Rev. Wurmbrand, Sabina, also forgave a German soldier who killed all of her family members. Hitler was involved with the occult, and there was a deep force of evil in all of his killing of the Jews and many clergy. There are still many evil killings going on in communist countries and Muslim countries. Whether it is a genocide of Jews, Christians, or the unborn, all of these killings are evil and influenced by the devil. I suffered persecution at the hands of the Jewish leaders, and My followers also have been persecuted and martyred as well. My faithful will see an even worse persecution in the coming tribulation. Many thought that after seeing mass executions of the Jews, this would not happen again. Yet, your people are still killing millions of unborn babies every year in your legalized abortions. Even now the one world evil people are building gas chambers and crematoriums at your many detention center death camps. This is in preparation to kill more Christians and those who will not take chips in the body, nor go along with the new world order. The Antichrist will bring an evil upon you that will be worse than any other time. This is why I am having generous people prepare refuges for the protection of My faithful. I will have your guardian angels lead you to My safe havens, where you will be protected and have food and shelter.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked with you how your electric grids could be shut down, when the one world people want to take over. There is another EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) weapon that could be deployed over small areas that would destroy your chips in all of your electrical devices, including your cars, computers, and banks. Without being able to use banks for money, or your cars to move about, you would be reduced to barter for food, and bicycles for getting around, or horses if you have them. Many of your refuges will not have electricity, and your cell phones will not work there. This is why you will be living in a rustic setting with all of you working to help each other to survive. You will store food in a root cellar with no refrigerator. You will be farming with non-hybrid seeds, and using deer for your meat. You will be healed of your infirmities by looking on My luminous cross in the sky. Get used to living without computers, and without many of your electrical comforts. You will have perpetual Adoration of My Hosts and daily Communion. Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting you from the evil ones at My refuges.”


Saturday, August 10, 2013: (St. Lawrence)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Lawrence suffered a martyr’s death for distributing the Church’s wealth to the poor. He brought out the poor people, who he declared were the treasures of the Church. The authorities were seeking the Church’s money, so they killed St. Lawrence because he did not cooperate. Some of the saints, who were martyred, were seeing visions of heaven, even before they were killed. In the coming tribulation, there may be some faithful who may desire martyrdom, instead of fleeing to My refuges. Those, who are martyred for their faith, would come straight to heaven as a reward for dying for their faith. More people will choose to come to My refuges during this trial. These faithful will be protected and brought into My Era of Peace from the refuges. From the Era of Peace, they will be purified for heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of who the one world people are. They are the rich and powerful people who run your governments behind the scenes. They like to operate in secret, and many of them actually worship Satan, and they get their working orders from him. Satan hates man, and he uses these one world people to carry out his death culture that supports abortion, euthanasia, wars, vaccines, and viruses that can be used to kill people. The evil people’s intentions are to kill all the people who love God, and those who will not go along with the new world order. This is why they are behind the building of the detention death camps. They want to chip people so the chipped people will become their slaves. Their goal is to reduce the world population down to 500 million from 7 billion. This is why they are developing pandemic viruses that could kill a lot of people. My faithful will be protected at My refuges, but the evil people and demons will be destroyed by My Comet of Chastisement. My faithful need to have patience, as I will bring them into My Era of Peace, after I cleanse the earth of evil and renew the world. Even though the one world people are your enemies, you still need to pray for their souls.”


Sunday, August 11, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, your deacon was explaining to you some examples of what was in the Gospel. The one part of the parable talked about where your treasure lies, so lies your heart. This means how you will focus your life mostly around what you feel is the most important beliefs in your life. If your heart is focused on money and possessions, you will seek wealth and comforts all of your life. Some may focus on helping people because they think it is the right thing to do. Then there are good Christians who are focused on doing everything for My sake. I have asked you to love Me and love your neighbor. When you consecrate yourself to Me every day, then you are helping Me in your neighbor when you do good deeds for them. If I am your treasure, then you will seek to please Me in all that you do. Your deacon also touched on a subject that deals with people who have had ‘near death’ experiences, when people have left their bodies. This experience is similar to the coming Warning when everyone on earth will experience their own life review. You saw in the vision how you came through a tunnel that seemed like an umbilical cord that brought you to My Light. Then I showed you your life as a line of events on a time continuum. I brought you closer so you could witness all the things that you did in your life from a child, through your school years, into your marriage to your wife, having and bringing up your children, up to the present time. This is just a small taste of what your Warning experience would be like, except that you will be focused on your unforgiven sins. Most people will have a strong desire for Confession after this experience. You will see a mini-judgment of your life to heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will also experience what it would be like in these places. You will then be brought back into your body, and it will be your free will decision to improve your life to direct yourself to be with Me in heaven. If you do not change your life, then your mini-judgment will become your judgment at your death. My Warning is a part of My Divine Mercy to give all sinners a chance to repent and change their lives. Choose life to be with Me in heaven, or some will choose death and pleasures to be with Satan in hell.”


Monday, August 12, 2013: (St. Jane Chantal)
Jesus said: “My people, during the summer many people like to go on vacation, even if it is not far from their home. People, who work all year, need a break to rest from their labors. You rest every day in your sleep to regain your body’s energy. Even in your spiritual life, you need a rest in your daily prayer time. Sometimes you may also go on a retreat to refresh your soul with some talks by a priest. For those, who take the time at night, you can also come to Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament, and let Me talk to your soul in quiet time. It is in the quiet time of Holy Communion or Adoration that I can refresh your souls with My grace and My peace. You have many trials every day, and I am always available to help you and console you. Be thankful that you have a caring Lord, who is always watching out for you. Show your love for Me in your prayers, and follow My Commandments on your way to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the goal of many baseball players, golfers, or hockey players, and that is to win a cup or trophy for being the best player or team. Many people are searching for fame and money in winning their games. This same goal can be found in many other prizes or money goals. Instead of seeking fame and fortune in this life, My faithful should be seeking a crown of sainthood in heaven. This is a spiritual reward that I grant souls that pass a test of being tested by the evil ones’ temptations. I have shown My faithful the way to come to heaven by imitating My life on earth, as I followed the Will of My heavenly Father. All the money and trophies in this world will not help you in getting to heaven. Addictions to greed, money, power, drugs, or lust, can only lead you on a path to hell. Keep your focus on loving Me and your neighbor, and do not let anything or anyone control you on earth. The same people, who search for earthly things, are never satisfied because earthly things do not bring peace into your souls. Instead, your soul is always seeking its spiritual peace with Me because I am the only One to bring peace and rest into your soul. All of your prayers and good deeds are storing up treasures in heaven that will help you in your quest for sainthood. Seek to be with Me always, and I will provide for your needs. When you are allowed into heaven to receive your crown, there will be great rejoicing in heaven that another saint has succeeded in winning its greatest reward of being with Me in heaven.”


Tuesday, August 13, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in the vision the tenderness of a mother taking care of her children. In the Gospel, I gave you a picture of Me as the Good Shepherd who would leave the ninety-nine sheep in the desert, and I would go in search of a lost sheep. Just like a mother, I also have a tender heart for each sinner. I desire to save all souls for heaven, but I do not force people to love Me. I am like the father of the Prodigal Son who was waiting for his son’s return. I reach out to every soul to help each person in both his or her physical and spiritual needs. Each soul is equal in value to Me, because all of you are My creations. I want all the people to respect each other, because you are all Temples of the Holy Spirit. Do not discriminate the homeless, the handicapped, or your enemies, because you need to love all of your neighbors. It is easy to love your family and friends, but it may be more difficult to love those people who you dislike. If you desire to seek perfection in this life, you must struggle to love all souls as I do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have learned a little about George Mason, and how he was one of three delegates who would not sign the Constitution because it did not have a Bill of Rights for individuals. He saw that I was the One who gave everyone freedom, and that any rule of law should protect individual rights and states’ rights. This bit of history of your founding Fathers, shows America was started with a Democratic Republic which has lasted for many years since 1787. This issue of protecting individual rights is a major concern now because your government is taking away your rights one by one. Once your laws and court decisions go against My Commandments, then your country is going down a road to destruction, under the control of the one world people. You are approaching the time of the Great Tribulation that will usher in the power of the Antichrist. You will be seeing all of your rights disappear, once you are under total control by the evil ones. Your country has been great when I was the center of your lives. Now that you have turned your back on Me, your country will cease to be great. You are fortunate that I am working with refuge owners to provide safe havens for My faithful, where My angels will protect you. A time is coming quickly when I will separate the good people from the bad people. Those, who love Me and their neighbors, and repent of their sins, will have a crown in heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me, and refuse to repent of their sins, are on the road to hell. Be careful to choose your destination with Me by your own free will. Pray for all the wayward souls to change their evil ways over to My ways.”


Wednesday, August 14, 2013: (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember your history books in how brutal Hitler was in killing the Jews and the clergy in his gas chambers. You have seen movies of this holocaust, and you have personally visited one of these former death camps in Germany. St. Maximilian Kolbe was martyred in one of these camps, as he died in place of another condemned prisoner. Today, you have another holocaust occurring for the unborn in abortion where over a million lives are lost in America every year. Your country will pay dearly for all of this blood on the hands of your mothers and your doctors. You are approaching another genocide over the people who will refuse to take chips in the body, and over those who do not want to go along with worshiping the Antichrist in the tribulation. Already, the evil one world people are building gas chambers and crematoriums at hundreds of death camps all across your country in every state. This is why I am inspiring people to build refuges so My faithful will have places of protection to hide from the evil ones, who will be worse than Hitler. The evil of Hitler’s gas chambers will be repeated again by a corrupt government that will support the Antichrist. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when I warn you, or you will die in these camps if you do not leave.”

Jesus said: “My people, in some older churches there were trained artisans that created beautiful statues and woodwork that would cost a huge sum of money today. Some older churches were also decorated with gold trim, and expensive stained glass windows. Some of the local parishioners would help paint and build the church itself without charge, because they did it for the love of God. A good share of churches today, are being built for the glory of the architect, and not for My glory. When you build something for Me, it is done out of respect for Me, and reverence to house My Real Presence in the tabernacle. Many of these beautiful old churches are decaying without proper repair, and they are becoming museums which people do not attend for Mass. See your parish church as a place for My people to share My Sunday Eucharist in the Sacrifice of the Mass. Protect your church, and keep it in good repair for as long as you can.”


Thursday, August 15, 2013: (Assumption of Our Lady into heaven)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are reading my Magnificat that was in today’s Gospel, and it was the longest quote of my words in the Bible. My most important words were when I accepted my Lord’s call to be His mother when the Archangel Gabriel greeted me. This portrayal of my pregnancy with my Son was expressed in the Book of Revelation when it spoke of a woman dressed in the sun. This describes the miracle of my image on the tilma of Juan Diego in Guadeloupe, Mexico. Your priest today was right to point out that your society puts down the beauty of birth and pregnancy, because it is more concerned with sinful pleasures, than bringing babies into the world. The miracle of Guadeloupe was to discourage the Indians from offering their infants to their gods in killing them. Today, your society is offering up your unborn babies to your gods of convenience and avoiding embarrassment. Conceiving children is a gift of life, and not a child to be killed by abortion. You need to pray for your people to avoid sexual sins, and to stop your abortion mentality. You cannot flaunt the Fifth Commandment by killing your babies. How can your mothers kill their infants in the womb, and not expect some punishment? I will still forgive them if they repent, but they will have to make some reparation.”

Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a crucifix is a sign of suffering. This crucifix coming close to you is a sign that suffering could be coming close to My faithful. I have given you messages before how My people will be seeing more persecution as time draws close to the Warning and the tribulation. Some of your Catholic institutions may still have to deal with the current mandate of providing birth control means, even though it is against what My Church teaches on these things. Be prepared to deal with more restrictions from your Health Care Law.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you about a coming division in My Church. Some nuns are bringing New Age teachings into My Church which is a description of the schismatic church. If you see heretical things being taught, and reiki, or other transcendental teaching being promoted, try to stop them. If there is no change, then move on to another faithful church. The devil is trying to divide My Church, but I will not allow My faithful remnant to be destroyed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a struggle in Egypt that has killed some innocent people in a struggle for power over this country. The military has killed some protesters who support the Moslem Brotherhood. This struggle to find new leadership, could result in another conflict. There already is a continuing struggle in Syria and some killings in Iraq. Many of these hot spots in the Middle East could result in a major war that could involve many sponsors. Pray for peace in the Middle East.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have not seen much talk of the poor countries of the European Union, but they are still being financed by the richer countries. Every time that they run out of money, they keep looking for more loans which are harder to finance. America also is having financial problems in trying to finance its welfare state, and the new Health Care Law. It is unsure how the Congress will be able to finance this Health Care Plan as the costs keep increasing.”

Jesus said: “My people, whenever you see uncertainty and financial weaknesses in countries like China or other countries, then you see weaknesses in those currencies and gold and silver prices will rise. When the consumers max out their credit cards, then your economy could weaken. Pray for the finances of your people, so another recession or crash does not occur. Your economy is weak by your production numbers, so pray that your people can keep their jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I rely on My faithful to continue their daily rosaries to make up for the many sins of the world. Without this balance to evil, I would have to bring My punishment against the evil countries who sin the most. I have asked you to pray that your prayers could be doubled because very few pray for sinners. You pray for your families, but there is much need for other souls as well. If you miss your prayers, you could make them up the next day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have the faithful who come to Sunday Mass, and some are still attending the feast days of obligation that are remembered throughout the year. Today’s feast of the Assumption is an honoring of My Blessed Mother when she was assumed into heaven to avoid any corruption of her body. On My Blessed Mother’s feast day, remember her call for rosaries to be prayed for her intentions of: souls in purgatory, poor sinners, peace in the world, and stoppage of abortion. My Blessed Mother is watching over her children, and you can ask for her help in your petitions.”


Friday, August 16, 2013: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, the people of My time questioned Me if it was legal to divorce their wives. I explained to them that a marriage between a man and a woman was meant to be a life long commitment to each other, as I joined Adam and Eve. They quoted Moses who gave them the authority to divorce their wives. Only in situations where the marriage is not lawful because of a precondition, could there be a divorce. In certain circumstances where one spouse is overly abusive, or an addict to alcohol or drugs, it would be hard to tolerate such a life. This could be considered an impediment in a marriage. Each spouse may have some imperfections, but spouses should work to compromise any differences, so the marriage could be preserved. Some people are too quick to want a divorce without giving the marriage a chance to work. My Church does accept annulments, but they are at times given too freely. It is better to be married in the Church as a sacrament, instead of living together in fornication. My people need to imitate My love in their marriages, and they should not just seek their own way. Marriage is a commitment to give your life as a gift to your spouse with Me in the middle. By focusing more on love between the spouses, you can overlook any petty differences.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are a good number of people who are so taken up with the latest computers, tablets, phones, and other hand-held devices. It is easy to become addicted to playing with these devices, and they consume a lot of your valuable time. My son, you have learned this lesson when you were taken up with writing computer programs. The biggest lesson that you learned, was not to let anything control you and your time. Without any control over how you spend your time, you will not have any time for Me in prayer. Your experience with My peace in Adoration is much more satisfying than working with the newest electrical device. Every device that you craved for, only lasted until the next new device would come out. This craving for things shows you that these things will become obsolete, and in the end, it is your soul’s destination that is more important. I created people as an extension of My love that I wanted to share. Your soul craves to be with Me more than your body desires earthly things that are not important. My faithful can share their love with their family and friends, and you can share your faith experience with those who you can evangelize to love Me. There is a great spiritual satisfaction in bringing souls to know and love Me. I love all of you so much, and I am pleased when you can love Me in return by your own free will.”


Saturday, August 17, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, your life on earth seems like a long time when you are young. Once, you become older, you start to realize how short your time is on earth. Since your lifetime is relatively short, you need to make the best use of your time by serving Me, as Joshua encouraged his people. Those people, who have a terminal illness, like cancer, know their time is limited even more. Joshua made a statement of faith that everyone should live by: ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ My son, you have your own favorite quote: ‘Seek first the kingdom of heaven, and all that you need will be given to you.’ There are many beautiful Bible verses that people can live by. I know all of your personal needs in this life, and I will help you to survive. By loving Me and loving your neighbor in your actions, this will please Me the most. You can serve Me by your good deeds and your prayer life. When you recognize Me as the center of your life, then following My Commandments is the best way that you can truly believe in Me. Consecrate everything you do for Me each day, and your life will be a joy to follow My Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, I keep showing you these visions of tunnels because this is how you will experience My Warning, that is very close. You are seeing My eye in the vision because I am watching all of your actions, both the good and the bad. A day is coming when you will have to answer for your bad actions. Even now, you can repent of your sins with contrite hearts, especially for Catholics who have access to Confession to a priest. After you receive your absolution, your sins will be forgiven, and grace will be restored to your soul. Make a plan to come to Confession, and do not keep putting it off. With frequent Confession, then your Warning experience will be less severe. Many times you keep falling into sin, but you need to keep seeking My forgiveness. I am always ready to forgive any repentant sinner. It is those, who do not seek My forgiveness, that could fall into greater sin, and be lost. Keep praying for sinners that their hearts could be softened to receive Me as their Savior. You cannot come to heaven, unless you come through Me.”


Sunday, August 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given this message about a coming Warning experience many times, but now it is truly at the door. Just as you heard one witness ask if this is truly going to happen, I am telling you that it is true, and it will happen. This will come in My time, and not when you want it. I know that many sinners are not prepared for the coming evil of the Antichrist of the tribulation time. My Warning experience will be similar to a ‘near death’ experience when you will come to My Light through a tunnel of time outside of your body. I will show all of you a life review of all of your good and bad actions with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. At the end of your life review, you will have a fair mini-judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. This is a picture of where your life is headed, if you do not change your life. You will also have a preview of what your soul’s destination would be like so that you will know the consequences of your actions. You will be warned not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body, and not to worship the Antichrist. You then will be placed back into your body in time, and you will have six weeks of time for your conversion to change your life. Then you will see events move quickly that will bring the Antichrist into power. You need to prepare yourself spiritually with repentance in Confession to minimize the severity of any punishment. Remove all of your electronic devices from your homes, and be prepared with some camping supplies to leave for My refuges when I warn you that it is time to leave. Before martial law you can call on Me, and I will have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge with a small flame. Your angel will put a veil of invisibility around you to protect you. You will have a cross on your forehead that will allow you to enter any refuge. Have no fear because I am always with you.”


Monday, August 19, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, the snake in the vision represents the devil and his demons who are attacking your churches to close them. By attacks on the priests, they have caused some to go astray, which at times causes a priest shortage and closed churches. There are also attacks on Catholic or religious institutions for not providing birth control pills and devices from your government’s mandate. This breaking of the pews by the snake represents all the various attacks on My churches from the demons. You will see more New Age teachings in various churches, which My faithful will need to leave. These are just a few ways in which the devil is trying to destroy My Church both from within and from government sources. Pray for My faithful not to lose their faith like the Israelites who worshiped other gods. I will protect My faithful remnant, and the gates of hell will not prevail over My Church, even if you have to go to underground Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who do not learn from history, are the ones to repeat the errors of the past. In the days of the Judges, the Israelites worshiped the Baals and gods of their neighbors, instead of worshiping Me, the One true God. As a consequence, I allowed their enemies to plunder them as a punishment. In America today, you are repeating the same mistakes, only your gods are money, fame, and sports. You also are committing many atrocities by killing millions of unborn babies, some being killed by euthanasia, and you are approving gay marriage. Just as the Israelites were punished by a takeover, so America can expect a takeover with a loss of all of your freedoms.”


Tuesday, August 20, 2013: (St. Bernard)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you have the best encouragement that I could give you when I told My apostles: ‘For man, many things seem impossible, but for God, all things are possible.’ I had told them that it would be as hard as putting a camel through the eye of a needle, in order for a rich man to be saved. This needle is not for thread, but it was a four foot by four foot hole to keep camels out of church. The story of Gideon in the first reading, is an example of how I give signs to My leaders so they would have the grace and faith to carry out My mission for them. All of you have life’s moments when you think that you cannot accomplish a needed goal. When you were faced with changing your tire in the dark, you had faith enough to pray for My help through St. Michael the Archangel. The young lady gave you help with her headlights, and she helped you mount the spare tire on your van. An angel helped Gideon to have faith when the angel brought fire down on his offering. You all need to have faith and hope that I will give you what you need to accomplish your mission in life. You have seen already in many ways how I have helped you, and I will continue to help My faithful endure the coming tribulation.”
Note: We had just finished praying the rosary for a man who was having a crisis of faith, when we got a flat tire. It was totally dark in the country. All we had was a little moonlight. After an hour of struggling to put the spare tire on, we saw the need to pray to St. Michael for help. We did not even finish the prayer, when this young girl drove by alone at 10:30 p.m., and she stopped to help us. She was really like an angel.

Jesus said: “My people, you have read many accounts of the radioactive disaster that happened at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. Because the reactors were ruined by the tsunami, they lost cooling, and there were several hydrogen explosions, and nuclear meltdowns. Even today, seawater is cooling these reactors, and the radioactive water is being dispersed into the Pacific Ocean. Very little has been done to stop this disaster. Now, there is concern over hundreds of spent fuel rods that need to be removed from a pool of water in the fourth reactor. In the vision you could see an explosion with more meltdowns of these spent fuel rods. They have already seen one pool of water leak out, and it will be a dangerous job to remove these fuel rods. If a worse case scenario happens, there would be no means of containing another nuclear meltdown. Pray that this operation is successful, and that the authorities can do something to stop the radioactive contamination of the air and the water.”


Wednesday, August 21, 2013: (St. Pius X)
Jesus said: “My people, this parable of the workers in the vineyard, seems a little unfair to the ways of man, but to My ways, it is very generous. The different times of the day represent the different times when the people were converted during their lives. The same usual wage is the reward of being able to come into heaven. This long line in the vision represents how long the people had to wait in order to come into heaven. This could even be the souls in purgatory who had to suffer a while before entering heaven. Those, who came to work in the last hour, represent those souls who were saved right before their death. These souls were fortunate to be saved at all, so they were allowed into heaven first. There are seven levels of heaven, so there is further justice that some souls who labored longer, could be granted a higher place in heaven. All of you should be struggling to get into heaven, however you can manage to show your love for Me and your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, when someone has a sudden intuition on a subject, it is like a light bulb that is turned on in that person’s mind. After you hear the whole story of how the vineyard owner dealt with his laborers, there is a realization that I was talking about people saving their soul at the eleventh or last hour. It is My blessing and generosity to each soul, that you could even be saved with Confession on your death bed. You should not wait to the last minute, because you could die suddenly in an accident, even at a young age without time to repent. Now is the acceptable time to be saved by repenting of your sins, and asking for My forgiveness. The earlier that you can convert your life, the more time that you will have to do good deeds for your neighbor out of love for Me. The usual wage that represents the reward in heaven, does not have to be worth more, as in a greater wage. Heaven is not entirely earned, because it was My death on the cross that gives you your salvation. It was the sacrifice of My Blood that washes away your sins, and opens the gates to heaven for all worthy souls. Give praise and thanks to your God for forgiving your sins, and allowing you into eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember well about the Good Samaritan who was the third person to come upon a beaten up traveler. A priest and a Levite passed by this scene of one in need of help. It was a foreigner who took compassion on this person who was beaten by robbers. He cared for his wounds, and paid the innkeeper to take care of the man. This relates to your own situation late at night in the dark, when you were trying to put a spare tire on your van to replace a flat tire. In your case it was a young lady who showed up to help you after your prayer. She put her headlights on the back of your van, and she even mounted the tire for you. You were praying for someone to help you, and I sent an angel of this lady to help you as a Good Samaritan. Even though it was dangerous to help someone in the dark of night, she was kind enough to risk helping you. You used to help people on the road, but now with bandits using such excuses, you are more reluctant to do so. Those, who want to risk helping someone in need, are the real ‘Good Samaritans’ who feel inspired to help their neighbors. You now have a renewed sense of compassion when you know how desperate you were for someone’s help. If you have an opportunity to help someone, do not be like the priest or the Levite who passed up a chance to help someone. It is almost a sin of omission to not help someone in need. You will have to answer to Me for all the opportunities that I gave you to help someone, even when you were out of your


Thursday, August 22, 2013: (Queenship of Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you see Me tell a parable of a king inviting his people to come to a wedding feast for his son. But many people refused to come, and they killed his servants. The king sent his troops to kill these evil ones, and he burned their cities. Then people were invited to fill the banquet hall from off the street. One person did not have a wedding garment on, so he was bound and cast outside. I am the son in the parable. My heavenly Father is the king. The wedding feast is heaven where I am inviting the people to come. I am being married to My bride which represents My Church. Not all of the people accepted My invitation, so the evil people were cast into hell represented in the burning of the cities. Another scene is when the servants were asked to go out into the streets to fill My banquet hall with guests. This could be likened to My Warning experience. The first invitation was during life before the Warning. The second invitation is more direct to everyone in the world when the people will see their illumination of their conscience in their life review. After the life review, the people will be shown their mini-judgment, and given a taste of their soul’s destination. People will then be placed back in their bodies with an opportunity to change their lives. If some people refuse to accept Me, they will meet the same judgment of being cast into hell. If the rest accept Me and love Me and their neighbor, they will be welcomed into My wedding feast of heaven. For many are called, but few are chosen. After the Warning, I will be preparing refuges for My faithful to come and be protected by My angels. This will involve people accepting My call to come to My refuges by leaving their homes, and following their guardian angels to the nearest refuge. By putting your full trust in Me, you will be healed both in body and soul. I will protect My people from the Antichrist, and I will bring them into My Era of Peace, and later into My wedding feast of heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many souls suffering their purification in purgatory. Some are suffering in flames, while others are suffering not being able to see Me. Some of these souls could be in your extended family that you could be praying for. In this experience of purgatory you could hear the cries of these souls for prayers so they could be released into heaven. You also could hear the whispers of many souls asking for your help. You had a flashback of hearing Eugene plea for prayers to Sondra Abrahams over the phone. The voice sounded like this soul was in desperation to give a physical sign for prayers. This intention of praying for the souls in purgatory is one of the main intentions that My Blessed Mother has asked you to pray for with your rosaries.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have read several books on the souls in purgatory. One book was ‘Get Us Out of Here’ and another book was the ‘Manuscript on Purgatory’. These details from the souls in purgatory are showing you how much they suffer, and how they want to help save souls who are still alive on earth. Some souls are given the opportunity to give signs to their living relatives, so they can have their family pray for them. Having Masses said for your deceased members is the best help that you could give them. Keep praying every day for the souls in purgatory, especially for those in your own family.”

Jesus said: “My people, every soul chooses its own destination by the actions of its life. You can pray for sinners so they will be open to choosing to love Me. Each soul at its judgment time, has one last chance to say ‘yes’ to Me in repentance of its sins. In order to come to heaven, each soul has to come through Me. If that soul does not love Me or know Me, then the soul could be judged to hell. You need to establish a personal love relationship with Me in all that you do. By loving Me and doing good deeds for your neighbor, you can be on the right road to heaven, with little purification needed in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know from St. John’s Gospel that I am the Word of God, and I am the Light that disperses the darkness of evil. When you mention My Name, or call on Me to send you My angels, then you will see the demons scatter. Many people who are dying, see Me and My saints coming to take them home. Some souls have seen Me in near death experiences, and their lives were changed to be more holy in life. Learn from these experiences of such people so you can prepare yourselves for your own judgment by loving Me and loving your neighbor. This is how you will be tested at your judgment, when I will ask you if you loved Me and how did you help your neighbor. My Warning will prepare many souls for their particular judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that all of you are sinners, but My faithful know enough to come to Me in frequent Confession to keep their souls cleansed of sin. My faithful need to reach out to sinners not only in prayer, but even to invite souls back to Me in faith by encouraging them to not live in sinful lifestyles. I am advising you that a man and a woman should be married in order to have proper relations. Even if your family members are living together with their lovers, you need to witness your faith by encouraging them to get married, instead of living in sin. Tell your family that you love them, and you are helping them because you do not want to see their souls lost in hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an evil age with may evils trying to bring you down. The morals of your society are so depraved that you need daily prayers and Mass just to help defend yourselves from these temptations of the devil. Now, more than ever, you need to invite Me into your life every day to help you in your trials. Without asking for My help, you could be swept away by the demons with a number of addictions. Keep close to Me in your daily consecration so I can guard your soul from the demons.”
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear prayer group members, I thank you for praying my rosaries, and I will give your petitions to my Son, Jesus. I especially want to thank and encourage Queenship Publishing to continue with their good work for heaven. I hear their daily prayers, and I will bless them in their work to save souls. They can help to spread the Good News of my Son’s love in all the books that they publish and sell to the people. I will pray for all of them to have the strength and success to carry on their work of sharing the message of loving my Son and your neighbor.”


Friday, August 23, 2013: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me proclaim the two greatest Commandments in today’s Gospel. (Matt.22:37-40) ‘Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.’ And the second is like it, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ I want to emphasize to My people that the unborn child is your neighbor, and you should not consider him or her as a second-class citizen. They are human beings from conception, and they are worthy of protection from abortion. You would not consider killing your neighbor, so do not kill My babies either. Shame on the mothers who kill their babies in the womb, and they are using convenience and embarrassment as their excuses. The life of the unborn is defenseless, and it is just as bad if you kill the unborn, than if you killed a newborn baby. The people of your society need to listen to Me and love your neighbor, and do not kill them, even the unborn. Wake up and understand that these babies have souls, and you are denying My plan for that child’s life when you abort your children.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have earthly concerns in how to make a safe trip by boat or by car. In a logical plan you see how much money and time it will take to make the trip. You may have maps or compass settings to keep on the right course. After you have considered the earthly things to do, then you need to pray for a successful trip, so I can guide you on your way. When you trust in Me to accomplish your goal, you have all that is necessary. You may encounter some difficulties along the way, as you did with your long wait at the border, and your time lost changing your tire. Ultimately, you made it to your destination, and that was your goal for the moment. Every project that you set out to accomplish, may need some serious prayer, as your novena to St. Theresa for a successful DVD movie. I have told you before to make prudent plans for any big project, and then come in front of My tabernacle so I can give you discernment if your plan is right for you. It may also be a good idea to have alternate plans, if one plan is near impossible to carry out. By trusting in Me, and your confidence in My help, you will find a way to choose the best course of action.”


Saturday, August 24, 2013: (St. Bartholomew)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel, Nathaniel was questioning who I was at first, but once I spoke to him of where I saw him, he quickly changed to believing in Me. Many of My apostles were at first in doubt of My Resurrection as St. Thomas, but once I showed him My wounds, he believed. It is easier to believe in someone when they present you with miracles, but blessed are My faithful who have not seen Me in the flesh, and still they believe in Me. In the vision I am shining My Light of understanding down upon My people. When you are shown the way by My Light, and given My graces in My sacraments, then you will have all that is necessary to follow Me to heaven. Some people are blinded by the cares and attractions of this earthly life, but with My Light, you can see that you were created to be with Me in My heavenly life of the spirit. My people need to be enlightened with faith in Me in order to see their way to heaven. When you trust and believe in Me, I will see to all of your earthly and spiritual needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am well aware how you always wanted the newest computer, software, and add-on peripherals. When these things first came out, many people wanted to use these personal computers. Over time you were so taken up with your computer programming, that you became addicted to these things. There were many entrepreneurs who started up computer companies that made these products available. You were fortunate to come to My Blessed Mother’s apparitions in Medugorje, because it was there in My Blessed Sacrament chapel that you could hear Me telling you to stop your five hours of programming every day. You were alienating your family, and you were letting your pride of making computer programs control your life. Computers have their place in carrying out your daily work, but you have learned not to let anything have control over you, or your time. I need to be at the center of your life, and not your own personal desires. You need time for Me in your prayers, and you need to let Me lead you in doing the mission that I have given you. It is only when you said ‘yes’ to Me, that I could use you to fulfill your mission. You are here to know, love, and serve Me. You are also being called to share My messages of love, teaching, and warnings. When you love Me, you want to share that love with others, so their souls can be saved for heaven, and not lost in hell. Keep close to Me in your prayer life, and let Me continue to lead you on your mission. You are a good example of how re-conversions can break addictions to earthly things. Be ready to give up all of your possessions when you will be called to My refuges.”


Sunday, August 25, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have had plenty of rainfall this spring and summer, and that is why your grass is green, and your harvest of crops are forecasted to be better than last year. You have been given a reprieve this year with good growing conditions. You still will see a world famine coming because weather conditions have changed all over the world. The famine that I am preparing you for, will be one controlled by man. There is plenty of food, but it is not always easy to distribute it to where it is needed. A coming problem will also be the control of your buying and selling that will require a chipped credit card, and eventually a chip in the body. Do not take a chip in the body to buy food because I will multiply the food you have both in your homes and at My refuges. This is why I have asked you to store some food at your homes and My refuges for the coming man controlled famine. Trust in Me that I will provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”


Monday, August 26, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this underground door leads to one of the underground cities that has been prepared for only the VIPs with taxpayer money. You know that the one world people are preparing for a possible takeover, and a possible revolution. They have stored away extra food and ammunition in their underground bunkers. When the people do not see any more checks for welfare, Social Security, and other government jobs, there will be a hue and cry over a government shutdown. This is a real possibility if your Congress does not pass a Budget, and it does not raise the National Debt Limit. The one world people have been looking for an excuse for a government takeover, and they could use a fight between your political parties as such an excuse. Shutting down the government could trigger chaos and riots, and the banks and your electric grids could be shut down as well. This would be when the VIPs would retreat to their underground cities to wait out any crisis. My faithful, who have extra money at home, as well as food and water, would also be ready. The problem will come when looters will be looking for food and water. If riots get bad, then My faithful may also have to retreat to My refuges with your guardian angels. You can share your food until people with guns will make it difficult for anyone to survive. Be prepared for such a takeover, and have things prepared to come to My refuges. You have been warned about this day coming for some time, and it is getting very close. Trust in Me to protect you, and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you need to tell your leaders that you do not have to get involved with the war in Syria. Your government is moving warships to Syria, and it is complaining about nerve gas being used to kill a few hundred rebels. This same tactic of using weapons of mass destruction to start a war, is similar to when you went into Iraq to remove its dictator. Such war actions should be approved by your Congress, and not just a passive approval. America could only degrade its military, and increase its deficit by getting involved with another war. It is not clear which side you are helping, and you could risk a confrontation with Russia. It is also not clear which side might have used chemical weapons. America is not being threatened, and your goals are not clear what such an incursion would accomplish. Pray for peace that your President does not make a big mistake. It is the one world people who want war in the Middle East. I have warned you in earlier messages with the meteor over Russia, that you could see another war in the Middle East.”


Tuesday, August 27, 2013: (St. Monica)
Jesus said: “My people, every night recently, you keep seeing and hearing about the fires in California, and how many acres have been burned. This burning is like the purification that some souls in purgatory must endure. I spoke to the Scribes and Pharisees in the Gospel about how they cleansed the outside of their bodies, but they neglected to cleanse the inside of their hearts and souls. I called them hypocrites because they encouraged the people to follow all the Mosaic laws, but they did not obey the spirit of the law. Even My faithful need to be aware of practicing what they preach, so they cannot be accused of being hypocrites. Do not do things just for show, but take your prayers seriously, and cleanse your souls frequently with at least monthly Confession. It is your actions that must witness to your love for Me and your neighbor. By cleansing the inner soul as well as the outside of your body, you can work toward being a holy person in body and soul. Pray for your country’s sins of immorality because you are being purified with fire. By keeping holy in your actions, you personally could minimize any purification of your soul by the fires of lower purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you in a previous message (8-20-13) about the dangers of the spent fuel rods in one of the buildings at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. Other articles keep appearing that show the continuing danger to the world of the continuous flow of radioactive water by the tons that are going into the Pacific Ocean every day. Several of the reactors are in meltdown, and the authorities are not any closer to stopping this disaster. You need to make people aware of how much radiation is emanating from this site. The people in this area are already seeing thyroid problems because the radiation is airborne as well as in the water. Pray that some resolution could be found to stop the ongoing radiation that is polluting the air and the water in the Pacific Ocean.”


Wednesday, August 28, 2013: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, you have various people questioning the reality of My creation of everything, as written in the Bible. Most of the people who deny My creation account are atheists, and they do not believe in God. I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity which is a mystery for man to understand. When man examines My creation, He sees everything is perfect, and there is a balance in nature. I have told you before that everything that I create, is perfect and in harmony with nature. Everything that man creates, is imperfect, and he creates disharmony with nature. Two examples of this are hybrids that do not give good seeds for the next year, and your medicines that cause side effects which poison the body. Man was curious to discover DNA to see how all forms of life reproduce. Its discovery was something of beauty and order. Then the devil encouraged man to try and improve on My perfection in man’s prideful ignorance. Since man has manipulated the DNA of his crops, he is now seeing more allergies and cancers. The obvious conclusion is that man cannot improve on My perfection, and this is why you have more problems with your adulterated foods. Learn to eat organic foods as I created them, and avoid your GMO crops.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is trying to join other governments to condemn the use of nerve gas bombs, and they are planning an assault on Syria from the air. There is not much evidence who fired the nerve gas bombs, but it could even have come from the rebels, because the one world people want a larger war in the Middle East. If your government carries out an attack, you need to beware of a counter attack, and if Russia or China will become involved. It is possible that Russia could be supplying sea missiles that could be used against your ships. If a war becomes larger in this area of the Middle East, there could be a threat against oil and any other cargo shipments. I continue to ask My faithful to focus their prayers on keeping peace in this area.”


Thursday, August 29, 2013: (Passion of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist was a man of truth, and he asked people to repent of their sins, and be baptized in the Jordan. He pointed out My mission as the ‘Lamb of God’ and many followed Me after that. His famous words were ‘I must decrease, while the Lord must increase.’ This is true for all of My followers, that I should be the most important person in their lives. Eventually, St. John the Baptist was martyred because of Herod’s wife, Herodius. Herod was living in fornication with his brother’s wife. This living together is rampant even in your society today. The marriage act is a part of My creation that man partakes of with a woman in producing children. This act should only be occurring under the bond of the sacrament of marriage. Marriage of a husband to a wife is the only proper environment to have children and bring them up. You have a disjointed society because you have single parents bringing up your children. Many do not understand the sacredness of the marriage act, and they do not even think that fornication is a sin, if the couple love’s each other. Adultery and fornication are still mortal sins against the Sixth Commandment, even if people do not accept My laws. To properly receive Me in Holy Communion, such sins need to be forgiven in Confession, or you are committing a sin of sacrilege. Even married partners for life, need to avoid using any birth control means, because each act of relations needs to be open for possible conception. My Church only accepts family planning of taking advantage of infertile times to control the number of children. I know there is a desire for pleasure, but I want My followers to abide by My laws for such relations. The sins of the flesh send more souls to hell than any other sin. I have given you My sacrament of Penance to cleanse such sins from your souls. This is why a man and a woman should not live together with relations without marriage, to avoid a near occasion of sin. Treat the marriage act with respect because you are sharing in My creation at that time. Honor marriage as a lifelong commitment with your spouse. If your society lived this way in normal families, you would have less sin, and a better life for your children in a moral society. As you are right now, America will be held responsible for your abortions and your sexual sins. As a punishment, your country will be taken away from you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many people are questioning why you should bomb Syria because you do not support either side. You also do not have proof of which side used a nerve gas agent. There is some suspicion that the one world people are behind the Moslem Brotherhood that is trying to oust Assad. Another concern is about Russian warships that are coming to the Mediterranean Sea. Some are even talking about closing the Suez Canal. With all of these uncertainties looming, it is hard to go forward with any Tomahawk missile attack. Keep praying your novenas to stop this possible war, and call on My heavenly angels to thwart these demons from starting a more serious war.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a military in Egypt that is siding with the people against the Moslem Brotherhood. After seeing the control of the Moslem Brotherhood, as they were in power for awhile, the people want more freedom. This is why the two sides are clashing on the streets of Egypt. There is a question of sending aid to Egypt, because it is unclear who would be getting the money. These funds have been secretly shut down until one side appears to be in control.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of the many changes in the Health Care Law where some provisions are exempting certain groups from paying immediately. Some of your Republicans in the House do not want to fund this law because of its penalties and restrictions on medical care. Some doctors are retiring early, and some companies are turning more full time workers into part-time workers so they have less to pay for their health care. The fact that certain groups are being postponed for a year or two, indicates that even the Democrat sponsors are concerned about the failure of this law. Pray that people can keep their health care plans without large increases in the costs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you saw some major problems with your budget last year. You first implemented your sequester which limited your individual budgets by 5-10%. You also stopped the reduction in your Social Security tax. Your economy has been sluggish this year as a result. Now, you will have the same cuts for next year with a need to raise some debt limits to keep paying your bills. Because there is not a clear path forward, many companies are holding back on hiring more people. Your people cannot afford a new war with your current deficits. Your Congress and your President have to make some serious choices on how to finance your government.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen parts of your government ordering unusual amounts of food that is not for your military nor the general public. You are also seeing orders for large amounts of ammunition, and preparations for handling street riots. These things are in addition to the detention death camps that are being prepared. My faithful need to trust in Me that I will bring My Warning when it is needed. I will also tell My faithful when it will be necessary to go to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, My messages have been warning you to store some food, and have your things ready to leave quickly for My refuges. Many people look around, and they do not see any immediate threats to their lives. All I can tell you is that when things start to happen, they will happen quickly, and you will not have any preparation time. It is better to be ready to leave quickly, or you may not be able to leave your homes before the men in black could capture you. Heed My warnings so you can save your lives and your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that you can only have peace through My graces in My sacraments. It is by frequent Confession and Holy Communion at Mass where you can draw on My peace and strength. Do not let the daily concerns of wars, finances, and the devil’s temptations so distract you, that you lose your peace. You need to stay calm and trust in My protection, and you can guard your peace. Do not let anything upset you or control you in any way that will threaten your peace. You may see many disturbing things on your news, but do not let news control you. The devil wants to take away your peace, but keep steady in fighting his temptations, and you will be able to weather any earthly or spiritual storms.”


Friday, August 30, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel about the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins, is a typical message that I use to prepare people for what is coming in the tribulation, and at My judgment of souls. When people are preparing for a hurricane to strike on the coast, they listen to the weather forecaster, and they can see satellite pictures of the coming storm. Then they start boarding up their windows, and they prepare food, water, and suitcases of clothes for when they may have to evacuate. The wise virgins carried extra oil for their lamps, but the foolish virgins did not. Once the time comes for the tribulation, My faithful, who have followed My warnings, will have food, water, and clothes ready to leave for My refuges. Those, who do not heed My warnings, will be like the foolish virgins, and they could be captured and killed in the detention death camps. The Gospel is a warning to be ready not only physically, but My faithful need to have pure souls ready by frequent Confession, because you do not know the day that you may be called home at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are directing your President to bomb Syria, no matter what evidence is provided. Even when some rebels admitted to the nerve gas bombing, all of the President’s spokespersons are pushing ahead with their attack. There is very little thought about the possible repercussions of starting a larger war. I have asked My people to pray for peace. Now, you need to pray that any bombing does not trigger a larger war. Some countries see your President as a weak leader, with no stomach for a ground war. This could cause a miscalculation by other nations to be more aggressive in the use of their own weapons. Another problem with warfare in the Middle East, is that oil shipments could be slowed, which could raise gasoline prices. Keep praying to minimize any killings in this region.”


Saturday, August 31, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel about the talents is another lesson in judgment on people who do not use their God-given talents. You all are given time, talents, and an opportunity to gain treasure for your livelihood. How you spend your time and use your talents and treasure will be one of your accountings at your judgment. My faithful have also been given a gift of faith, and My sacramental graces that you should share as well with your neighbor. In life you share what you have with your children and your grandchildren. At other times you can share your labor and your money in charity for your neighbors. Sharing your faith in trying to help save souls, is an even higher calling. It is one thing to help people to survive in the body, but it is another thing to help save souls from going to hell. Striving for a heavenly destination is against the body’s desires in many ways. This is why so many souls need prayers and guidance to keep on the right path with Sunday Mass, Confession, and leading a holy life. By a good example from My faithful, you can help influence your family and your friends to come closer to loving Me. When they have Me in their lives by your invitation, I will enrich their lives with My love and My mercy. Keep working to save as many souls as you can, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Sunday, September 1, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have a small reprieve from your President in wanting to bomb Syria. Today’s Gospel speaks about pride and taking places of honor. Your President spoke of a red line in using chemical weapons. Now, he does not want to lose face, so he wants the bombing, but he is also afraid to go ahead without Congress approving it. If the Congress disapproves of the bombing, it is uncertain what your President will do. There has been enough killing already in Syria without bringing more destruction on this country. Keep praying that with time, these hard hearts could be changed to avoid more bloodshed, and avoid the possibility of a larger war. Your country is already suffering from your many fires in the West, so why do you want to cause more suffering on others, as well as a budget busting war.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another sign of the coming Warning, and the vision represents a lot of activity and confusion going on at the time of the Warning. I have given you many messages about how the Warning is close, and My faithful need to go to frequent Confession, so you will not have to face any judgment to hell. Right now, there is a lot of tension in the Middle East if America sends missiles into Syria. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail in your Congress to discourage such an attack with no exit strategy. If Congress does not support such an attack, it may give your President an opportunity to back down and save face over this ‘red line’ promise. Keep praying to stop this attack, and be prepared for the coming Warning.”


Monday, September 2, 2013: (Labor Day)
Jesus said: “My people, ever since Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden because of their sin, men and women have had to work by the sweat of their brow to earn a living. Even today, people have to struggle to make ends meet by working more than one job. Your media speaks of more jobs and a pick up in the economy, but the truth is that you just have more part-time jobs at a lower wage. The average household income is decreasing ($55,000 in 1999 to $50,000 in 2011) while the rich are making a large increase in their incomes. The goal of the one world people has been to export the good paying factory jobs so the middle class is being forced to work several jobs for less money. The people on government support are increasing as your deficits are increasing in order to pay people not to work. There are many injustices going on, but your country’s deficits are going to cause an eventual bankruptcy. Already many cities are about to go bankrupt because they cannot afford to pay many expensive pensions. College tuition is also creating a bubble of loans that are becoming harder to pay off. Pray for your working people who are finding it harder to pay their bills.”

Jesus said: “My people, with your current economy, it is hard to find a good paying job, and finding benefits is even harder. In older days, it was enough for the husband to work to support his family. Today, the wives need to work also, as it is not uncommon to have two or three jobs in a household to survive. At one point the wife’s job would allow a family to have some extra money for vacations and furniture. Today, the wife’s job is needed to cover the bills of running a household and paying for any children. As the young adults try to get a college education, they need jobs, and can only afford community or state colleges. Even books, transportation, and meals, are becoming more expensive. It is difficult for these students to pay off their loans, and to find a job in their major when they are finished. All of these problems are even harder for single parent households. Pray for all the families that are struggling to survive, but the working poor are suffering the most.”


Tuesday, September 3, 2013: (St. Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware that I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Even as a God-man, I still had authority over all beings that I had created. The people around Me heard My words as one speaking with authority. My words are remembered forever. When the demons were even fearful of Me, the people realized that I had special powers that they did not understand. The people were even further amazed when I commanded the demons to come out of the man, and the demons obeyed. Such authority over demons, I even conferred on My apostles, so they could share My words of love without fear. You know My true authority over people and spirits, but you also know how much I love you, and have mercy on poor sinners. I know your weakness to sin and the demons, and that is why I give a guardian angel to each of you, along with the graces of My sacraments. My priest sons have been given the authority to forgive your sins in Confession, and to consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood in the Mass. Keep close to Me in Confession and in receiving My Eucharist at the Mass. By keeping a pure soul, you will have the graces to fight off the demons’ temptations. When you are being attacked by demons, you can speak with authority by calling on My Name, and requesting Me to send My angels to strengthen you. Trust in My power which is much greater than all the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is true that sarin gas appears to have killed hundreds of people in Syria. It is not confirmed which side used such a deadly gas. There are even some reports that the rebels had such bombs. Your President now wants to punish Assad, but he is not talking about regime change. In the past you have seen Gaddafi and Mubarak removed from their leadership to allow the Moslem Brotherhood to take over. Any substantial bombing looks more like Libya in order to remove Assad from Syria. Such bombing could kill many people, and not just surgical attacks on military targets. Civilians are being moved to such targets on purpose as human shields. The rebels could have used the nerve gas on purpose to draw America into this war. The Russians are not going to stand by and watch their client get decimated. Russia sent more weapons to support Assad against the rebels. Russia is also sending ships to the Mediterranean Sea to defend Syria. Carrying out a planned bombing on Syria could bring America into a broader conflict with other nations, especially Russia. America should avoid intervening, and avoid killing more people. The one world people want America to get into another war to make money, and weaken your military. These arguments about pride or saving face, do not justify a war where America’s security is not in danger. Keep praying that America does not bomb Syria, and you do not get involved in a larger war.”


Wednesday, September 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in many towns I healed the sick, and I cast out demons from the possessed people. The people wanted Me to stay in their town, but I told them that I had to proclaim the Kingdom of God to other towns as well. In today’s Gospel, it spoke of My being in a deserted place, like the desert in your vision. You, My son, have also been given a mission not only to help save souls, but to prepare the people for the coming Warning and the tribulation. You are being encouraged to help people after the Warning to come to Me in the priest to confess their unforgiven sins. You also are warning the people not to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in their bodies. Avoid looking at the Antichrist’s eyes because he could influence people to worship him. During the tribulation, My faithful will need to seek out places of refuge where your guardian angels will lead you. The evil ones will try to kill My believers, but you will be shielded at My refuges with being invisible to the evil ones. Some refuges will be like the Exodus where you will have Holy Communion from My angels, along with deer, and water for your survival in deserted rural places. Your time during the tribulation will be like your purgatory on earth, and you will be living a rustic life of prayer. Give thanks and praise to Me for watching out for you all of the time. You may see some martyred for their faith, but they will become instant saints in heaven. I call on all of My faithful to be missionaries where you are, as you reach out to help save souls from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how anxious your President and the one world people are, to have America involved in another major war. There are repercussions that could stop your trade from communist China that could shut down many of your cheap imports. This could damage your manufacturing, your food, and your medications. It would take a lot of investment and time to start making more things in America. A war of large proportions could bring on a world depression and a world famine. Once a war starts, you do not know what will result. Be prepared with your food supplies, because you could see your government ration things, and your banking system could crash. Any break down in your supply chains, could cause riots and a time to come to My refuges. Be watchful of these repercussions, if your government chooses to bomb Syria. I keep asking My faithful to keep praying that this bombing does not happen, or you could see a possible World War III.”


Thursday, September 5, 2013: (Jim Manuele’s funeral Mass)
Jim said: “I am so grateful for all of my family and friends who took the time to come and celebrate my life and my Mass. I especially thank those people who helped me through my last days. I love my dear Sharon, Paul, Lenore, and all of my family. I will be watching over you and praying for you. Thank you for all of those who gave some kind words about me at the Mass. I was so happy that I could help so many church groups with my financial skills. Some people appreciated my words of frugality. You saw me cleansed of my sins by the Mass and through my illness, so now I am in heaven with my Jesus. Of all the organizations that I helped, I was most touched in the heart when I helped the Lake Avenue Women’s Care Center. God bless them in all of their beautiful work to help women.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that you are witnessing a major battle between good and evil. I mentioned this before that you are seeing demons that had fallen from the Principalities and Powers that now are helping witchcraft people to bring America into a major war with many lies. You have seen My Pope son ask for novenas of prayer and fasting to stop the bombing of Syria. You need to call on Me to have Me send you My angels to fight these demons. Your rosaries and novenas are greatly needed to fight the one world people and the demons who are stirring up this war. Pray your St. Theresa novena continuously to prevent this war from expanding.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Antichrist and the demons are planning the demise of America by bringing you into a major war that will weaken your military and cause more deficits that could bankrupt your country. When major events start happening, there could be a crash of your economy that could lead to riots and a takeover of your country. Before martial law is declared, I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for My refuges. America will be brought into the North American Union, and the Antichrist will come into power soon. Trust in My power which is greater, since I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to destroy all of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My refuge builders to put the finishing touches on their refuge buildings because the time of the Antichrist’s coming is close. Even before martial law is declared, I will warn My faithful when to leave their homes for My refuges. I have given you many years of messages that are preparing you for the Battle of Armageddon. Any major conflict that breaks out, will quickly involve Israel, and many world powers as Russia and China. Trust in My angels to protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you do not realize the significance of a major war that could help bring the Antichrist into power. You have seen the power of My Blessed Mother’s rosary in fighting other battles in history as the Battle of Lepanto. I call on all of My faithful to keep this intention of stopping this war by praying your rosaries to stop this evil plan. Keep trusting in having Me hear your petitions for this war.”

Jesus said: “My people, I mentioned this before that America and Russia could easily miscalculate the reaction to the planned bombing. Russia has said that it will consider a unilateral American attack on Syria as an act of war, and an act of aggression against its client, Syria. Russia has every intention of defending Syria, even if it comes to using nuclear weapons. This is why starting a bombing attack on Syria could bring America into an expanded war with Russia. Again keep praying that this war does not expand to other countries.”

Jesus said: “My people, if your President pushes this war on your people, then this will be a major distraction to your National Budget and debt limit problems. Many war concerns could cause reckless spending to win any war. If you see some major war repercussions, you could even see your President take war powers actions to control your country without the Congress. My people of America need to do everything to stop your entry into this war because your freedoms and your country’s survival may be at stake.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how much the evil people and the demons want to exterminate My faithful, I will be there to protect you at My refuges. Your guardian angels will guide you to My refuges when I call you, and they will put an invisible shield around you. The demons and the evil ones will not be able to kill you at My refuges because My angels will protect you, and you will be healed of any viruses by looking on My luminous cross. Some may be martyred for their faith, but most of you will live rustic lives at My refuges. Trust in My power with your prayers, and you will see your reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Friday, September 6, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I know some people are sad to see all of the selling of more war in Syria by America’s leaders. Many people in America are against this killing and destruction, when there is no good reason for it. I hear your prayers to stop this bombing, but the one world people are going to have their way. You are postponing this war for awhile, but the plans have already been made to remove Assad from power. Even if your Congress does not back your President, he will be forced by the one world people and the demons to carry out their plans. This bombing could very well cause a spread of war to other parts of the Middle East. Be prepared if you have to suffer the repercussions of another war on your military people and on your economy.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people upgrade their house, they try to improve the appearance for themselves and whoever may buy their house in the future. When you renovate a church, you are trying to please Me with your plans. Your tabernacle should be placed in the middle of the altar because I am the Guest in My Real Presence. You should also have a large crucifix on the wall behind the altar so you can remember how My sacrifice on the cross has brought salvation to all of you. It is My Blood that has washed away all of your sins. You also need an obvious place for Confession so you have a place to confess your sins to a priest. Most of all you need a priest, and a faithful parish that supports the church and the pastor. These are the important things that should be in each church that honors Me at Mass on Sunday.”


Saturday, September 7, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a picture of how I straightened the crooked roads, and I leveled the hills and mountains. This is from Isaiah (40:3-5): ‘A voice cries out in the desert, prepare the way of the Lord! Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God! Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill shall be made low; the rugged land shall be made a plain, the rough country, a broad valley. Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all mankind shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’ All things are possible for Me, so My faithful need to have patience, while the evil ones are given their hour. Fear not all the terrors of war and the might of your leaders, for this evil age of the coming Antichrist will pass away, and I will renew the earth in My Era of Peace. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, and you will see your reward as your faith will be vindicated in My Era of Peace. You are living in the end times right before the tribulation of the Antichrist. Evil will have a brief reign, but in the end My power will reign triumphant, when I will bring My Comet of Chastisement against the demons and the evil people. The evil ones will be cast into hell, and I will renew the earth from man’s destruction. The Glory of My words in Isaiah will come to fruition in your time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some Americans having to evacuate from a possible war zone. You are praying for peace in Syria without any American bombing, but your people have to prepare if war happens. If a war does widen to other countries, you could see some displaced people trying to get to safe areas. It is one thing to have a bombing because of the use of sarin gas, but the reaction from other countries could start a wider war that could include Israel. If such a war widens, pray that nuclear weapons are not used. Any bombing could be more open-ended than just trying to remove Assad. I hear your prayers, but there are many hardened hearts who do not have love of Me and their neighbors. Pray for no war, but be ready for the worst, if you need to leave for My refuges.”


Sunday, September 8, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in the vision how I give everyone the Light of understanding to lead each person on the way to heaven. It is when people follow their own ways of the flesh, that they get into sin, and they fall away from My love. When you follow My ways of the Commandments, you will be in harmony with Me and nature. You have two choices. You can follow the ways of the body, or the ways of the spirit. The ways of the spirit are leading you to life in heaven. The ways of the body will lead you to death in the soul in hell. This is why you need to follow My Light in an evil world of sin represented by the darkness. You have a weakness to sin from Adam’s original sin, but with My help you can fight temptations, and live in My love and the love of your neighbor. Keep focused on following My Light of salvation, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother thanks you for all of your rosaries to stop this war in Syria, as you prayed and processed outside. You all were enjoying the beauty of My creation. The young children are beautiful and innocent in their prayers. The children need guidance from their parents so they can learn about the Holy Family of Myself, My Blessed Mother, and My foster father, St. Joseph. As the children are returning to school for their secular studies, you could also teach them about their spiritual studies of the faith. Your children should know the prayers of the rosary, even as My Blessed Mother taught the children these prayers at Fatima. During life, you will need to call on My help in your trials. By praying for My help, I will hear you, and come to your aid. Trust in Me to guide you through life from your childhood through to your adult life. By keeping on the right road to heaven, you can help save your soul.”


Monday, September 9, 2013: (St. Peter Claver)
At St. John the Evangelist after Communion, I could see a town and then it got crushed by a massive earthquake. For several minutes I could sense a rumbling earthquake of large intensity. Jesus said: “My son, in this vision and your sense of rumbling, you have never had such an intense feeling of an imminent earthquake. In the destruction of this town, many people will die as a result. I am not giving you the location yet, but you have seen some large and frequent earthquakes in Alaska. This is where the HAARP machine is located, and it will be the cause of such a large earthquake. I have told you before how the evil ones are led by Satan to kill many people, and the HAARP machine can cause massive earthquakes and weather disasters. Keep attentive to the current earthquakes, and pray for those souls who could lose their lives, and who are not ready for their judgment.”

Later, at St. Theodore’s tabernacle, I could see a woman and her family dead on the ground after being killed by sarin gas in Syria. Jesus said: “My people, there is plenty of evidence that hundreds of people were killed by sarin gas. There also are reports that the rebels also had this gas, and they were willing to use it. Russia has now come forward to try and stop America’s bombing by trying to offer Assad a way out by giving up his chemical weapons. It would be hard to verify if he gave up all of his chemical weapons. Such a plan could preserve Syria’s power, and it would be a way out for Russia and America. Your Congress has postponed any votes on bombing to allow this proposal to be looked at. If such a proposal is carried out, this could be an answer to your prayers to stop the bombing. The rebels are still being supplied weapons by neighboring countries, and their intention is still to remove Assad. The war will continue, but it is better if America stays out of this war. Keep praying for peace, and for a solution for America to keep out of this war.”


Tuesday, September 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, many people followed Me because healing power went out from Me to even those people who touched Me. There were many miracles of healing of both body and soul. Many came to believe in My Gospel of love because it was confirmed with these healings. Even people, who were possessed by evil spirits, had them cast out. This healing power was passed on to My apostles, as they even raised a few people from the dead. Even in your world today, there are still healings among the sick. Give praise and glory to Me because these healings come in My Name, and through My power. The most important healings of all are when souls are converted to the faith. All of heaven rejoices over every soul who is converted from a life of sin. This is why I call on priests and missionaries to go out to bring souls to Me. Even My prophets are bringing My saving graces to people who listen to My Word through them. My faithful also need to rejoice when you can bring a soul to Me in conversion. I desire to save all souls, and this is why I am encouraging My faithful to evangelize the people.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President was too quick to want to bomb Syria, and he did not have a good strategy. Over 100,000 people have been killed in this civil war in Syria, and now hundreds of people were killed by sarin gas. Your President soon realized that he did not have any support from the UN, NATO, or even the Congress. Polls show most of America does not want another war. The Russian President may have found a way out by trying to remove Assad’s chemical weapons. It benefits Russia and Syria from not being attacked, and it may save face a little for your President, if this proposal can be carried out. It is your prayers that are holding back this entry of America into the Syrian civil war. Keep praying for peace that this compromise can be carried out. The takeover of the Arab countries has been a goal of the one world people, but they have met some resistance from Russia and the military in Egypt. There will be a war in the Middle East that may center around Iran since they are helping the rebels. Pray for peace in this whole area of the Middle East.”


Wednesday, September 11, 2013: (12th Anniversary of Twin Towers)
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you had a reprieve in the current threat to bomb Syria. The one world people are still intent on drawing America into another war in the Middle East. You can see how many of the new Arab governments are surrounding Israel. You are familiar with the Battle of Armegeddon that is on the northern plains of Israel. The Bible speaks of a great battle there like a world war involving many nations. If Israel is attacked, America will be obligated to fight for them. Do not think that you can avoid any future war there. The evil ones will find a way to draw you into a new conflict. If America faces a bankruptcy from your debts and wars, be prepared to come to My refuges when the one world people will try to draw America into the North American Union. Evil is going to have its reign, which means that the Antichrist will be allowed to control the world for a short time. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, and then I will bring you into My Era of Peace as your reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember how the pharaohs used to worship the god of darkness, and they relied on sorcery to call on evil powers. There are still Satanic priests carrying on occult practices from their ancestors in Egypt. It is in Egypt where the Antichrist will be annointed for his evil task of ruling the earth for a brief time. I also came up out of Egypt before I started My ministry in Nazareth. There are many occult roots in Egypt that the Antichrist will use to gain power as a world ruler. My faithful need to be ready to leave for My refuges before the Antichrist comes to power. After the Warning you are to get rid of all of your electronic devices out of your homes so you do not look at the Antichrist’s eyes. He will be a demon incarnate, and his eyes could hypnotize you into worshiping him instead of Me. Call on Me to bring My angels to protect you during the tribulation.”


Thursday, September 12, 2013: (The Most Holy Name of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you messages about all the evil in the world that is stirring up hate in people to cause wars. When you look at Me, all that you see is love because that is who I am. I am love personified, but man is unhappy with his lot and his neighbor. In today’s Gospel, I asked My faithful to take one more step toward loving everyone, even your enemies. Even loving your persecutors and those who want to kill you, takes you out of your comfort zone. I desire to have all souls love Me, and I want to save them from hell. Hell was made for the bad angels, and not for man, but those people, who reject My love, are sending themselves to hell. I want My faithful to have people love each other, and avoid war and killing that comes from the devil. The best example of love is for all of you to be loving in all that you do to help people. When people see your loving attitude, they will desire to do the same. But when people see evil and feel hate, it affects them adversely. Even if you are a shining example of love among a lot of dreary people, keep your flame of love burning strong to help change the hearts of your evil world.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a statue of St. Joseph who provided a living for Myself and My Blessed Mother. As you look at your families today, many are living together without marriage, or you have single parents trying to bring up their children and work at the same time. A good share of your families are receiving money from your government from Social Security or welfare. It is hard for families to provide a living when most of your jobs do not have good salaries. In older days it was the husband who supported the family. Now, many fathers are missing and some pay some child support. It is the children who are suffering the most with split families. Pray for those who run their households, that they will find sufficient funds for the families to survive.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your children are killed in the womb by abortion. The young children, who are still living, also have problems if they are born into single parent families. Without a father, the children are not helped as much as when both parents are home. They will live in poverty with little chance of a college education. These children may need mentors or tutors to get by. The morality of your country has been corrupted, and your children are bearing the burden of your problems. Pray for your children, even if they have to be helped by their grandparents.”

Jesus said: “My people, because your median incomes have been declining, it is becoming harder to pay for a mortgage and provide food for the family. Many people are getting help from food stamps and this year’s crop which should be better than last year, so food is available. As your persecution begins, it will be harder to obtain food, which is why I have asked My faithful to save some extra food for hard times that are coming.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some increases in home buying in both new and used homes. Your low interest rates have helped home buyers, but those, who rely on interest income, are suffering poorer income. Your stock market earnings are up, but only a small number of people can risk losses in the market. Many of your family problems have come on account of your financial problems for the lower segments of your people. Pray that your people will have hope, and be satisfied with what they have.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who live out West, are being challenged to find adequate amounts of water for drinking and farming. Many of these people rely on water aquifers or runoff from the mountains. The water that they do have needs to be recycled with less available to water grass and farm crops. Those, who live near the Great Lakes, should be grateful to have plenty of fresh water for their needs. The East has been blessed with more rain than normal, so your lawns and gardens are green and flourishing. Pray that all of your people will have enough fresh water for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, your President and other countries are quick to want to go to war, but the people are weary from constant wars started by the one world people. The Middle East is boiling over with many threats from different sources. You have peace for now, but be prepared if you could see another clash between these nations. Keep praying for peace and love of neighbors in your world of turmoil.”

Jesus said: “My people, your leaders are now being challenged to find the money to pay for all of your entitlements and for your new Health Care Law. Some still want to postpone individual Health Care costs because businesses are postponed for a year. Sequester cuts and balancing the budget will be difficult. Already your Treasury is using budget shifting to avoid going over the National Debt Limit. Pray that your leaders make the right decisions for your present needs.”


Friday, September 13, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, do not judge one another when you think that you may be better than someone else. It is not your physical wealth that will allow you into heaven, but it is your humility and spiritual wealth of good deeds that will help you. It is by My Blood, that was shed for your sins, that will enable you to come to heaven. Do not be a hypocrite. You need to practice what you preach to gain favor with Me in your actions.”


Saturday, September 14, 2013: (Exultation of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, I commend the people of this church who pray the rosary in processing in front of the abortion clinic. My faithful have to speak out in protest of the shameful killing of My babies in your abortions. All of heaven is looking down in horror that your people could be so callous to kill their own children without even acknowledging their death in a proper burial. You treat these precious little ones as human garbage, or you use this tissue for your cosmetics and worse things. I am loving, but I am just as well, so the people of America are calling down My punishment for the blood on their hands. You are celebrating My feast of the Exultation of the Cross, and I am still suffering on My cross for your sins of abortion. The priest was right in asking you to pray for the souls of the mothers who killed their own children. Life is so precious, and none of your earthly excuses could ever justify killing My babies. Pray that these women and doctors will seek My forgiveness of their sins, or they could suffer in hell or purgatory for a long time. Satan has misled many of your women into thinking that this is only tissue and not a human baby. Do not listen to Satan’s lies, or the lies of your pro-choice death culture. Stand up for these little, defenseless lives as part of your Christian duty to defend life at all parts of your life whether at the beginning or the end.”


Sunday, September 15, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I love My people very much, and I am calling on them to love Me and their neighbors in today’s readings. Many times I give you examples of how to imitate My life, so you can be on the right path to heaven. You have been praying novenas and fasting to stop your President from bombing Syria. These people in Syria have seen a deadly civil war, and it would be wrong to escalate the killings that could even cause a wider war. You are seeing small arms being given to the rebels from various neighboring countries. I showed you a vision of the Pentagon because they are planning various options for a future war. The one world people could draw America into another conflict through Iran or Israel. Your military has been given orders to standby, and be ready to implement any planned strike on their new targets. Your President knows he has little support for such a war, so you could see a caused incident to bring America into another reason for an attack. Any American involvement in war in the Middle East could very quickly lead to a world war if other countries are taking sides. Pray for peace in this area, but this area is on the verge of a larger war.”


Monday, September 16, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful before about not getting involved with enneagrams, astrology charts, or any other occult practices as Ouija boards, tarrot cards, or fortune telling. These things are all connected with pathways for the evil spirits. Also avoid reading or watching Harry Potter books and movies which are linked to witchcraft, curses, spells, and other evil spirits. My faithful need to wear blessed sacramentals of My Blessed Mother’s rosary, and her brown scapular. A blessed Benedictine Cross also can help you against evil spirits. Many people acquire addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, overeating, or any other substance abuse. There are demons associated with these addictions as well as at occult meetings where people drink evil potions. This is why people need to pray a binding of the evil spirits to the foot of My cross in My Name, Jesus. Pray the St. Michael prayer and other deliverance prayers to combat the demons that are controlling people. Even your relic of the true cross is helpful in fighting demons. I told My apostles that prayer and fasting could force some demons to flee. Pray deliverance prayers as a group using holy water and blessed salt. When possible have an exorcist priest pray over possessed people. You have a battle of good and evil going on constantly, so be persistent in your prayers and novenas to deliver your family members from their addictions. To keep your peace, do not let any addictions control you.”

(St. Cornelius & St. Damien) Jesus said: “My people, you know how the people of My hometown did not have faith in Me, so I could not heal anyone there. Then you have the faith of the Roman centurion who believed that I could heal his slave, even if I did not come under his roof. The centurion knew that Jews would be defiled if they came into his house, so he did not want Me to come into his house. The centurion also recognized My healing power, and that I could heal his slave from a distance. He even explained that he had authority over his men, and that they would carry out his orders. The centurion was saying that I also had authority over everything, and if I gave the order to heal his slave, it would be done. He had faith in My ability to heal his slave, so I was able to heal the slave. I was astounded at such faith that I had not found in all of Israel. This is an example to all of My faithful, that if you have faith in My healing power, I could use you to heal people both in body and soul. When you are about to receive My Real Presence in Holy Communion, you are repeating the humility of this centurion when you say: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.’ Keep your faith in Me at all times to help you, and to have faith that I can heal both your body and your soul.”


Tuesday, September 17, 2013: (St. Robert Bellarmine)
Jesus said: “My people, now you have been spoiled with your comfort foods and warm showers, but at My refuges during the tribulation, you will be living a rustic life protected from the evil ones. Just like these monks, you will be living a more monastic life of work and prayer. At each refuge you will have around the clock Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. If you do not have a priest, I will have My angels bring you daily Communion. You could even survive on just My Eucharist. You will have deer or other animals for meat, and you all will need to help each other by changing your jobs and using your talents. You will be praying more without your electronic devices that will no longer work, except for lights and cooking if you have solar power. You may have oil, or candles, and windup flashlights for light. You will have to prepare your meals, wash dishes, and wash your clothes. I will provide for your physical needs and your shelter. My angels will defend you from the evil ones. You will only have to endure this penance for less than 3½ years. Trust in Me, for you will be stripped of your possessions to bring you closer to sainthood. I love all of you so much, and I want to save all of your souls from hell.”


Wednesday, September 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, when you live a rustic life at My refuges, you may have to do more work than in your present living. At My refuges, you may have to get sticks for kindling wood, and cut up logs for a fire, both for heat, especially in the winter, and for your fire for cooking. If you do not have running water, you may also have to draw water from a well for drinking, washing, and bathing. You may have to heat water with the fire for hot water in bathing. Many comforts that you have now, will be more work in a rustic living. You will have My protection at My refuges, but I am preparing you how you will be living independently from all of your previous services. Some may be staying in tents until My angels can provide your shelter. Rejoice that I will be protecting My faithful by My angels, and providing for your food and lodging at My safe havens.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had some light amounts of snow in the last two years, but this year appears to be more normal. You have been spared also from any hurricanes hitting America on the East coast. While you are dealing with your deficit budgets in the Congress, you will be seeing difficulty in trying to get Russia to remove the sarin gas from Syria. It truly is a stall tactic to stop any bombing. The Prime Minister of Israel also drew a red line on stopping Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. If Israel attacks Iran or Syria, it could stir up a war that could draw America into a Middle East war. Such a war could expand quickly, so keep praying your novenas for peace.”


Thursday, September 19, 2013: (St. Januarius)
Jesus said: “My people, this woman, who anointed Me with oil, was preparing Me for My burial. She had great faith in seeking Me, so I could forgive her sins, which were many. This subject of sin is difficult for people to admit that they are sinners, and they are in need of My forgiveness. This is why I instituted the sacrament of Reconciliation so My faithful could have their sins cleansed, like this woman. You have the cleansing of your sins in Confession, and I restore My graces to your clean soul. You can now receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, and the grace of My sacrament can heal the wounds caused by your sins. Your priest makes a good point in that if you love Me, you should desire to be forgiven of your transgressions. You can only be forgiven mortal sins in Confession for a Roman Catholic. Yet, there are very few people who take the time and effort to get to Confession at least once a month. You should come to Confession often, even if you only have venial sins to confess. If you want to have a pure soul, frequent Confession is a necessity.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the bread and wine that are consecrated into My Body and Blood. I have told you that My angels will bring you daily Communion of My Body and Blood so you could even survive on My Eucharist alone. You have other people that had messages of living on one blessed grape for each day. Special prayers are said over the grapes as they are stored in brandy. These gifts are given to you in My refuges so you could even live without other food.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many of your government programs as Food Stamps, Welfare, and abuses of Social Security to support people, have become heavy tax burdens. Any attempts to limit these payments that are growing out of control, have been put down. It is not right that one half of your people can demand such payments from the working people who, after taxes, can barely make ends meet. These programs as they grow out of control, will bankrupt your financial system which is the one world people’s plan for your takeover.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many businesses either dropping health care coverage, or they are turning full time employees into part time workers so they do not have to pay as much for these benefits. Every business that your government has run, becomes a failure in time. It is a dream for your lawmakers to find enough money to pay for everyone’s health care benefits. This program will eventually fail just as your government run mortgage lending agencies did. Learn from your mistakes that your tax structure cannot pay for all of your welfare programs.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, you have not seen any proper budget bills come out of the Senate ever since your President took office. By passing limited Continuing Resolutions to fund your government, there is no scrutiny over the individual departments of your government. This is just a rubber stamp to continue your out of control spending without even a 5% cut by your sequester. Your budgets should be close to balance, which is why there is a debate on how much to limit your National Debt borrowing. Currently, you have billions of dollars of deficits because your spending requires 40% more money than you take in with taxes. Any attempts to reign in your spending is only focused on discretionary spending, and not the entitlement spending that has no restrictions, but it increases the deficit the most. There is a weak hint to a government shutdown, but this will be limited to short term decisions. Pray that your representatives can agree on a compromise that helps your people without destroying your finances.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen extensive flooding from heavy rains that caused water to pour down the mountains. Many places saw up to 15 inches of rain in a short time. These rainfalls are so unusual that they appear to have been caused by the HAARP machine which can control jet streams constantly over an area to cause floods. Such weather patterns of constant low pressure and rain, are a signature of the HAARP machine’s activity. As you see cooler weather and erratic patterns, you can suspect man-made storms with weather making devices. The one world people want such disasters to give them control in the midst of chaos. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when disasters get out of control.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen an analysis of why this serviceman killed these people without any apparent reason. There was a mention that he was hearing voices which was the exact same thing that happened to Tim McVey when he killed people in Oklahoma. There is a technology of placing chips in people so they could be
controlled to kill people without even knowing what they were doing. The coming mandatory chips in the body from your Health Care Law can also take over your free will, and you would be like robots. Do not take any chip in the body under any circumstances. The one world people can use people with chips to kill others for their agenda of taking guns away from your people. Beware of such caused killings that are part of a terrorist plot to take over your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am inspiring faithful souls to set up refuges to protect the people from the evil ones who want to kill all of My believers. You will be seeing a time of tribulation under the Antichrist, and you do not want to look at his eyes because he could cause you to worship him. My angels will defend you from the evil ones with an invisible shield. My angels at My refuges are powerful, and they will be given authority to kill any evil people, or remove any demons that try to harm you. Trust in Me that My refuges will be your safe havens throughout the whole tribulation time.”


Friday, September 20, 2013: (St. Andrew Kim & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, you are living in a fallen world under the influences of the demons and worldly events. You really only need a shelter, clothing, and sufficient food and water to survive in your human condition. So do not have desires for more money than you need, and give Me time for your prayer life. If you fill up your time with too many earthly distractions, then you need to change and focus more on doing things for Me and your neighbor. You have a whirlwind of events going on all the time, as in the vision. You were brought into this world, but I do not want My faithful to be of this world. Worldly riches will not bring you into heaven, so focus your life on Me and doing good deeds for your neighbor that will help you into heaven. Your body and this life will pass away, but your soul’s destination is more important because it lives on forever.”


Saturday, September 21, 2013: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My people, today, you are celebrating St. Matthew’s feast day as he left his tax collector’s bench to be one of My apostles. Some people criticized Me for eating with sinners, as tax collectors did not have a good reputation. Yet, I told the people, healthy people do not need a physician, but sick people do. I came to save sinners, and not the self-righteous. St. Matthew was also one of the four evangelists of My Gospel which you read at Mass. Today’s Gospel spoke of a steward who changed his master’s debts so he would be welcomed after his stewardship would be lost. The moral of this account, is that I want My people to be good and honest stewards over the things of life, and helping to bring souls to heaven. You all have been given talents and time, and you are to manage them according to My Will and My Commandments. Today, you are also celebrating Fr. Ralph Fraats’ 80th birthday as he has been a good steward of his priestly service, and he has given a good example of being a good Christian. Rejoice with him for such a productive life in My service. I love all of you, and I especially hold all of My priest sons close to My heart.”


Sunday, September 22, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are given a choice to follow Me or your love for money. You cannot have two masters because you will love one or the other. You can trust in Me that I will watch over you, and I will see to your needs in various ways, even in miracles. I am a Person you can truly love, but people who love money, are loving something cold that cannot love them back. In the end, I am the One who will determine your eternal destination, and not your financial wealth. Your money is not even trustworthy because the one world people want to crash your money system, and make your dollar worthless. The money in circulation, as your currency, is very small compared to all the digital money in your bank accounts, as well as in your stocks and bonds. You will see the amero as a North American Union currency for a short time. Then once you have chips in the body, all transactions will be digital without any currency. The gold and silver will have trading value, but it might be outlawed, and it will only be traded on the black market. So trust in Me at your refuges before chips will be mandatory in the body. I will protect you from the evil ones, and I will provide for your physical and spiritual needs.”


Monday, September 23, 2013: (St. Padre Pio)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world, and I came to dispel the darkness of evil in the world. My Light shines brightly as the sun, but you have the Son of God in your midst. Just as I told you that you should put a light on a lamp stand for all to see, so My faithful also need to shine My words of the Gospel for all to hear and be saved. With your technology of spreading knowledge all over the world, so you can use this to spread My words of love that can shine into everyone’s heart and soul. My faithful are called to go out and evangelize the people, so their souls can be saved from hell and the darkness of evil. Rejoice in My Light of salvation that offers everyone an opportunity to be saved. Say ‘yes’ to My call, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I call you to come to My refuges, there will be a lot of fear over a takeover of America. This will be a time when your life will be in danger, but My faithful will be protected by an invisible shield to the evil ones. I have recommended My faithful to have a backpack with some food, water, and clothes. Also, you should have a tent with a sleeping bag. Even if people are in a haste to come, My refuge builders were instructed to have food and bedding for everyone. If necessary, I will multiply your food and water, so everyone will have what they need. Be grateful that My refuges will protect My faithful during the tribulation. In the vision you saw how nervous this man was when he was coming to the refuge. I will have greeters meet you, and they will calm down such nervous people. Until people see miracles happening, they may be fearful of how they are going to be protected and fed. The first miracles will be the multiplication of the food, much like I multiplied the bread and the fish in My day. All things are possible for Me, but I know how hard it is for some people to believe in My protection. Trust in My words that will be carried out in your time.”


Tuesday, September 24, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, the first reading speaks of a rebuilding of the Temple after the Jews returned from the Babylonian Exile. In the end times, My faithful will need to have Mass in the homes as a result of a division in My Church, between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. I am having My refuge builders prepare places for My faithful to hide from the Antichrist and his followers. At these refuges, some are building chapels and places for Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Where there are priests, you could have a Mass. If there are not any priests, then My angels will distribute daily Communion. It is at these chapels, that are being built, where you will have perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I will be with you always, and I will give My faithful hope in My eventual victory over the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your government ordering an unusually large amount of MREs and ammunition in preparation for a big event. You also are seeing major plans over several countries for a test of your electric grid around November 13th . In the past you have seen major false flag events happening at the same time drills were being carried out. This test will offer cover, if the one world people want to turn off your electricity for a takeover of America. In the vision you could see people storing lights, batteries, and lanterns for light in the dark. Windup flashlights, oil lamps, candles, and the like could help you. Having extra food, water, and heating fuels would be needed for survival, if the stores are closed, and it is cold. Having extra sweaters, coats, and blankets, would be helpful to stay warm in the winter. You experienced eleven days without power in your ice storm, so you know what it is like to live without electricity in the winter. Take a lesson from that experience, and be prepared if this loss of electricity is more than a drill. If people start threatening your home for food, then you may have to leave with your preparations for My refuges. Trust in My help and call on Me when your life may be endangered.”


Wednesday, September 25, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Gospel how I gave My apostles authority over the demons, and I sent them out with no traveling bag, or money. The evangelists are worthy of their food and shelter, because of their work for Me. So when I send out My prophets to convert souls, allow them to stay at your houses and provide for their needs. They too, are worthy of their keep, and give them a warm Christian welcome for their work. There are few who have accepted this work, and I am grateful for their persistence in answering My call to spread My Good News of My Resurrection. Listen to their words, and heed My messages through them. For they go to prepare the way for My return. Their words give you hope that I will be victorious over the Antichrist and Satan, when I will cast them into hell, and bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just heard from your friend how there has been much activity in Puerto Rico by your FEMA group to move caskets, food, and tents to various Army bases and detention centers. This island is very small, so it is easier to notice all of this military activity. In the United States you are also seeing the same movements of caskets, food, and ammunition to your detention centers. Here it is being hidden more by driving through tunnels, and using trains and airplanes to avoid driving this material on the open roads. There is much activity and building going on at your detention centers, but it is being hushed up by your media. You know that FEMA and Homeland Security are preparing for something big, but they are not letting the people know that they are preparing for a possible civil war or backlash against the government control. Be prepared when I warn you that it is time to leave for My refuges, when your lives will be in danger.”


Thursday, September 26, 2013: (St. Cosmas & St. Damian)
(Carol’s deceased father) Camille said: “Good morning John, I am happy to see you and share my feelings. I still love Lydia, and I am watching out for her. You can sense an urgency, and a high volume in my voice, as I am trying to get the attention of our family members who should be going to Sunday Mass. I know that I cannot change people’s free will, but I am doing everything in my power to wake these people up, before it is too late. I do not want any of our members to face the hell experience that I witnessed. Hell is an eternal punishment that you do not want to take lightly. If you do not love God and your neighbor in your prayers, Masses, and your actions, then you are risking a judgment to hell. Wake up, all of you! Because the time is getting short when you may not have time to be reconciled with your Lord. I am concerned for your souls because I want all of you to be saved in heaven. Do not wait until the last moment to come to your Jesus. He is waiting to forgive your sins in Confession, and for you to come back to the Church and His sacraments. Cleansing your souls of sin, and seeking the Lord’s forgiveness is necessary to be saved. Listen to my pleading, so your souls can rest with Jesus in peace and love. God bless all of you, and come closer to Jesus.”

(Helen Brown’s funeral memorial) Helen said: “I am happy to see my family, my friends, and the sisters here at my memorial service. I want to thank Fr. Jack for his kind words during his homily. I had a rich life of service for my family members, and many memorable experiences in my life. I love all of my family and friends, and I will be praying for all of you. I enjoyed the many years that our 6:30 Mass group met for breakfast. With your prayers and this Mass, I am now with Jesus and Mary in heaven. Thank you all again for sharing your love with Me, while I was with you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many of your Congress people are talking of a possible government shutdown if a bill to continue the government’s funding is not passed by October 1st. Many Republicans are trying to stop funding Obamacare, but the Senate Democrats will be stripping that part of the current legislation. If the House does not accept this bill from the Senate, there is a possibility of a government shutdown. Pray that your economy will survive this partisan struggle.”

Jesus said: “My people, right after settling the budget, your Congress will need to raise the National Debt Limit. Because your government is spending more than it takes in with taxes, you are running near $1 trillion dollar deficits. You are spending almost 40% more dollars than your collected taxes. This is why your sequester was an attempt to cut some of this spending. Again, unless your parties come to a compromise, America will default on paying its bills. Because of these last minute decisions, you could see your rating agencies lower your credit standing which could cost more interest. Because the Democrats and Republicans are not bending, this is why there needs to be a compromise for passing both the budget and the debt limit. Keep praying here that your country does not default on its debts.”

Jesus said: “My people, October 1st is when people will start signing up for the exchange premium health insurance. Some states are still not changing their Medicaid funding that was supposed to help finance this new law. Individuals and small businesses will bear the first payments or penalties of the new law. There are many questions about the cost of medical benefits when fees and co-payments are added to the premiums. Each side for and against this law are quoting different numbers. The other problem will be if enough doctors are going to be available to take the large number of new patients. It will take time to work out any needed fixes to make this come close to working. Everyone needs health care, but how to pay for it, will be a problem.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a major tragedy in Pakistan when homes collapsed and people were buried under debris with a 7.7 earthquake. These large earthquakes, as a 7.0 in Peru, have become more frequent, and more people are being killed when they occur in highly populated areas. Many aid organizations are responding to this earthquake in Pakistan, but it is hard to get help to such a remote area. Pray that these people can recover from such devastation.”

Jesus said: “My people, even though your farmers are predicting a good harvest for their crops, there is always a problem of distributing the needed food to the hungry people that need it. In America you have shelves that are full now. In other countries, they are not as successful. Once chips are required in your charge cards, and even in your body, then access to buying your food could be a problem if you refuse a chip in the body. The coming famine will be man-made either because your money will become worthless, or you will not be able to buy food without a chip in your body. Once mandatory chips in the body are required to buy food, then you will have to come to My refuges. Do not take any chips in your body for any reason, or you will be controlled like a robot. This is why you will need My refuges for your food.”

Jesus said: “My people, winning your saintly crown is not easy for a Christian in this evil world. You are constantly being persecuted for standing up against abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia. You also are facing discrimination in the workplace when you stand up against the government mandates. You are forced to tolerate others, but they do not tolerate your beliefs. Keep struggling to follow My laws, and you will be vindicated in the end.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to see so much injustice going on that is causing people to lose their good paying jobs, and their homes either from the economy or from disasters. If you can help some suffering people, it would gain you merits in heaven, especially for your own relatives and friends. Any physical suffering could also be offered up to help another soul. Wars and drug killings are difficult to understand, and hard to find solutions. It is the killers who will have to face Me at their judgment. Pray for all of these suffering people who cannot find people to help them.”


Friday, September 27, 2013: (St. Vincent de Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, when it comes time to helping the poor, you really are reaching out with your heart to help someone. It is easier to help your relatives and friends, but it takes more generosity to financially donate to those people who you do not know. Remember when you donate to the poor, you are not expecting repayment, so you will gain treasure in heaven. In helping the poor, you can also give them your time as in delivering food, or you could help them to help themselves in providing for their own needs. There are also people who are poor in spirit. These could be people who need spiritual help in encouraging them to be converted to the faith, or encourage them to get to Sunday Mass and Confession. All of those people who you take time to help, are appreciative both in body and spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, the one world people are controlling your governments, and their intentions are not for the betterment of the people. These people worship Satan, and their intention is to bring down your current governments with financial bankruptcy, so they can take them over. The debt money schemes and liberal socialism are all designed to bring down your governments. This is a battle of good and evil, and the evil ones appear to be running and controlling everything. My faithful will have to endure this evil and the Antichrist, until I will bring My Warning and My eventual Comet of Chastisement against all of the evil ones. The one world people are controlling your money, and your voting, which has been demonstrated as a fraud. You will eventually have to come to My refuges of protection from all the demons and evil people. Do not get discouraged or frustrated with evil’s victories now, because I will win the most important victory over the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Satan. Evil will be defeated once and for all, and evil will never again have control over the earth.”


Saturday, September 28, 2013: (St. Wenceslaus)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this roller coaster ride to indicate how fast and short your life is here on earth. When you look back on your life, you wonder where all the years went. Even now, I am speeding up your time, so you will have less to endure through the coming tribulation. You are rushed through life because of your fast pace of living. In previous years, there was not such a sense of rushing to do things and save money. My people need to set aside some quiet time every day to pray to Me for your intentions. Even when you take time to come to Confession, you need to meditate in the pew on your sins, and how you are ready to meet Me at your judgment. If you do not get off your merry-go-round life to think about Me and your soul’s life, then you will be meeting Me unprepared for your judgment. You are all appointed to die one day, but many of you rush through your life without taking time to get your souls ready to meet Me at the end. By going to frequent Confession and praying to Me every day, you will be ready for your judgment more than others, who are just riding through life without such a concern for their soul’s destination.”

Jesus said: “My people, this picture of the stars moving around in a circle, is another sign of the Warning coming, as signaled by the coming ISON Comet. If America has trouble with getting a Continuing resolution or defaults on its bills, you could see a time of confusion that could bring on the Warning. If America is drawn into a Middle East war, your finances would also be in danger. When the ISON Comet becomes bright from the sun, this could still give quite a show in the sky. Continue to keep going to frequent Confession, so your soul is ready if you are faced with a mini-judgment from your Warning experience. You are seeing signs for its coming, and the people need a wake-up call to prepare for the coming tribulation.”


Sunday, September 29, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this account that speaks about a rich man going to hell, should give pause to everyone, because it indicates that hell does exist. It is a punishment forever for those who do not repent of their sins, and those who do not love Me nor their neighbors. There is also an emphasis on a rich man, much like the evil one world people who worship Satan, and follow his evil ways. These people, who worship Satan, are headed to hell if they do not convert from their evil ways. There are many poor people who could use your help both financially, and in saving their souls. Do not forget the poor in your prayers and your donations. You should be willing to tithe your income to both My church and your charities. You should also share your wealth, talent, and time to help your neighbors out of love for them and Me.”


Monday, September 30, 2013: (St. Jerome)
Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of how the Titanic hit an iceberg, and later sank killing many passengers. I am showing this scene to you because your country is very much like this ship in that you are in the last throes before you are lost as a free nation. When the one world people take you over, America will become a part of the North American Union. Between your no-win wars, your welfare state, and now your Health Care Law, all of these expenses are going to bankrupt your country. Part of your Health Care Law will try to make chips in the body mandatory for your insurance. But those people, who refuse to take these chips in the body, will be considered outlaws, and your government will have mercenary UN troops kill your citizens. I have warned you not to take any chips in the body, even if they threaten to kill you, because these chips will control your free will as a robot. This is why I will warn My faithful when it will be time to come to My refuges of protection before the men in black come to force chips on the people. Your authorities will not tell you that if you do not take chips in the body, you will be killed. You will be approaching the time of the Antichrist, when the one world people will force the collapse of your government. My Warning will come before your lives are in danger. Be prepared to leave for My refuges so you are not captured and killed in the gas chambers, like Hitler did. Trust in Me that I will take care of My faithful, and provide for your needs at My refuges throughout the entire tribulation, which will be less than 3½ years.”

(Mass for Liam’s intention) Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to have to deal with a young person’s death, especially for the immediate family. This young boy was in a state of depression, and he was frustrated with some of his life’s disappointments. There was a bad influence over him when he did what he did.” Liam said: “Please forgive me mommy, for the big mistake that I committed. I was tempted to do something that I did not realize the consequences. I love all of you, and please pray for me in purgatory. I miss you, mommy.”


Tuesday, October 1, 2013: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
St. Therese said: “My people, I thank you for listening to my words of advice, as I am always directing you to the love of my Jesus. You are familiar with my ‘Little Way’ in my writings, and how I treated every little task as an opportunity to do something for the love of my Jesus. You read about my writings many years ago, so maybe it would benefit you now to re-read them. You have grown in your faith to understand where I was being led, so reading my words could help you more. The more you want to help Jesus, the more you want to reach out to people in love, even in loving those people, who you do not like. Jesus asked us to love everyone, and this is one of your earthly challenges that you should take to heart in your striving for perfection. You know how I suffered from my sickness at the end of my life. Now, you need to offer up all that you do to Jesus out of love for Him.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, what are you doing in murdering My babies and disposing of them down the sewer and in garbage dumps? Have you no fear of My punishment for your brutal sins against these children? I have warned Americans before that if you do not restrict your abortions, then I will do it in a way that you do not want to know. Killing My babies is causing Me to suffer greatly, and your nation will pay dearly for your grisly killings. Your society has become so evil that each new sin will put another nail in your coffin. Many of your states allow same sex marriage which glorifies homosexual acts that are abominations of sin in My eyes. Other states also allow euthanasia which will be promoted more by your Obamacare Law when they stop treating older patients for needed operations. Also, in your Obamacare Law there is a plan to mandate the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body that will control your mind and make you into a robot. Refuse to take any chip in the body, even if the authorities threaten to kill you. With all of these evils being flaunted by your government authorities, your country will suffer much for your sins. It is just a matter of time when your rights will be taken away, as the one world people will take you over with a planned martial law. My faithful need to be prepared to leave for My refuges, when I warn you to go, as your lives and souls will be in danger. Your country’s days are numbered before My judgment and your punishment will come upon you.”


Wednesday, October 2, 2013: (Guardian Angel Day)
Mark, my guardian angel, said: “I am Mark, and I stand before God, as I was commanded to watch over you. I want you to be more observant of how I am here to guide you in physical and spiritual ways. When you are looking for direction, or you need some help, you can call on Me through Jesus to help you. When you have a sense of a good intention, it is me prodding you to do the right thing. The more you are in sin, the harder it is to hear me helping you, so keep coming to Confession at least monthly. We are not allowed to interfere with your free will, but learn from your mistakes to do things better out love for God. We angels have a better understanding of God’s Divine Will, and we are trying to guide you on the right path to heaven, and following God’s Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a spider on its web is a sign of your internet world wide web. This communication has allowed e-mail to send messages, data, and even movies over this line. It is used by businesses to sell things, and for web sites to post information that is searched by search engines. In your quest for information, there are various organizations that track what you search for, in order to sell you things with copious e-mail ads and even pop-ups. You also see that some people put viruses on the internet to shut you down, or use your computer to send ads. Even your government spy groups watch all of your communications supposedly to catch terrorists or crooks. Your e-mails can be used against you as evidence in trials. Beware of using this system that can be used against you. The evil ones will take over, and control the internet, so the Antichrist will be able to post his picture and commands to seduce you into worshiping him. After the Warning, you need to get rid of all of your electronic devices that are connected to the internet. It is by these devices that these evil ones could track your movements. Without any chips on you, it would be hard to find you. I will also place an invisible shield around you, so they could not even track the chip in your car’s ignition system.”


Thursday, October 3, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I am sending out My disciples to spread the news of how the Kingdom of God is at hand. I am also inviting all of My faithful to come to Me so they can have a true love relationship with Me. You receive Me in Holy Communion, and I am intimately sharing My love with you. If you truly love Me, then you will love Me in your neighbor as well. The greatest sharing in My love, is to share your faith with others, in inviting them to have a close personal love relationship with Me, as you have. The best gift that you could give someone, is a gift of faith in Me for saving their soul from hell. All of My faithful are promised to be with Me eventually in heaven forever. Sharing this promise with new believers is the most important moment of their lives, when they find Me in their own hearts. Ask people to open the doors to their hearts, so I can come in and dwell with them. The joy of these souls in accepting Me, is magnified in heaven for every soul that repents and is converted to the faith.”

Prayer group:
Jesus said: “My people, it is dramatic to shut down the government over Obamacare, but many Republicans are making a stand over an unfair law that forces people to buy health insurance or pay a penalty. This alone is against your freedoms. It is difficult for some who could not afford health insurance, but now people will be forced to pay for everyone’s health at a higher price. Finding enough doctors will be another problem. The worst of this law is that people will be forced to pay for abortion, and they will be forced to take chips in the body. All the taxes from this law could ruin your economy by making larger deficits than you have now. Pray that some compromise on this Health Law can be found to limit the damage of a shutdown and a possible default.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the courts force abortion and Obamacare on you. The next two abominations will be same sex marriage and euthanasia which the same Godless people will be forcing through your evil courts. If these evil ones cannot get enough votes to pass such evil laws, then they go through the back door in your evil court system. When you legalize killing and same sex marriage, you are doing so against My Commandments. You wonder why I am bringing My punishment against you, but look at the blood on your hands, and you have the answer.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been living a very comfortable lifestyle as you have been spoiled by your many electrical devices. Unfortunately, you are spending less time in prayer with Me because of these distractions. When you come to live at My refuges, My angels will be protecting you, but you may see little use of any electricity. This will be a more rustic life, but you will have more time for prayer, and you will be healed of your ailments. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, and I will lead you to living holier lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are just starting to see how the persecution of Christians is getting worse, as more of your rights and freedoms are being taken away. It is Satan who is behind your death culture that is forcing abortion, euthanasia, wars, vaccines, viruses, and eventually chips in the body on your people. My faithful need to speak out against the evils of your society, but you may be persecuted for taking such a stand. This is why I am having refuges set up so My faithful could be protected. Keep fighting against evil, and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see a division coming in My Church when My faithful remnant will need to have Mass said in the homes. You can have an underground Church for awhile, but eventually you will need to come to My refuges for the safety of My angels from the evil ones, who want to kill My people. In the end I will bring My victory against all evil as they will have to bow to My power. Those, who love Me and repent of their sins, will win their crowns in heaven. Those, who refuse to love Me, and refuse to repent of their sins, will be on the way to hell.”

St. Michael the Archangel said: “I am Michael, and I stand before God in defense of America from all the evil that is going on in your country. I have been given authority to lead the good people against the evil ones where Our Lord will be victorious at the Battle of Armageddon. I led the good angels against the evil angels who defied God, and I drove them into hell. Another time is coming at the end of this age of the Antichrist when I will again chain Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and all the demons and evil people into hell for the last time. Rejoice in Our Lord’s victory when I will lead good over evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are so blessed that I love all souls in dying for your sins, and I have given each of you a guardian angel to help lead you to heaven. You all have free will to choose to love Me or not. Allow your guardian angels to help you through life’s trials and temptations, so you can be with Me in heaven forever. You are challenged by your human condition, but you have My graces to strengthen you on your pilgrimage through this life. Trust in Me and stay close to Me in prayer and Confession, and you will have your reward in heaven.”


Friday, October 4, 2013: (St. Francis of Assisi)
St. Francis said: “My dear little ones, you have read my story in how I gave up my family’s wealth so I could be totally dependent on the Lord in directing my life in what to do. You are familiar with the order of Franciscan priests, and nuns in the cloister. You even have the Third Order Franciscans who are lay people working in the world for Jesus. I offered everything up to Jesus, even as I had the pain of the stigmata in my hands, feet, side, and head. You also have shared my stories in Assisi where I loved God’s creations and the birds and animals. I even desired penance of throwing myself into the thorns of the roses, but the thorns fell off. Today, the roses in my garden do not have thorns. I gave myself to pray much, and I encouraged my followers to adopt my ways of complete surrender to Jesus. I encourage all of God’s people to pray daily, and keep close to Jesus in the Mass and in frequent Confession. I am happy to see that my orders of priests and nuns have remained vigilant to my example. When you love Jesus, He will pour out His blessings on all of your activities.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more demons being unleashed against your country, which explains why so much evil is increasing every day. Most of your people are living in sinful lifestyles. Some are living together in fornication, while others are living in homosexual relationships. You are seeing millions of abortions and some acts of euthanasia. When your government’s laws sanction these evils, this is why your punishment is at the door. You will see a division in My Church with a schismatic church teaching New Age. There will be mandatory chips in the body where those, who refuse them, will be killed. You need to call on Me to have Me send down My holy angels to defend you from the demons, and from the evil ones who want to kill you. Before martial law is declared, I will warn My faithful when it is time to pack up and leave for My refuges. Your guardian angels will shield you on your way to My refuges. Trust in My protection from the demons, since evil will have a short reign before I will bring My victory over them. Then I will cast all the evil ones into hell.”


Saturday, October 5, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, all of you will die one day, and you will have to meet Me at this judgment seat. By your actions, you will have a first judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will have My mercy, but also My justice. Nations also will have a collective judgment, but this punishment is for the sins of that nation, and it can come any time. America has helped many nations in your charity, but you will be held accountable for your sinful laws, as abortion. I have been giving America many warnings to repent of your sins, and change your evil laws. But you are not listening, nor obeying My laws. So I am telling you to be prepared for your punishment, because I will allow the one world people to take you over, and hold you as prisoners to do their will. I am providing My refuges for My faithful, so you will be protected from the evil people and the demons. Hold fast to your faith in Me, and you will share in My victory over evil.”

Jesus said: “My people, the fall is the time for harvesting crops, and I am showing you how I will harvest the wheat and gather it into My barn. The chaff I will gather to be burned up in the fire. This is another portrayal of the judgment of souls. The wheat represents My faithful, and the barn represents heaven where My faithful will have their rest. The chaff represents the evil ones, and they are thrown into the eternal fire of hell. You have two choices. You can repent, and obey My laws in order to come to heaven, or you can reject My love, and suffer the consequences of being in hell forever. Choose wisely, because eternity is a long time to be in the wrong place. I love My people, and I do everything to save your souls, even dying on the cross.”


Sunday, October 6, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this red light warning is to prepare My people for some bad events that will be happening in your country. You already are seeing a potential problem with your Obamacare funding, and your debt ceiling problem. If some compromises are not made soon, your financial system could go bankrupt. You will be seeing more weather disasters and people displaced from their homes. You will also be faced with a grid shutdown as a drill in November. You will be happy to see My Warning come about to give sinners a chance to prepare for the coming tribulation. Once you see mandatory chips in the body and martial law declared, you will need to come to My refuges for My protection. Trust in My angels to help you when you call on Me.”


Monday, October 7, 2013: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, I am happy that you are fulfilling my plea for prayers in praying your fifteen decades of my rosary each day. Keep praying for my intentions, as I hope all of my children are listening. You have many evils going on in your world today, and more prayer is needed to balance this evil, or my Son’s justice will fall upon you. I want you to give your life over to my Son’s Will by carrying out your mission, and showing love to your relatives, friends, and even those people who you do not know. Reach out to help others without being asked, and you will have your reward in heaven. Encourage your family and friends to pray my rosary.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your many abortions, your student population has been on the decrease. You do not see that many children in your neighborhoods. With your current economy, it is also hard to have good enough paying jobs to support bringing up your children. Many children are living in broken homes with a single parent. It is your society’s moral breakdown that is causing divorce and living together without marriage, which has a bad influence on the morality of the children. It is hard enough as it is to get a college education, but single parent homes are even harder to afford such schooling. Parents also need to teach their children the faith, so they can be prepared to know, love, and serve Me in this life. You live in a world that is obsessed with addictions, but these addictions have demons attached to them. Avoid all addictions and teach your children not to allow anything to control them. When your children are nourished by your love and My love, then you can put them on the right path to heaven.”


Tuesday, October 8, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, the account of Jonah the prophet, shows you a rare time when the city of Nineveh was about to be destroyed, but the people repented of their sins. The king declared a fast, and the people put on sackcloth and sat in ashes in obedience to God. Because the people of Nineveh changed their sinful ways and repented, the city was spared by Me of the destruction that was intended. I am willing to forgive any repentant sinner, but the people need to show Me in their actions that they truly are changing their life of sin to be forgiven and saved. Your own mission, My son, is also one of warning the people to be prepared for the coming tribulation. Your society has been leading immoral lives of living together in fornication without marriage. They have been warned to repent, but your people are not listening, nor are they changing their sinful lives. Because they are not repenting as Nineveh did, they are calling down My justice, and your nation will be taken over, and lost to the evil one world people. If people repented and changed their life of sin, I would forgive them, and relent of My punishment. But your people are not repenting, so they will be punished for their wicked actions. I will send My Warning as a last ray of hope to convert sinners. I will also guide My faithful to places of protection at My refuges. Some will be martyred, but the rest will suffer greatly at the hands of the Antichrist, because they did not repent.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many of your civilizations, there is no such thing as welfare, because each person has to work for people to survive. This is how it will be at My refuges, where those, who do not work, will not be fed. Even now in your welfare society, your tax structure and the people working cannot afford to pay welfare for half the people, nor all the health care costs for half the people again. Take a look at your deficits that will grow larger with Obamacare. The average American family is living on less money than previous years, and they cannot pay enough taxes to support those not working, and still survive themselves. The one world people, who set up your debt system with the Federal Reserve, and your welfare state, knew that you would eventually go bankrupt when your debts outstripped your income. Now, you are reaching a point of insolvency, and your financial system is about to collapse. No one can run a household and survive like your government does, so be prepared for martial law, when your economy collapses under its own weight. This will be the opportunity for the one world people to take over, so be ready to leave for My refuges when the chaos and riots start.”


Wednesday, October 9, 2013: (St. John Leonardi)
Jesus said: “My people, you need to take a lesson from Jonah’s reaction both to My not punishing Nineveh, and to the gourd plant that died. When things go well, you are happy and content. But when things go against you, why do you become angry? In this account of Jonah, he may have overreacted to desire death because I did not destroy Nineveh. Even after the shade of the gourd plant was lost, he also desired death. So I ask all of you, are you angry when things do not go your way? You have been angry when your computer does not work, so you do what needs to be done to fix it. You may be angry at slow drivers, especially when you are in a hurry not to be late, so you should relax and be patient in your waiting. You may be angry when you are losing in your games, but you should realize sometimes in games of chance, you will win sometimes and lose other times. When you step back and analyze your reason for being angry, it revolves around pride and being more patient. These events in your life are more likely to displease you than favor you, so you have to be calm and understanding, and not overreact to life’s disappointments as Jonah did. I am watching how you react to situations, so you need to control your emotions better for peace with yourself and others.”

Jesus said: “My people, I do not want you to look down on anyone, no matter how important, or rich you may be. You are all equal in My eyes, so be humble and treat everyone with respect without any discrimination. You are here on this earth to serve Me out of love, and to serve your neighbor as you would want them to serve you. When you obey My laws and love everyone, you will be on the right path to heaven. In the Gospel I taught My apostles how to pray the Our Father prayer. Not only are you to love one another, but you need to forgive each other of any transgressions as well. When you pray the Our Father prayer, be willing to live out the words that you are saying. Do not just repeat words, but pray from the heart, and act out what you believe.”

Jesus said: “My people, a while back you had a feeling of a strong earthquake coming. Then later, you saw a 7.7 earthquake in Pakistan, and a 7.0 earthquake in Chile. Many earthquakes are related to setting off volcanoes. I am now showing you a crack in the wall of an old volcano. This was then followed by a vision of a lot of smoke and ash that gushed out of the crack, with an eruption like that of Mt. St. Helen. There are many of these disasters going on all over the world, and some like in Pakistan have destroyed a city and killed a good number of people. Pray that these disasters do not occur in heavily populated areas. Pray also that the survivors of these disasters will be able to get their lives back to normal.”


Thursday, October 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel is teaching you to be persistent in your prayer requests, and to have faith that I will come to your aid in your needs. I know what you need before you ask, but I need to see your faith in Me so I can answer your prayers. I will always be watching over you to help you in your survival with your necessities. I will answer prayers that are best for your soul and other souls, but sometimes your worldly desires are not the best thing for your soul. You all have free will, and I do not violate that, nor do I force you to do anything. So when you pray for other souls, you need to pray for their change in spiritual disposition, so they are open to receive Me into their lives. This is what requires persistent prayer, because other souls may be under the power of the evil ones, due to their sinful behavior. Keep knocking on the doors of their souls so they can receive Me through your intercession.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know that the serpent is a sign of the evil one. He hides in the grass so you cannot see the evil that he is doing in tempting people to sin. Satan and the demons do not want you know that they even exist. They also do not want you to believe that there is an eternal punishment in hell. People and the demons do their evil things under the cover of darkness. This is why I shine My Light on their evil deeds so they can be seen in their sins, and they can expect to be punished if they do not repent.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones, who are running your government, are the same one world people who have money as their god, and the stock market is their Tower of Babel. These financial markets are the pride of man that have rebuilt the 2008 collapse without repenting, and without asking for My help. Your dollar is like a house of cards, and it is only an owed debt that has no inherent value. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your financial system will crash or go bankrupt.”

Jesus said: “My people, your people and the financial markets are hoping that a deal is being made to postpone the debt ceiling deadline, even for only a short time. Opening the government will need to be worked out, but at least your leaders are trying to make a compromise in some negotiations. The gridlock in the government needs each side to get some gains or the shutdown will continue. Obamacare still needs some fixing, but these problems may take time to be resolved. Pray that the shutdown and debt ceiling can be compromised to get your government up and running. Many workers are suffering, and your credit rating lies in the balance.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of your prayer group members for being persistent in attending your weekly rosaries, because prayer is greatly needed for your evil world. Keep praying especially for the conversion of poor sinners, because I do not want to lose one soul to the evil one. For every soul who repents, all of heaven is rejoicing. Keep praying for your converts that they will remain faithful to My calling. Also pray for your relatives and friends that they may imitate your good prayer life example.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of the reason for your shutdown has been for some curtailing of the problems caused by Obamacare. It is just coming out in some of your media that there will be mandatory chips in the body forced on your people. You may see smart cards used at first, but there is a plan to place the mark of the beast on each citizen by having mandatory chips in the body. You are to reject any chip in the body for any reason, even if your life is threatened. These chips in the body could control your minds with voices, and they will make you into robots. Overturn this part of Obamacare, or you will need to come to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, My prayer warriors are My family spiritual leaders, and your family looks up to them for guidance and direction. This is why My prayer warriors need to be persistent in their faith, their daily rosaries, and their monthly Confession. Call on Me and your guardian angels to help strengthen you, so you can keep on the right path to heaven. My Blessed Mother’s rosary is your most powerful weapon against the demons and breaking addictions. Your persistent prayer life is a perfect witness for helping the lukewarm and fallen away Catholics, especially in your own families.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how your families are divorcing and living together in fornication because you no longer see much family prayer. Fr. Peyton’s saying is most needed in your families today. He said: ‘The family that prays together, will stay together.’ With each marriage I am the third partner to hold that family together. Your spouses should pray at least one rosary together and have the children pray for family unity as well. A daily commitment would be good right after supper. You will see great blessings come upon your families for making this effort to bring Me into your family life. You all have commitments, but the most important is to save the souls of your family from going to hell.”


Friday, October 11, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel talks about how I cast demons out of people, and the people did not realize that I did so because I had the power of God that the demons could not fight. As you look around at your churches, you are seeing fewer young people, who have stopped coming to church and your prayer groups. The demons are especially attacking your youth because they have less supervision from their parents, and with broken homes, the youth are not following their faith that they learned in grammar school. Many of your youth are becoming addicted to drugs, alcohol, the internet, computer games, hand held devices, and living together in fornication. They have lost their moral compass, and they have become easy prey for the demons. You parents need to watch what your children are doing, and teach them good prayer habits to counter these demon attacks with their addictions. If the parents and grandparents do not look out for the souls of the youth, you will be losing a generation without any religion for themselves and their children. Keep praying for your children and grandchildren so you can help save their souls from going to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you go to your stores and expect to find the food for your table with vegetables and meat products. You do not have a full appreciation of the effort involved with milk cows, pigs, and growing vegetables in the fields. You may have some small gardens, and you had to deal with bugs and rabbits that wanted to eat your crops. The farmers have even more headaches. They need to service their tractors and other machines they use. They need fertilizer, seed, and a place to store and sell their crops. They are also vulnerable to bad weather during the growing season. Pray for the success of your farmers to provide the food you need to survive. I am showing you this farm because you may need to grow some food for those people at your refuge. I know your needs, so I will multiply your food when it is necessary to feed many people. I will also help you in storing your food so it does not spoil and rot. When you are faithful to Me in prayer and deed, I will be faithful to you in providing for your needs throughout the coming tribulation. I love all of you for loving Me and helping converts. I will have My angels protect you from the evil ones at all of My refuges.”


Saturday, October 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been showing you signs as this priest disappearing from a church, because you soon will no longer see the Mass that you know in the churches. Only the true Mass with the proper words of Consecration will be said in the homes or underground places. This is a picture of the coming division in My Church where you will see the words of Consecration changed. My Body and Blood will no longer be invoked on these altars, and you will need a faithful priest to say a proper Mass in secret. This will begin the stages of the Antichrist’s coming into power, and the leader of the schismatic church will be working with him. My faithful remnant will need to seek out a private Mass with a faithful priest. I will warn My faithful when it will be time to come to My refuges where you will have My angels give you daily Holy Communion if you do not have a priest. Each refuge will also have Perpetual Adoration so I will always be with you during the tribulation. Be prepared to leave for My refuges with hosts and wine, as well as books and candles for Mass. Help any faithful priests who want to come with you to My refuges.”

(Connie Tette Funeral Mass) Connie said: “I am grateful to see all of my family and friends who took the time to come to my funeral. I love all of you so very much. I thank those people who helped me in my last years. I am here with Jesus and the Blessed Mother in heaven, as I prayed to them every day to help my family. It was a joy to be a member of your prayer group, John. Give my love to Jeannie as well. I will be praying for all of you, and I will be watching out for my family members. I give praise and thanks to Jesus for the beautiful life that I had, so I could help people. Remember me in your pictures.”


Sunday, October 13, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed ten lepers of their leprosy, but only one returned to thank Me. I even asked, where were the other nine who did not thank Me?
In other instances today, you may have a prayer request answered, but do you always thank Me for any healing? Every time someone helps you, you need to thank them for their service. But when I help you, you should remember even more to thank Me. You all have received some gifts of a good job, and you have at times accumulated some wealth so you can share it with others. Learn to be a good giver of both your money and your time, especially in helping your own family members. In addition to helping them financially, you can also encourage your people to come to Sunday Mass and keep close to Me in My sacraments. Saving the souls of your family members is even more important than their physical needs. Keep praying for your family to repent of their sins and to develop a good prayer life.”


Monday, October 14, 2013: (St. Callistus I)
Jesus said: “My people, the only sign that I gave to the people of My time, was the sign of Jonah. Jonah had the mission of telling the people of Nineveh that they needed to repent of their sins, or in forty days their city would be destroyed. The people heeded his message of repentance, and the city was spared. Yet, the people of My day were given a similar message to repent by St. John the Baptist and My own mission. Some people changed and converted their lives, but not all of them, like Nineveh. I did not come to condemn the people, but I came to die for all the sins of mankind. I was telling the people also, that I was greater than Solomon or any other previous person, as seen in the vision of history. I told them that I was God the Father’s Son, but they did not want to believe Me, despite all of My miracles. I am greater than any of the creatures that I created, but the people had difficulty in understanding My Incarnation as a man, who is human and Divine. This truly is a mystery to understand, as well as knowing about the mystery of the Blessed Trinity. This sign of Jonah is a sign for all the ages, as this generation. The people of the world need to repent of their sins, and change their sinful lifestyles. This is why I encourage My people to come to Confession at least once a month, so I can forgive their sins, and restore My grace to their souls. Listen to My call for repentance, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your original Health Care Bill had implantable chips as part of your insurance requirements. This control through digital records, is eventually going to make mandatory chips in the body a means of controlling the people’s minds as well. This is the mark of the beast that I do not want My faithful to accept for any reason. Eventually, if people refuse this chip, they could be killed in death camps for not going along with the new world order. This will be enforced by a large number of foreign mercenary troops dressed in black for the UN. This is why My faithful need to have their backpacks ready to leave, when I will warn you that it is time to leave for My refuges. Your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge, and you will be invisible to those who want to kill you. After the Warning, get rid of all of your electronic devices because the Antichrist will be controlling people by his image over the TV lines, and the internet. His eyes could control people’s minds to worship him. Trust in Me that I will protect My people at My refuges, and I will provide for your food, water, and shelter. Be prepared to see an evil worse than ever, but the evil ones will not harm you at My refuges. Some will be martyred, but they will become instant saints.”


Tuesday, October 15, 2013: (St. Teresa of Avila)
St. Teresa said: “My dear son, you have had the opportunity to visit My convent in Avila, Spain. The grounds and buildings are very beautiful, and you could see by the pictures how I love my Jesus very much. I tried to instill this deep love of Jesus among my sisters in the cloister. In today’s Gospel, you read how Jesus was trying to warn the Pharisees that they needed to cleanse the inside of their souls as well as washing the outside of their bodies. This is really the subject of my writings in my ‘Interior Castle’. Many people and clergy have been touched by my writings to bring them closer to Jesus. You need to take quiet time with Jesus in front of His tabernacle to listen to His words to your heart. He calls all of us to be true to the mission that He has given us. We need to give our free wills over to Him so we are open to do His Divine Will. By your obedience and your good deeds, Jesus can bring you to your reward in heaven. Be patient and keep praying for sinners and the souls in purgatory every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked about the one world people as controlling governments behind the scenes. This shadow government that I have shown you in the vision, is just another name for the one world people. These are the rich people who belong to many powerful groups as the Masons, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations to name a few. Most all of your Cabinet members who work for your Presidents, belong to these groups. That is why no matter which party your people choose for President, the same one world people are in control. These same one world people are working to bring your country closer to bankruptcy, and they want to bring down your dollar so they can take you over. Things like shutting down the government and causing a default of the debt ceiling are all the things that these people want to cause panic and bring your government down. Pray that your legislators make some compromise to get your government up and running. If these people allow a default, then you will know who is really pulling the strings to cause a failure in your government. Once America is taken over by martial law, this will be the time to leave for My refuges. Do not hesitate, but leave promptly for My refuges with your backpacks, tents, blankets, and food and water. Trust in Me, and I will protect you from the evil ones.”


Wednesday, October 16, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who seek fame in public places and greed for themselves, but they do not lift a finger to help other people. In the Gospel I was criticizing the Pharisees who proclaimed every Mosaic Law to the people, but they did not obey these laws themselves. When you call other people sinners, and you disobey the same laws, then you lose credibility in proclaiming My Word, since you are a hypocrite yourself. You need to clean up your own sins first by repenting in Confession, before you can proclaim My Word. In the exaggeration of the language of My day, I called people to remove the wood beam from their own eye, before they tried to remove the gnat from their brother’s eye. I am the only one to truly judge someone. My faithful should leave all judging up to Me. Once you have repented of your own sins, you can make suggestions to help people to save their souls, but do not force your will or your judgment on anyone. I also criticized the lawyers for heaping heavy burdens on people while making money off of their problems. It may be just for a fair wage for their services, but lawyers make too much money in taking advantage of people, just like the tax collectors of My day who stole money from the people. You will not find very much justice among mankind, but those, who abuse the people, will have to be accountable at their judgment before Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this gridlock of cars on the highway is similar to the gridlock of your government shutdown and near default, that just barely was averted on this last day before the deadline. Many are happy to see the government open again, but this was just a temporary agreement until January 15 for the Continuing Resolution and February 7 for the debt limit. Many of your Republicans were seeking a one year delay for individuals to sign up for Obamacare. The President and the Senate had the votes to keep Obamacare from being changed, so it was a predicted result. The House kept sending different options to the Senate, but they were all rejected by the Senate. When it came down to a possible default, the Republicans gave into voting for a Democrat bill that was disguised as a bipartisan solution. Time will reveal if the Obamacare law is a success or a failure. Some parts may be beneficial, but the cost and finding enough doctors will still be problems. Another potential problem will be if enough young people sign up, or they may pay the penalty to save money. My faithful will need to refuse this insurance when you see mandatory chips in the body forced on the people. This is when you will need to come to My refuges to protect your lives and your souls. When you see My miracles of healing and multiplication of food, you will see that My ‘Jesus care’ will be far better than Obamacare.”


Thursday, October 17, 2013: (St. Ignatius of Antioch)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many saints who were willing to die for their faith in Me, rather than deny Me. In your society, Christians, and especially Roman Catholics, are being criticized and even persecuted for their beliefs. You stand up against abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and living together in fornication. This defiance of the immorality of your society brings problems because you affect the people’s consciences by talking about the sins they are committing. These people, without morals, do not want to be told about their sins, and so they reject your righteous teaching by persecuting you and putting you down. These people do not want to admit their sins, and they do not want to repent of them either. The demons are encouraging this immoral behavior, but the people desire their sinful pleasures over loving Me. They do not want to admit they are doing wrong, so they deny that they are sinners, and attack you instead. When the immoral people see your good example, they are furious that you are against their lifestyles, and they will persecute you. It is difficult to proclaim My Word which preserves life, and encourages proper marriage without fornication, homosexual acts, nor mercy killing. My faithful need to stand up against your society’s sins and evil lifestyles, even in your own families. For the sake of the souls in your family, you need to warn them of their sinful living, even if they resent you for it. You eventually will have to come to My refuges for your protection when the evil ones will want to kill you for not taking chips in the body, and not worshiping the Antichrist. You will have a choice to be a martyr, or to come to the safety of My refuges. Even if the evil ones capture you, you will need to be brave enough to die for your faith, instead of denying Me.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you are aware of the Blessed Trinity, so Satan has mocked the Blessed Trinity with an evil trinity of Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet. In the Blessed Trinity you have God the Father, God the Son in Me, and God the Holy Spirit. I have allowed Satan to roam the earth, and he considers the earth as part of his realm. There is a battle on earth between Satan and Me, as we are both fighting for souls. Avoid the Antichrist and do not worship him nor look at his eyes that could control your mind. Call on My help and the angels to defend you from these evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people live in mortal sin, their souls are dead to Me without any grace. This can be changed when these people come to Confession, and they are forgiven of their sins. Then their souls are beaming with grace. A new evil is coming when you will have mandatory chips in your body according to your Health Insurance Law. People, who knowingly take this chip and worship the Antichrist, will also be among the living dead because they will be hypnotized by voices to be like robots with their free will controlled by evil beings. Refuse to take any chip in the body, and refuse to worship the Antichrist, even if they threaten your life or take all of your money.”

Jesus said: “My people, on the day of the Warning, you will see a great display in the sky that could frighten some souls. At that point all of the souls will come out of their bodies and be outside of time, all at the same time for everyone. You will come through tunnels of time to see My Light. When you are before Me, you will have an illumination of your conscience as you will have a life review of all of your actions. You will not only be reminded of your actions, but you will also witness them from the viewpoint of the people who you helped or harmed, as well as from My viewpoint. You will be judged to heaven, hell, or purgatory, and then you will be given a second chance to improve your lives when you are placed back into your bodies. Pay attention to this Warning because it may be the last chance to save some souls. It will also be coming sooner than you think.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to be prudent and put aside some extra food and money to get through some bad times. It is another thing to trust in Me to provide for your needs. Do not worry about saving your life on earth, for the body will die and turn back into dust. Instead, work with Me to save your soul because your soul lives on forever. You would much rather spend all eternity with Me in heaven with the One who loves you, instead of being with Satan forever in hell with the one who hates you. Keep your focus on Me in your daily prayers and monthly Confession, and you will see your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, your right to life groups have displayed these baby models at various months so you realize this is a living human baby throughout all nine months of development. Some people may criticize these displays, but it may help women to see what their baby looks like at the time of their abortion. It is an opportunity to help those women who had abortions so they could be consoled in their sin, and point them to My loving arms as I await their seeking of My forgiveness in Confession. You pray to stop abortions, and you pray for these mothers who aborted their children. Life is precious, and it should be valuable to everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, I do not want you to glorify Halloween that appears to glorify evil, even more than My birth at Christmas. The children may want to go out to gather some candy from generous people. This is really a bad influence on your children to glorify demons, witches and ghosts. Instead of dressing the children up in evil costumes, let them be dressed as saints because it is the eve of All Saints’ Day. Do not give any credit to evil, but glorify heavenly beings as the saints, who by their lives, are a good example to imitate.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you see people killed or made homeless by weather disasters of snow and floods. When something happens to you, you are more understanding of how you can lose your home. You can make some donations to help people with disasters, either with money or food. You also can make donations to your local food shelves where you know how your money is used. When you reach out to help people, you will gain merits in heaven, and your heart will feel satisfied that you helped someone.”


Friday, October 18, 2013: (St. Luke)
Jesus said: “My people, I have chosen My disciples who I wanted to spread My Word. They all had to say ‘yes’ to the mission that I was giving them. I told them to not take much with them because My laborer is deserving of his keep. Even as I called My disciples in My time on earth, I call other prophets and messengers for these end times as well. Not only did I chose you, but you gave Me your ‘yes’ as well. Unless people give their consent to do My Will, then it is difficult to fulfill their mission because the devil will distract them. My evangelists also require a deep love for Me in a daily prayer life. They also need to keep close to Me in at least monthly Confession and frequent visits in front of My tabernacle. You need a quiet space by Me to hear My voice, and remove all of the worldly distractions. Once you are focused on Me, then I can share My Word of love to My people. My evangelists also must be ready to travel to spread My Word, and they may suffer pains or endure disappointments on their way. These things are to build up your spiritual strength so you can fight off the temptations of the evil one. Pray for safe travel, and sprinkle some holy water or blessed salt on your vehicle. When you pray, I will send My angels to guard your way to keep you safe. I thank all of My servants who go forth to all the nations to spread My Word of the Kingdom of God.”

Jesus said: “My people, because all of your bishops have to retire at seventy-five years old, you are seeing many dioceses across your country that are in need of a new bishop. In your own Diocese of Rochester, New York, you are also in need of a new bishop. When you saw a young bishop walk out, this was a sign that you would be getting a new bishop, but it could take some time. It is how a bishop runs his diocese that will either enhance the people’s faith, or it may result in more schools and churches closing. The faith in a diocese is as strong as its leadership. You have seen how I sent out My disciples to evangelize the people. In today’s society it will be the faithful laity that will help save the people from their sins. There is still a faithful remnant that has prayer groups, attends Masses, and prays daily. You may see them in My Adoration chapels, or in the Confession lines. These traditional Catholics are an inspiration to the children. One example of tradition is when you visit three or more churches on Holy Thursday night in Holy Week of Lent. If My faithful remained true to their younger upbringing, you would not have all of the divorces and separations in the families. You would also have fuller churches on Sunday, and longer lines at Confession. As it is now, you are seeing more people leaving the Church, and very few are praying. The Confession lines are smaller as well. Keep praying for a renewal in My Church that newly installed bishops could help inspire.”


Saturday, October 19, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Mass you use bread and wine that are consecrated by the priest into My Body and Blood. But there are some people who want to drink too much wine, and they can become drunk with alcohol. Once you drink too much alcohol, you do not have control of your mind and your senses. Some even get violent in such a state of drunkenness. Drinking a little is appropriate, but drinking to excess becomes sinful because of your lack of control, especially when you are driving. If you drink and drive, you are endangering the lives of others on the road. Those, who drink to excess often, can become addicted to alcohol, and they become alcoholics. Remember also that there are demons connected to such addictions. It is not easy to heal an alcoholic because their craving for alcoholic drinks is hard to ignore. If someone wants to be healed, it takes a personal choice to stop and get help. It also takes prayer and fasting to deal with the demon or demons that are controlling this person. To heal alcoholics you cannot enable them by giving them money or access to alcoholic drinks. It takes tough love to help them, but if they do not want to help themselves, your job will be more difficult. Not only does drinking endanger a person’s health, but it also endangers the soul that a person could lose to the demons in hell. When you have someone with this addiction in your family, you need to pray and fast to cast out these demons. Help these people the most that you can, because they can cause much harm to those people around them. Addictions are one of the worst threats to your soul, so work to not allow anything to control you.”


Sunday, October 20, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, all the time in heaven My saints and angels are giving Me praise and Adoration. I know that My people are weak and distracted easily in your human condition. Still I want My people to do as the saints and angels do, and give Me praise and glory every day. Today’s Gospel speaks about persevering in prayer for your intentions and about faith in Me to heal people and answer their prayers. There are many ways to pray, and when you pray, you are talking directly to My Heart. The five types of prayer are: prayers of worship as at Mass, prayers of Adoration as when you pray before My monstrance or tabernacle, prayers of petition as when you pray for people’s souls, prayers of thanksgiving as when you are thanking Me for favors received, and prayers of blessings as when you pray grace before meals. In the vision you are seeing a crucifix in front of a grave. This has two meanings. The first meaning is how each soul can prepare for its death by becoming united with Me in daily prayer and a love relationship that will save this soul for heaven. The second meaning is how My faithful can pray for the deceased that may still have their souls in purgatory. Your Masses and prayers for the souls in purgatory can gain their release so they can come to heaven quicker.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you a warning that the demons and evil people do not like your messages that are revealing their dark secrets. I told you that when you pray over people in your binding of the demons prayer, that you could see a push back from the demons. This could take many forms of attack, but you have already seen attacks before, as the car in the wrong lane, your flat tire in the dark, and the major accident when someone ran a red light and hit you. So keep praying your St. Michael prayer and invoke My protection as you drive your car. My power is more powerful than all of the demons, so call on Me and My angels to protect you. Have no fear of the demons, and trust in My protection.”


Monday, October 21, 2013: (Kevin Zaleski Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is always sad to see a younger person die before their time. Pray for Kevin in this time of mourning. I showed you a Bible in the vision as a way of life in following My Word. Even the priest reminded you of your early teaching of why you are here on earth to know, love, and serve Me. You can come to know Me in reading the Scriptures, and witnessing My creation. You can love Me in your daily prayers, and receiving Me in Holy Communion. You can serve Me by helping your neighbor in their needs, both in the body and helping the soul with your good example. Your prayer groups give you an opportunity to share your faith in your rosaries and your faith fellowship. Thank Me for the gift of Kevin’s life in all of your lives. He loves you all so much.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, many of you are curious why my statue is weeping oil here. This miracle is a testimony to the faith of the people at this church that honors me in my traveling Statue of Fatima. I am crying tears in various places in America because your sins of abortion are greatly offending my Son, Jesus. I am making a request of my children to pray for the stoppage of abortion in your country. Do whatever you can to show the people how evil it is to kill your unborn children. My Son has warned you in many messages to stop this killing, or you will see His hand of justice fall against America. Pray, pray, pray, to stop your abortions in America.”

(Reparation Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before about your choice between loving Me or your money. I also want My faithful to be able to share their wealth with others. In the Bible there is a recommendation of tithing your income so you can give ten per cent of your income to support My Church and your charities. This vision shows you that the tribulation is almost upon you. Do not concern yourself with accumulating this world’s wealth because it is temporary, and in a short time your dollar will be worthless. Even gold and silver will not buy you anything without a chip in the body. Be more concerned with building up your treasure in heaven because your soul lives on forever, but your body will pass away just like your wealth. Your prayers and good deeds will help store treasure in heaven, so focus more on helping your neighbor than your own needs that I will help you with on earth, and later in My Era of Peace.”


Tuesday, October 22, 2013: (Blessed John Paul II)
Jesus said: “My people, you are aware that by the sin of Adam and Eve, all of mankind has inherited original sin and all the consequences of this sin. This is why you have to die, and it is why you are weak to committing sin. I did not leave mankind orphans, but I promised all of you a Redeemer. This is why I was incarnated as a God-man. Through My Blessed Mother, I was born into this world so I could offer Myself up as a perfect unblemished sacrifice. This is how I could ransom all of the souls of mankind in the past, present, and the future. By the grace of My death on the cross, I can offer all of you the salvation of your souls, and I can offer you the opportunity of coming to heaven. If you open your hearts and souls to Me in love and follow My Commandments, then I will open the gates of heaven to welcome you to your heavenly reward. The Gospel speaks of having your soul always purified by frequent Confession so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment, whenever you should die. I want all of you to be prepared, even if you should die this day. By keeping your soul pure, following My Commandments, and performing good deeds for your neighbor, you will be found worthy of heaven. Of those souls who are saved, some may have to be purified in purgatory. This is why I ask My faithful to pray for the deceased and have Masses said for their souls. In this way souls can be released from purgatory for heaven. I love all of you so much that I died to save your souls. All you need to do is accept My gift of salvation, and follow My Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about some priests who committed pedophilia acts on young boys. There also have been men caught molesting young girls of all ages. It becomes even a worse crime when parents or other relatives have sex with young girls or young boys in their own family. Sometimes these molestations are kept secret, but some family members suspect this behavior, or the child could reveal it to some member. The parent or relative should know their actions are sinful, and they should have it forgiven in Confession. Pray for the children who are molested, so it does not harm them later in life when they get married. If this incident happens often, it could damage the children’s trust in their parents or relatives if it is allowed to continue. Pray for your children that they are not abused by anyone. These little ones are precious in My eyes, and I do not want to see them harmed in any way.”


Wednesday, October 23, 2013: (St. John of Capistrano)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul shows you that you were once slaves of sin, but now that you are converted to following Me, you are slaves of righteousness. You all should follow My Commandments if you wish to be with Me in heaven. When you walk in My ways, then you will be living in My grace. My faithful have learned much from Me, and you have received many gifts to help you with your mission to reach out and save souls. Because you have been given much, much more will be expected of you in using your gifts. You are in the Fall season of the harvest, and the farmers have to cut and gather the hay at the proper time when the hay is dry, so it will not have mold as it is stored. This physical harvest is symbolic of the spiritual harvest of souls at the end of this age. This will be a time of judgment of souls when they will be held accountable for their life’s actions. Keep in mind that you are all good people, but it is your deeds that will either condemn you, or bring you merits for heaven. Keep focused on Me, and do everything for My greater glory, and not for your glory.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you go out to restaurants, and you expect them to have plenty of food to sell. In the same way, you go to grocery stores, and you are spoiled with so many choices of food. When all is going well, you can live comfortably with plenty of food available. There are times when you have disasters of tornadoes, floods, and snow storms. In these cases it might be harder to find food that has not been damaged. I have warned My faithful to stock up on some extra food and fuel for when your stores might be closed, or when you may need a chip in the body to buy your food. You have seen the stores get cleared out when there is an impending disaster. Being prepared with food to eat, and fuel to keep warm, may help the body. Being prepared spiritually involves having a good prayer life, and a pure soul with frequent Confession. Having some blessed sacramentals can also protect you from the demons. As you get closer to the declaration of the Antichrist, you will especially want to be prepared, so you can come to the safety of My refuges. Your bodies and your souls will be at risk, so call on My help and My angels to put My shield of invisibility over all of you.”


Thursday, October 24, 2013: (St. Anthony Claret)
Jesus said: “My people, in the reading from St. Paul to the Romans he proclaimed: ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is life everlasting in Christ Jesus Our Lord.’ (Romans 6:23) It is important to realize that satisfying the body’s cravings in sinful behavior, will take you away from the One you love. Do not offend Me with such things, when you could be showing Me your love in obedience to My Commandments. These earthly pleasures are fleeting, and they only will draw you to repeat these sins. You will never have peace in sin because I am the only One who can bring peace to your soul. In the Gospel I spoke of bringing division between your family members. This is not an intended division because I truly want My people to be united in love of Me. But when I bring My love and a desire for your obedience to My laws, not all of your family members will believe, and have a strong love for Me. Some will be weak, and they may not come to Sunday Mass, nor frequent Confession. If you truly love Me, you will seek to avoid sinful behavior, and seek My forgiveness when you fall into sin. Keeping a pure soul requires some spiritual effort, and not all of your members may be willing to make this commitment. So those of you who are faithful, could be at odds with those who do not love Me. This is another sign of the battle of good against evil. Strive to be a good example to the weak souls, and work to convince them that following Me will bring them eternal life in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are plans to repair the Capitol building where the Congress conducts its business. Some of your people would say your government is in need of repair because of the major gridlock that is occurring over many issues in your Congress. I understand that some people are against Obamacare because the government is forcing everyone to buy health insurance. The start of this huge program has had a lot of problems in signing up with some computer problems. Now, your Health Department is giving you a month or so reprieve from paying any penalties. This program needs a major repair as well, and the people have yet to see what premiums they will be paying.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people do not like the fact that everyone is not treated fairly with Obamacare. The big businesses, Congress, and the unions are getting special waivers that allowed a one year delay in implementing Obamacare. Small businesses and other individuals do not have waivers, and they are having problems signing up for this health insurance. It appears that this whole program should be postponed until the sign up problems are corrected.”

Jesus said: “My dear son, ever since you elected to journal My messages, you have been storing these messages in a large binder so you can have easy access to showing people. You also type them up, and you send them to your spiritual director every two weeks. This requires a lot of typing, and you have been faithful to this labor of love that provides a digital form for the internet and the books at Queenship Publishing Company. I thank you for all that you are doing to fulfill this mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, the rain acts as a prism which breaks down your white light into many different colors. This rainbow shows red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. This was a covenant given to Noah after the flood that stated I will not bring such a flood on the world again. There are other covenants that I have made such as promising mankind a Redeemer which was fulfilled in My death on the cross. I am faithful to My Word, and I would like a similar promise by man to be faithful to following
My Commandments. I have given you the sacrament of Penance to make reparation for when you disobey My laws. See My love in everything that I do to bring your souls to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a political battle going on between those who favor abortion, and those who are fighting to save the babies in the womb from being killed by abortion. Your Right to Life groups are run mostly by volunteers and what donations they can get from the people. This is a small amount of money compared to taxpayer money that goes to Planned Parenthood. You can add your voice as an advocate for the defenseless little babies in the womb that they may be protected from being killed.”

Jesus said: “My people, the death culture is sponsored by Satan and those who worship him. Many of the high levels of masons and other one world groups actually worship Satan and take his orders to kill man. These people are the ones killing babies in abortion, killing older people with euthanasia, killing your people in wars, and they are killing people with viruses and vaccines. This is why it is hard to fight them in their evil deeds because they have money and political power on their side. My people have Me on their side, and I will open doors so they can be effective in fighting these evil ones who do everything for money as their god.”

Jesus said: “My faithful pilgrims, you will be embarking on another pilgrimage to these old mission churches in California. You remember the first message that I gave you at the beginning of your trip which asked for prayers for those who would be killed in the coming earthquakes. You are doing special Masses of reparation for this same cause. Continue praying for all those who are killed in disasters when these souls are not fully prepared to meet Me at their judgment. With your continuous prayers and Masses, I will have mercy on such souls who did not have time to purify their souls beforehand.”


Friday, October 25, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing My people for when the persecution will be so great that it will be necessary for your guardian angels to lead you to the nearest refuge. This coming train in the vision is a sign that this time to leave is close. I have also inspired a good number of faithful who have given Me their ‘yes’ to working on their own refuge. This is not an easy decision because it takes some work and a commitment to preparing a place for the people to come. It would be ideal for every refuge to be consecrated by a priest, and to have an independent source of water. At many refuges people are storing food supplies and fuel that could be multiplied to accommodate the people. Some are setting up dormitories for sleeping and possible farms for producing your own crops. You will see My angels protecting each refuge from any evil people. The bigger refuges will have My luminous cross in the sky for the people to be healed of all of their ailments when they look on the cross. Have faith and trust in Me when I will protect My people. Some will be martyred, but they will become instant saints. This tribulation of the Antichrist will be your purgatory on earth. Rejoice that you will see My victory over the evil ones in your lifetime. This is an exciting time to live when I will prune all of your earthly attachments, so you can come into a fuller love of your Savior. You will have perpetual Adoration at all of My refuges. Many beautiful souls love to come and bask in My graces and in My Light with My Blessed Sacrament.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Vine, and you are the branches. All of those people, who love Me and obey My Commandments, are a part of Me in the Communion of Saints. Those people, who reject Me, fall away from the Vine and they scatter. I am the One who gives you nourishment in My sacraments, and My faithful will have eternal life with Me in heaven. This choice of choosing Me or not, is part of the battle between the spirit and the body. By fasting and prayer you can strengthen your spirit in order to resist the desires of the body. In the Gospel I am showing you that you can read the signs of weather to know whether you will have a nice day or a stormy day. In the same way I want you to be able to read the signs of your times. In the Bible I have described the end times in more severe earthquakes, famine, and pestilence. You are seeing these signs with more earthquakes and viruses that are killing the people. You are living in the end times as you see evil being allowed to have abortions, euthanasia, same sex marriage, and living together in fornication. This increase in evil and this increase in knowledge are further signs of the end times. The Antichrist is about to declare himself, and bring about the tribulation. I will protect My faithful at My refuges, so have no fear of the evil ones.”


Saturday, October 26, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this scene of My agony in the Garden of Gethsemene is familiar to you about prayer. I had asked My apostles to pray with Me, but they fell asleep at night. I came back to them the third time, and I told them: ‘Could you not pray one hour with Me?’ I am always telling My people not to get so caught up in their earthly distractions, so they can make some time for Me in prayer. When you pray, do not just repeat words, but pray from the heart because I hear all of your prayers and petitions. I have told you in the past that if you do not keep up a good prayer life, then you could lose some of your gifts. I commend My people who are also adamant in attending your prayer groups. When you give your ‘yes’ to Me, you can share your faith with others, especially at your prayer groups. In the morning consecrate your whole day’s activities over to Me, and then everything that you do for Me will be like a prayer. You also need to instill a good prayer life in your children and grandchildren. It is important to pass your faith on to the next generation so they can pass it on to their children. Remember that it is important to keep praying for your relatives and friends because you could be the grace to save their souls from hell, even though some are not coming to Church on Sunday. Working to save souls should be your most important mission.”


Sunday, October 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks about having humility instead of boasting of your own goods and talents. I do not want you to judge or discriminate other people so you treat everyone the same. I see all of you as equal in My eyes, and I look into your heart to understand the motivation behind your actions. You may fool others with your outward actions, but I know all of your secret intentions behind what you do. I ask all of you to be loving of everyone, even your enemies or those whom you dislike. You all are made in My image, and you all are capable of loving Me and each other. I want My people to reach out in love to help their neighbors in their needs, and even to share their faith with them. You can share your money, your goods, and your time in using your talents to help others. Even when you help others, do everything without expecting repayment because you give everything out of love. You can also pray for people in helping souls, and give them a good example as a Christian should. As you pray and ask My forgiveness of your sins out of humility, then you too can go home justified by the proper intentions in your heart. The more you share with others, the more merits and treasure that you are storing up in heaven for your day of judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I desire that you give Me proper reverence in My Blessed Sacrament. You remember when I asked St. Peter three times if he loved Me. He said that he did love Me, and I said: ‘Feed My sheep’. I ask all of My people: ‘Do you love Me?’ If you truly love Me, then you could show that love by your actions in revering My Real Presence. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, make sure you are free of any mortal sin, so you do not commit any sin of sacrilege. When you come into church at your pew, you could genuflect to My tabernacle. Those souls, who truly love Me in My Blessed Sacrament, could come to adore Me before the monstrance or My tabernacle in their holy hour visits. Not only could you show Me reverence, but you could teach your children and grandchildren to also have reverence for My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. If you bring yourself to honor Me, I will honor you before My heavenly Father. Keep your focus on Me every day so you can be close to Me in love for all that you do.”


Monday, October 28, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing My people to be able to leave their homes to come to My refuges when their lives and souls will be endangered by the evil ones. When you come to a refuge, you will be fortunate to have electricity, if you have solar power. You were given a little test this morning when the grid power went off for a few hours. You learned to deal with the cold with your wood stove, and you needed candles for your light source. If you had no electricity, you would have to deal more with heating, lighting, and rare warm water. You have been spoiled with many convenient devices, but you will be living a more rustic life with more time for your prayers. My angels will protect you from the evil ones, but you will be using root cellars to store your food. I will send you daily Communion with My angels, and deer for meat. Your lives will be different for only a brief reign of the Antichrist. Rejoice when I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will bring My people into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

For Carmen: We were praying the rosary for Carmen’s husband, Scott, who was having chest pains and went to the hospital. He had a small heart attack. Jesus said: “My people, I am very pleased with Carmen and all of her healing ministry. She is being tested with her husband’s health at this moment. Keep praying for any healing that he needs right now both physically and spiritually.”


Tuesday, October 29, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen the harvest of the wheat which represents My faithful at the judgment. The wheat of My faithful is gathered into My barn of heaven, and the chaff is collected, and these evil souls are burned in hell for their evil deeds. These faithful make up My Communion of Saints among the obedient souls on earth in the Church militant, the souls in purgatory in the Church suffering, and the saints in heaven in the Church triumphant. During November you make a remembrance of all the people who died in the last year. You will soon be celebrating All Saints day on November 1st and All Souls day on November 2nd, when you pray for the souls in purgatory. You remember how the souls that have been separated from their bodies want you to have their pictures displayed as a remembrance of their lives among you. Sometimes these souls in purgatory are allowed to give signs that they need your prayers and Masses to get out of purgatory, and come to heaven. During November remember to pray for your deceased relatives who may still be suffering in purgatory. Also pray for all the souls in purgatory, especially for those souls whom no one is praying for them.”


Wednesday, October 30, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, at a funeral you see many collages of pictures of that person’s life. When all of you will face your Warning experience, it will be like a near death experience. Just as at a funeral, you will see flashes of the various pictures of your life, only you will see it like a movie from the perspective of other people, and My viewpoint. I will let you know what is true right and wrong, and you will be judged according to your actions and My laws. At the end of your life review, you will be able to remember every unforgiven sin so you could tell it in Confession. Then you will receive a mini-judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. Each person will visit where the judgment was given to know that these places exist, and what it would be like at that destination. This life review will occur outside of your body and outside of time for everyone at the same time. Then you all would return to your bodies to change your lives, and repent of your sins. If you do not change or improve your life, then your mini-judgment will become your final judgment. This Warning experience is a wake-up call for all sinners to see where their lives are headed. It may be the last chance to save some souls, so you will be working hard to convert your family members who will be more open to your evangelization efforts. Give praise and thanks to My Divine Mercy for allowing all sinners to have a second chance to save their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are a lot of people suffering in pain from various health problems. Use this opportunity to offer up your pain to Me as a redemptive merit for souls in purgatory or souls on earth. There is a lot of pain being wasted, when it could be offered up to help someone. Not everyone realizes that they could help other souls. So no matter how little or how great your pain is, remember to offer it up for your relatives and friends either for those deceased or those who are alive. You can also offer up your prayers and Masses for the same intentions. Many souls who are going to hell, could be helped by your pleading for their souls to be saved. Keep struggling to save souls who could be lost without your help.”


Thursday, October 31, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I want all of My faithful to be generous in sharing their wealth in supporting My Church, and their charities. In the Scriptures it is said that I love a cheerful giver without holding back with any selfishness. When you can afford to be generous, you could even tithe in your giving of ten per cent of your income. There are many deserving causes to contribute to, especially if your own family needs help. As you approach Thanksgiving Day, you could share a donation with your local food shelf in helping the poor to have something to eat. You could also share your time, talent, and faith in helping souls to be saved. I have given many people more than enough to live on, so you could share some of your excess wealth. Think of giving financially as a way of thanking Me for all of the blessings that I have given you.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told the people of My day that the only sign that I would give, is the sign of Jonah. Even in this present world, I give the same sign of Jonah. At the call of Jonah for the people of Nineveh to repent of their sins, the people put on sackcloth and ashes, and they repented of their sins. Because these people repented, I spared them the punishment I had intended. But America is not repenting of its sins, nor is it stopping its abortions or evil laws. Because of the evil being done in America, your country will see one disaster after another, until the one world people will take you over. Trust in Me to protect My faithful from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, while your government promised everyone access to health insurance, they did not tell you about all the new taxes that will burden the middle class. Many people are having their old insurance dropped because it did not meet all the requirements of Obamacare. Some companies are canceling their health plans or they are reducing forty hour workers to thirty hour workers. Between the high costs and the doctors leaving, implementing Obamacare could have some large problems for health care. Trust in My care that you will eventually have at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, some refuges have farms for cows, rabbits, chickens, and other animals for food. The feed and fuel for these farms will have to be multiplied to keep their animals alive. My people will have food as deer that will be provided, but you will need people to butcher the meat and prepare it for the people to have food to eat. Vegetables and fruit trees will be farmed to provide a balanced meal. Trust that I will provide for your needs, but people will be needed to prepare and serve the meals.”

Jesus said: “My people, tomorrow is All Saints Day and it is a time to recognize all the saints in heaven, even those who have not been canonized by My Church. The saints are to be imitated in your lives as you struggle toward being a saint in heaven. Many of you will need purifying either in purgatory or during the tribulation on earth. I will not test you beyond your endurance, but you will be tried in this tribulation with much persecution. Remain strong in your faith, and you will have your reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, the souls in upper purgatory do not have My loving Presence, but they do not suffer the pain of the flames. In lower purgatory, souls suffer from not seeing Me, and they suffer a burning from the flames that causes them pain. They suffer an inner pain in their souls without their bodies. This is why these souls are crying out for your prayers and Masses, so they can be relieved of their suffering. Do not forget to pray for these souls, especially on All Souls’ Day.”

Jesus said: “My people, this day is an evil holiday for many occult groups. Those people, who worship Satan, are influencing many people adversely out of curiosity in the occult. Such worship and taking evil potions can allow demons to possess people. Pray for all souls to wake up if they are delving in occult practices as New Age and Wicca. Pray for My precious Blood to be poured over these souls so they can be predisposed to My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, even though evil will have a brief reign, I will bring My victory over evil with My Comet of Chastisement. The tribulation will be shortened for the sake of My elect. All the demons and evil people will be cast into hell at the coming judgment. Rejoice that you will be receiving your reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. You will see a Battle of Armageddon where the good side will be victorious over the evil side.”


Friday, November 1, 2013: (All Saints Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating All Saints Day as you give honor to all the canonized saints, and all the unknown saints who have made it to heaven. The saints are your heroes who you could imitate in following their lives to holiness in your own lives. The saints are your models to follow on your own way to a crown of sainthood in heaven. You may think in your weakness that it would be hard to become a saint. On your own, it would be very difficult, but with My help and grace, all things are possible. You need to be perfect like a saint to enter heaven, but you are not perfected all at once. It is a struggle to remain faithful through all the devil’s temptations. You may fall into sin at times, but you need to pick yourselves up and confess your sins to the priest in Confession. I have given you My sacraments to strengthen you through this evil world. By prayers and your daily sacrifices, you can keep focused on Me and on your goal of sainthood in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just witnessed very high winds that took trees down, and some houses and businesses were without electricity. When damage is reported on your news, you pray for the people to recover. When your own heavy tree limbs fell down in your own yard, it becomes more of a difficulty in picking up the trees and branches. In some cases falling trees can damage fences, cars, and even homes. When the trees fall on your power lines, it can create power outages in wide areas. So now when you hear about tornado or hurricane damage, you can be more sympathetic for what these people have to endure. You were fortunate this time that it was not very cold. You can remember the problems with heating your house and with lights when you had an ice storm that took eleven days to restore power. These are some of the trials that you face every day. Give thanks to Me for all the other times when you have no power outages.”


Saturday, November 2, 2013: (All Souls Day)
Jesus said: “My people, I am merciful, but I am just as well. Many souls, who are not condemned to hell, need to be purified of the temporal punishment due for their sins. Reparation is needed to be purified for heaven. This punishment may seem severe, but only perfected souls can enter heaven in My glory. The souls in hell suffer the flames and the absence of My love forever with no hope of escaping. The souls in purgatory at least have hope that they will be released one day for heaven. The souls, who need more purification, are suffering in flames in their spirit bodies, and they do not experience My loving Presence. Those souls, who need less purification, are in upper purgatory in a grey area, but they still long to be with Me. All souls in purgatory are saved, but they require your prayers and Masses to be freed from their punishment. They cannot free themselves, or pray for themselves. In the vision you saw how a soul fell into the various levels of purgatory after that soul received its judgment. Remember to take advantage of My Divine Mercy Sunday after Easter, so you can receive a plenary indulgence that can remove all reparation due for your sins. This could lessen your time in purgatory. After seeing the suffering of these souls in purgatory, now you see how desperately they are pleading for your prayers and Masses to release them into heaven. Once these souls are freed, they will pray for you both on earth and if you will suffer in purgatory.”


Sunday, November 3, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw how Zacchaeus, the tax collector, met Me on the road in Jericho, when he climbed up into a sycamore tree. I told him that I wished to have supper with him that night. Once I arrived, Zacchaeus had a conversion in offering to return any money that he had cheated anyone. I commended his change of heart, and I gave glory that salvation came to his house that night. It is not easy for people to convert their lives from a way of sin, unless they were given a grace to do so. In the vision you see how you are actors on the stage of life. All of heaven is viewing your every action. You all are being called to follow Me, and imitate My life. It takes a great effort to lead a holy life, because you have to overcome the desires of the flesh. So when someone does convert his or her life, it is reason for celebration in heaven. Call on Me to help you with the grace of My sacraments, so you can endure all of your physical and spiritual trials. Those souls, who are saved, will have their reward with Me in heaven for all eternity.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is important to teach your children the value of a good prayer life. When you are going through life, you will encounter some difficult situations. It is then that you need to call on Me in prayer to help you get through such trouble. Without praying, your crosses will be twice as hard. You also could pray a family rosary together to give the children a good example. You remember: ‘The family that prays together, will stay together.’ In this day and age where you are seeing many divorces and single parent households, your prayers to keep families together are needed more than ever. You could also give some advice to your children not to live together in fornication because that is a sinful lifestyle. You can give each child a rosary and a brown scapular to protect them from the temptations of the devil. The little ones are so precious to Me, and you need to protect them even in helping prevent abortion of My babies. Keep praying for the children and their souls, so they can be protected from any abuse. Parents are responsible for the souls of their children in bringing them up in the faith. The children have free will, but keep praying for their souls even after they leave your homes.”


Monday, November 4, 2013: (St. Charles Borromeo)
Jesus said: “My people, time is one of My gifts to you, and it is an opportunity to use it to your best advantage in helping to save your soul. The worst thing that you could do, is to waste your time in frivolous ways on your own pleasures. You could use your time to help people physically, or you could pray for souls, or evangelize them. There are many good ways to use your time, but you want to avoid the sinful ways as well. It is your good deeds and prayers that store up treasure for you in heaven. Your life on earth is not that long, and your biggest goal is to work on saving your own soul by following My Commandments. You cannot count on living to tomorrow in case you could die from an accident or a heart attack. You need to have your soul pure and ready to meet Me at your judgment every day. Treat your time as precious because people with terminal illnesses as cancer are more aware of this fact. You will be held accountable for all the time that you were given in life, so work to please Me in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these leaves falling as a sign that the one world people are edging closer to some of their planned events. They have been positioning their troops and stocking up on food and ammunition in preparation for possible riots. Many of your people are just beginning to see how much more they are going to have to pay for their Health Care Insurance. Those people among the middle class workers, will be suffering more than the rich, while the poor will not pay anything, or very little. Incomes have actually declined over the last few years, so a large expense for Health Insurance will be hard to pay for. When people find it hard to see a doctor, there could be some problems. There are other issues as well with gun control and immigration that could add to the discontent in your people. The one world people will cause some incidents to incite the people in an attempt to cause a martial law which they have been planning for some time. The Warning is close and martial law will occur after this experience. My faithful need to be prepared to come to My refuges at any time when your lives may be threatened. Mandatory chips in the body will be forced under Obamacare, and this would be another sign to leave your homes for My refuges. Watch the signs around you that I have warned you about, and you can see the major events are close to happening. Trust that I will protect My people from the evil ones.”


Tuesday, November 5, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have visited several refuges that have made some kind of ovens for baking bread. Most of these ovens are heated with wood, so you will need a supply of wood for the ovens and for any wood burners for heat or stoves. To make the bread, you will need some five gallon pails of grain and a hand grinder. You will also need yeast and baking soda to make the bread rise. This will provide fresh bread that will be consumed in a short time. You also can store loaves of bread by drying the slices on a skewer in a low heat oven until all the water is removed to make it like croutons. Once the water is removed, store the bread in plastic bags, and it will no longer turn to mold. My angels will bring you the bread of Holy Communion every day to feed your soul and your body.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you messages about how the one world people are planning their martial law takeover. The vision shows you the thousands of foreign troops that are being positioned to implement martial law when they cause the big event. Already you are seeing chipped individuals hearing voices to tell them how to kill people in various places. These are the false flag terrorist acts being committed to create terror and fear, as well as a plan to confiscate your guns. The other two events will be a collapse of your financial system, and a spreading of a pandemic virus by the chem trails in the sky. These three events will set off a declared martial law. You are seeing many denials that microchip implants will be placed in people for Obamacare. These stronger denials are a sign that they will actually do it with the signing of another Executive Order that will be kept secret. The plans for the mark of the beast with mandatory chips in the body will control people like robots for those who take the chips in the body. Refuse any chips in the body, and refuse to worship the Antichrist. My Warning will come before your lives are endangered, and you can trust in Me that I will warn you when to leave your homes for My refuges.”


Wednesday, November 6, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, My two Great Commandments are first to love Me with all your heart, mind, and soul, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. In the Gospel I was telling the people that they had to count the cost of being My disciple. In other words, I should come first in your lives over family and possessions. You live in this world, but I do not want My disciples to be of this world. The cost of My discipleship is to follow My Commandments, and use My sacraments to keep a pure soul. This means Sunday Mass and monthly Confession should be a must. If you follow My ways instead of your own ways, then you will win your reward of eternal life with Me in heaven. If you agree to this cost of obedience to Me out of love, then you will have your reward. You also need to love your neighbor and help them in their needs, with your donations of money, time, and talent. It is love that I desire of My disciples. You have a choice by your free will to either love Me or not, but the wages of defying Me in sin is death spiritually. This death could be in hell if you refuse to love Me and your neighbor. You can call on My mercy or My justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen considerable work on fracking your oil shale to provide more natural gas and oil. There have been some good yields of oil and natural gas from these new wells. This new source will help to make your country less oil dependent on other countries. There are some negatives to this process. After a surge of production, it appears the wells will be dropping off more quickly than planned. There are still complaints that water wells are being poisoned and small earthquakes are resulting from the fracking. It is hard to weigh the cons over the new oil and natural gas, but this new source of energy comes at a cost. The long term effects on the land are yet to be determined, but if the wells go dry quicker, it could leave a lot of scars on the land being used. Many areas are reluctant to risk poisoning their water wells that are important for many people’s source of water. You are seeing many debates over this environmental problem. Using new techniques for finding your needed fuels, will continue to be needed as you rely on these fossil fuels.”


Thursday, November 7, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see in today’s Gospel the image of Me as the Good Shepherd. I love all of My children, and I want all of you to be found in My love. I do not want to lose even one soul to the devil. It is when you stray away from Me in sin that I will come searching for you, as I wait patiently for you to return to My love when you seek My forgiveness. It is harder to reach souls when they blind themselves with so many of this world’s distractions. Once souls lose their way without Sunday Mass and daily prayer, they become too worldly, and they lose their focus on Me, when I should be at the center of their lives. My faithful need to be My helpers in being good Christian examples to wake up other lost sheep, so they can be open to My loving care. You need to be My evangelists to help bring these sheep to their spiritual senses, and understand how they should be living without so much sin in their lives. I do not ask you to condemn anyone in judgment, but to show them the right way to live according to My Commandments of love of Me and love of neighbor. Once you can help souls to convert their lives to My love, then you will see heaven and Me rejoicing over one sinner who repents.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some of the destruction going on in the Philippines with a direct hit from a large powerful typhoon. Pray for the people that will die or may be hurt in this disaster. Many homes could be destroyed with 200 mph winds. With such a large storm, their economy could suffer, as they will need a lot of effort to restore what was lost. There may be some collections taken up to help them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen the poor internet showing in this new Health Plan that was only made to handle 1,100 calls at a time. Two irritations are affecting those people who are being forced under a penalty to sign up. One problem is the favoritism and unlawful waivers being given to political groups. Another is the lie that people could keep their original health plans. The high premiums for mandated high coverage will also hurt many families who may not be able to afford it. This is another example of how your government is poor at taking over private sector businesses. Pray for all the people who will have trouble getting doctors for their needs and paying for their health care.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are finally recovering from all the damage of your most recent wind storms of over 60 mph winds. Some people had to suffer power outages of a day or two. Others had to remove and cut up some large tree limbs that came down. I have asked My people to have a year’s supply of food, and fuels as wood, kerosene, and propane for heating your house. By having preparations for any power outage, you could have food, heat, and light for any emergencies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated All Souls Day as you remember to pray and have Masses said for your deceased loved ones who died this year. Your Book of Remembrance is a special acknowledgment of these deceased, and a thought to pray for all souls who may still be in purgatory. Your prayers and Masses can help these souls reduce their time of suffering in purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many people suffering with various cancers. Others are suffering from blood clots, and poor knees and feet. Once people are healed, there is a great joy of relief. Not all people are healed, and some have to deal with chronic pain or a terminal illness. Keep praying for all of those who are suffering pain of any kind. Some of you have suffered in the past, so you know what this pain is, and how it is hard to bear.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can tell when people are sick physically and are in need of a doctor. It is harder to help souls who are spiritually sick in deep sin because it may not be obvious. It is hard to look at souls, but you can see their sinful actions. Try to help your relatives and friends who are leading sinful lifestyles without judging them. Encourage them to come to Mass and Confession so they can see the need for the forgiveness of their sins. Healing the spiritually sick souls is even more important than healing the body.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people suffering problems in their digestive tracts and allergies from eating genetically modified foods. You also are seeing infants and young children suffering autism from the many vaccines that are forced on them. Still others are suffering from the side effects and interactions of your many medications. When you manipulate food and medicines, these side effects can result in some dramatic effects on your health. Eating organic foods and using natural medicines may be better for your overall health. Pray that people will take care of what they eat and the medicines they take.”


Friday, November 8, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a library because you have both a knowledge of worldly things, and you have a knowledge of Me and the spiritual life. You have two groups of people living in the world. You have the children of the world, who lie and cheat, and you have My children of the Light, who live righteous lives according to My Will. The path for the worldly people leads to hell, but the path for My people leads to heaven. Do not give up on worldly people, but pray for them to change their sinful ways and to follow your good example. I love everyone, but if these evil ones do not convert to loving Me, then they could be lost. You all have free will, and I do not force My love on you. But those, who refuse to love Me, and refuse to seek the forgiveness of their sins, are calling down My justice on their sinful lifestyles. Keep praying for these souls to stay open to receiving Me into their hearts and lives.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are suspicious of how such a destructive storm could happen, and be directly aimed at the middle of the Philippines. The HAARP machine that is located in Alaska, has been known for its ability to enhance hurricanes and tornadoes. This machine and other microwave pulse machines are fully capable of enhancing this typhoon, and even directing its course by varying the jet streams. It would explain how a 200 mph typhoon could be formed. The one world people are trying to kill people with all of their created disasters. This storm is so destructive that it is possible that many lives will be taken, as well as many homes that will be lost. This storm comes right after a 7.0 earthquake that killed 200 people. Pray for these people to recover from such a storm. The one world people will be accountable to Me for all the people who they are killing with their death culture.”


Saturday, November 9, 2013: (St. John Lateran Basilica Dedication)
Jesus said: “My people, you may be familiar with the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome which is your Pope’s Cathedral and My Church’s Mother Church. I am the foundation of My Church, and My living water flows out to everyone on earth. The focus is not so much on a physical building, as it should be on Me and My people. I set up St. Peter and the apostles to organize My Church, and My Pope son and the clergy are given the authority to carry on My work of converting souls to the faith. This is the hierarchy of My Church, but I also call on the laity to be evangelists of souls to convert them, and come to make Me the center of their lives. I call on everyone to love Me, but not everyone is strong enough to pay the cost of My discipleship. This is why I need My people to reach out to invite people to My banquet. Those, who refuse to love Me, could be lost, but those, who love and accept Me, will be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time that you come aboard an airplane, you are putting your faith and trust in the airplane and the pilot, for getting you safely to your destination. In a spiritual way, you are putting your faith and trust in Me that I will guide you to your destination in heaven. I did not promise you a smooth ride. You may have to endure life’s ups and downs to get through your life. You still have the assurance that you can call on Me to send you angels when you are being tested by the evil ones. I am still watching your reaction to all of your situations, so do not get angry and over-react, even when you are criticized. Put on your seat belt, and be prepared for whatever life will bring you. Be confident in Me that you will survive the ride, if you stay close to Me in prayer and obedience to My laws.”


Sunday, November 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Maccabees, you saw how a whole family was killed by a king because they refused to eat pork, which was against their Jewish faith. You have seen many Christians die as martyrs for not giving up their faith. Even today, Christians are being killed in Arab countries for following their faith. In America you are beginning to see more discrimination against Christians because of your atheistic society. If you wear a cross in the work place, people are harassing you. If you desire to have a Nativity scene on your own property, you will soon be harassed by atheists. You have seen prayer removed from your schools. Even prayer in your town meetings is meeting a Supreme Court challenge. The Ten Commandments are being harassed at many public buildings. Your atheists have been able to get the ACLU to fight any display of religion in public places. Your political correctness is taking away your free speech, and your right to express religion in public. My people need to stand up to these atheists, even if it means some persecution for your faith.”


Monday, November 11, 2013: (St. Martin of Tours)
Jesus said: “My people, as you rake up your leaves, think of yourself as pulling in souls when you evangelize them and pray for them. You have seen Me as a Good Shepherd gathering in My sheep. So as you gather in your leaves, think of bringing your faith to all the souls before you. You can also think of all the souls who have gone before you, and are still in purgatory. Think of these souls and pray for them, so they can come to heaven sooner with less suffering. Pray also for the souls who died in the Philippines, and for the homeless to get food and water. By caring for your neighbors, you can store up treasure in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been praying for a new bishop for over a year for Rochester, N.Y. Now, you have Bishop Elect Salvatore Matano as an answer to your prayers. It is appropriate after your prayers are answered, to have some prayers of thanksgiving to Me for bringing you a new bishop. It is too early to say how he will interact with your priests, and if he will stop closing churches. You can keep praying that there will be a change of heart in how your diocese has been run. There is an opportunity for some good changes that should make your faithful optimistic.”


Tuesday, November 12, 2013: (St. Josaphat)
Jesus said: “My people, I came to the earth to redeem all mankind from their sins. I came also to serve and not to be served. After the Last Supper, I washed the feet of My apostles to show them that those, who wish to be leaders, need to serve the rest. You are all My creations, and I love you so much that I died for your sins. You all were created in My Image with free will that I will not deny. I do not force My people to serve Me, but I ask you to serve Me and your neighbor out of love. The devil and his angels chose not to serve Me, and as a punishment, they were cast into hell. My people also have a choice to serve Me or not. Those, who serve Me and their neighbor, will have their reward with Me in heaven for all eternity. Those, who do not serve Me, will have the same punishment in hell, just as the devil chose. This service is to love Me and love your neighbor. By following My Commandments and helping your neighbor with good deeds, you will be on the right path to heaven.”

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I was happy that you were all able to pray my rosary together, and I offered up all of your intentions to my Son, Jesus. You were given a blessing of my gold flakes that you saw on people as a sign of my presence among you. I love all of my children, and you need to use my scapular as protection against the dangers that you face every day. It is good to carry a rosary with you, and a scapular on your body. You can also use blessed salt or holy water in blessing your vehicle when you are traveling to speak. I have my mantle of protection over all of my children who pray my daily rosary. Keep close to my Son, Jesus.”


Wednesday, November 13, 2013: (St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)
Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be celebrating Thanksgiving Day, and you have many things to be thankful for. Your diocese has been granted a new bishop. Your spur on your foot has been healed, and your wife’s knee is getting better. You have a beautiful free country, with a sunny day and fresh air to breathe. You all have been given many gifts that you may not fully appreciate. One of the ten lepers, who were healed, came back to thank Me. But just as I asked why the other nine did not come back, so I ask all of those people who received gifts, also need to thank Me. When someone does you a favor, or provides a service, you are quick to thank that person. So when your Lord takes care of you in many ways, there is even more reason for you to say a prayer of thanksgiving to Me for answering your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you more evil coming in with your Obamacare, spreading same sex marriage among your states, and an increase in more couples living together in fornication without marriage. Many of your people will see large increases in their health premiums because of Obamacare that is being forced upon you. This is an attempt to destroy the middle class because they will be paying the high taxes and premiums. The poor will gain more benefits with little cost, the middle class will pay more for less coverage, and the rich will have illegal waivers to avoid paying. This is all about total control which will come as mandatory chips in the body. Your government is preparing for a revolution when high taxes and premiums will cause an uproar. Even the penalties for not joining, will be punitive to your people. This evil plan could precipitate a financial bankruptcy when your Medicaid will run out of money paying for the poor. The sins of your people in fornication and homosexual acts, will compound the evil that will bring down your country. Your abortions are adding to the evil which is weighing down your country by the killing of My little ones in the womb. The punishment for all of this evil will be a takeover of your country by the one world people who will bring America into the North American Union. This is when My people will be forced to leave for My refuges. Trust in My help to protect you from all of these evil ones.”


Thursday, November 14, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this winter scene is a sign to you of how cold the hearts of your people are, with very little love. I have told you that the Kingdom of God is among you, and that is because of My Presence among you. I am present in My Blessed Sacrament in your tabernacles, and in the people, as you are temples of the Holy Spirit. I am all loving, but there needs to be more love in your hearts for Me and your neighbors. Your society is cold because of your death culture, where there is little regard for the preciousness of life. Many of your people are more concerned with themselves and their possessions, instead of reaching out in love to help their neighbors. When you look into people’s hearts for the intentions of their actions as I do, there is little love to inspire charitable sharing. You have a sinful society in great need of repentance of their sins. Until people seek the forgiveness of their sins, they will be groping in the darkness to find their way, and their hearts will be cold to My love. This is why I need to call on My faithful to evangelize souls, so they can see the Light of My Kingdom. My faithful need to be shining examples of My love, so others will seek to share My love with everyone. It is only by My love that these cold hearts can be warmed to warm hearts who will follow My ways to heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this typhoon in the Philippines has killed over 4,000 people and it has affected 12 million people. You are seeing a major rescue effort going on with various countries offering aid in food, water, and first aid ships. Even your churches are taking up a second collection this weekend for the relief effort for these poor people. Pray for the recovery of these people, who are suffering greatly.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you for many years that the one world people are planning to force people to take chips in the body for their health insurance. I have also told you not take a chip in the body, because these chips will control you like a robot with voices in your head. Do not worship the Antichrist either. When they make chips in the body mandatory for your health insurance, this will be a sign to leave for My refuges. Eventually, your authorities will come to your house to enforce these chips, and if you refuse them, they will try to kill you. When you leave your home, you
will be protected by an invisible shield by your guardian angel.”

Jesus said: “My people, over these last few days, there has been some power-grid testing in your North American governments with some brief power outages. Losing electricity can be severe, especially in colder weather when your heaters may not work. Be prepared with wood and kerosene so you could survive during a power outage in the winter. Have some extra fuels and heaters, along with food, water, and light sources as candles and oil lamps. You have heard the account of the five wise virgins who had extra oil for their lamps.”

Jesus said: “My people, in Florida you have seen several stories about large sinkholes. This comes when water is removed for drinking, and some water wells are backfilling with ocean salt water. As the land is slowly eroding, you are seeing these sinkholes form all over that can condemn a housing area for safety reasons. This latest event actually swallowed a whole house.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people are asking how these super storms are formed, and why so many severe earthquakes are happening. Microwave pulse anomalies can trigger such storms as the latest typhoons in the Pacific Ocean. The largest microwave machine is the HAARP machine in Alaska. There are many sources of these microwave pulses in various places all over the world. The HAARP machine is being used by the one world people to create chaos with huge powerful storms and large earthquakes. There intention is to reduce the population because many people are killed in bad storms and earthquakes. This is because Satan is leading them, and he hates man.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be traveling to the 21 Missions of California as a pilgrimage, and not just a vacation tour. Take some quiet time to pray at these beautiful mission churches. Each mission is unique, as they were built for the Indians by the missionaries. You will see some good history of this area when California was just being settled. See the spirit of evangelization that went on in these earlier years.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad when you lose a loved one, especially an old priest friend who was your pastor for 15 years. It will be difficult not to be able to attend his funeral while you are on your trip. Pray for him.”

Father Jack said: “Hello everyone, I am as shocked as you are about my sudden passing from a heart attack. I guess it was fitting that I died while I was traveling, which I did a lot as you know. I had my life review as I went over all of My assignments as a priest. I will miss my many friends, but I will be praying for all of you. I will be doing a short stay in purgatory because more is expected of us priests. Please pray for me, and have some Masses offered up for my intention. I loved life, and I enjoyed all the time that I had on earth. Now, I will be helping you in a different way. I love all of you.”


Saturday, November 16, 2013: (St. Gertrude)
Jesus said: “My pilgrims, you are about to leave on a beautiful pilgrimage of the twenty-one missions of California. I am showing you the need to bless your bus with holy water or blessed salt for your protection from the demons who will be attacking you. You are calling on Me to send My angels to protect you as well from any accidents or bus failures. Your people need to pray every day to guard themselves from any anger or disagreements. You all need to be good examples of My love, so be on your good behavior. Pray that all of your luggage will be found, and so no one will get ill from his or her food.”


Sunday, November 17, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are just starting out on visiting the 21 Missions with a beautiful Mass. The gardens and the grounds are beautiful also. In the readings you are seeing a mention of the end times. This is your mission, to wake up My people before I return. At the end of the Church Year, you have these readings about preparing your lives for when I will bring My victory over all the evil ones. It is a good time for people to find some quiet time so they can examine their consciences to keep a pure soul in Confession. There is also a mention of a time of persecution in standing up for your faith in Me. You could even see how the Indians killed some of the missionaries. In the end times you will see an evil in the Antichrist’s reign during the tribulation. It is then that you will need to come to My refuges for protection by My angels from the evil ones. Some will be martyred, while the rest of My people will be protected and fed Holy Communion by My angels. You will have food and water multiplied, as well as your shelters. You will be living a more rustic life than your comforts of today. When you are stripped of your possessions and your earthly distractions, I will be helping you to live holy lives as the saints did. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, and keep working to improve your faith, and your trust in Me in all that you do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you should be thankful for the hard work and dedication of the friars who persevered over many years to bring the faith to the people. Now, you are seeing fewer people coming to church on Sunday. In some areas the churches are being closed, or used as museums. In some ways America is becoming a missionary land in need of evangelization, because the spiritual hearts are growing cold to My love. I love My people, and I do not want to see any souls lost. Your people need to repent of your sins, and you need a great renewal of the faith. I am calling on My faithful to reach out and share your faith with your neighbors. Many Catholics are no longer practicing their faith, so you need to invite them to return, and re-ignite the fire of My love in their hearts. These souls need to be awakened from their spiritual slumber, and come back to My Church, and confess their sins to the priest in Confession. Without My light and grace in your soul, it will be very difficult to enter heaven. Your goal is to save as many souls as you can from going to hell, especially the souls of your own family. My faithful need to be persistent as the friars were in praying for these souls to return to Me.”


Monday, November 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been talking to you of a coming split in My Church which is very much like the first reading when the good Israelites refused to change their religious customs, even when they were threatened with death. Even in the coming days, you are going to see some clergy who will try to change your religious customs. You will see some priests changing the words of the Consecration at Mass, and I will no longer be present in their Masses. You will see more heretical teachings that will accept New Age things as Reiki and other things that are not correct according to your Catechism of the Catholic Church. When you see these heresies, you will need to go to another church. Once the schismatic church controls most of the churches, then My faithful remnant will need to have Mass underground with a faithful priest. This division in My Church is coming among you very soon. You will also start to see a stronger persecution coming from your own government against all the people who will not obey your government mandates. They will try to force heretical things upon you, that you must reject. These evil ones will threaten your lives because of your faith. At this point of severe persecution, you will need to leave for My refuges and the protection of My angels. Be prepared to stand up for your faith, even if you are criticized for not changing your beliefs. Your life may be in jeopardy for keeping close to My ways, instead of following man’s ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, your movie stars are always in your entertainment news, and they are very famous and usually rich. On the contrary, My saints should be looked up to for their holy lives, and most of them were poor in the world’s eyes. The saints are your real heroes, and you could imitate their lives to bring your souls closer to Me in heaven. Many of the saints gave up their wealth, and they held the richness of My graces in My sacraments of more value than any things of the world. All of these missions have a special character that shows how important the missionaries were in bringing the faith to the people. Even as you attend many Masses, you need to pray for your priests and bishops who need your physical and spiritual help to keep faithful to their vocations. In your rosaries, call on My Blessed Mother to keep the clergy protected under her mantle of protection.”


Tuesday, November 19, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision I am showing you a contrast between the quiet flowers and the busy world of cars moving back and forth. I invite My people to come to My tabernacle for a visit, so you could come in out of your busy world and take a quiet rest from all of life’s distractions. If you allow the noise of the world to block out My voice, then you may forget your prayer time. You need to plan your life around Me, instead of trying to work Me in among your daily activities. Consecrate all that you do to Me and My Blessed Mother in the morning. Then we can be helping you all day long. It is your quiet time with Me, when you recollect your life’s actions so you can correct your previous mistakes. If you do not take time for Me every day, then you could lose your focus on My love. I love you every moment of every day, and you can be thinking of Me all the time as well. When I am the center of your lives, you will be doing everything for Me. Loving Me and loving your neighbor should be your focus every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you see a red sky at the end of the day, you know that you will have good weather the next day. Yet, even though you can read the sky, you cannot read the signs of the time. Just as I told the people of My time, even now the only sign that I will give, is the sign of Jonah. This means that your country must repent of its sins, or you will see a takeover by the one world people. You need to read the signs of evil that are getting worse in the world, as the time will lead up to the Antichrist’s coming to power. You are seeing same sex marriage accepted in many states. You are also seeing more couples living together in fornication without marriage. All of these evils are leading up to the Antichrist’s declaration. My Warning experience will be shared by everyone, and then events will quickly lead up to the Antichrist’s short reign of less than 3½ years in the tribulation. My faithful will need to heed My Warning when I will warn you that it is time to take your things to My refuges. Those, who do not leave, could be martyred at their homes, or in detentions centers for not denying their faith. So read the signs of the times, and be ready to leave quickly for My refuges.”


Wednesday, November 20, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing Myself as the Vine, and you are the branches. Those, who are with Me, will survive and be saved. Those, who fall away from Me, will be detached and wither away. In the Gospel reading I gave a parable of a king, who gave one servant ten gold coins. He earned ten more, and he was give ten cities as a reward. A second servant was given five coins, and he earned five more. This servant was rewarded with five cities. A third servant was given one gold coin, but he kept it in a handkerchief, and he wasted his talent. Again I give everyone a unique set of talents, which I expect all of you to use wisely for My glory, and not just for your own gain. I have given each of you a mission, and only by your ‘yes’ can you carry it out. I want all of My people to use their God-given talents, and do not bury them or ignore them. By sharing your talents, both for your own needs and the needs of others, you can store up treasure in heaven for your judgment. The good servants will have their just rewards, but those, who abused their talents, will lose the little they had.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how reverent the Jews were in protecting My Word in My Ten Commandments. Even so, there are many of My tabernacles where My people give reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. Wherever you have Adoration of My exposed Host, you should try to make an hour for Me, and even more when there is no one to take your place. You always have Me present in your tabernacles, so please come to visit Me when you can, to make up for all of those people who do not take time to come. Attending holy hours in front of My Blessed Sacrament is another way of showing Me how much you love Me. You know that I love all of you enough to die for your sins. You express your love for Me also in your prayers, and when you can come to daily Mass. You also can express your love for Me when you pray for others, even for your enemies, or those people that you do not like. You know that I am all loving, and I ask My people to try and imitate My love of everyone as well. When you reach out to everyone in love, you are like My Light of love that shines out on everyone, and I disperse the darkness of hate that comes from the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, after you have seen some difficult land to live on, you can appreciate how hard it was to organize and build so many missions. Not only did the missionaries try to convert the Indians to the faith, they also had to provide a means of self-support for both themselves and the Indians. They were fortunate to get grants for the buildings, but they had to have them built and provide farms for food, clothing, and heat. This was in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s when life was a lot harder than now. In more recent years, you have seen dedicated people in the 1900’s who were willing to restore the missions to their former appearance. Now your people can appreciate the great work of St. Junipero Serra. You have missionaries all over the world, and they are worthy of your financial and prayer support. Even your parish priests need your prayers and financial help as well. Your priests are a gift to you in providing the sacraments and your spiritual leadership. There is still a need to help evangelize the children, and the Catholics that have fallen away from their faith. My people need to keep reaching out to save as many souls as you can.”


Thursday, November 21, 2013: (Presentation of the Blessed Mother)
Jesus said: “My people, when you see this fire burning in the fireplace of a home, it represents the burning love that My Blessed Mother and I have in our hearts for love of all of you. When you see pictures of our two hearts, you see a flame burning in each of our hearts. We want to join our hearts with you, so you can be one with us. We also want to be a part of your life so we can walk with you in all that you do. Many of you have done the consecration prayers to My Blessed Mother over thirty-three days before one of her feasts. Others have had their homes enthroned to My Sacred Heart. All of your consecrations to us enable us to help you even more in accomplishing your missions. Every day when you pray your rosaries, you are not only talking to Me, but you are inviting My Blessed Mother to bring your intentions to Me. You love all of your family members and friends, and you should keep praying for their souls so you can keep them from being lost in hell. I invite you to pray also for the poor souls in purgatory. You can even invite people, who are away from Me, to come back to Me or to know Me for the first time. My Blessed Mother and I are good role models for you to follow because we lived in God’s Will, while we were on the earth. Keep a picture of our two hearts in your prayer room.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times people are very defensive in wanting to run their own lives without Me interfering. This can be a form of pride when souls want to be in control of their lives. Until you can give your free will over to Me so I can lead your life, it will be difficult to fulfill your mission. It is your simple obedience to My laws that I desire from each of My disciples. When you do everything out of love for Me, I can use you and give you My graces to accomplish great spiritual things. It is these spiritual blessings that will help you overcome all of life’s trials that you will face. So let go of all of your earthly desires, as in fasting, so these things do not hold you back from doing My Will. Tear down all the barriers that you build around yourself, which you think will protect you. When you put your full trust in Me, you will accomplish impossible things by My grace. I will be your defense and your shield from the evil ones, and I will see to all of your earthly and spiritual needs.”


Friday, November 22, 2013: (St. Cecilia)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a heart shape in the vision which represents love. Then I showed you My Sacred Heart which is a greater representation of My personal love. This was even ultimately shown in My death on the cross for all the sins of mankind. In the readings you saw the reverence for building a Temple, and in the Gospel I also called St. Peter and My apostles to build My Church. I defended the Temple from the vendors, as you remember that I have great zeal for My house, and it consumes Me. You have seen many beautiful church buildings, but My Church is found the most in the souls of My people, both in the clergy and the laity. This is why it is important to build up My Church in bringing your family to Me, and in reaching out to convert souls to the faith. You need to encourage your families to attend Sunday Mass, pray daily, and come to Confession at least once a month. If you do not teach the faith to your children, how are they going to teach their children? Even you grandparents need to be a good example to your grandchildren, and continue building up My Church. I am depending on My prayer warriors to keep the faith strong in your families. When you love Me, you want to share My love with everyone.”

Jesus said: “My people, your penance from your Confession may be a few prayers from your priest today. In former years, your penances would be much more vigorous like wearing hair shirts, or possibly more physical suffering. You could make an extra penance of fasting from something you like, as not eating desserts or sweet things for the day. Doing a bread and water fast may be more difficult. Fasting should be done with the intention of controlling your bodily desires by the desires of the soul to please Me. It is when you allow your bodily desires to perform sinful actions, that you offend Me in your sins. The more you can control your body with penances, the easier it will be to avoid the devil’s temptations. Learn from your sinful mistakes, so you can avoid them in the future. Work on your frequent sins to understand how you fell into sin. You will be attacked more when you are in occasions of sin, or when you are tired and weak. By anticipating how the devil will attack you, you can be prepared to defend your soul from committing other sins. Know that I am always willing to forgive your sins, because I want to receive you into My loving arms. Do not fear, avoid, or put off Confession, but see this sacrament as a means to keep your soul clean and ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the marriage of a man and a woman in the Church for two reasons. The first reason is that this is the proper way to be married. Living together in fornication is not a proper marriage. Living in homosexual acts is also not a proper marriage. The second reason is that this marriage is a symbol of My people as the bride and I am the Groom who protects My Church. Marriage is a promotion of the preciousness of life because the children are born into an environment of love. Protect My babies in the womb from those who want to kill them in abortion. Protect the elderly from those who want to kill them with euthanasia. Pray for peace to protect the people from being killed in your manufactured wars. Pray for all the people who are being killed by disasters, by vaccines, and by viruses. Life is truly precious, and you are all created in My Image with free will. I want all souls to love Me and come to heaven. Keep praying for all souls that could be saved from hell. Also do not forget to pray for the poor souls in purgatory. My Communion of Saints is a union of My faithful on earth, the souls in purgatory, and My souls that are saints in heaven. Your soul’s life is the most important, and you need to keep your soul on the right path to heaven.”


Saturday, November 23, 2013:
Jesus said: “My son, I hear your plea that your world is so evil that you are praying to Me to bring My Warning. I have told you that I will choose the time, but I do tell you often how close it is. Remember that I am Lord over all things in this world, and I only allow the evil ones to go so far. You will be seeing many disasters, and I want you to keep doing your Masses of Reparation, especially for the souls who will die that are not ready to meet Me at their judgment. When I bring My Warning to everyone, there will be many souls who will wake up and repent of their sins. Keep praying for your families, so they will not see hell in their mini-judgment. I give hope to all of you that I will be with you to protect your souls and your bodies. Do not have fear from the evil ones because I am more powerful than they are. There will be many injustices in this world, so you will be suffering a penance from your persecutions. Your suffering will be short, but your joy with Me will be greater that you can imagine for all eternity. Rejoice in the glory of your King, and your opportunity to bring souls to Me.”


Sunday, November 24, 2013: (Jesus, King of the Universe)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing Myself as a King and My Blessed Mother as a queen in heaven. You are giving Me praise for My Sacred Heart, and you are honoring My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. We love all of you, and My Blessed Mother and I are joined as one in two hearts, and we are inviting you to be with us for all eternity. This is the last day of your trip to the 21 Missions of California, and it is ending on the 300th Anniversary of St. Junipero Serra’s birthday. You have been blessed with a beautiful pilgrimage, and we want all of you to go home with a renewed strength in your faith that you can share with your friends and family at home. We are praying for your safe travel home, as My Blessed Mother will place her mantle of protection over all of you. Rejoice in the many blessings that you have received on this pilgrimage.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how much I love all of you, such that I suffered a crucifixion for the salvation of all sinners, as I died for your sins. Even as I suffered persecution from the worldly people, so My people will also suffer persecution for My Name’s sake. Even though this death of Mine may appear as a defeat, yet it was My victory over sin, death, and the devil’s hold on man. You heard the beautiful words of the good thief who said: ‘Remember me when you come into your Kingdom’. My words to him were the words that all of you will desire: ‘This day you will be with Me in Paradise.’ On the top of My cross there was an inscription ‘This is the King of the Jews’. Not only am I King of the Jews, I am the King of the Universe, as is the title of this feast day. This is the last Sunday of the Church Year, and it is appropriate to talk of the end days when I will return in victory over the evil ones. All of you know the end of this story, and the evil ones lose in hell, while My faithful will be with Me in heaven.”


Monday, November 25, 2013: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of the widow placing her few coins into the Temple treasury. I remarked how she put in all that she had, while the others put in more from their surplus wealth. There are some people who are wealthy in this world’s goods, but they are poor in their spiritual wealth. Also, there are some who are rich in My spiritual gifts, but they may be poor in worldly wealth. You would rather be blessed more in spiritual gifts and treasures in heaven, than in earthly things. Where your treasure lies, so lies your heart. If your treasure is in Me in My Blessed Sacrament, then your heart is with Me. If your treasure is in worldly riches, then your heart may be in your money. Those, who put worldly things before Me, could be losing their soul, if they do not change their ways. Do not put false gods before Me, because you should be putting Me first in your life. You were seeing a stairway to heaven like Jacob’s ladder. You are struggling to get close to Me, so keep your focus on Me in all that you do out of love for Me and your neighbor.”


Tuesday, November 26, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you before that you will be seeing many disasters in the end times. This vision of a large tsunami is a result of a large earthquake. In previous large tsunamis you have seen thousands of people killed, as seen in Indonesia. You will see many killed again in this coming tsunami. This is why I have asked you to include the people in all disasters that died, in the intentions of your Reparation Masses. This is because you are about to see one disaster after another. These disasters are being allowed as a punishment for the many sins of the world. Because there are not enough people praying to make up for all the sins of the world, this is why you will be seeing so many disasters. This suffering helps to make up for the reparation due for not only individual sins, but also for national sins.”


Wednesday, November 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading from Daniel 5:10-30 was about the Chaldean King who used the sacred vessels of the Temple for drinking, while he praised the gods of silver, gold, bronze, and wood. Because he did not give praise to God, the king saw a hand writing on the wall. The first word, Mene, meant God has numbered the days of the king’s kingdom, and He will put an end to it. The second word, Tekel, means the king has been weighed on the scales of justice, and he was found wanting. The third word, Peres, means the king’s kingdom will be divided and given to the Medes and the Persians. I have mentioned before that all of these same warnings can be applied to America. Only it will be given over to the one world people as a punishment. America’s days are also numbered when you will become a part of the North American Union. Be prepared when I will call My faithful to My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a little of what it will be like when you have your Warning experience. You will see a time line of your life with the various important dates of your life. You will see your graduations, your marriage, and the births of your children and grandchildren. You will also see how you have grown in your faith, and when you had a change of life when you went to Medugorje. You will see things from other people’s point of view, as well as My words of advice on your actions. I will then show you your mini-judgment, and where you are headed. When you are outside of your body, and outside of time, you will have a different view of life, and what should be important for you to accomplish. You will desire to repent of your sins more than your previous Confessions. All of My people will feel a sense of a needed renewal in their spiritual lives after you have your Warning experience. Some people will have a dramatic change, some will have only a small improvement, and some will have no change in their lives. Many people have improved their spiritual lives after a near death experience, when they realize how sinful they were living. Every soul that repents and converts its life, will cause joy in heaven that they were lost, and now they are found with Me in heaven.”


Thursday, November 28, 2013: (Thanksgiving Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you have many physical and spiritual gifts to be thankful for. Those, who have jobs and family, have great blessings. Pray for those people who are unemployed, homeless, and hungry. You could even give some donations to your local food shelves to help those who need food. When you think of all of your blessings, many times you take them for granted, but other people are not as fortunate as you are. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that you have. I look out for everyone’s basic needs, but people need to help themselves with what is needed, instead of just depending on handouts. The truly disabled need help, but those, who are capable, should be trying to find work and help themselves. Be thankful that you live in a free country with many opportunities to improve yourself. This may mean working at getting a good education so you can contribute to society. Many people need to work, and sometimes endure some trials in the workplace, in order to provide for their family’s food, shelter, and transportation. Families need to help each other in their basic necessities. If you can afford to share money and time with your neighbors, you can store up treasure in heaven. Do not just be concerned with your own needs, but look around to help your family, friends, and neighbors. When you help others, you can even be thankful that I give you such opportunities of grace. Again be thankful to Me for all that you are experiencing in this life.”


Friday, November 29, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I told you that the earth will pass away, but My words are forever, and they will not pass away. I have told you that I will defeat the evil ones, and My words are true. The evil ones will have a short reign of less than 3½ years. Then I will return to cast Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and all the demons and evil people into hell. All evil will be removed from the earth when My Comet of Chastisement will strike the earth. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith in Me, but they will become instant saints in heaven. Then I will renew the earth, and My faithful remnant will receive their reward in My Era of Peace. Keep your souls pure by frequent Confession so you are ready for these end days.”

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you an earlier message about how you would see a big explosion of a volcano going off. Recently, you saw Mt. Etna erupting and also a major eruption in Indonesia. I am also reminding you of the demons that come up out of hell through the volcanoes. This is another reason for an increase in evil throughout the world. Many of your people were shopping for the usual Black Friday sales after Thanksgiving. It is sad how a lot of people shop for gifts for Christmas, but very few remember that it is My birth that should be glorified, more than the gifts. These are the last days of the Church Year before Advent starts on Sunday. There has been a lot of focus on the end days of My victory over evil. Keep focused on your final destination in heaven, more than on your possessions of this life.”


Saturday, November 30, 2013: (St. Andrew)
Jesus said: “My son, this feast day of My apostle, St. Andrew, is a celebration for all of My faithful who spread My Word to the people. I had to rely on My apostles and deacons to spread the Word of My Kingdom to all the nations. I am your Redeemer for your sins, and I bring salvation to all sinners through My death on the cross, and My sacraments. Those, who are blessed with a gift of faith, need to share their gifts to convert sinners, and bring them to the faith in Me. The people need to hear My Word, and accept it with repentance of their sins, so they can be saved in heaven. My son, you are blessed to receive My messages, which need to be revealed to My people, so they can prepare their souls for the end times. Go forth like My apostles did, to spread My Word of hope and love, so all peoples may have the opportunity to have faith in Me, and be saved from hell. I want all souls to come to Me of their own free will. Repent of your sins now while you still have time before you die.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are ending the Church Year, and you will be starting your First Sunday of Advent. Even now you are seeing signs in the sky from the Ison Comet that some major events are about to start. Your scientists are forecasting many comets will come in 2014. As these comets come closer, you may see even more unusual events in the sky. On the day of the Warning, there will be a comet going by that could be a frightening event for some people. Keep watching the skies for any signs of the major events that will lead up to the Warning and the tribulation.”


Sunday, December 1, 2013: (First Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospels of the last Sunday of the Year and the first Sunday of the Church Year are similar in that they speak of My glorious victory when I will return. There is mention today of My coming, but the real focus should be on My victory, rather than on My being honored at Christmas. I already came to the earth once to die for mankind’s sins, but My next coming will be to separate the evil ones from My faithful. You do not know when this Chastisement will come, nor do you know when I will come for you at your death. In either case, you need to be watchful, and ready with a pure soul by frequent Confession. Many people are unprepared for their judgment because I will truly come when you least expect Me. This is the point of today’s Gospel in that you need to be ready to meet Me at your judgment every day. Then you will be like the wise virgins, and not like the foolish virgins who were unprepared when the bridegroom came.”


Monday, December 2, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I had healed many people on the earth, and those, who were healed, needed to have faith that I could heal them. The Roman centurion’s faith was remarkable, considering that he was not even a Jew. He recognized My healing power, and he believed that I could heal his paralyzed servant, even from a distance. He knew that Jews would be defiled to enter the centurion’s house, so he said the words that you repeat at the Communion time: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.’ I acknowledged the centurion’s faith by claiming that I did not see such faith in all of Israel. In the same way, I desire that all of My people should have this strong faith in Me for healing all of their ailments. Ask and you shall receive, knock, and the door will be opened to you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the history of the Titanic in how it struck an iceberg and it sank. This vision of icebergs forming, is a sign to you of how America could easily be like the Titanic. You are seeing how a major incident will be perpetrated to cause a major event that could kill a lot of people, and it could be an excuse for martial law and the potential downfall of your country. You are seeing signs of your government preparing for something big, because they are ordering a lot of ammunition and food. This means that what is coming, has been planned, and it might involve the HAARP machine. I have told you that when your life is endangered, or you see a national martial law declared, that you will need to flee to My refuges. It is part of the one world people’s plan to reduce the population, so do not be surprised at the scope of a large event that could kill a lot of people. Have your soul prepared by frequent Confession, and have your bags packed and ready to flee to My refuges.”


Tuesday, December 3, 2013: (St. Francis Xavier)
Jesus said: “My people, the Catholic faith needs the underpinnings of a good prayer life, Sunday Mass, and frequent Confession. There is also another element, and that is developing a true loving, personal relationship with your Lord. Do not just repeat words in your prayers, but you need to pray from the heart. When you keep telling Me how much you love Me, I should be able to see your sincerity in how you love Me and your neighbor. You need to reach out with acts of charity in helping your family, and your neighbors both with your money and your time. The more you do out of love for Me, the more treasure you will store up in heaven for your judgment. The most important sharing of all is when people see how your love for Me has inspired your life. Then they will desire My love as well. Remember to make love and concern for each other a daily focus by calling on My grace, and keeping your focus on Me in your life. Those, who seek Me out of love and obedience, will have their reward in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the possibility of more churches closing, not only due to a priest shortage, but fewer people are attending Sunday Mass. As your numbers drop, the collections are going down as well. Even the uncertainty of a church closing, is causing your numbers to go down as well. You have a new bishop in your diocese, so it is hard to know what he will do to address this problem. Keep praying to keep your churches open, or you could lose even more members who will not come to another church. In the same way, you need to pray for your priests, and for more vocations to the priesthood. You should treasure even your retired priests who are providing for your Masses. Without enough priests, you could also find it hard to have Confession times available. The sign of the faith getting weaker among your people, is another sign that you are in the end times where evil is getting stronger. I am more powerful than the demons, but My faithful need to keep close to Me for their protection.”


Wednesday, December 4, 2013: (St. John Damascene)
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel is a sign of My Eucharist in the multiplication of the bread and the fish for the 4,000. I love all of you enough to die for your sins, but I also left you My Eucharistic Real Presence, so I could always be with you. You need bread to nourish the body, but you also need My Eucharistic Bread to nourish your soul with My grace. I am the Bread of life, but there are some who do not believe in My Real Presence. This miracle of My transubstantiation from bread into My Body and Blood, is a gift that only My true believers can understand by their faith in Me. It is truly an act of faith that is required, because this teaching of My Church is a mystery to understand. Yet, I am present in all of your tabernacles, where you can come and visit your Lord. Give thanks to Me for this sacrament, and all of My sacraments. When you receive Me worthily, I come into your soul to grant you My grace, and I share My love with you intimately. Rejoice to be with Me at every Mass that you can attend.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many homes you see an array of lights, Santa Claus, snowmen, and reindeer. It is unusual to see outside Nativity displays as you have. There are even some places that try to ban any outside Nativity scenes, even on your own property. It is the atheists who are trying to take all public displays about Me out of public places. My people need to stand up against these atheists for all of their political correctness. You would rather please Me, more than mankind. You are seeing attacks against Me when people are criticized for wearing crosses, when the Ten Commandments are removed from public buildings, and when prayer is removed from the schools. This is just the beginning of the coming persecution of Christians. When you are tested, defend your faith in Me, and do not deny Me, even if the authorities threaten to kill you. Do not take any flu shots, or chips in the body. When your lives are threatened, you will have to leave for My refuges while you are guarded by your guardian angels. Those, who are true to Me in their persecution, will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Thursday, December 5, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel offers you an obvious choice of your free will that I do not force on you. You can believe in Me, and have faith in My Word, and you will be like the man who built his house on rock. I built My Church on the Rock of St. Peter, and I have been true to My Word in not allowing the gates of hell to prevail over it. You can also refuse My love and refuse to accept Me, but this will have consequences, as the man who built his house on sand, and the winds and rain brought it to ruin. In every action you perform, there is a decision for Me, or against Me. You cannot just say Lord, Lord, and you will be saved. I need to see by your good deeds in your actions that you truly believe, and you are acting out your faith in Me in your everyday actions. This will be your affirmation of your love for Me, that you do not want to offend Me by your sins. At times you may fall in human weakness, but you can return to My grace in Confession. At your judgment you will be held accountable for all of your actions. I love the sinner, but not his or her sinful actions. You all are good persons, as I created you, but it is your actions that will determine your eternal destination.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are praying to keep your church open and viable. There is still a chance that your church could be closed, but it could be clustered just as well. You were graced with a pastor for a while, but now it appears unlikely to have another priest. Keep praying that your new bishop will not close your church, and possibly he could bring in some priests from outside of your diocese.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am happy that you were able to repair your neighbor’s fence, even amidst a few difficulties. This shows that when you are sincere in trying to correct a tree falling on a fence from a storm, that you can find a way to make it work. Your neighbor is probably happy that you could fix it, and remove the tree without much expense. You are a good example to others that you reached out to help your neighbor.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuation of problems with your Obamacare. Even people who could get signed up, may find it hard to connect with paying their premiums to the insurance companies. Higher charges are hurting people’s budgets who cannot afford these increases. Getting younger people to sign up, is not happening soon enough to pay for those new people who are not paying much. Pray that these new taxes do not destroy your economy.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is the hidden parts of your Health Care Law that could present more threats to your lives, and not just higher insurance costs. There was an original intention in this law to control people by forcing you to have mandatory chips in the body. Do not take any chips in the body, no matter how much your authorities want to threaten you. These chips will control your minds with voices, and they will make you like robots. When you see mandatory chips in the body, this will be a time to leave for My refuges, because the evil ones will threaten to kill you for not going along with their new world order. This mark of the beast is at the door, as this Obamacare Law is about to be fully implemented.”

Jesus said: “My people, I understand how you all love to share gifts with each other for Christmas. Do not get so taken up with your shopping that you forget to honor My birthday as the central theme of Advent. I came as your Savior to redeem all of you from your sins. Think of Advent as a smaller Lent when you take time to recollect your sins, and try to improve your spiritual lives. Try to get to Confession before Christmas, so you can present your pure soul to Me as your gift.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know that you love My Blessed Mother, and she loves all of you as well. Honor her on her feast days by coming to Mass on these days. My Blessed Mother is a central figure in Christmas because she bore Me in her womb for nine months. Give thanks for her ‘yes’ and thank her for looking over her children with her mantle of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of My Blessed Mother’s ‘yes’ to be My mother, but I also had to give My ‘yes’ to become a man to carry out My Father’s plan of salvation for all of mankind. I had two moments of testing in the Garden of Gethsemene and before I died on the cross. In essence, I told My Father that it was not My Will, but His Will that needed to be done. This is the same for all of My faithful souls. You need to give up this life, and give your will over to Me, in order to be saved. Once you appreciate the beautiful reward that awaits you in heaven, any suffering on earth would be well worth such a reward. I love all of you, and I strive to win every soul.”


Friday, December 6, 2013: (St. Nicholas)
Jesus said: “My people, as you go through this life, you may be called to suffer in many different ways because of your fragile body that you have in this mortal life. When you are well, you can accomplish many things, but when you are sick or injured, you will be suffering to do everyday chores. Sometimes I test you with sickness to keep you humble. Even when you are sick or hurting, you can call on My help, as the blind people did, and you can offer up your suffering for sinners and the souls in purgatory. No matter what your earthly body causes you to suffer, still keep your focus on loving Me, and do not despair of any difficulties. It may be easy to get discouraged when things are not going your way, but do not let earthly problems take you away from your focus on Me. I do help heal people with earthly trials, but struggle along the best that you can with your own physical hurts. I see all that you are suffering, and you will be rewarded in heaven.”


Saturday, December 7, 2013: (St. Ambrose)
Jesus said: “My people, a good Christian needs to have a good foundation in the teachings of My Church. I told you before how you need to build your house on rock so when the winds of adversity of the world come, you can withstand this trial because you had a firm foundation. How does one build such a firm foundation? You need to study and know your Catechism of the Catholic Church. Read or pray the Apostle’s Creed, and you will have the basics of the faith. Some were taught the faith in a Catholic grammar school, high school, or college. Others have been trained in your RCIA program as they were brought into My Church by Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. My sacraments are instrumental in maintaining your faith, especially in Confession and Holy Communion. Your prayer life is another building block to support your faith and love for Me. By obeying My Commandments and loving your neighbor, you can be on the right path to heaven. Being with Me in heaven should be your goal throughout your whole life. I love all of you so much, and I want you to show Me your love every day. I died for your sins to show you how much I love you. That is why the big crucifix on the altar should remind you of My love every time you look on it. You can show Me your love in your daily prayers and good deeds. Once you have a good foundation in the faith, you need to build on it, by working to improve your spiritual life every year on a steady path to perfection. I will help support you on your way to becoming a saint with Me in heaven. Sainthood is the ultimate crown for a soul on earth, and do not allow the evil ones to detour you from this path.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Bible speaks of how the wages of sins are death. If you were able to look around at all of your households as I do, you would see all the sins of fornication, homosexual sin, prostitution, abortion, and birth control. This is rampant all over the world, as these sins are causing many killings in wars. Many of your family oriented traditions have become invaded by the worldly pleasures of life. Your movies and magazines flaunt living together without marriage as a norm for your society. Your people are more interested in their bodily pleasures, than in loving Me and following My Commandments. Living the restrictions of a proper married life have been cast aside by those who have lost their morals of a right conscience. Many young people know it is a mortal sin to have sex outside of marriage, but they have blinded their minds with bodily lust. These sinners will be held accountable for their sins, and they need prayers to repent, and change their lifestyle. You all have read about Sodom and Gomorrah, and how they were destroyed because of their sexual sins. America and many other countries will be paying the price of their sins when I bring many disasters and one world control over all the nations. Repent now while you can still save your souls.”


Sunday, December 8, 2013: (Immaculate Conception)
Jesus said: “My people, this reference of Isaiah to the stump of Jessie is to the father of King David. Both My parents were also descendants of King David, which is why some people called Me the ‘Son of David’. I call your attention today to generational healing because this is so linked to the ‘human’ weakness of sin that your priest spoke of in his homily. In some families there is a tendency to a weakness to drinking in excess. In other families it is a weakness to gambling. Many families also have a lust for sexual pleasure without marriage in living together. These sins can be rooted in generational sins that get passed on to the children. Generational healing starts with an exorcism of the family members so this inherited weakness of a particular sin from a demon can be rooted out from this family. It also involves praying for the family every day, so the members who are weaker, can be brought back to Me in Sunday Mass, and repentance of their sins in Confession. My arms are always open to receive all sinners if they would just listen to the words of St. John the Baptist when he said: ‘Repent and be saved.’ Family members need to see that I am missing in their lives, and they need to wake up to My love that calls them to Me. The best deliverance prayers are to pray the long version of the St. Michael prayer over the pictures of the family, and place some blessed salt or holy water on the pictures. Repeat this as many times as you can in the coming days, and do not give up on any sinner because I do not.”

For those who do not know the long form of the St. Michael prayer, here it is: (An exorcism prayer) (+) Use the sign of the Cross
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in “our battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places’. (Eph. 6:12)

Come to the assistance of men whom God had created to His likeness and whom He has redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of the devil. The Holy Church venerates you as her guardian and protector; to you, the Lord has entrusted the souls of the redeemed to be led into heaven. Pray therefore the God of Peace to crush Satan beneath our feet, that he may no longer retain men captive and do injury to the Church. Offer our prayers to the Most High, that without delay they may draw His mercy down upon us; take hold of “the dragon, the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan,” bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit “that he may no longer seduce the nations”. (Rev. 20:2-3)

In the Name of Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and all the Saints that are powerful in the holy authority of our ministry, we confidently undertake to repulse the attacks and deceits of the devil. God arises; His enemies are scattered and those who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is driven away, so are they driven; as wax melts before the fire, so the wicked perish at the presence of God.

V. Behold the Cross of the Lord, flee bands of enemies
R. The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the offspring of David hath conquered.
V. May Thy mercy, Lord, descend upon us.
R. As great as our hope in Thee.
We drive you from us, whoever you may be, unclean spirits, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders, all wicked legions, assemblies and sects.

In the Name and by the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, + may you be snatched away and driven from the Church of God and from the souls made to the image and likeness of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb.

+ Most cunning serpent, you shall no more dare to deceive the human race, persecute the Church, torment God’s elect and sift them as wheat.
+ The Most High God commands you, + He with whom, in your great insolence, you still claim to be equal.
“God who wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim 2:4)
God the Father commands you. + God the Son commands you. + God the Holy Ghost commands you.
+ Christ, God’s Word made flesh, commands you; + He who to save our race outdone through your envy, “humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death” (Phil. 2:8); He who has built His Church on the firm rock and declared that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Her, because He will dwell with Her “all days even to the end of the world.” (Mt. 28:20)

The Sacred Sign of the Cross commands you, + as does also the power of the mysteries of the Christian Faith.
+ The glorious Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, commands you; + she who by her humility and from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception crushed your proud head.

The faith of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and of the other Apostles commands you. + The blood of the Martyrs and the pious intercession of all the Saints commands you. +

Thus cursed dragon, and you, diabolical legions, we adjure you by the living God, + by the true God, + by the holy God, + by the God “who so loved the world that he gave up His only Son, that every soul believing in Him might not perish but have life everlasting” (Jn 3:16) stop deceiving human creatures and pouring out to them the poison of eternal damnation; stop harming the Church and hindering her liberty.

Begone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man’s salvation. Give place to Christ in Whom you have found none of your works; give place to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church acquired by Christ at the price of His Blood. Stoop beneath the all-powerful Hand of God; tremble and flee when we invoke the Holy and terrible Name of Jesus, this Name which causes hell to tremble, this Name to which the Virtues, Powers and Dominations of heaven are humbly submissive, this Name which the Cherubim and Seraphim praise unceasingly repeating: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, the God of Hosts.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.
V. May the Lord be with Thee.
R. And with thy spirit. Let us pray.

God of heaven, God of earth, God of Angels, God of Archangels, God of Patriarchs, God of Prophets, God of Apostles, God of Martyrs, God of Confessors, God of Virgins, God who has power to give life after death and rest after work: because there is no other God than Thee and there can be no other, for Thou art the Creator of all things, visible and invisible, of Whose reign there shall be no end, we humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy glorious Majesty and we beseech Thee to deliver us by Thy power from all the tyranny of the infernal spirits, from their snares, their lies and their furious wickedness. Deign, O Lord, to grant us Thy powerful protection and to keep us safe and sound. We beseech Thee through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

V. From the snares of the devil,
R. Deliver us, O Lord.
V. That Thy Church may serve Thee in peace and liberty:
R. We beseech Thee to hear us.
V. That Thou may crush down all enemies of Thy Church:
R. We beseech Thee to hear us.

(Holy water or blessed salt is sprinkled on the pictures.)


Monday, December 9, 2013: (Immaculate Conception)
Jesus said: “My people, ever since Adam and Eve sinned, and were driven out of the Garden of Eden, I promised man that I would send a Redeemer to give hope to all souls. Until I died, no soul was able to come to heaven, so the righteous souls had to suffer not seeing Me. From this time I also have prepared My Blessed Mother so she would be a sinless woman to conceive Me in her immaculately conceived soul. My Blessed Mother would become the new Eve for all of her children. This feast is celebrated on Monday because of the Second Sunday of Advent which was on December 8th. At the Annunciation this was My Blessed Mother’s finest hour when she gave her free will ‘yes’ to My Archangel Gabriel to be My mother. This is when, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I was conceived in her womb. This began the sequence of events that would allow My Incarnation as a man that would lead to mankind’s redemption by My death on the cross. Rejoice in My Blessed Mother’s acceptance of her mission as the Mother of God. Rejoice also in her title as the Immaculate Conception which is honored as America’s patroness in Washington, D.C.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many power outages and flight cancellations, due to two major snow and ice storms that have spread across your country. This caused school closings, accidents, and some deaths. I told you that because of your many sins, you would be seeing one disaster after another. Now, you are seeing these things brought right before your eyes. Many of these storms have happened before at this time, but you are seeing record cold and heavy snow in places that do not have such severe weather. Be prepared to endure more of these storms, as your weather patterns and jet streams are becoming more erratic and unpredictable. Some news people noted a possible effect on Christmas shopping, but ice damage has affected power lines and car damage. Some predictions of a bad winter are already in your headlines. This is another example why it would be helpful to have some extra food and alternative fuels for any power outages. Some extra lamp oil would help to provide light when the power is off. It is good to be prepared for both physical and spiritual hard times.”


Tuesday, December 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that I do not want to lose any soul. Because so many Christians have fallen away from their faith, now, I am searching for more than one sheep. There are more sheep who are lost, than the few sheep who are still coming to Sunday Mass. I wait for the return of My lost sheep, but it is even better if I send My faithful out to bring in the lost sheep. I have told you the story of the Prodigal Son, and how he finally returned because he was hungry, and in search of My forgiveness. I do not force My love on people, but I want you to love Me of your own free will. Those, who love Me, are so happy and filled with My love, that they want to share My love with everyone. Once souls return to seek My forgiveness, I will forgive them, and I will receive them with love and joy because they were lost, and now they are found. All of heaven rejoices over every sinner who repents and is converted from any sinful ways.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the Isaiah 9:10 prophecy that starts with the bricks have fallen. This vision is suggesting that the Harbingers are a warning for America, that if you do not repent as a nation, then you will be brought to your knees by the one world people. I have given you many messages of how your nation will fall under martial law, and My faithful will need to seek My protection at My refuges. The vision of the DNA refers to how your seed companies have manipulated the DNA of your crops to make GMO crops that are causing allergies and cancers. This manipulation and control of the food is why you will see a man-made controlled famine. I also have had My faithful store some non-GMO or heirloom seeds, so you can grow crops as I made them without causing any disease. I will need to renew the whole earth after the tribulation because of how man has abused My creation. You will rejoice when I will bring you into My Era of Peace as your reward for all that you will suffer. Do not have any fear of the end times because I will give you a peace about all of these events. Have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will protect you.”


Wednesday, December 11, 2013: (St. John of Damascene)
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world, and I disperse the darkness of sin, as I comfort My people. I call My people to comfort them, for My yoke is easy and My burden of faith is light. Advent is a time of joy and preparation for My coming at Christmas. Even though you are suffering from the cold and the snow of winter, it does cover everything with a white coating over the drab landscape without green leaves. You are buying gifts for your loved ones, so you can share your Christmas joy with them. It is also nice to share some financial help with your friends and relatives as well. The best gift that you could give your loved ones is some prayers, even for deliverance of any addictions. Keep praying for your family members, for you could be their salvation of their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, when it comes time to leave for My refuges, it will be hard to provide for your food, heating, and shelter. During the winter, it will be harsh to deal with the cold. If you have a steady supply of natural gas from the ground, you could keep warm. If you have wooded land, you could chop up logs for firewood. I will multiply your fuels for heating and cooking. People, who have chickens, can have eggs, but you need a multiplied source of chicken feed. I will send deer to your camps for meat, but you need hunters to cut up and handle the meat. You will need various skills to provide for yourselves. You will have angels to protect you, and they will bring you daily Communion. You will be praying more at Adoration at each refuge. You will have water and a luminous cross to heal your ailments. You can keep your food in a root cellar in the ground. You will need to provide latrines for the people’s needs. During the summer, you could farm some crops with your heirloom seeds. Once you are used to providing for food and heat, then you will only see these chores as a way of life, that is much simpler than how you are living in your modern comforts. You can adapt to a rustic life because that will be the only way to live with My help and My angel support.”


Thursday, December 12, 2013: (Our Lady of Guadalupe)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this miraculous image of myself as pregnant with my Son, Jesus, is an image that makes me the Mother of the Americas. This image is a support for all pregnant mothers, and I support life in all of its stages. Earlier, it was a sign for the Indians to stop offering up their infants to the gods. Today, this image is dedicated to stopping all abortions where you give up your infants to the gods of pleasure, riches, and convenience. I have been behind Right to Life movements all along. This image of Juan Diego also is a sign out of the Book of Revelation as the woman dressed in the sun as in your vision. This image is a sign of the end times that my Son has asked you to get the people prepared for. I am the refuge of sinners, and my Son wants His people to be protected at His physical refuges during the coming tribulation. Remember that I am protecting all of my children with my mantle of protection.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, your people have been suffering from a large cold wave that has come down from Canada. Many of your people have endured heavy snow and ice storms that have caused several power outages. Each year, you expect this in winter, but it does seem a little more severe and colder than usual. These snow disasters are just a taste of what is to come. Keep praying to counter all the sin in your country. This extra coldness is another sign of the love that is lacking both for Me and for your fellow citizens.”

Jesus said: “My people, your Congress has finally reached an accord in dealing with your budgets and taxes. With passage in the Senate, then your Congress people can start managing their budgets with the proper appropriations for each department of your government as you used to do. This will put more focus on how to fix your Health Care law that appears to be having problems for people to sign up, and to pay for their health insurance premiums. Many are seeing that they cannot afford to pay for a one size fits all insurance with high premiums and high deductibles. Pray for some fair payments so the middle class does not have to shoulder most of this burden.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to share your gifts, but I gave you an even better suggestion to pray your deliverance prayers for the souls of your family members. I had you give the people the long St. Michael prayer (Dec 8, 2013 message) so they could pray over the pictures of their family members. These prayers are needed to atone for their sins, and to help open their hearts and souls to My love. I asked you to pray these deliverance prayers often for the intentions of your family that have strayed away from Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Sunday you will already be celebrating the Third Sunday of Advent with a pink candle and vestments. This season is very short, so spend some time in prayer as you prepare your gifts for Me at My crib. You prepare gifts for your family and friends, so you should think to offer Me a personal gift as well. Even if you make an attempt to get to Confession before Christmas, this would be a great gift to Me, and it will benefit your soul also.”

Jesus said: “My people, not all families are on good speaking terms with each other. Christmas should be a time of joy, so families can patch up their differences, and move on with their lives. Life is too short to hold grudges, and be constantly fighting. It is time to have peace in all families, so I can come into all of your hearts to share My peace and love.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am happy to see so many new faces that make an effort to see Me at My crib at Christmas Mass. I pray that these same people would make more of an effort to come to Mass on the other Sundays of the year. I am always present at the Consecration of the Mass, not only on Christmas, but at every Mass. It is well to receive Me in Holy Communion worthily as often as you can. If you truly love Me, you could show Me more than once a year, or once a week. I love all of you every day, so tell Me of your love for Me in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to help celebrate My Blessed Mother’s feast day by praying for the stoppage of abortion. Your country will pay a heavy price for all the babies that you kill in America every year. Think of My Blessed Mother’s image of a pregnant woman, and see the need to try and encourage your mothers not to have any more abortions. Each conceived child has a plan for his or her life, and if you kill that life, then you are blocking My plan for that child. You will have to make amends for any killing, and for the loss of the plan that could have helped your society. Rejoice in My Blessed Mother’s feast and tell her how much you love her.”


Friday, December 13, 2013: (St. Lucy)
Jesus said: “My people, most of your people in America have the basic necessities to survive in at least an apartment in the winter. People, who do not work for a living, have access to welfare and food stamps. Some poor people are not well educated, and these are the ones who call on your local food shelves to get by. Sometimes your social workers have to help the poor to fill out forms to get what aid is available. This aid can vary from state to state. As you see this vision of someone requesting a glass of water, you need to share what you can with your local poor with donations to your food shelves. Have mercy on those people who are less fortunate, as they need the basics of food and shelter. All of your help will be stored up in heaven for your judgment. When you look at a poor person, you are seeing Me in them making a request for help.”

Jesus said: “My people, the earthquake that you are seeing, is how the New Madrid fault will open up all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, and the ocean will fill in the fault. When you see a major earthquake along the New Madrid fault, you could see some major changes in the geography of the Mississippi Valley. Such a quake could kill thousands of people, and destroy many homes. This event could well trigger a martial law with a huge effect on your country’s economy. I have been warning you of possible large quakes both in California and along the New Madrid fault, that could be caused by the HAARP machine. Pray for the souls who could die in such a quake, when they may not be ready to meet Me at their judgment.”


Saturday, December 14, 2013: (St. John of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember the account of My Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor, when I appeared in My glorified Body as a preview of My Resurrection. Elijah and Moses appeared with Me before My apostles Peter, James, and John. Peter wanted to glorify that moment, but My heavenly Father said: ‘This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; hear Him.’ Then I told My apostles that Elijah will come before I return, but that the spirit of Elijah had already come in St. John the Baptist. St. John taught the people to repent and prepare for the Lamb of God to come. Then he pointed Me out as the Lamb, and the Promised Messiah, who would redeem mankind. You have St. John already announcing My coming in the womb of St. Elizabeth when he stirred to acknowledge My Presence when My Blessed Mother came to help St. Elizabeth. Now in Advent, you will be reading St. John’s account of how he prepared the way of My coming. When I return, you will see the two prophets Elijah and Enoch, who will prepare My way again. Rejoice as you celebrate My coming feast of Christmas. You have yet to rejoice again when I will come in victory over the Antichrist and Satan, when I will make all things new in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, now your weather forecasters are naming the snowstorms, and you are up to your fifth storm. Your snow levels are a bit over normal already, and you have not even turned to winter on December 21st. Deep cold and plenty of snow are already the signature of this year’s winter. Many people in the North have been suffering from heavy snows, and some have had ice storms with freezing rain. Pray for all the people who are suffering hardships as a result of your severe weather. The one good thing that comes from these storms, is that neighbors are helping each other with the plowing, and sharing food and heat with those who lost their power. You all know how hard it is to be without heat, food, or water. Again, I remind you to share your donations with your food shelves, and pray for the poor that they will find what they need to survive.”


Sunday, December 15, 2013: (3rd Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating Gaudete or Joy Sunday of Advent when the vestments are in pink. I am showing you a stream of water that represents the Living Water that I give you in Holy Communion. This is My living Presence when I am with you intimately in your soul. You can rejoice every time that you receive Me at Mass. You are preparing to meet Me at Christmas with your gift of love both for Me and your neighbors. Sharing gifts with friends and family is a happy time of the year, and you see family members that live far away from you. You can travel quite fast in your cars and planes in good weather. It was more difficult for My parents to travel on foot from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census. Your travel can also help you in evangelizing souls in various cities. Keep struggling to share My Word with all the nations, so they can experience My love and My sacraments.”


Monday, December 16, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the winter you may have to deal with annoyances from ice and snow on your windshields. When it is cold, the ice builds up on your windshield blades, and the salt mist blinds your vision. Even when you have these problems, do not let these things disturb your peace. Take some time to clean the ice off the wheel wells and your windshield blades, and continue on without getting upset. It can even be unsafe for your travel, without proper vision for driving. Have patience also with slow drivers, where there is a lot of snow on the road. At times it may be better not to travel during snow blizzards, if you can avoid it. Being kind and understanding of your fellow motorists, will cause less accidents, and not cause you to get angry over the little things. By keeping peace in your soul, you can be more loving of your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are waiting to celebrate My birthday on Christmas. The vision was showing you another coming, when you will come to Me in a tunnel outside of time, and outside of your body. This will be the illumination of your conscience, or some call it the Warning. This will truly be a wake-up call for all souls to see how I will judge them up to this one point in their lives. You will have no excuses, because you will be reviewing your actual words and actions, which you will not be able to deny as the truth. You will see where your soul is headed, when I give you your mini-judgment. You will have a second chance to improve your spiritual lives, if you change your life for the better. Prepare your soul with frequent Confession, and you could avoid any judgment to hell. Be thankful that I will give every sinner a chance to be saved. I am a gracious and loving God, and I will give a heavenly reward to any repentant sinner.”


Tuesday, December 17, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, as you can see in the genealogy of My family, there were all kinds of people including those who were worse sinners than the rest. In reading these names, there are stories about each of them, and you are seeing all the human weaknesses in their sins. I love all of My creations, even though they have committed great sins of lust and murder. The important part of life is to not only accept that you are a sinner, but that you need to repent of your sins in Confession. Without the forgiveness of your sins when you come to Me, you cannot enter heaven. When you come to Me, I will forgive the worst sinner, and restore My graces in your souls. Do not let pride make you think that you are not sinning. Man is imperfect from Adam’s sin, yet I love all sinners enough to die for their redemption. This is why My faithful need to come to Confession at least monthly, so you can have your soul pure whenever I will call you home in death. Guard your souls from sin, and use My sacraments to keep holy.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you hear people buying tickets for $600 million sweepstakes, you can see their desire to strike it rich. Others love their rich homes and expensive cars. You have a society in America that is in love with riches and possessions. When money and possessions become a god for people, they are worshiping these things instead of Me. These are the same people who are also in love with their sexual pleasures. All of these sins breed more evil in your society. It is hard to find My faithful prayer warriors among the many sinners in your country. I keep mentioning how there is not enough prayer being said to offset all of your sins. Your society also has the blood of many abortions on its hands. As your disasters increase, you will be approaching the end days when My faithful will need to seek My refuges to avoid the Antichrist. I will bring your country to its knees when martial law will allow the one world people to take over your country. Trust in My protection from the evil ones, before I will bring My victory over all the evil of this world. Your reward will be in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Wednesday, December 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, many of you are making preparations for Christmas by baking cookies and putting up your decorations. You are finishing up your Christmas gift buying, and you have sent out your Christmas cards, for those who send cards. Making preparations to receive your family from out of town, is another labor of love. You also need to buy enough food for the family staying over. All of these preparations take time and some money, but it is a joyful season to share your love with your family members. Many in the North will have a white Christmas with some melting of the snow. Pray for good weather for those who have to travel any distance. It is always a joy to share your gifts, and to share your meals with each other. The Magi shared their gifts with Me, and I share Myself with you at every Mass to nourish your spiritual life. I rejoice to see all of your families getting together. Give them a good example by coming to church for Christmas. Remember to try and get to Confession before Christmas. I love all of you, and I pray that you can share your love with Me in return.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me speak of the Wedding feast at Cana where I had My first miracle of turning the water into wine at the request of My Blessed Mother. I have also talked of a banquet feast where the king called his guests to come, but they refused, and even killed his servants. Then he called in people off the street to fill his banquet. But one man was not dressed properly for the wedding, so he was bound and cast outside. I told the people that many are called, but few are chosen. Those, who are not properly dressed, are those souls who have not cleansed the sins from their souls in Confession. You are aware of how to dress and when to come to a wedding that you are invited to. Even more so, I am preparing a place for all of those souls who are worthy, at My wedding banquet in heaven after the judgment of souls. Again, you need to have your souls ready by having them purified in Confession. You do not know what day that I will call you home in death. So use your frequent Confessions to keep your soul pure and ready to meet Me at your judgment every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, after some heavy snowfalls, a warming trend could cause icicle problems. As the temperature stays around freezing, you could see ice storms as well, depending on temperatures above and at ground level. You have had more damage from ice storms than with cold and heavy snow. Each snowstorm brings a different mix of snow, ice, or rain. Keep prepared for any power outages with extra food, water, and alternative fuels. Have some extra batteries, wind-up flashlights, and lamp oil so you can see in the dark. Most power outages do not last long, but if a transformer goes out, you could be a long time getting your power back. This is why you need a long term supply of food, water, fuel, and a means for a light. You can share your food in disasters until people threaten you with guns. When your life is in danger, then you will need to come to My refuges for My protection.”


Thursday, December 19, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, today, in the Scriptures there is a focus on miracle births, by man’s standard. Both Samson and St. John the Baptist were miracle births to older barren women that were announced by an angel. For Me all things are possible, beyond the natural order of births. Even My own birth was more miraculous. Again, My birth was announced by St. Gabriel the Archangel. I was conceived by the Holy Spirit in a sinless virgin of My Blessed Mother. Even births by the normal course are miracles of life, in how they are formed in the womb. I place a soul in each baby at conception, and I give each of you a guardian angel to watch over you. You should be joyful to accept every birth, even those who are born outside of wedlock. I have given you an example of normal married life from Adam and Eve. Such relations should only occur under the bond of marriage. This is living according to My Commandments, and children should be brought up in an environment of married love. Even though many are living together, it is still sinful to be fornicating without marriage. Encourage your children to get married before having any children. This is the way of heaven, and not the way of human lust.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in your readings you are hearing the accounts about St. Joseph, St. Elizabeth, St. John the Baptist, and My own Blessed Mother. Every year you celebrate My birthday on Christmas, and you are all joyful in this season of love and sharing gifts. Overlook all the shopping for gifts, and focus more on My Incarnation as a man, so I could offer My life up for mankind’s sins. You all love celebrating the birth of a baby, especially the birth of your Savior. Rejoice with the shepherds, the angels, and the Magi, who came to give glory to God in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the government is slowly taking over many parts of your life by fiat rule. You are seeing regulations soon that will outlaw incandescent light bulbs starting on January 1st when 40 and 60 watt bulbs will not be made any more. You also are being forced to buy health insurance that pays for more health coverage than you need.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people have had trouble in signing up for Obamacare because of the non-working website. Once people are signed up, then they need to contact the insurance companies to begin paying their premiums. This connection to insurance companies has yet to be put on the website. It is still a problem to find out the actual cost of a person’s insurance premiums. The government is trying to put this knowledge of the premiums off until after the 2014 elections. Once the people realize how much their full health insurance premiums will cost, then they will be outraged at the high costs and the high deductibles. Those, who were dropped, are now paying much higher premiums. This law will be so disliked by the paying middle class, that the Democrats could lose some elections. It is those, who do not have to pay, that are in favor of this transfer of wealth. Many people will also find difficulty in getting a doctor. Pray for a fair resolution of this problem of Obamacare.”

Jesus said: “My people, your partisan politics have made an attempt to settle your budget debate. Unfortunately, this is a short peace, as the next storms will be coming with a raising of the debt ceiling, and immigration reform. When you have divided government, it is hard to get bills passed that both sides will favor. Keep praying for your Congress people so they can agree on what is good for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you have freezing rain, you can have ice build up on the trees that can snap tree limbs and bring down power lines. Be prepared for more power outages when these ice storms will come into the Northeast. These disasters will continue throughout this winter season because of your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are certain Spanish groups who are faithful in their prayers to the Infant Jesus. There is a great need for prayer in your world because of the many sins. Along with your prayers, you could help the poor with your donations for their food and shelter. You share gifts with your friends, and you expect something in return. When you give to the poor, you do not expect anything in return, but you will store up treasure in heaven for your charity.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can share your donations of food and money with your local food shelves. You can also give your time to help bring some food to those who are in need at your soup kitchens. There is joy in your heart when you can feed the hungry by bringing food to their houses, or by feeding them hot meals as for the homeless. You can also make some donations toward helping people to find shelter or donating to help the poor pay their heating bills. The Christmas spirit of sharing comes right from the love in your hearts.”


Friday, December 20, 2013;
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel, you see My Blessed Mother accepting the angel’s request to be My mother. It is hard for man to understand how condescending it is for Me as God the Son, to be incarnated as a man. This is a mystery which I performed, so I could see and experience all of your human discomforts. It also was the will of God the Father for Me to become a man because the prophets foretold that a Redeemer would be sent to bring salvation to mankind because of your sins. Once I was incarnated as a human, I could now sacrifice My life in atonement for all of your sins. Now heaven would be open to those sinners who were baptized, and repented of their sins. I am happy to forgive your sins, and restore My grace to your soul. Rejoice in My Incarnation, that made your salvation possible.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the winter, you have had many flights cancelled when you have heavy snowstorms. Now, you are having rain on the snow, and you are seeing considerable fog. During the winter, your planes have to have de-icing fluid sprayed on the wings to avoid ice building up on the cold surfaces. The plane on fire in the vision, could come from many causes, and especially from weather related problems. Whenever you take a flight in the winter, you need to pray for good weather, and your St. Michael’s prayer as you do for your car. Praying for safe travel, puts yourself in My hands, and your guardian angel’s care. You have seen many delays with your plane flights, but you want to be in a well running plane, and not one with bad instruments. You can also pray for all the other flights, so they will go well without any accidents.”


Saturday, December 21, 2013: (St. Peter Canisius)
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My Light in the Warning, you will travel through a live living tunnel outside of your body and outside of time. You are preparing to celebrate when I was born years ago in a stable in Bethlehem. I came as a man so I could suffer for your sins and redeem your souls. You will see Me again in My Warning, as I will have mercy on all souls. They will have a second chance to improve their lives, so they will be directed to heaven. At the end of the tribulation, you will see My coming in victory over the evil ones when I will separate those going to hell from My faithful who will be saved in heaven. This tribulation will be your living purgatory on earth. Prepare for My coming again by frequent Confession of at least once a month. Those, who struggle to be obedient to My Commandments, and are sorry for their sins, will be saved in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you many times about My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. This Eucharistic mystery of My Real Presence is hard for man to understand, but it can only be accepted in faith. I can do all things, even the impossible. So if I want to allow the priest to consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, I can do it. Whether people want to believe it or not, I am still present, just the same. Those, who have weak faith, cannot or have difficulty in accepting My Real Presence in My Host. If you truly believe in My Real Presence, then you will have great joy every time that you receive Me in Holy Communion. Only My true believers genuflect to My tabernacle, and come to visit Me in Adoration in My monstrance or in My tabernacle. Those, who do not believe in My Real Presence, have little reverence for My Host, and rarely visit My tabernacle because they do not believe that I am there. Encourage people to believe in My Real Presence because this is the gift of My very Self to you in My Blessed Sacrament.”


Sunday, December 22, 2013: (4th Sunday of Advent)
Jesus said: “My people, because of the Roman census, My parents had to travel to Bethlehem because they were both from the lineage of King David. In My day you had to travel on foot or use a donkey to carry people and their belongings. You have traveled to Israel, and you know how rough and hilly the roads are. Some traveled in caravans for safety from the thieves. You remember this when I was lost in the temple because My parents were in a caravan. Today, you can travel in airplanes or cars, so your travel time is shorter for longer distances. Many families can come together for Christmas because of your shorter travel times. It is your weather conditions that could slow down your travel with snow or freezing rain. You had some freezing rain on your trees, but it was not severe, and it will melt with a warm day. Have a little understanding then, for how much My parents had to endure in their travel, and how difficult it was to find a place to stay. The cave with the animals was not the best place for Me to be born, but it was a humbling experience.”


Monday, December 23, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Old Testament readings, it speaks of Elijah coming before My coming to earth. Indeed, you have the spirit of Elijah coming in St. John the Baptist as My herald in the desert. It is appropriate to celebrate St. John the Baptist’s birth before My birth. Later, he called the people to repent and be baptized. He prepared the way of My coming, and even baptized Me in the Jordan River. In every age I call up My prophets to prepare for My coming again. Even today, there are many prophets speaking of the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You, My son, are one of them who go forth preparing the people by encouraging them to come to Confession to avoid any judgment to hell in the Warning. After the time of the Antichrist, I will come to separate the evil ones into hell, and My faithful will come into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven. Rejoice not only in celebrating Christmas, but you will rejoice further in My victory over the evil ones.”


Tuesday, December 24, 2013: (Midnight Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading, you heard of how St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem because of the Roman census. This was most difficult for My Blessed Mother because she was forced to travel while she was pregnant with Me. They went through even more trouble to find a secluded place in a stable where she could give birth to Me. In the vision you saw the angels singing to the shepherds, who were led to give praise and honor to Me as an infant. Many people celebrate Christmas by sharing gifts, but I am the Gift to mankind because I came to offer My life for your sins. I ask all of you to bring your prayers and earthly sufferings to Me as your gift. Rejoice in the glory of My coming at Christmas.”


Wednesday, December 25, 2013: (Christmas Day)
Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate My birth over two thousand years ago, when I was born in a manger in Bethlehem. Many did not realize the significance of My Incarnation as a man, but My parents knew because of the angels who told them. The angels sang praise to Me, and they encouraged the shepherds to visit My crib. I was born in humble surroundings, but truly I am your King. I was sent by My heavenly Father to do His Will, which eventually led to My giving up of My life for everyone’s sins, and the salvation of mankind. Sing your praises of My coming, because through Me, you are saved. You can only come to heaven through Me. All of heaven rejoiced with the angels, as they celebrated the arrival of man’s Redeemer. I love all of you so much that I came to earth as a man, so I could die as a Lamb for all of your sins. Rejoice with Me at every Mass, when I come to you in Holy Communion.”


Thursday, December 26, 2013: (St. Stephen)
Jesus said: “My people, proclaiming My Gospel Word of love and obedience to My Commandments, will not be easy in front of your politically correct society. Your society makes killing My babies in the womb legal in your courts. Your courts and states are now making same-sex marriage legal as a right. Living together in fornication is also accepted by your society. These things are all mortal sins in My eyes, and they should be avoided to save your souls. You have Confession to confess these sins, but for people to defend these actions as acceptable and legal, it shows you how depraved your society is. It is not easy to live out your Christian faith in public, because to stand up against these sins of abortion, fornication, and homosexual acts, you will be persecuted for My Name’s sake. People, who are committing these sins, do not want to be criticized for doing something wrong, because the evil ones control your media, and they will persecute anyone who goes against them. It is the evil ones who are dictating what is politically correct, and the one world people are led by Satan to advocate these sins. Even if you are persecuted in public, it is still a Christian’s duty to advise your brother when he is committing serious sin as abortion, fornication, or homosexual acts. Those, who are willing to stand up for their religious beliefs, will have their reward in heaven, even if you have to die as a martyr for your faith.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to think of all the gifts that have been given to you, and how you should thank Me for everything. I give you Myself as your gift in My Blessed Sacrament. For all of your families, you have gifts in your spouse, your children, and your grandchildren. Coming together as family is special at Christmas. You have gifts of jobs, homes, and your possessions to survive. I see to all of your needs, so thank Me for all that you have.”

Jesus said: “My people, you cannot be sure that you will be here tomorrow. Your health is another important gift, because many are suffering from bad knees, bad legs, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many other chronic conditions. Pray for the grace to suffer through any health problems, and be willing to visit the sick and console the dying.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people in Canada and other parts of America who are dealing with ice on the trees and no electricity. You remember well how it was a struggle to keep your house warm, and provide food and water in the cold of winter during an ice storm. Pray for all of these people that they could have their power restored. Again, be thankful if you have power and heat during the winter.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am pleased with your prayers because they are multiplied in your prayer group. I want you to encourage your people to pray daily, because there are not enough people praying, and I rely on My prayer warriors to make up for all of those people who are not praying. You pray your three rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet as a minimum for the day. Do not forget to pray them, and make them up the next day if you are not able to complete them. The sins in the world are great, and it is only through prayer that they can be atoned.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as I had to suffer persecution, so My faithful will also suffer at the hands of the worldly people. Some Christians are being martyred as St. Stephen was, and many are being persecuted because of their holy witness to the world. Do not worry about being politically correct, but speak about your faith in public, so you are a good Christian example to your family and others.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have shared your gifts with one another, but you should leave room in your heart to share prayers and donations to the poor. If you could spend so much on all of your Christmas gifts, you could spend a little to help the poor. When you help the poor, you are helping Me in them because you are all a part of My human family. Have compassion on them in providing food and shelter, and you will be storing up treasure in heaven for your judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, life and your soul is one of your greatest gifts to be alive and experience My love for you. This is why you should be doing all that you can to stop abortions and encourage these mothers to have their babies. I love My little ones, and I do not want to see you killing My babies in abortion. Do not deny these little ones the chance to experience life as you have had it. Do not accept the death culture’s word, but do what you can to protest abortions at the abortion clinics, and your marches in Washington, D.C. on January 22, the anniversary of Row vs. Wade decision that supports abortion.”


Friday, December 27, 2013: (St. John the Evangelist)
St. John said: “My son, you remember well the words that I gave you when you came to my burial place in Ephesus, Turkey. The Lord showed me many visions of the end times, and what it would be like during the tribulation of the Antichrist. He also showed me His victory over the evil ones, even as He showed me the empty tomb in His victory over sin and death. I loved Jesus so much, and I was blessed to take care of His Blessed Mother. When I gave you a message at Ephesus, I wanted you to continue on with my mission of preparing the people for the end times. The Lord has shared many details about how He will be protecting His people at His refuges. Even though refuges were not explicitly stated in the Gospels, there were accounts of Elijah hiding in the cave, and even the stable of Jesus’ birth looked like a cave of protection. I rejoiced to see Jesus appear to us after His Resurrection, and on Mt. Tabor in His Transfiguration. You have a deep faith and trust in My beloved Jesus. Keep Him at the center of your life, and He will be with you to complete your mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, the problem with your world is the rampant sexual sins, and the abortions that are killing My babies. I have told you before that not enough people are praying to atone for all of these sins. So pray to Me to double and multiply your prayers for the sin of the world. Many of your people also are worshiping money, possessions, and sports more than Me. Much of this sin will not change until I bring My Warning, when all sinners will have a chance to convert their lives. Until this happens, I want you to encourage the people to pray more, go to Confession more frequently, and make visits to My tabernacle in Adoration. By your example, you can help people to lead a good Christian life in following My Commandments. Once the Warning comes, the people will be so shaken by their sinful lives, that they will desire forgiveness of their sins in Confession. It will be at that time that those, who are away from Me, will be more open to your evangelization efforts. All the prayers that you have been praying for your family and friends will be most honored in their lifestyle conversions. More sinners will be saved, but still some will love their sins more than Me. In the end, it will be the people’s free will decision to accept Me, that will determine their soul’s destination either to heaven or hell.”


Saturday, December 28, 2013: (Holy Innocents)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was warned by an angel in a dream to take Me and My Blessed Mother to Egypt so Herod could not kill Me. I stayed there until Herod died, and My family returned to Nazareth. These Holy Innocents were defenseless against the brutality of Herod’s soldiers, who were ordered to kill all the infants up to two years of age. Today, in your abortion clinics you are seeing the same brutality of the doctors who crush the heads of the babies, and evacuate their little bodies from the womb. Abortion is one of the worst crimes that you could commit because I am in charge of who is born and when you die. When you kill these innocent and defenseless babies, you are denying My plan for each life that is taken. Once there is a conception, a soul is placed in that fertilized egg, and a guardian angel is assigned to that new life. When you abort a baby, the guardian angel of that life returns to heaven to give witness that a life has been aborted. It is these sins of abortion that weigh heavily against a nation that has laws or decisions that allow such killing. Woe to America for allowing and even advocating such crimes. Your country will pay dearly for the blood on your hands. Please pray for the stoppage of abortion and publicly protest this injustice. If you do nothing about this killing of babies, then your inaction will be condoning these crimes of murder.”

Jesus said: “My people, I had a choice of how I would come and present Myself to the world. I could have come as royalty in a coach with much power and control, but I chose to come as a humble infant in a stable. I chose to focus on delivering My Gospel words of love, and proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand. I have power over the demons and the universe, which is why I cast out demons, healed people, and even calmed the storms at sea. I did not come to be served, but I came to serve sinners. I eventually, died to atone for your sins, and I offer everyone an opportunity to be saved in heaven. I do not force My love on you, but I desire you to love Me of your own free will. You have a choice of being with the love of your Savior forever, or you can be with the anger of the devil in the flames of hell where he hates you. Your soul will exist for all eternity, so choose your destination by your actions. If you love Me and desire heaven, then you will give yourself over to My Will, so you can do everything out of love for Me. I will see the sincerity of the intentions in your heart to know that you truly love Me. Reach out to your neighbors to bring them closer to Me, so they can be converted. My desire is to save all souls from hell.”


Sunday, December 29, 2013: (Holy Family Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, this day you honor My Holy Family, and you should see us as a model for all family households. The children should be brought up in an environment of love with a loving mother and a loving father. When you have divorce and co-habitation, the children are either missing a parent, or their parents are living in sin as a bad example. Even married couples need to avoid birth control, because every marriage act needs to be open to having children. Family planning of using infertile times, is allowed. When your society treats life as precious, then you would not have abortions. Families need to patch up any disagreements, so you do not live with endless grudges. Life is too short to not live in love of each other. When spouses work at good communications and love, then there will be less divorces. When the family comes to Sunday Mass, monthly Confession, and prays daily, then you are inviting Me to be a part of your family. Your Lord should be the most loved in all the world. When you pray every day, you are telling Me how much you love Me. The family should be the basic units of your society. The devil is constantly trying to break up families, especially through communism and socialism. Follow My ways instead of the ways of the world, and your families will be thriving in My love.”


Monday, December 30, 2013: (Mary Buechel Funeral Mass)
Mary said: “I am happy to see all of my family and friends who came to my funeral Mass. I thank everyone for helping me in my later years. I love all of you. As you heard from Father, I was always filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. You know about our prayer group when we spoke in tongues. I also was happy in sharing our presentation on Garabandal, Spain. You are familiar with many of the words on the Warning and the Great Chastisement. I am in heaven already, and my relatives and Bill were there to greet me when I came. I was blessed to die on Christmas, when Our Blessed Mother takes souls to heaven. I will be praying for all of My family and friends, so you can be with me in heaven one day.”

Jesus said: “My people, this casket is a representation of how many people died from terrorist activities this year, either from AK-15 guns or bombs. This same kind of behavior will occur next year as well, because the one world people thrive on instilling fear in the people. Continuous terrorist attacks are one of the three means for initiating a national martial law. The other two are a crash of your financial system, and a pandemic virus in the chemtrails. Perpetrating these activities would be how the one world people plan to cause a takeover of America through martial law. During martial law the army or mercenary forces, will illegally takeover your government and your local police forces. This will be a dictatorial running of your country by the executive authority of the acting President through Executive Orders. This authority will be invoked by the acting President who will declare a state of martial law. He will have control over food, transportation, and the running of your country. Once such a martial law is invoked, the authorities will be eliminating all of those people who do not go along with the new world order, and those who do not take the chip in the body. This will be the time when My faithful will be called to come to My refuges for protection. These events will lead quickly into the declaration of the Antichrist in a world takeover. Your acting President will be replaced by the Antichrist’s leaders. Fear not these evil ones because the reign of the Antichrist will be brief, when I will bring My victory over all the evil ones. My faithful will see their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”


Tuesday, December 31, 2013: (Vigil of the Solemnity of Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother had her greatest moment in giving birth to Me in Bethlehem. She also had an important moment in saying ‘yes’ to the Archangel Gabriel when she affirmed that she would be My mother. I had prepared her for that moment for many years, even when she was conceived without sin. The shepherds and the angels gave praise to Me as her Son. My Incarnation as a man is the beginning of man’s salvation, once I was on the earth. My birth was quickly followed by persecution as Herod wanted to kill Me. An angel guided St. Joseph to take the Holy Family to Egypt, to protect My life from Herod, who killed the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem. Rejoice in My Blessed Mother’s role of the Nativity Scene because she had to endure the hard travel. She is watching over all of you with her mantle of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will continue to see many weather related disasters, and some of them will be caused by the HAARP machine. The one world people know how much damage this microwave machine can cause with your weather and earthquakes. They will try to blame it on Me, but they know the real cause. This is part of their plan to ruin your economy with one disaster after another, so they can precipitate a martial law. If martial law is declared, or chips in the body are mandated, these will be the events that will cause you to come to My refuges of protection. Have your things packed, so you can leave for My refuges on short notice. Those, who leave on time, will be protected. Those, who take too long to leave, could risk being captured by the men in black. This is why some will be martyred for their faith, while others will be safe at My refuges. Those, who are not prepared, may suffer the most for not listening to My words of warning.”


Sexta-feira, 07 de Março de 2025

Mulher Vestida de Sol